Action games are not scary

Attached: action games are not scary 3.jpg (4346x2170, 454K)

Siren is still the scariest game I've ever played.

>No image hash matches in the archive
Wow, you must be super butthurt to have made this. I can only assume someone hurt your feelings by liking REmake 2?

>being this mad

>Digging in the image archives in the first place

Someone sounds asshurt and it's not me

You should have just said "videogames are not scary."

Nothing on that list is scary.

Shut the fuck up michael.

Is this guy Michael too? Is everyone who doesn't like RE2 remake Michael?

Attached: re2 demake post rpgcodex.png (1269x549, 105K)

>dead space is an action game but system shock 2 isn't
>call of cthulhu isn't an action game
is this bait?

>>dead space is an action game but system shock 2 isn't

DS is a shitty action game and SS2 isn't. Simple.

System Shock 2 has cool horror stuff like A WORM CRAWLED ON MY ARM, Dead Space has a bunch of stupid shit that tries too hard like that guy smacking his head against that door/window.

Neither REmake, Cryostasis or System Shock, for example. Yet you made the shitty image.

you have to be over 18 to post here

Boy you couldn't be more fucking WRONG

In sh2 you can just melee monsters to death. The weapons never break. You get plenty of ammo too

>shitting on FEAR
Get fucked

>Call of Cthulhu: DCotE
>good horror game

Man I love Condemned. It deserved a better sequel and now it's dead.

>Darkseed 1&2
Those are point and click games, poser.


Half Life 1 is scarier than FEAR (the part with the alien fish in the water)

Horror point and clicks. Yes they have their comedic moments, but so what?

t. halflife babby

Harvester and Darkseed II especially are horror themed comedies, might as well include Illbleed, its better than either of them anyway.

Only Dreamcast horror game I played was Code Veronica, Blue Stinger, Zombie Revenge and HOTD2

I really should play illBleed and The Ring

Illbleed is truly a one of a kind game, I would definitely say play it without any spoilers for the best experience.

but resident evil has never been scary though

What is Postal 1 considered?

>eternal darkness
>system shock 2
>not action games

RE7 is an action game and that's scary af. I generally agree with you though, when control is taken from the player and they're helpless it is much more scary.

Taxi Driver by way of Jacob's Ladder. I could see it in the OP

You're probably right.

The drones from Halo say fuck you

who actually calls FEAR or RE4 scary or horror? they just have horror aspects


Not even the case. Outlast 1 and 2 are pretty new - or newish. Whether or not they're good is up to the person, but they are in fact horror games which 99% of the top doesn't even try to be

>system shock 2
>makes you feel vulnurable
*laughs in gunbuild*

Attached: Ss2 Screenshot 2019.01.20 - (1920x1080, 1.5M)

No way, fag.

How is REmake2 not survival horror?

Not a single game in that image is scary.

Half Life 1 does not become survival horror because I used too much pistol ammo once.

They're Action Horror games. Duh.
Bottom row is mostly Survival Horror. I see some Point and Click Horror too.

It still has limited resources which is what makes it "survival" the over the shoulder view is the only thing separating REmake2 from REmake1


Difference is the top games are actually fun