Whats the most obscure secret or fact you know?
Whats the most obscure secret or fact you know?
I don't get it
I didn’t expect food to have weight in this game. Has anyone tried this with materials?
The ribs have hitboxes that make the bomb hit them
Its nothing revolutionary or incredible. Its just something to make you go "Oh that's cool."
Or I guess in your case, "so"
Although if you really wanted to, you could just save it and post it in a TEKKNOWLEDGY THREAD
in numerous games you can press buttons in certain order for variety of things. I know it sounds complicated, but in the past developers put stuff in games and didn't sell those later.
You mean collision data?
That's probably what I meant, I don't really know much about videogame/videogame programming terms.
I just play.
Those must be some heavy fucking apples.
>an object in a video game has collision! tech freakin nology baby
you are right and may have wrote the wrong idea to start the thread however this guy sounds like a total dick wad, disregard him
I was parodying the TEKNAHOGEE threads, they're among my favorites though.
Nah you're alright user. He doesn't seem like a dickwad either.
We can still turn this thread around!
holy shit I forgot about this
user stop you're messing with the natural balance
This is an obscure information thread