Good 3D exploration game

Have any games with a Pokemon RF/LG, BoTW, The Witness or Mafia town's level in A hat in Time vibe.
Basically, a game that at first presents you some mechanics then throw you into a world where you use them in a satisfying way to explore a rewarding world.

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grow up/home

Grow up seems fun
But I didn't find home. Is it the pixelart game ?

no, they're the same style of game, grow up and grow home, big focus on exploration and using game mechanics creatively

Ok thanks, that'll do it

Talos Principle
Postal 2

>Talos Principle
Absolutely this, the nicest fucking sceneries.

Witness presents a pretty low fucking entry bar for suggestions.
Solus Project and Subnautica get a decently crafted world to explore and they very much reward you with providing extra shit that will help you to survive longer or reach previously unreachabre places.

Nice, I'm going to try it out first then.
I just finished the witness, Talos Principle seems kinda similar.

Well, they feel sort of similar under some aspects, but the general feeling isn't the same, I'd say the witness island feels a little more warmer and familiar to be in where the talos places have a slightly eerie feeling, notably due to the scale of the levels.
Like in the witness, you can grasp how big the island is and you can explore it fully, but some of Talos' levels are so huge and positionned in the middle of nowhere if can give an eerie feeling, depends on the way you feel towards not being able to absolutely fully explore the place you're in.

And to touch on the puzzles, they're pretty great, just easy enough that you won't struggle on them for days, but just hard enough that you'll feel like a genius after solving a bunch of them.

Thanks man

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The biggest issue I had with the puzzles in the base game was how nearly all of them were confined to flat rooms made of rectangular walls at 90° angles.
It's not until the DLC that you get some more complex ones.

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Also, if you find the story, setting and environment depressing and melancholic then here's a hint: explore the fuck out of the levels

I agree, but at no point did this ever really annoy me, like I feel that it makes sense regarding the place it's in. (Bare towers, most ruins are walls at 90 degrees angle, whenever you look up pictures most architecture from ancient egypt, romans and middle ages were pretty square due to the efficiencey of the shape, but understand where you're coming from.

The level you just posted has one of those stars that needs a lot of imagination to solve.

It honestly only really occured to me after seeing a certain Egypt puzzle in the DLC that most of them were just angular rooms and in a way it sorta makes sense, storywise, that they didn't make the areas too aesthetically pleasing and elaborate and instead cold, artificial and calculated.


Was talos designed with the renaissance classicism in mind?
>presence of god
>lots of defined rules
>"before the words was only chaos" and chaos is a defining trait of baroque, and since classicism came right after baroque it would make sense
>everything is square and defined
The only other ones I considered were romanticism and humanism but I'm really hesitant.

Yeah, is it the one with the super large circle in the middle, or the one at the back of the same level with elevating platforms?
I would hope that we could get a second talos, even if it's different in story or stuff, the serious engine is super annoying to work with and making my own levels has gotten annoying to explore, especially since there's no feeling of wonder since I put every element there myself and most of the user made levels are just hardcore puzzles with not much scenery.

Elite dangerous

Runescape ? Also Ark to a certain extent

The second one.
The Egypt and aqueduct maps were done by an (at the time) newly hired employee who IIRC also did the weather top level (the one in the base game atop the two mountains that are connected by a bridge), hence why they look way more complex and creative than most of the other maps.

do not do this
play X3AP instead

Aah, sure, this makes sense.
That level had some of my favorite easter eggs too.
>"Fly, you fools!
good shit
But the star was one of the most annoying to get.
Overall, I'm still sort of conflicted on snow levels, like they were definitely well designed when it comes to building placement but I can't help and wonder if it would've been better if they were in the more green/sunny weather the others were in.
Also if you had to live in one of the talos settings, which would it be?

Oh and before I forget:
there are two pretty useful optional functions, fast forward and zooming, that were added later in a patch but aren't mapped to any key so you have to rebind them in the option menu by yourself.

wtf is this thread
why are you actually discussing video games

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never forget

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I actually have the game but never tried them, as 90's and 2000's 3D platformers feels so melancholic, at least it was my impression (re)playing mario 64, spyro and conker's bad furry day.
I don't know if it is nostalgia or the emptiness of their worlds, but I can no more grasp the charm and joyfulness of these type of game.

In a way the snow levels felt a bit "we're running out of time/budget" to me with their endless walls of boring palisades, the static and pretty low quality tree assets, the lack of snowflakes (but then again, Serious Sam TSE HD didn't have any for some reason, either), etc. . Some gorgeous parallax mapping on the snow, though.

As for settings, either the messenger world with the waterfalls inside or the one featuring Bodiam Castle.

Croteam games somehow always make people do that.

Yeah I understand, the lack of large buildings and continuous walls just didn't cut it. And talking of parallax mapping, I remember spending an hour just looking at the walls texture when I first played the game, shit's incredible.

>messenger world with the waterfalls inside
Yeah, that one felt so peaceful, I wouldn't mind living there.
>bodiam castle
yes, this one too

Personally I'd choose the one with those the one in egypt with the large star on top of a spike in the middle.

>a Pokemon RF/LG, BoTW, The Witness or Mafia
delete this thread

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My time at portia