What are some Turn based games that are good for a novice to get into?

What are some Turn based games that are good for a novice to get into?

I'm getting burned out from all the twitch shooters everyone is playing. Playing it constantly is just exhausting. I want games with a slower pace.

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if youre looking for something xcom'ish then you should probably wait for phoenix point.

you also got Phantom Doctrine which is pretty much the same accept its about spies and sneaking into places and stuff

Mutant Year Zero is relatively short and linear but seems to be ok overall

You also got Xenonauts, those are all that i remember that are turn based and relatively good


if youre looking for just a turn based game that isnt xcom'ish then the heroes of might and magic is a great turn based strategy based series

wargroove is new and looks alright.

there's a ton of easily emulatable games, especially for DS.

adeptus mechanicus is awesome.

4x games are not quite turn based tactics games like xcom, but they are very good and tons of fun, especially in multiplayer. my favorite 4x at the moment is Endless Space 2.

Divinity:Original Sin 1 and 2
Fallout 1 and 2
Jagged Alliance 2
Original XCom, and Terror from the Deep.

Go for Silent Storm. Don't be fooled by it's age - it's like a fine wine. The combat system and environmental destruction is spot on.

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Try Battletech, it's free for this weekend.

Vanilla OpenXcom
Fire Emblem 7\Awakaning
Silent Storm
Jagged Alliance 2
Also Phantom Doctrine and Xenonauts is fine too but a bit complex.

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Look into Heroes of Might and Magic, I'd recommend starting with 3 because its the best part but 5 is also good. The others are either too dated or straight up bad games.
HoMMs are really fun if you got a whole day with a friend or two to play hotseat mode or through a local network.

What I like about XCOM is that the game is designed around mitigating bad luck as much as you can.
In that vein Darkest Dungeon does it just as well, those games share many fans.

I recently did a playthrough of Mario RPG modded to be more difficult.

make sure to get alien rulers if your a novice, the weapons you get will give you a nice buff!

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>Look into Heroes of Might and Magic, I'd recommend starting with 3 because its the best part but 5 is also good. The others are either too dated or straight up bad games.
Nice meme.

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Heroes of Might and Magic, Civ, SMAC, Shining Force, Disgaea, any mystery dungeon game...

And then there's shit like City Skylines and Factorio and stuff like that which isn't turn-based but may as well be since you control everything.

The reason people didn't like IV was because it was fucky, not because it didn't have enough units. II, III and V were not fucky; at least, II was a little bit fucky but mostly not fucky. First one was also very fucky.

XCOM is a good place to start, both new ganes are excellent, the originals are also nice but more complex

Another good ones are Into the Breach, since its simple to understand, and Mechanicus since is very easy

Battle is also good but requires a bit more dedication, still approachable for a novice tho'

Your meme is missing a few points user
>Is fucking ugly
>Literally unfinished
>Heroes scale too well, at some point you don't need any creatures other than your hero
>All HoMM games have poor ai but HoMM IV's ai takes the cake
>Was a final nail in the coffin of the studio behind it
>The writing is often brought up as a strong point but its quality takes a nosedive in expansions
>Is dead, unlike HoMM 3 which has a healthy multiplayer base and a modding scene
HoMM IV is a pile of jank that'll forever remain the black sheep of the series (pre ubisoft) and the contrarian's choice.

If you want some more "out there" stuff, i recommend silent storm, invisible inc, stesmworld heist, valkyria chronicles games, disgaea, phantom brave and the age of wonders series

These distance themselves from typical turn based strategy games more

All good stuff tho'

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Final Fantasy Tactics

I meant Battletech* good game

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>Is fucking ugly
Yet Heroes V, by far the ugliest game in the series, is beloved? How does that make sense?

So is every other game in the series. In Heroes 3 for example most of the magic is literally useless, magic heroes are essentially pointless (since they are far weaker than might heroes who not only have better physical stats but can use magic well enough) and factions are completely unbalanced (inferno being one extremely underpowered, conflux the opposite extreme being ridiculously OP).

I'll take the lack of imbalance in heroes iv because at least it's imbalance caused by factions being varied amd unique.

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>The reason people didn't like IV was because it was fucky, not because it didn't have enough units. II, III and V were not fucky; at least, II was a little bit fucky but mostly not fucky. First one was also very fucky.
What do you even mean by 'fucky'?

If you like Xcom you might like civilizations. It's an entirely different game but by the same devs. You're basically trying to build up a civilization while competing and/or allying with other civilizations doing the same thing.

While not turn based out of combat Divinity Original sin 2 is absolutely fantastic if you're into RPGs

I mean, you're not lying, just frost bombs alone are ridiculously useful.

Yeah I don’t mind a game being fucky, there’s a lot of fucky games I love because they’re fucky. But after a while the fucky games get so fucky it becomes too fucky and you just want less fucky but they throw more fucky at you instead and the fucky games you love become the fucky games you don’t because of the overness of fucky in the fucky aspect of the fucksy games.

Battle Brothers

Mutant year zero kinda sucks, its a puzzle game first.

Slay the Spire if you have high IQ

frozen synapse 1 and 2 are pretty fun
that's a pve cardgame, not a tactikewl turn-based squadron simulator