
Will we see him in Hornets game acting like a good big brother?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hornet just killed him after that cinematic. Bitch has neither heart nor brain.

She drew weapon because she thought he was still infected though Hollow Knight didn't do the same slowly limping out of the Black Egg using his nail to support his broken body.

Where the fuck is everyone?

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Reminder that the Pale King "tainted" HK by treating him like an actual son with plenty of love and care, which caused him to develop enough emotion to succumb to Radiance.

Wrong, he already felt something before as we can see him looking at the knight before the king seals the abyss

Well, all the vessels are his would be son's. I don't know why he didn't just have a proper heir why make ALL of his children into vessels?

Can we keep the High School AU idea rolling?

Sure, Hornet would probably look cute in schoolgirl uniform.

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Who's the one above protag knight?

Sibling, probably died in the Void just like the other couple thousands.

Actually, idea was sparked by this image, posted in the last thread.

I replied to it with “GIVE US YOUR LUNCH MONEY!”

And the rest is astonishingly-recent history.

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That's not really indicative of emotion, user. When people look at you on the street, they don't always feel incredible disgust. Sometimes they just feel nothing. White Lady makes a specific reference to how Pale King was the one who changed HK for the worse.

That one vessel Hornet murdered in Greenpath. You get the dashing cloak from him.

The one from the first Hornet boss fight

>Inspired by that pic
>Not the actual Hollow Knight Highschool AU pics
>Not the one where Quirrel is the high school senior friend to little elementary schooler Ghost

You didn't put "Hollow Knight" in the title, idiot.

Also, I will sucker punch the first person to use the word "Will".

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Jinn has a will of steel

>remember that I never played godmaster
>boss rushes are neat, why did I never do this?
>play on radiance
>re-realize that a single hit means failure
>also remember that there was no in game reward
Now I remember why I never did it.

>Hornet murdered
There's no evidence to indicate Hornet killed it other than the fact she's looking at the body. For all we know it probably killed itself after the infection was taking over.

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Yeah, and the protagonist was trying to kill itself during the fight too, Hornet was just innocently jumping around, right, mr. Hornet apologist?

Silksong is Hollowknight 2 stupid, dumb idiot.

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> The idea that the Hollow Knight still feels like shit even after no longer having to contain the radiance, that he kills himself anyway.

Why you gotta do that?

But it's a prequel

Just answering your question. Don't expect people to find your thread in the catalog without "Hollow Knight" in the OP.

No it's not

No it's not.

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It actually is

Then why is it called a sequel in the twitter description?

Name 1 (one) indie game better than hollow knight? you can't

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Because there's a timeskip in the game

Were there even vidya publishers in 1993?

Who are your Top 3 bosses in the trailer? I'm digging how Lace looks, the ant-mantis-grimm fellow and the shadowy arena dual nail cult warrior.

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Are you stupid?

post the picture you bug-tier weeb

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Fat cat bug?

>Great quirrel image
>I don't fucking have it
POST IT user


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Reminder to embrace the void and that the moths are betas who get bullied by chad shades!

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Hornet and Lace Yuri when?

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Moths are friends.

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The gay faggots who run tumblr have failed me and I'm searching, so here's HK as a patissiere.

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>cannibal bug walks in

Probably Lace, Ant queen and the coral guy.

Machine bug looks cool as fuck but i feel like most giant bosses in vidya he will be all style and no substance.

Reminder that Hornet is obscenely violent and that her first instinct upon waking up in a cage in a strange place was to instantly merk every one of the bugs around her.

Someone post the image of the vessels being shown sawblades and HK mimicking the 4koma reaction guys, please. It's so wholesome.

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You can see the silk twirling before she “wakes up”

Also looks like she’s trembling for some reason.

I mean, that's a pretty fair reaction to have when locked in a caged prison cell.

>tfw no Metal Gear Bugs being piloted by magic
>tfw no Metal Gear Bug fights between two Metal Gear Bugs

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She's also proud as fuck for being part spider

How can anyone think the Pale King is a bad dude when the fucking Dung Defender, the most joyful character in the game, loves the damn guy?

She also immediately tried to murder Quirrel in the short. Thankfully that thot was easily begone'd by Monomon's mask.

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Oof, that’s a few threads back user.

Gonna take some time.

The Hollow Knight is such a tragic character. The more I think about him the sadder I get. I don't want him to suffer anymore.

I sprinted my way to Hornet's second fight and stopped playing for a month because I got distracted.

I'm going to hit the boss until I beat it but any quick refresher tips?

>hornet gets BTFOd by quirrel

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Go back to Whitecastle to get your pogo skills back up

Jump and hit everything

I honestly can't think of good general basics but for Hornet 2 you wanna stay on the ground and keep your distance because if you jump she'll leap into your gay face, but on the ground she always telegraphs her moves.

Serious talk. Quirrel is hella strong. Dude is fast enough to be basically teleporting and can pierce Uumuu, which means he does as much damage as an explosion.

Well in every ending but the basic ones it gets an happier ending

>Base ending+Hornet variant : its sufferings are over and it can rest
>Pre-godmaster "true" ending : it gets to help in destroying the cause of its suffering, fulfilling its mission and probably going back to the Void it came from
>Godmaster endings: Not only is Radiance destroyed, HK is free again and can do whatever it wants

How kino will entering the Shining Citadel for the first time be?

Based and seruna serakepilled.

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The base ending and hornet ending are bad, because he is an impure vessel.
The hornet one makes it worse, because there is no way anyone will ever get inside the black egg to stop him.
Godmaster is kinda sad, he becomes the Shade Lord which turns him into an embodiment of void and it's unclear if he's still the little Ghost we knew.

The only basis people have for thinking Pale King was a bad guy was that he put hundreds of his kids into the abyss and waited until one of them made it out before sealing the rest in. He did everything for his people, but baby genocide is kind of tough, man.

Oh, you meant the Knight. Hollow Knight is the big vessel you fight at the end.

>because he is an impure vessel.
Stop. We don't know that. Don't pretend like we do.

Little Ghost is dead, it's the void inside him that ascended. The Knight's mask even breaks like in Dream no More.

Breaking the mask is just a way to GO AT FULL POWER BREAK ITS LIMIT ROW ROW

We do, denying it is dumb.
Please don't start this argument again, you're objectively wrong.

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where's your source

Thanks lad, saving this for later.

>over-interprets things in an ambiguous as fuck setting
>"you're objectively wrong"
Not that guy, but you can honestly fuck right off.

>Charms are created by dying wishes
>You find a charm that literally represents you, the knight
It all makes sense now.

Keyboard bros, post your keyboard settings.

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No, if the position were "objectively" wrong there would be no argument. But you're right, lets not argue over this. It derails the thread.

user I need the source please

Please jump into the sea of void in the abyss user.

Guys? Guys please help.
I think HK finally did it. It gave me a giantess fetish.

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Should I juste give up anons? I don't think I can do it, but giving up so close is hella frustating.

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Enjoy fren

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I'm starting the game for the first time in a few minutes, does this thread have spoilers? Is it safe to scroll up?

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Nah we don't.
The ending where you seal Radiance and get sealed yourself have the MC's eyes go from orange to pitch black, indicating visually they completely sealed the Radiance.

Of course since there's no dreamer to protect their physical body some asshole (probably Zote) might try to start shit and accidentally do the whole boogaloo again but the actual ending is at least fairly neutral.

Hell no

get the fuck out user

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It has a few, just remember. If you encounter Quirrel he is the best character in the game.

Get the fuck out, the game has been out for years, no one is going to bother with spoilers anymore.

Those pips are normal pantheon bindings, user. I think that trophy room is just for fun.

He is.

No troll.

Get out, but read the prequel comic in the post above you. I think you'd be the only person in the world to get that experience.

Yes, huge spoilers.
Practically every single HK thread has spoilers.
The things that happen on the late game and ending are some of the most discussed parts.
Also, this game first experience heavily relies on the player exploring and discovering things by himself, I'd recommend you play it blind.

It's not safe, no.

I really liked him and cloth

Thank you friends see you in a week or so

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>fellow quirrelbros
good thread.


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You open that door by beating pantheon bindings, not necessarily at the same time. Once you do you unlock lifeblood bugs on the resting rooms of the pantheons, first 2, then 4 and finally 6. The only thing the hall of gods gives you is a bestiary entry when you beat all of them in attuned/ascended/radiant and it doesn't contribute to percentage.

Good idea, the wind could make her cold the poor thing.

I meant the comic you posted of Ogrim and the Pale king, but thanks user.

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Cool. Strong. Friendly. Smart. Comfy. Best bug ever.

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Bow would the bugs react to seeing a normal sized human?

Thank you. I will venture forth.

Found the individual panels on tumblr and stitched it together. Just search for "pale king ogrim" and search through the results.

Not particularly, because they're human sized too :^)

Just here again to prove to you all that the Ghost has a will!
>"...It refuses to trade...? It has a will... all Its own. Can refuse. Jinn will keep waiting... until a gift comes."
Here's more proof.

This is what that video is, right?

Proof of what? Just cause the Vessels have will doesn't mean they can't contain Radiance

>Pale King stands with HK at the edge of the Abyss
>"Alright time to go follow me"
>HK put a bug foot forward

What fucked HK was Pale King treating him like a son, probably over years

That’s what’s implied by the cutscene you get for doing path of pain.

>"No will to break"
You can't have a will, you have to be entirely hollow.

Don't argue with the retard. He goes by the literal definition of will where anyone who isn't a catatonic vegetable has it, even though it makes no sense in the context of the game.

Technically Little Ghost succeeds by fucking dying and becoming void personified.

How have I not seen this before?

dream nail dialogue for HK/PV
>Do not think...
>Do not speak...
>Do not hope...
>Do not...


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That's to kill the Radiance, but when he's trotting around and meeting people he's not hollow.

>implying she didn't get captured on purpose

If someone takes off her mask, will she die?

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she's not wearing a mask

Probably not. The ghost can knock of the Mask Maker’s Mask without problem.

Reminder that the canon Knight did everything perfectly and never died outside of endings.

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What is this? A mod?

>The ghost can knock of the Mask Maker’s Mask without problem
That's because he has another mask under it.

Now I want a SoL comedy with HK characters.

Why does everybody discussing the lore refer to dieties as "higher beings"?
The stone carvings at the beginning are addressed at the general populace, aren't they?
"Higher beings, these words are meant only for you."
Higher beings is their word for sapient bugs.

>Bleeding, unblinking eyes that show that he either has spiral power or Danganronpa despair syndrome
I dunno about that. In some cases it's a mask, in some cases bugs' faces are just white.

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They're words for bugs/beings of great power. Like The Pale King, obviously. The White Lady. Unn, the mushroom man in Greenpath. Maybe Bardoon and the Queen Bee.

You can read them because you're technically the heir of the kingdom, since you're the son of the Pale King and the White Lady

pretty sure normal bugs can't interact with those lore tablets

I don't understand any of the conversation surrounding the little guy and whether he's more than just an empty killing machine, but I always had home visit the singer after a difficult boss fight and listen for a while.

You are right but everyone here will disagree with you.

How do you convince higher beings that Hallownest is the only true kingdom and you can't leave?
How many of them are that you need a sign instead of just telling them.

As far as I know, that is the only place the phrase is used, and it's used in a way that doesn't jive with that definition.

>listen to the singer after every bossfight
>dreamnail her thinking there would be hidden diologue
I don't want to make a new save to reverse the horrible mistake I've made.

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You're right, it's probably just propaganda from the White King to the sapient bugs

Reminder for plebs that the leaking black eyes are a sign of being consumed by the void just like orange eyes are a sign of being consumed by the radiance.

I came incredibly close to also doing that until I realized she was a fucking ghost at the last minute and checked online.

I've always assumed that "higher being" is normally only used for deities (what Godseeker would refer to as "gods of gods"), but the Pale King used it to adress his subjects because he really wanted to sell the idea that Hallownest is so special even a common bug there is like a god compared to everyone else.

Well, thinking about it, Pale King had to GIVE bugs sapience. So, assuming that "higher beings" are those that can think, all thinking bugs are elevated to that level. But the /true/ higher beings are those that can bestow intelligence and so on.

Wait. I just realized.
Hornet will have her own Dreamnail or Dreamnail equivalent, right? Right?

The bugs that were granted minds by the Pale King qualify, as a sort of proxy since well, their minds come from him. But Higher Beings are these god-like beings, it would male no sense to make it the description of the Kingsoul otherwise.

You will live with this shame.

Amusing either of the void endings is canon, the radience and therefore dream powers and currently trapped in the void. Hornet will get the soul nail from pops.

It's for the best, user. Let her rest.
I couldn't

I did the same thing to Queen Vespa. I was in such a state of "oh shit" I actually put my hands up to my mouth like a goddamn cartoon.

Do they ever explain why the PC had left Hollownest? He obviously was from there, having a shade and all.

there's no more moths so probably no

He climbed out of the Abyss through a tunnel which places you just outside Hallownest.

No, she's going to have music she can play on her weapon instead.

But it was such a magnificent game mechanic.
She better get some hands on some dream/mind silk or something. I want to read the minds of all the new characters after all.

Hornet briefly implies that he's even more empty than his siblings, "emptiness born of two voids", so maybe he intentionally spend time in the howling wastes to purify his soul.

I present the most powerful force in the universe. The Dung Knight.

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>"The Champion's Call, the Knotted Grove, the Battle of the Blackwyrm... I remember it all. I will carry those glories with me always... until we meet again." - Ogrim of the Five Knights
>Battle of the Blackwyrm
imagine what that was fucking like

I'd like to make a shit build run but the constant particle effect is just so distracting

>Vessels, or rather, void creatures in general absorb information around them at astounding rates
>The collector became exactly like its owner, some crazy bug fuck who kept all sorts of bugs in jars
>Little Ghost ended up in the wasteland, a place where nothing but bugs driven by instinct can survive
I guess it adds up.

The Dream nail don't kill the ghosts, it just put then to rest

Seals of binding are a weaver thing, so they have so memory/mind related magic of their own.

Hornet doesn't have to kill dreamers and her game's antagonists seem more physical at the moment

What was the Knight's goal in the early game before Hornet and Tree Face gave him a more concrete objective? What caused him to set out like he did?

B-but I want to read their minds. And learn all their secrets.

>Not fabulous moth boss hype


the weavers also have a connection to song too
weaversong charm
>Silken charm containing a song of farewell, left by the Weavers who departed Hallownest for their old home.
Midwife dialogue
>Amazing things the weavers once crafted on their looms; stories, shields, spells. So much of our history was spun upon their spools. Your little friends there are testament to their talents

Sounds like a good bait for a proper hollowknight sequel with the blackwym surviving by metamorphosis, becoming a shadow pale king and building his own kingdom to fuck Hallownest.

I want to protect that voice.


Hornet will have a mechanic where she tickles enemies with her threads to get them to laugh and spill their secrets.

>Pee-Kay! I have come for my revenge!
>Oh, he's dead? Well, then I'll destroy his lega-
>His whole kingdom?
>To shreds you say.

>learn all their secrets
She needs the thread of truth then, clearly.

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What would a freed HK even do after all that shit?


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Live as a NEET in his mom's garden and help her with the groceries.

Sit down for a minute. Maybe take a nap.

An with that the king goes mad and starts to look for ways to execute his revenge (from attacking the spirit world to creating time travel) which eventually leads to his wk kingdom demise, and you explore it, BAM, Hollow Knight 2.

The Pale Lady should not be allowed near any male of Hollow Knight's size.

What are the main themes of a kingdom that burned itself up in a war machine?

The White Palace in the Kingsmould's head is the real White Palace, and the P.K is fucking dead.
Does anyone disagree?

If you dream nail Hornet beside Black Egg she herself ponders what drives the player character, musing that it must be answering to a call either from "the vessel" or "that captive light". So while it's not revealed to player themselves until much later, the PC was working towards its main objective from the beginning.

he's got no dick like all vessels

I didn't understand the lore at all, and I thought higher beings was meant to refer to the player

Personally I don't think The Knight actually had a goal or reason. The Knight simply followed the pull of The Radiance because that is the very nature of the void, to consume that light. The Knight was more akin to a force of nature with those around it projecting a personality of some kind onto it.

hes made of void, his dick is any size and shape he wishes. He could be a girl if he wanted

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it can't, literally only Hornet is called the "gendered child" so the vessels have nothing.but it also confirms bug pussy on Hornet

Higher beings can only mean gods, the vessels or at least some sort of "better than normal" bugs, since they also explain central gameplay mechanics as well. I doubt all bugs in Hallownest can use soul magic for example.

> confusing gender with sex
Umm.. it's 2019, sweetie :)

they also can barely handle soul magic given the soul sanctum

>The White Palace in the Kingsmould's head is the real White Palace, and the P.K is fucking dead.
Maybe, and maaaaaaaaybe? P.K.'s power is still around and Hallownest is still holding on, if only by threads, seeing as how the bugs still have sentience and all that. Though I guess that depends on how full of shit he was when he claimed that he was the one that gifted them minds.

little ghost speaking or showing emotions triggers the fuck out of me everytime but I love it when HK does it

The vessels are just black goo in a human shape. they could be nothing but a dick if they wanted. The knight wouldn't do it because he has no sex drive but he could if he wanted.

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Learn to let things go? Dont hold on to long past grudges? Appreciate the things/kingdom you do have and not the thing/revenge you cant have? Maybe the vengeance was the friends we made along the way?

Yes. There's all these lines that are just a bit too on the nose.

"I wonder whether the Dreamers are watching you as you work. Or even that old King." - Seer

"But what is death for that ancient being? More transformation methinks." - Bardoon

"How funny that I see you in my dreams too, little one. Your noble bearing reminds me of our dear King. When he returns, I'll ask him if you can become a Knight! What jolly adventures we will have..." - White Defender (yeah, this is just his wishful thinking, but eventually he does leave his home, in search of something more).

I see no reason not to believe the wizards of the soul sanctum aren't just normal bugs that invested their time studying soul.

This ain’t /pol/, sweetie. We don’t care.

No, I don't mean the lessons, I mean the kind of things you'll encounter.
Hallownest is desolate, overgrown and forgotten.
Blackwyrmnest would be... destroyed, starved out and clinging to the past?

Very barely. They don't have the ability to Focus and are not even sure whether it's possible at all, and many of the bugs lost their shape and became abominations in their quest for SOUL. Higher Beings can do it effortlessly and produce their own SOUL from nowhere, while Snail Shamans have to draw it from nature and the Soul Sanctum from totems and dead bugs.

Most of them literally liquefied and turned into Follys and Mistakes as a result of trying to attain SOUL.

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P.K. and the White Palace were teleported to the new kingdom in Silksong because that's where P.K.'s other bitch lived and he realized that Hallownest was becoming a dump so he moved out.
The reason that Hornet was kidnapped there was because P.K. wanted his daughter to live with him.

They had soul, they could cast spells, but they went too far with their experimentation.

too much soul magic seems to fuck them up while vessels can hold as much as they can and freely use it/adapt

Yeah, but tablets speaking about soul magic to general populace wouldn't make sense. Even the wizards are not very good at it without going mad or getting turned into goo, and if I recall correct even Soul Tyrant after his defeat mentions that the King opposed all his soul magic research.

Point is the Soul Sanctum fellows seem more like deviants trying to attain power they were never meant to, so it doesn't feel the king's tablets about magic and shit are meant to address all denizens of Hallownest.

I like to think the Knight came to hollownest because something called it through it's dreams.

>tfw this is the first thing I'm excited for in a while
It's gonna be great.

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They're not as good as vessels, but that doesn't disqualify them from being higher beings.
Vessels are the offspring of gods, hollowed out and repurposed, but still divine.
The wizard bugs are the caste of creatures that can be educated on magic, but are still among the mortal populace. The kind those signs at the beginning were meant for.

dude you have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old
The Soul Tyrant got pissy with the King because the King opposed his research into immortality and the mistakes and follies journal entry literally says they became that way because of "misuse of soul", not just that they used it too much
they were probably tying to be immortal, too

>that the King opposed all his soul magic research
For good reason. Seeing how he was told to do that soul magic research by the fucking Radiance.


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I thought that was because they tried to escape the radiance by becoming pure soul, which he didn't believe would work.
Not magic research in general. I mean, he let them build their wizarding tower.

Wait, for real?

Wait. That's a he?

Why did the White Lady ignore the godseekers? What possible downside is there to being memed into absolute power by a bunch of autists? At the very least she should have agreed to prevent them from going after the Radiance.

If they don't give me a dreamnail variation in Silksong I swer I'm gonna shank a cunt m8s

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it's actually an it given vessels are genderless constructs

Gender neutral he.

We're talking about a woman that doesn't even trust herself with the power to move around freely.

I think that the Soul Sanctum was originally meant to be a place of research into SOUL to try and counteract the infection, but the Radiance somehow infected the soul magic. The spells the baddies use there have an orange tint to them, unlike HK's spells.

Not really, is a shadow creature, and the game it's clear that they don't have a gender (Hornet is the sister of all of them, and other characters refers to her as the gendered one)

>Hallownest is desolate, overgrown and forgotten.
Hallownest is like that because they wanted to make it feel like dork souls, so HK2 would be in the same way if they wanted the same feeling of "finding an ancient civilization" vibe of the first, you can easily make some bullshit lore excuse
>the last experiment of the warlord shadow king was a some kind of spell that made the ones affected wilder, stronger and more aggressive, but the thing goes out of control and finally the kingdom perishes
But if you want you can always go your way with more of an unique feel, with actual citizens still left angry bitter and disillusioned with the kings propaganda of grandeur.

>get hollow knight on my switch just after godhome comes out
>completely forget about it and have no drive to play it for some reason
Same shit happened with Dead Cells and I feel bad about it. Looking at my old save I remember doing this fight against these three Mantis Lords before they wrecked my shit. I remember Quirrel saying I should upgrade my nail before I fight them, and to do that I need to find the capital city. I may pick it back up again as a result.

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>returned to full power/godhood
>now has the power to fuck everything with a dick in the whole kingdom
and people think the radiance is aggressive/bad

She had herself tied up so she wouldn't breed constantly.
If she had absolute power, all she'd do is fuck every bug she could find, pop out some kids and probably fuck those as well.

>that doesn't disqualify them from being higher beings
We don't have to argue about this. Higher Being is a word used exlusively for the most powerful gods of Hallownest according to Word of God. The only confirmed Higher Beings are the Pale Wyrm, Root and the Radiance. We may meet more in the sequel.

"You promised I would live forever! Did their souls bring me closer to the light? That voice...Was it never there...?"
"In my dreams I could see it. The Kingdom's salvation, the cure for the plague... the answer was in the soul that animates our bodies."
First one is his Dream Nail dialogue. I think this is as clear as it can be without him just straight up saying it was the Radiance.

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these are the games they took inspiration from
>Among those influences were Faxanadu, Metroid, Zelda II, and Mega Man X. It was noted that Hollow Nest was in some ways the inverse of the world tree setting in Faxanadu. William Pellen stated that they wanted to replicate the sense of wonder and discovery of games from their childhood, such as Zelda II and Faxanadu, in which "[t]here could be any crazy secret or weird creature.

I mean, would you rather get mindraped and have orange cancer tumors grow all over you or get literally raped by a cute tree lady?

i wanted to protect a voice once...

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Not just dying wishes, thats just the usual method.
Sly gives you the nail art charm for instance.

Why is the tree bug lady so horny for babies?

>an AU where the White Lady and Radiance swap places
>the reason why Hallownest is falling apart is because the infestation drives the bugs to mate ceaselessly
>Radiance and Pale King unite to create a Vessel with a cock powerful enough to plug up the White Lady forever.
>the last thing the Pale King hears before locking this version of HK up is "But I like Men, Dad..."
>comedy ensues

>A kingdom haunted by root and reproduction.

>Pale King
>making sense

think about how many failed vessels there are and remember those came from PK and WL fucking

Why make sense when you can make vessels and sawblades?

Dammit, this thread is making me wanna make White Lady lewds.

myla deserved better

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I just realized.

White Lady is basically wearing a straight jacket.

I dunno dude being fucked by the same tree that fucked everyone else sounds pretty gay

>tfw no god-queen wife who calls you into her bedroom for her hourly mating

>implying those were the only ones
Charms are inspired by paper mario (confirmed by them) and fuck off with the notion they got the "spirit run" system from anywhere else and have a knight who happens to be "hollow" and the cryptic lore bullshit.

I'm not saying that they 1 to 1 copied, i love the game and its holds itself fine, but its one of those things you can see just from the bat of an eye.

it would be very painful

>see White Lady for the first time
>picrelated instantly comes to mind

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that's a good strong final pantheon run you've got going there, I see you've taken time to learn each boss techniques and master them, let's hope nobody ruins that by adding a boss which can completely destroy that run of yours n--

ohhh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
please god tell me how to beat this guy reliably? what the fuck? it's literal, random. what am I doing wrong. the fact he is following by fucking ZOTE is just. I can't beat zote after getting my SHIT pushed in by this guy

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I went around dreamnailing every ghost I ever saw. Them shits be spooky u kno?

Being fair, she didn't really lie to him.


you would never be allowed to leave

use ranged set up, get hits in and spray black gooy balls at him.

The intro cutscene to the game where the hollow knights shell cracks and the nfection manifests is a vision that all the vessels received.
Quirrel mentions that some serious shit is suddenly going down in his first meeting, so its a relatively recent thing.


He went mad though. Spending the rest of his immortal life as an insane slave to the Infection is probably not what he imagined.

What do you think the creatures in Deepnest thought when they captured Little Ghost and found out that he didn't have any insides to inject with acid and slurp out?

He went mad, yes. But not a single lie was told. She told him EXACTLY what SOUL could do.

Imagine if terraria had hollow knight's artstyle.
It'd be like an ant farm.

In phase 1 only use your nail, pogo him when he starts spinning his shield, with practice you can dodge the shield while pogoing.
In phase 2 focus on dodging and once he starts spinning get below him and spam Abyss Shriek

Will we see our Hollow Knight again?
I want him to be an optional superboss at least

It couldn't stave off the Infection, so no.

he's dead or part of the shade lord

God that woman must be truly insatiable. How many kids would they have had if the Pale King didn't go full autist?

I thought the implication is that he IS the focus of the Void

>he didn't beat pantheon of hallownest

How god tier would it be, if we level's up Hornet, and obviously when we the player play her, it means she is her most skilled, always winning and progressing, what if the by the end of it she is max'd out, god tier

Little ghost appears from the horizon as you're climbinb go the top in Silksong, you just see him in his true form heading towards this new area

he's x10 bigger, grown even larger then when we saw him at the god hood ending, and he quite literally, one shots Hornet. Just kills her, like a fucking hand smashing a bug

Showing the raw true power of our little ghost, he just defeats us. No boss fight, nada.

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he still has a form before the shade lord roars and the void covers all the siblings in the abyss

that would be fucking lame

I thought focus there refers to the attention godseekers give to the void because of what the knight is doing. We know them paying close attention to a being greatly empowers it.

I think a great secret ending would be confirming the Godhome ending by having Hornet fight Shade Lord with her also trying to get her little ghost back.

>Punished Night shade
>just wipes out this new Silksong city like nothing
>moves on like nothing

that would truly leave me feeling hollow

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>with her also trying to get her little ghost back
Hornet literally couldn't fucking care less about the knight, though. As cute as the fan art looks, it's not how the actual story went.

I feel like the sequel is gonna a make little ghost feel like shit and is going to make the idea of him defeating her utterly absurd.

we actually have no indication the shade lord is malicious to the world at large since all it does is kill the radiance/infection

Fairly certain that she risked her damn life to help the little guy emerge victorious.

I think she's like the White Lady in that she doesn't want to grow attached, and cause another idea to be instilled which would jeopardize its mission.

But the tendrils only come out the moment after he falls into the Void.

Let the poor guy rest.

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We also have no indication that "all it does is kill the radiance/infection" either

from the trailer alone we can already tell she makes ghost's movements look like a snails and she'd breeze through the path of pain with her movement options

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>killing the Godseeker as brutally as it did
>bursting out from her with no check on itself, tentacles flying everywhere
Nah. Pretty sure it's not benign.

abyss shriek when he starts to spin his stupid shield.

Nah. Just make him such an impossibly hard boss you need to be a god of these games to stand a chance, and he still merely fucks off in the end. Like Demi-Fiend of metroidvania bosses.


>three pedo bugs
Quirrel, Dungus and who else?

>70 IPs
Yeesh. That's what happens when you don't put the title of the game in the OP.

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>Dung Defender, the most joyful character in the game, loves the damn guy?
Did he? I know he loved his duty and thought that he failed his comrades, but wasn't sure how his story under the king really ended or why he was disgraced.

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There is no rest for any buge.
All buge walk the path of pain.

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She risked her life to destroy Radiance for good.

The Godmaster content implies she sorta like the Knight

>Fairly certain that she risked her damn life to help the little guy emerge victorious.
Yeah, because she needed him to win so the world doesn't end, not because of some personal sympathy. Whenever you dream nail her, she is always thinking "is this tool good enough for the job", she doesn't seem to care about what/if the knight thinks of feels.

it wasn't that he was disgraced, but the knight literally could do nothing to fight the infection and were more pushed aside for the kings vessel plan

am i retarded or does the trailer not continue directly after godmaster ending? hornet was approached by something and in the trailer begins with her captured

He wasn't disgraced. What led you to think so? After the infection happened and society broke down, he retreated into the Waterways to protect Isma's Grove.

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say hello to your silksong boss, only to get stomped on by night shade after it is about to one kil hornet

you know it's gonna happen, shes even travelling upwards in the game

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it's the HK free of infection and his chains

That's mostly because Ghost is a Vessel. She's well within her right to think of him as more of a tool than a being. A Vessel with actual emotions would be nice, but she likely knows how that song and dance goes.

Maybe if Ghost survived snuffing the Radiance, things would be different.

If Ghost were to be saved in some way, it'd be as a byproduct and not part of the actual mission.
Unless Team Cherry has family as a major theme of Silksong, with some exploration of her relationship with the Pale King and giving her some motivation to connect with HK and possibly help Ghost.
>she doesn't seem to care about what/if the knight thinks of feels
She has Dream Nail dialogue in Godhome wondering about the Knight's dreams.

i dont see why it has to be hk

she was approached by the hollow knight hobbling out of the egg, that's his nail at the end he seems to be leaning on it like a cane.

her kidnappers are little guys in hoods, I don't think they're related

Does bug have puss puss?

Does she have an end-goal?

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>has a pure nail
>can hear his chains rattle
>literally his chin in frame
>comes out of the black egg which hornet is standing in front of
shit's super obvious

Nigga you try putting a literal god inside a vessel thats nowhere near prepared for it and see how that works out.
You're inhabiting that godseekers mind for the entirety of the DLC.

user please I am in UK wrong-think police state, don't make me go to jail with that pic

you mean besides having his nail, a chain-rattling sound effect, and his mask visible?

except that last fucking segment
that shit where you have to bounce off the sawblade, dive through a tiny gap, follow up by catching the moving buzzsaw again, and bounce off one more and then IMMEDIATELY dash again is so wildly unfair

The nail. The sound of rattling chains. There is no one else at the temple.

Her goal is probably just living long enough that she dies. Either that, or she'll wait until Pale King returns. One or the other.

She'd probably like her Wyrm back first off. And her kids.

Just noticed that they showed new currency in the trailer

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get the dick

>All buge walk the path of pain.
No i don't, didn't even finish pantheon of the knight. Get on my scrub level.

She hopes that the Pale King will return to fill her womb with thick bug cock.

for someone to fertilizer

Godseeker mode or whatever it is, where youre just in the pantheons rather than the base game, has her act like its post beating the pantheon of Hallownest, so I assume that her body is still somewhere in there. Think of it like the infection. The radiance causes its host to become bioluminescent and mutate into strange new life, the void causes the host to leak pure darkness, and in the most severe cases, become an erupting fountain of pitch blackness.

i barely even know her!

>They made so much content to go along with Hornet's DLC that they decided "fuck it" and made another game
>Probably won't round off the story and details of the original
The only downside.

Oh come on man, you can beat Nosk on Radiant at least. It's not hard.

I want Hornet to tell me to git gud.

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I thought there was something about how he was the forgotten one of all the royal knights. Left alone to dream of the past that he longed for while all his comrades died for a futile cause.

Maybe I'm just stuck thinking of his original kickstarter description which isn't really considered canon anymore.
>Deep in the Waterways beneath the City of Tears lurks a shunned being. Once a knight, now lost to puerile obsession: The Dung Defender.

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>big ass bells
Wonder if we'll be fighting Catholics.

This close enough?

Just sitting here waiting till the thread dies so I can download all the Quirrel images.


The reason I can't beat him is the same as all the others still attuned : he is too erratic, my brain just can't handle it. Call me dumb if you want but that's a real blocking for me.

Why are you not already downloading them?

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Waiting for that little ghost to stop asking questions, climb up her lap, and mercilessly tickle her sides through the gaps in her bindings.

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it's another dying to either markoth or the giant jelly fish episode on 5th pantheon

I hate these repeats

because I'm downloading them off the previous thread lol

>invested my life savings in geo bonds
>these new schmucks have never even heard of geo
Damn it.

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the lack of art of her bound in shibari ropes is disappointing


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If you could only have one side-character return alongside Hornet who would it be?

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Turtleneck tree.

Either Grimm or Dung Defender.

I both never want to see Zote again, and really hope he comes back just to see people's reactions and nonsensical theories over it.

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those 2 are some of the least likely given grimm just finished the rebirth ritual and the new kingdom isn't dead/dying and DD is very unlikely to leave his kingdom

Quirrel but he's fucking dead so rip

what gets me is the shimmer in her eyes. it's really beautifully done.

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What exactly happened to Isma anyway?

Is suicide a common theory? I always interpreted him leaving his sword behind as moving on towards something new.

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She's blind, right? I wonder why.

>tfw just got dream needle
>tried to go to one of the three lords only to be cock blocked by Shadow Gates
where go next desu

Me too user. I never even realized people thought he died until I first heard someone say that here.

What did they mean by this?

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I think it means they like the video.

Suicide isn't necessary, he was old user.
He could've just died of his old age somewhere else, but he's definitely dead.
I remember one of his conversations, where he talks about the dead and about how you shouldn't blame them when they leave behind their weapons as they have no need for such things. Which is why he leaves his weapon behind, because he leaves to die.

Go to Deepnest and explore it fully. You'll know where to go next.

Where Deepnest is?

I know Yea Forums will crucify me for this, but it's the truth. Most young and creative people are liberals.

She's really beautiful. When I first found her I was absolutely stunned, she has one of the best themes in the game too.

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Ogrim's who I'd like to see as well. I'm not sure how likely it'd be, considering that he probably wouldn't have any connection to the new setting or its history, but I think it'd be nice to see him channel his energy and bombastic attitude towards seeking out how to reclaim his honor somewhere new, instead of waiting alone in the ground to rot.

It means those 2 australian bastards dont understand what "bad PR" means.

Greenpath>Mantis village>crystal peaks>resting grounds>soul sanctum>deepnest

The real Hegemol

That they can laugh at an unlikable big money shill getting humiliated by a man who actually isn't a fucking retard?

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Thanks, senpai.
Have this cute bug webm

Attached: cute bug noises at super hihg speeds.webm (314x228, 949K)

There's also this though. "The rain seems to come down endlessly, though. I'd like to see where it all comes from before I leave this Kingdom. What a sight it must be!" As always, Team Cherry is being plenty ambiguous so you don't know what really happened.

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I don't care about their beliefs, I just want a good game
But doing anything related to politics is just asking for every sensitive cunt in the world to start shitposting about it

>Knight can beat The Radiance without any help
>Needs Quirrel or exploding jellyfish to even hurt Uumuu

Jellyfish > gods confirmed

Down and left. There are multiple entrances from fungal wastes. You must be really early into the game if you haven't been there yet. Have you bought the lantern yet? Do you have the crystal heart and/or Desolate Dive?

Also I'm pretty sure the nail is called "quirrel_death_nail" in the files.

The arts were always filled with liberals, the difference is that those liberals used to be against the agenda filled establishment and against big wig corporations, now they are both the establishment and friends with the suits.


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Don’t do it, user.

One of them probably forgot to sign out of the official YouTube account before some videos.

“I'm sure they wouldn't mind were a fellow explorer to relieve them of their tools. It's a kindness really. The dead shouldn't be burdened with such things.”
Here's the quote, anons.

why did the grub father kill all of his kids btw?

He didn't, listen.
They're still in there, and the achievement is called metamorphosis.
He's probably acting as a cocoon for them.

Part of their lifecycle. They'll eat him and mature fully.

What do you care? He paid you market price for them.

this is like a goddamn Naruto OP

I'm a lazy faggot, can someone shop an ancap face on a grubfather and paint him black and yellow?


because all Australians love a good shitpost

This is going to suck, isn't it?

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i want to kick his ass again

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Pale King is further proof that any ruler who includes how white they are in their title will based as fuck.

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Spinning nail art from greepath makes it ez

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This is going too far, buddy.

Nah, that one is easy even for first time players.

I wasn't aware there was such a thing. How far into Greenpath is it?

enjoy one of the best boss fights in the game, user. pick up the upgraded nail if you really want to, but for the most part this is a pattern based boss and it's all about how well you can learn its moves. take some time to play around it and don't get greedy, it's a really fair fight once you get it down

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god the eternal ordeal was so based

Don't worry about it, he's wrong. Normal hits will be easier, smoother, and quicker because of all the free damage Pogo attacks give you in this fight

God forbid someone actually does an artistic representation of this.

iirc you need the upgraded dash from crystal peak to get it. unless there was some pogo shenanigans it's still a long ways away

o-oh. okay

Where to get Pale Ore?

Attached: fuck you fight me.webm (1280x596, 2.84M)

if you already got the first nail upgrade that's all you can get for now. all the other pale ores come quite a bit later

Pretty sure he just leaves hallownest, leaving his sword in the sand as a message to hk that he's moved on, that he has put his warrior side in the past

You can jump up that wall on the left and break a wall to get some lifeblood.

Maybe not
It's ambiguous
If he shows up in Silksong, it will definitely be something

>beat fourth pantheon
turns out pv is completely cool with just letting you camp out on the walls for 90% of the fight

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What do you think Emilitia thought when all the infection suddenly disappeared and she went back to being a loser giggling alone in her room?

AWWWWwwwwww w w w shit

She's eternal, she will be fine.

I still haven't beaten him this first time around though...

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Imagine that this game, with all its incredible lore, animations, characters, worlds, music, gameplay, bosses, enemies and soul was made by basically 3 guys. It's so good that it gets daily threads with hundreds of replies every day here.

Let that sink in.

I mean, a lot of the people she didn't like probably still died so it's probably not a bad day for her either way.

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I just beat Pure Vessel for the first time. Great fight, I think I liked NKG and Radiance a bit more but this is one of the best in the game for sure. I think Sharp Shadow kind of trivializes him a bit though. now to beat him a few more times so i can be confident enough to beat the pantheon

Good shit. Only fight I had to do three times.

Attached: Hollow Knight 2019.02.21 - (1280x720, 2.9M)

Good luck in Deepnest


>400 posts
>90 IPs
>Page 9
Just let it die, my dudes.

nani the fuck

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IIs it me or the base attack speed was increased in a patch or something? It looks like he has a quickslask here.

It's probably just compression skipping frames and making it seem faster.

Follow him bro, he's like you

follow him user

If Hornet's the new lead do you think that she'll actually talk to people, or will she be hit with silent protagonist syndrome?

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Now neither of you will be virgins.

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Why does great slash seem so underpowered

Ihope we have a Murasmasa situation where your Protagonists can shit talk other NPCs in the world.

I just wanna give flowers to everyone.

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Because quickslash is overpowered. It's really only useful for hitting aerial enemies that it can one shot.

Because it does double your nail damage but you can usually tap an enemy two times faster than it charges.

fuck lost kin and his random goddamn jumps

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What if bug is already fug?

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>spiders and moving worm bugs everywhere
what an awful, awful place.

Attached: Hollow Knight 2019.02.21 - (1280x720, 2.4M)

It's at the very least useful in bindings because it still does full damage instead of being gimped.

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Yeah okay, no. Fuck this place. Am I even going the right way?

Attached: Hollow Knight 2019.02.21 - (1280x720, 2.93M)

I think they fixed that

Not anymore baby.

As long as you're still finding new stuff, you're not going the wrong way. In saying that, I don't think I'd wanna go far into deepnest if it's taking three hits to kill a spider. Go to city of tears instead.

Hornet... easy on the eggs

The madbug.

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Deepnest is legit someplace you don't want to go when you don't have any damage upgrades or great charms. There are no bosses, it's just a sheer pain in the ass with a dreamer at the end. There's a reason the Mantis lords were guarding the entrance. So, save it for later unless you wanna speedrun to Herrah.


Don't worry. Everywhere is the right way.

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Deepnest isn't necessary to go through until way later so it's balanced for when you're stronger, but there's a very useful item you can get there immediately if you tough it out. If you don't want to bother then just head for City of Tears instead.


I recommend going up, best way of getting out Deepnest, if you got the map from Cornifer you already have an idea to which direction go

I remember my first time in Deepnest
Stubborn ass that I am, after climbing up and out I went all the way back to the bottom and made it to the City by way of the ancient basin and waterways.

>all these cowards telling you to get out
don't listen to them user, early deepnest is peak fun

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Hornet's second fight is kicking the unholy shit out of me. For some reason those spike mines she spawns trip me up harder than fighting multiple enemies or multi enemy bosses.

You can knock them away with the nail.

That's actually kind of my issue. I try to get rid of them only to let Hornet creep up on me or I hit one, avoid Hornet only to crash onto a third.

I'm getting better at dealing with it but it is baffling how bad these mines are fucking me.

I might be misremembering but I think Thorns of Agony might get rid of the spike traps if it activates, so you could try equipping that.

Good idea. I'll replace runmaster and see what happens.

let 'er rip

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spin to win is in howling cliffs though
greenpath gives you great slash

How does Baldur shell work? It breaks after four hits, right? How long does it take to repair itself?

>final stretch of the path of pain
what in the FUCK
fuckin Aussies I knew this game must be an elaborate shitpost


with quick slash i can usually get at least two of them while she finished the animation of an attack

Who was this?

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an absolute unit

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Shouldn't you be dead, PK?

a big guy

Buggie Smalls

Of the 6 hours of sheer practice it took me to clear it, that last area took a solid two. Go slowly, double jump when the spears go down and practice flying-pogo of the spears when they pop up, keep airborne until they show up again. Once you get it down to a rhythm, you should ve able to get through with no problems

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Let me guess-you used hiveblood?

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no pantys

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and what if I did


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i dropped the game a few months ago at the watcher knights because i got sidetracked by something else and dont remember much about the game, should i just restart at this point?

Probably for the best. Especially since you'll remember the areas and be able to backtrack to get to areas you couldn't reach before and the like.

Then you fucking deserved it, you total retard.
Try again. Soul statues are everywhere. Use them to keep your soul topped off. Longnail MoP quickslash steady body, slash to victory. And try not to die again

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jesus christ user this is a blue board spoiler that shit

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