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Shocking. What a surprise.
not touching with a 10 foot pole maybe if falls below 10 dollars
La goblina...dios mio...
Jesus fucking christ
well its EA so of course they got Jaba the Hutt's Wife
what about that 'female' one with the hawaii shirt on always. That one did the most dull and boring level design existing to man kind.
Why did you dislike that video? No wonder these channels have to hide their like/dislike ration, because of trolls like you.
El Monstruo
and someone still expects anything from Bioware. After fucking DA2, ME3, DA:I and Andromeda. Bioware fans are fucked up in their head.
i just wanna play as Shepard again
Don't you already have 3 games to play as Shepard, faggot?
Shephard was alpha-male, they not interested in making games about those anymore.
He cant count to 3 you know.
2, 3rd game doesnt exist.
I think that way and you should too.
>Bwaah, ending bad, game bad
Grow up.
She ended up getting a job and fulfilling her dreams. What about ya'll?
it was terrible gameplay and story wise. It sure failed to meet expectations, but actually even failed to be a decent game. I aint gonna replay whole game because of Tuchanka. Its just not worth it.
This! So much This!
how about you?
dreams? Are you implying this creature wants to make vidya? I doubt it, its just smelled money and happend to be diversity hire.
So I guess this proves paid reviews aren't really a thing, huh? Thats pretty bad for our narrative, guys......
yes, i checked, this creature havent made anything on her own. Tester that became game designer, because all the professionals left.
maybe it's just so shit even shill cannot defend it
paid reviews is sure a thing, DA:I got game of the year title and even Mad Jose praised it for load of cash.
funny how they always get the "designer" and "manager" positions.
Jesus Fucking Christ...
Those faces are photoshopped right?
I love how youtube's algorithm gives away bottom feeding plebs.
>retard Yea Forums thinks it will flop
Game is a live service, it won't flop. It will be a good game with day 1 patch.
I know, you all know it. Making reviews before day 1 patch should be illegal.
>Born with a heart condition
>tfw have to stay in shape all the time cause of it
>tfw don't have the luxury of eating constant fast foods or sugary drinks
I always feel like I'm missing out of being fat desu
Oh my fucking god, my sides and face hurt from laughing so hard at this. It's like someone intentionally made these characters as uncanny as possible.
The animation is smooth. But the behavior is weird as fuck.
I'm assuming those are the villains?
More than just the ending was bad. That horrible ass kid was there from the fucking prologue. The only good things about ME 3 are the result of previous games building decent emotional investment, hence Tuchanka being the best part of the game. Everything else was godawful and that’s not even considering all the set-up that didn’t end up getting paid off
So many reviewers are scared to criticize the game so they have to say they're being honest. It takes a lot of effort from modern journalists to say a modern AAA game is bad.
But why would EA not pay for reviews for their biggest release of this year? It doesn't add up.
The game deserves no better than 2/10 though. The fact that these paid shills can't even say anything positive about it means it's bad.
>tfw spent my whole life trying to break into game design, my lifelong dream
>FAT GOLEM (((WOMAN))) KRISTEN SCHANCHE gets the job instead
>fucks up, unsurprisingly to nobody
Intentional sabotage is a EA specialty. It’s how Visceral died it’s how Maxis died
She looks like one of those spooky Nurgle wizards that cast green tornados on you from vermintide
How can anyone be this retarded?
I can only help you with a clean death.
2019 so far has been the year of atrocious game design in the west
This is all indicative of a failing civilization. Artists don't even know what beauty is anymore. It's a bad sign.
was her dream cleaning out a local buffet?
>try to explain to my retard friend that it's shit
Is there a cure for this?
that's literally just a fat white woman
Apex is great though. Maybe actually try playing it and not just judging the entire game based on its character designs.
the ea hate bandwagon is real.
The DLC will fix it, I can guarantee that they are already working on improvements from the feedback. You have to realize that they can't really start developing until the game is released and actual people can suggest improvements.
Oh boo boo the poor multi billion dollar company is getting bullied! Allow me to soundtrack this sad sad occasion
Your face when women cause a second vidya crash
Division 2 out in 3 weeks and looking great, how long until BioWare is shut down forever?
At least there are women working at Bioware
>getting a job is fullfilling dreams
wow you aim low
He never mentioned the gameplay, butthurt zoomer.
Racism and Facism are solutions to those other problems.
Also not all racism needs to be GAS THE INNOCENT. There are nuanced applications where it makes sense. Like giving young couples tax incentives to breed at healthy ages.
>tfw that bitch on the right is supposed to be a "princess".
Fucking christ, couldn't even make her attractive. I think I've seen one attractive npc in this game, the rest are all ugly ass mutts. And you can tell they were designed this way.
The old guard of Bioware is gone, and now we have these fucking retards in its place. Hell, as far as I can tell, early Bioware was a fluke.
The thing that all of these people are missing is that this isn't even the final version of the game.
This could easily be a year old version of the game without any of the optimization or QOL improvements that they have made over the year.
It's not even officially released yet so I don't see why I should trust these people or their reviews when the day one patch hasn't even been released yet which could have fixed all the problems that these people had.
There's a reason why more game companies should block all reviews until at least a week after release when everything is working better.
That explains part of it at least.
What's the matter incel, can't handle REALISTICALLY crafted woman in your children videogames?
We're getting to the point where character designs are becoming closer and close to those stereotype caricatures
I'm a wizard basement dweller
Do people really look like this?
>andromeda given to a "b team" that shit the bed so hard the dlc was cancelled and the studio branch dissolved
>anthem worked on for six years by the "a team" >gets noticeable worse reviews than mea
This is actually impressive.
>2019 so far has been the year of atrocious game design in the west
>along with a pic of Apex
Yeah he totally wasn't implying anything at all there
Not even the worse genetics can possibly look like that
>0 positive
There is some justice in this world
67 from
He was implying the game design was shit.
Are you fucking retarded?
Would probably have played more than an hour if the flying wasn't so sloppy on pc. Can tell it was meant for a controller but goddamn it was annoying with keyboard and mouse.
Rest felt fine tho.
>fulfilling her dreams
>>anthem worked on for six years
Has this actually been confirmed or has the game been "in development" for six years and in actual development for two? Even ignoring the dreadful base game - the absolute state of it's polish absolutely reeks of EA pushing the game out 3+ months early and getting ready to kick BioWare to the curb.
Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?
does the game have missions that take place at night?
>girls behind games
I was told ME:A bad faces was just the fault of the new studio.
>playing on dead platform
Your bitching on twitter won't fix ANYTHING on the top list
No, it's a meme spread by disgusting looking feminists. A lot of people are fat but they don't have revolting looking faces.
>western AAA can't even score high 70s
great timeline
They did an interview, and it was like 5 years, not six
La creatura!
I remember a similar looking frog was talking about how she was working on making missions for Anthem, and how she was testing them, SOLO.
Implying any of the other looter shooters in mainstream are any better or worse. Destiny is a joke beyond the story content and The Division is easily the weakest contender. Warframe has and continues to be the best even though itself is flawed.
That quote is from 2017, user.
are you ready to unleash your power?
I wonder what (((her))) programming socks smell like...
Fug, I didn't even noticed that. I thought it was a recent interview
¡Dios fucking mio!
Man everyone is bodying Bioware over this game
>no sense of time passing
its another "this is too deep for you to understand" episode
To think that Hamburger Hepler was actually the looker in the Bioware offices
Spoiler: Andromeda's B team was actually better than A team. Bioware subeverted everyone's expectations.
His face is tired
holy shit nigger just fucking kys already
>push away from what most people seemed to like about your games (story/companions)
>focus on one aspect, combat, that has always just been okay/fine at best in your games
Not too surprised about it at this point.
>Anthem will have an average review score of 55-60
About time. AAA devs need a massive kick in the ass, and Anthem is fucking garbage. Feels good, man.
this is just sad
>12yo retarded kid who looks like Timmy from South Park is BioWares lead game designer
Even if this is an ironic shitpost, you have to go back.
So what will they take from him?
His life... or his freedom
Paid reviews, invites to butter up the journalist it's all the same. They do exist, denying that is just plain naivete. The game got shit score because it IS shit. And have you ever noticed, when a bad AAA game is out, they almost always wait for youtuber (I'm not saying that they're /ourguys/) to drop their reviews and only then gaming journalists starts dropping their reviews. It's weird, almost like they feel guilty about giving some hyped up AAA games, bad scores.
They could have just added a few romances to get the Biodrones to buy the game.
every fucking review is like this
>it's fucking abysmal but i'm sure it'll get better with patches
>the game is an abortion but i remember this one quest that was okay. mmm what a pleasantly okay quest that was
>it's a boring piece of shit but it certainly has its moments
why are they so apologetic?
They still haven't fixed this shitty facial animation for like the past decade? Fucking hell Bioware. If only people have the balls to criticize their games, we might've seen a bigger backlash due to the laziness of the developers.
Gameplay designers are very important though. Those are the people making flipping gameplay.
This game has no story. Drew Karpyshyn tried rejoining Bioware, then he realized everyone is simply wasting as much EA money as possible before the inevitable layoffs, and left.
Sucking publisher dick is the m.o. for game reviewers.
>barely playable piece of shit is close to 70
Y-yes look at how it b-bombed...
I guess it's part of press review kit
Are those two NPCs with the exact same facial model, standing right next to each other in a cutscene? How fucking lazy is Bioware?
Honestly praying for it at this point.
wait, press kits come with instructions on what to write about?
She was an actual girl and was also only a writer, not a developer hired only because of gender quotas.
She was unfairly blamed for the game design decisions at Bioware.
Was waiting to post this
Santa maría de guadalupe
no, those are the people telling the people making the gameplay what to do and what to change.
Because they still want free games, and if you completely blast the game for being shit then you are labeled as a hater.
All the outlets who gave it a bad review rushed it out to give EA a bad name, but the good and fair reviews are slowly coming out now.
You know what faggot? The thing about 3rd game is that Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. - KL
Now I'm kinda mad that they cancelled the DLC. I would've loved to find the missing Arc. I actually enjoyed ME:A. Even to go so far to play it 480p with medium settings and powered through bugs and all. Yes, I have shit pc. For some reason my laptop which can run it on 1080p (i7 GTX960), stutters like hell despite lowering the resolution and textures setting. Happens to every game for some reason.
No wonder their games are shit, all humans have fled the studio.
Is that the Joker?
Here's my review, played it for ~70 hours and loving it.
Just Joke
Godamn she's ugly
>Bring me Solo and the Wookie !
I went to a Global Gamejam event in Norway last month.
The lead character designer for Andromeda was the keynote speaker, for some absurd reason.
He seemed like a nice guy, all things considered, but what a fucking trainwreck his career has been.
>started out in traditional art, figured out it wasn't profitable so he tried 3D
>school project got noticed online and helped him land a job in Activision... as a game tester for some of the CoD games
>hop over to bioware, just in time to work on Dragon Age 2 and 3
>get his first lead designer role, and for a major game series too! ...Mass Effect: Andromeda
>get fired for abysmal results
>now hired by Bethesda..., just in time for Fallout 76
What a fucking cursed dude.
>look what i found in the resetera anthem reviews thread
>grow up
Go back home to rebbit, resetera or whatever other shithole you crawled out of.
>admitting that you visit resetera
thread theme
Only thing they can do now is start screaming how everyone is a racist sexist bigot and hates the game because of how diverse bioware is.
>yfw this is what they have been doing since Mass Effect 3
good fuck bioware
Yes, that is what making gameplay is. The programmers actually implementing the pew pew mechanic and the artist creating the pew pew gun are not the ones creating gameplay, it's the person telling the programmers and the artists what the pew pew mechanic should be like.
Worship your queen, pathetic white male!
Tragic. Sounds like he was thrown into a leadership position way too soon. Lead designer role after only working on two games? I want a guy who has been doing it for ten years leading my team making a game worth dozens if not hundreds of millions. That doesn't even mean old, the guy can be 32 if he's been working since he graduated from uni. Or younger if he skiped uni and went right into the industry.
>You cant criticize the game its only a demo you have to wait
>You cant criticize the game its only early access you have to wait
>You cant criticize the game its only the release you have to wait
>You cant criticize the game its only the first patch you have to wait
>You cant criticize the game its only the first DLC you have to wait
Nigga you want me to review this after its dead or what?
Applies to this idiot too
LMAO no. "Designers" are often developers themselves, or former developers if the company is large enough. In joke companies like EA and Bioware, they give females and trannies designer, director, and manager positions despite having zero experience or talent. That's why their games are often a total disaster even when the programmers seem competent.
It definitely had development restarted near launch, like Destiny? Do you honestly want me to believe they decided on a looter shooter while that genre was still in its infancy? No, I'd wager the restarted development 2-3 years ago and that's why there's almost no content.
user I am actually a game developer pls don't argue about this
>It's not even officially released yet
Are you retarded?
So am I.
ill pick it up in a month when its 10 bucks
>pathetic white male trying to seduce that hobgoblin in the back
Fucking yikes.
This looks like one of those a. wyatt mann caricatures, holy fuck this the funniest shit
did she eat the few good developers at Bioware?
>Chose this instead of BFV
BFV is unfinished shit, but at least I'd probably have fun playing what's available. Anthem just looks like trash.
Eh it'll be fine when its 80% off and a mess of patches.
>live like ten minute drive from bioware offices
should i go laugh at them boys?
please go laugh at them publicly and record it. that would be a viral youtube video for sure.
>tfw Bioware will die soon
holy shit it all makes sense
>Grow up
This phrase has never once been attached to a good post
Biodrones are in an abusive relationship. No matter how many times they get fucked over they always make excuses for Bioware
That's the joke.
Nor has it ever once been aimed at a good post. Reflect on that wisdom.
The character doesn't look like this see my picture for the character normally looks. More a TLC from the 90s vibe.
Holy shit the 7/10 meme is real
>girls behind gaming
>is a tranny
>game is absolute shit
That's not my power though, my superpower is
what the fuck do you think "game design" means retard?
Does this game even have any SJW shit?
>Anthem should scare you
job well done
All it proves is that journalists won't give blatantly shitty games anything higher than an 8 or lower than a 6. They have to keep their retard audience under the belief that they aren't paid somehow. A mediocre or barely passing game will still get 10/10s if its made by the right company and has enough marketing. See GOW
Not a single white person.
>the game is an abortion but i remember this one quest that was okay. mmm what a pleasantly okay quest that was
That gave me a good laugh
I'm currently 40 hours into Anthem at 440 ilvl and I'm FORCING myself to play it because I want to like it.
I'm happy I only paid €13 for it though, not worth €60.
I stopped after 5 hours into my trial period I paid $1 for. It is complete trash in its current state.
Why do these games with a major flying gimick think limiting your flight time is a good idea?
See: Aion
The faces looked so eerily familiar...
They come with “talking points” and “suggestions”, yes. Also with a heavy implication that if youre critical they’ll stop sending you review copies.
I wonder if companies specifically chooser dates between 13-31 so people can know the date without knowing the time system.
She doesn't look at all like that in-game tho.
Yes, I've been more mad playing this game than happy. Its crazy how many issues there is and now after the Day 1 Patch there's even more.
It feels like they focus on Consoles first and PC later because they Hotkey'd MOUSE 5 to EXIT and you cant change it anymore so youre stuck with it.
He clearly meant the art style. What are you even arguing over, you dumb cunt?
>Describe a 4/10 game
>give it a 7
Ever person in a position of actual authority or power, outside the villians and emporer who is only mentioned, is a woman. The legendary general, a woman, her known second in command, woman, the spy who you are working for, woman, the Cypher that doesn't betray you, woman, leader of the Sentinels, a painfully autistic woman.
I like how Bioware didn't even try to hide their agenda at all in this game.
Fun activity-- try to get a screenshot of a single pale blonde or pale redhead NPC in Anthem.
Herstory is now shitlord.
Now go spend your male privilege dying on a battlefield for m'lady
That's been the norm for a while now user because console consumers have proven to be far more reliable and more likely to mindlessly buy their slop year after year. Tell me, how does it feel realizing you're at the mercy of and a second thought to console players when it comes to games like these?
Why does this trigger you so much?
Spy lady is white and blond, what shocks me is they let you pick a blond blue eyed male when the only other one is a redhead iirc. The rest are varying shades of brown.
why do you niggers feel the need to spam this complete lie? Just dont play the fucking game or go outside if black people can eassily trigger you this much
try to find a white male
Why would you choose either of those?
then why the fuck is the stupid nigger saying game design if that's not what he's talking about?
Why do you niggers feel the need to project your anger about "muh representation" on people that point out how swinging all the way in the other direction is equally silly.
who cares, white women are ugly as hell compared to asian and mixed race women
There's the one in here , but I understand your point.
>atrocious game design
>Artists don't even know what beauty is anymore.
Just learn to read, zoomer.
God those faces are fugly
Is this some bizarre EA decision? How can they fuck up faces of all things?
Senior where? Kindergarten?
Society is doomed
Can we just drop some nukes on that whole part of the world already?
If BioWare adds romances I'll buy their shit game.
It's pretty sad desu.
They even changed the UI for the menu.
Before you had to click on a map to select Stronghold/Misson/Free roam. Now they've made a useless "Game Mode" select screen that shows Stronghold/Mission/Free roam before you get into the Menu. It doesnt matter what you choose from it because every option takes you to the map to select Stronghold/Mission/Free roam anyway...
So they just put another Menu, over a menu that always had too many options on a menu before you can choose what you want to do...... in the menu.
Personally me and my group of friends are taking a break this weekend to see what will happen after the launch. Will they add more menus? Who knows.
I'm surprised how close a mammal can be to looking like an actual toad.
Toads aren't mammals?
And that's a good thing!
Have you not seen anything from DAI? This is 100% Bioware, the only blame that can be put on EA is being a bunch of suits thinking one engine fits all.
They lay eggs
except no one that actually plays video games does this. You triggered fags just create and fall for this fake outrage every time and act as if they remove all white characters because they dare to use literally anything else. your nothing but an even more annoying version of the quartering
Is this the state of western creativity's, MUH REALISM, endgame?
Last bioware game I really played was me3 and that was great.
DAI I dropped after an hour or so because it was so generic and dull.
Because they like Bioware and the people there. They don't want to be mean, so they are being as polite as possible while saying Anthem is terrible.
Mammals lay eggs.
You got me to reply 3/10
I'm going to explain this once for this thread:
Publishers do not micromanage moment to moment gameplay, animations, character models, etc,... At worst they tell the developer what engine they need to use, that it needs to have multiplayer and/or MTX, or what kind of game to make. The actual gameplay, character designs, animations, story, etc, all 100% on the developer. The characters are ugly and shitty not because EA told them that they had to make ugly characters, they are ugly because Bioware does not know how to make visually pleasing character models. They try to cover this up by saying that "this is how REAL people look, bigot".
typical sjw outrage baiting faggot has no response shocker
Publishers sometimes dont micromanage things*
>sub 7 from ign
Haha thats like bottom 10% of all games publisher ever
Well if you saw any of the promotional material for DAI you might remember how Morrigan's face was changed to have a man jaw because they decided to model her after a tranny at the studio. The community collectively shit a brick load enough to drown out the tumblr whales claps that Bioware backed down and made her face closer to DAO. They did however reduce her bust size, and then go on to give Cassandra the "realism" bat. Also everyone looked super fucking greasy in the game, look up a picture of Sera for true horror and realize her personality is just as bad as her face, so much so that she is the easiest to dismiss companion and can be told to fuck off at any time. Now you can make the argument that MEA wasn't the main studios work, but all of them got into it because of the main studio and imitated this new style, adding in their own flavor of incompetence.
I enjoyed ME:A it wasn't great like Mass Effect 1 & 2 but definitely worth the £7 I paid for it
Bioware wanted her voice, but all they kept hearing was "MORE CAKE"
Is EA trying to dissolve BioWare or something? Why didn't they pay for good reviews? Don't answer if you think reviews aren't paid for.
Are you implying all black people are la creaturas?
They don't need this garbage. They have Apex.
They look like the Australian shitposter meme.
Oh boy. 6.5 from IGN for AAA title. That's harsh.
>yfw even EA knew it was so bad that paying "journalists" would go nowhere
Post a better example, meghan is a fucking dog.
No this is what happens when you let women who consider fictitious characters to be competition for attention be in charge of aesthetic decisions.
>How are we supposed to know that a character is gay if he's not sucking a dick onscreen?
^THIS is what marginalizes the LGBTQWERTY community.
>her personality is just as bad as her face
At least this is realistic. SJWs know that "inner beauty" is just a myth, and they are deadly jealous of all beautiful people.
Why do reviewers always do this shit?
Bad game : 5/10
Mediocre game: 7/10
Good game: 9/10
Why do they refuse to use the other half of their scoring system?
Why not just use a score/5 system instead if you're only going to give scores within that range?
They don't. They don't need to. They kill studios/games in other ways.
>Constantly changing milestones
>Setting unrealistic sales expectations
>Releasing your game in the same launch window as a massively hyped game
>Pulling key staff onto other projects
>Forcing budget cuts
>Indefinitely delaying your project
>Tying bonuses to metacritic scores and then not investing in marketing for your game
All sorts of ways for a publisher to destroy a studio without needing to micromanage their games. It's even worse though when the developer is incompetent and plays into the Publisher's hand.
Because it still has positive qualities
Say anything bad about Anthem and imma square you right in the face!
0-4 is usually reserved for games that are outright broken, not just bad. They're just playing it safe so they don't alienate people who insist the game is good.
"make everyone look hideous and unattractive" seems like a macro decision instead of micro
Welcome to game journos world
>longer loading screens than sonic 06
What's with the idea that you have to be pretty to make fucking video games?
>Development of the game started in 2012, immediately after the release of Mass Effect 3, under the supervision of Casey Hudson, the executive producer of the original Mass Effect trilogy.[6]
Imagine 6-7 years of development and all they could do is churn out this pile of turd. Such a disappointment, I really wanted a good AAA power armor/mecha game.
>when you develop games in faceapp
>we need their voice
HOW ABOUT NO? We need talent
But EA isn't telling them to make everyone hideous and unattractive. That's Bioware's own doing. They've been doing it for a while now, this isn't fucking new. I don't know why it's such a hard concept to accept that EA is shitty and evil but BioWare is also shitty and incompetent.
Think it's more along the lines of having to be human to make video games.
how is this the A team? i would say that andromeda is a much more ambiguous game than anthem.
The game is so bad that even shills can't defend it.
Yeah, she looks fucking atrocious but I'm sorry to say, so do a lot of people, and we're stuck with them. Might as well put them to use like the rest.
Maybe its a long term strategy EA imposed on bioware to promote jewish values.
The thing is with apex (and i guess the titanfall universe in general) is that the whole world matches the aesthetic of a rundown third-world shithole. the characters being goblinos fits perfectly well because it takes place in a goblino's natural habitat.
I have no fucking idea why Anthem has that aesthetic tho
The other screenshot is from the trailer!
El demonio
Imagine being a Bioware employee and seeing these reviews. Think they're already clearing their desks? There's literally no way the studio will recover from this.
>Might as well put them to use like the rest
But you can't. It's only a matter of time until they rise up and slaughter all the beautiful ones out of envy.
At least you and I will be safe.
Or maybe EA was just following the pop culture trend and virtue signaling because they thought it would make them more money, only to realize that BioWare doesn't actually know how to make appealing characters or good games anymore. Maybe they didn't notice this because BioWare used SJW shit to cover up for their own incompetence and how the check is coming due.
Bioware is literally run by Ukrainian jews
They're writing their suicide notes.
But mass effect team created characters with a lot of sex appeal, exploiting it and subsequently inspiring huge amount of rule 34.
What are those people up to?
Nice bait
If you’re retarded enough to not be baiting play the demo for the game it doesn’t even deserve the 5/10 average it’s given
Because other games with similarly terrible launches managed to dig themselves out of the unholy messes they created after a few years of additional content and bugfixes. Destiny and Destiny 2 had very shitty launches, but they were saved somewhat by the release of their major DLCs (Taken King and Forsaken respectively).
If there is some level of competency at nuBioware, no matter how small, then the game could be salvageable to a degree, but the damage of the launch would make their efforts ultimately futile.
So I just finished the story, this shit is a racist because of crap.
>brown people lived in a placed called "free"opolis and were called "free"lancers
>the controlled the anthem which shapes the world because it only reacted to their "skin" color
>white people named the dominion attacked the city for no reason
>the anthem rejected them because they're not the "chosen" ones
>in the end a little brown girl with eyes like a fish is the chosen one
>you kill the big bad white guy turned monster who wants to stop brown people from being "free"
>all white people are dead
>the world now belongs to the "free"
No wonder the games getting shit reviews, the story couldn't be less subtle about its "message" if it tried.
S-slava ukraini!
Because most of these reviewers went to American schools. On that grading scale, 5/10 mostly means you at least spelled all the words correctly and have all your sentences in paragraphs. 6/10 is meeting the bare fucking minimum requirements. 7/10 is the very beginning of "okay".
And the world is a shithole.
Every time...
>Much worse reviews from top sites than Andromeda
Wtf happened? Did EA's bribe fund run out?
>tfw the leader of the Dominion is actually a Chink
based and narodovopilled
Its literally the same story as Star Wars, just more open about its true meaning (which is kill whitey @ destroy civilization)
By ME3 the majority of the people who worked on ME1 had left, just compare the credits on ME1 to 3 and you'll see how many jumped ship.
Almost none of the people responsible for the good designs even work at Bioware anymore. They left a while back and the only thing the studio still has in common with old Bioware is the name.
>that one time jews went to Ukraine to stop talking about Holodomor where 20million people died because it overshadows Holocaust
what the FUCK is that thing???
I'm scared...
They're not at Bioware anymore. I would feel bad for Bioware, but basically no one from when I liked the company is there any more.
Vetra was the best girl trapped in the worst game and it fucking hurts bros.
he was a literal puppet controlled by the dude behind the mask you idiot
7 years ago, I would have been unable to imagine anything worse than Hepler happening to Bioware. Now I'm not even surprised that they have mutant blob monsters actively sabotaging their games.
Destiny had a 76 and Destiny 2 had an 83 metacritic. Neither game is great, or even good, but both are a hell of a lot better than Anthem.
All the people playing devil's advocate don't seem to understand just how bad Anthem really is.
Why would a pro-female thing use the term "girls"? If that description were gender reversed, they absolutely would have used the term "young men" instead of "boys".
Irl Reaper.
Many of them wish to be infantilized.
oh no no no
That was the paid reviews.
Definitely not his virginity.
It has something to do with games both as an industry and as a medium.
As an industry, assblast a game from a major publisher too bad and you might get blacklisted
As a medium, games are one of the only mediums that can be so bad they are literally unable to give you what they tell you. Something like anthem or FO76 gets 60-50 because the game is completely broken but thouroughly mediocre.
Something that deserves a 1/10 is a game like Hunt Down the Freeman; a game that is not only completely broken, but also completely insulting to the player.
You rarely see games that are THAT objectively terrible make it into the public eye
This is why game reviews are often rushed btw. Nice of IGN's boss to accidentally let it slip in a public tweet.
>worse scores than fucking andromeda
Unlike Andromeda, Anthem is a live service game. When Andromeda flopped EA pulled the plug, even canceling its DLC. They don't have that luxury with Anthem. They'll have to keep developing DLC no one cares about. Maintain servers for a game no one plays. Anthem hasn't even begun wasting money.
These 6/10 or 7/10 reviews are the typical biased ones though user.
Back in the day when we had gaming magazines games like this could get slammed with a score lower than 4 no problem.
I remember Trespasser getting an abysmal score even though it had tons of hype behind it.
Everquest had a terrible review when it first came out.
Its like this anons. Giant marketing budget = we can afford to pay reviews.
>that's literally just a fat white woman
Wrong, she's literally a tranny. I kid you not.
EA doesn't "have" to do shit. Anthem bombs? There isn't gonna be DLC or fixes. Sure, EA might keep the servers running, and sure we might see a little bit more soon, but continuous development? Not a chance if this game is well short of the sales goals. That's what the "they'll fix it eventually" apologists don't understand.
>she's literally a tranny
Those people all left the company between ME2 and 3 user.
we have entered the ugly singularity.
And both games failed to maintain the mass market appeal and instead only retained a relatively small core player base.
and yet that job is as good as gone lol
incase of Bioware it was because all the competent staff left when Bioware aquired them, because they know EA will fuck them in the long run, working for big publishers is cornering on slavery etc. and thats exactly what happened.
same thing was with Medal of Honor, competent staff left to work for Activision on CoD, then Activision fucked them and now they are back at Respawn with EA.
I live there, user. Please get me the hell out of here before the nukes dro
Hello there reddit.
This is hitting Finding Nemo (Gamecube) load times, Jesus Christ
There's a fuckup on that pic desu
If i see that smug face one more time....
She sure looks like a video game fan who has played lots of classic video games and is a fan of the medium.
I am sure she has a wealth of game design options to choose from
>He bought?
It’s a dude
very funny!
Anthem would have been good if the original game designer didnt kill himself.
"Final Fantasy XIV has some of the best examples of MMORPG storytelling around." .... no
Someone photoshop the head in as a javelin pilot
Only the Collasus could fit that bitch and even then it'd be a tight squeeze.
Why did he do it?
EA told him his vision would be butchered and sold piece by piece as DLC just like Destiny.
>he realized everyone is simply wasting as much EA money as possible before the inevitable layoffs
This is it, isn't it.
The folks at Bioware gave up at being devs, and since they knew they will have no future in the gaming industry they decided to delay the game as much as possible and syphon as much money they could from EA.
If I was a hack I would have done the same thing.
There's a novel that tells the story the dlc was supposed to cover
I’m still china find a new job
Anthem ruin my korea
It's striking how there's absoultely no meritocracy left in big vidya companies.
Programmers have no more influence at all since they are fucking white males.
Nope. It's almost certain that the devs are just incompetent hacks that don't know they're incompetent hacks. Trust me, I've worked with plenty of individuals that have impressive resumes (and even tens of millions of dollars in the bank) make completely braindead and incompetent decisions consistently.
yup, it ate at least 2 of them.
I'm not saying paid reviews don't exist, but why would any reasonable company pay journos for a 70? Your game will look like ass if it doesn't have a 75+ green score on Metacritic.
mine's pretty ice
Game companies dont actually pay for reviews because whistleblowing would happen regularly and have massive pr damage.
What actually happens is game journos tilt towards positivity because its what the readers want and publishers wont blacklist them.
Damn, son, in what industry you work?
What kind of date is that? Nice typo fucking hacks
Good riddance.
Why is it called Anthem? Is there a theme song
>gave him an ideaguy job because his head is shaped like a bulb
You know a MMORPG with better storytelling?
>climate change
>talking about vidya on a vidya board
Should round them all up and give them public executions for this shitshow of a game
Has EA killed another company
Can’t blame EA for this flop
Looks like a more fat and trans Jack Black
>Point out any of these to feminists and the white privilege crowd complaining about fucking bandaids not matching their skin color
>"That doesn't mean I can't complain about my problems!"
>Complain about problems
>"Wow you're in a place of privilege if you think that's something worth complaining about when not even our healthcare is inclusive of all race and backgrounds"
Please, tell me this is a tranny.
I feel so sorry for her if this is an actual woman and ended up looking like this.
What a sneaky way to hide his Adam's Apple.
Software. A startling number of executives truly have no fucking clue what they are doing, what their product is/does, or how anything in their company operates on a daily basis. I have learned that succeeding in the professional world is far less about competency and far more about appearing competent. Taking the wrong steps, using sketchy business practices, and being inefficient matters far less than making it look like doing those things took a lot of work.
I finish all of my projects for the month the week they are assigned. I ask for more work and finish it within 48 hours of being assigned. My work is high quality and our clients are always happy with it. My coworker takes the entire month to do their projects. They are not slacking off but are just very inefficient and ineffective. Clients do not see their work, only our executives do. My coworker has taken to sabotaging and nitpicking my work because my efficiency makes them look bad. Since they are willing (and often need to) work OT without compensation, the executives listen to them over me. I was fired without any kind of notice because they felt I was not doing good work, despite my client-facing work consistently receiving nothing but positive feedback.
Nobody else in the company was capable of doing my job. Once I was gone I heard through the grapevine a few months later that they declared bankruptcy after half of their remaining clients walked, due to the serious dip in quality that occurred once I had been fired. The owner still maintains that my apparent lack of work ethic is what tanked his company.
It's not about what you do or how well you do it, it's about how well you make it look like you're working hard. Then when you get beat out by somebody else, you can project your failings onto them and scapegoat them.
Yes, I am still bitter.
Found the creature’s facebook, it’s literally a tranny
Someone give me a rundown on obesity in America how do we fix it? These fuckers make me sick when I see them out in public
You can't.
Companies have the government by the balls, so all the regulations that should be put in place so that companies stop putting out absolute garbage food can't happen.
And it's not only about this matter, the US government is compromised in every single way. I don't understand how any voter still unironically thinks voting for one candidate or another will change anything.
Because welcome to behavioral sink.
God bless Calhoun.
It seems this stupid SJW-PoC-LGBTBBQ fetishism in the game industry is killing itself, much like the trannies that are contributing to its downfall.
I can't wait to see attractive people in western vidya again.
Got you covered senpai
>thicc boi
Well you can't bigot.
In mass effect 4 you'll have to play as his wife's genderfluid son
How long has BioWare been calling for that mercy kill? Ten years?
you mean screaming
>yes, prepare the showers.
Fags buttmad over andromeda treat a good game like shit, nothing new
He does not deserve that name
is having and showing any real femininity just against the law now?
Holy kekistan
Why do so many people write this wrong?
only platypus and echidnas
I'm coming to terms that I must have died in my sleep at somepoint and I've already been living in hell for the last 20+ years
Ah, that's what happened to any talented developers the game could have benefited from.
It ate them.
Fasten your seat-belts. We're merely at the start.
i'm not American but this is a tranny, hormone therapy fucked his body big time
even if there's a lot of owerweight people in the US, this creature isn't representative of them
I've seen a lot of actual obease people with more pleasent faces than this... "thing".
>Juggernaught javelin
My fucking sides.
damm, son. That reminds me of what happened at the company I was working previously
>company works with a very custom software IT people developed
>some higher ups decide they need an ERP
>they prepare for 6 months, learning about it, how will work with our costumers, etc
>the first month of launch it was a nightmare. 80% of new clients can't get their stuff, another 60% of preexisting clients have problems getting the stuff they buy, etc
>CEO decides to kill the entire thing and come back to the old software
>50% of the people responsible fired, my previous boss is MiA since the beginning
>I haven't changed all that much, at least I don't see it even with all the hormones and such
Regret, the post. Fucking kek.
Being a woman would be so fucking easy though
>take hormones
>avoid t-boosting foods
>squats, squats, squats, squats, squats
>don't eat and drink like a slob
That's literally it. How can you fuck up so bad
Thanks for posting it
no fucking way that's a biological woman
That's a tranny, they tend to look like this.
It's getting review bombed, it really is an average game. And by average I mean smack dab 75 average. It has a lot of potential but unfortunately a lot of mousey looking fucks do nothing but shit on it based on publisher alone, and act like they know a single thing about game development or writing or how a multi billion dollar corporation works.
You're all a bunch of fucking morons. Nothing is "average" its "dogshit". Nothing is just "good" its "GOTY". You see the big EA associated with any game and can't wait to unzip your pants and type OH NO NO NO because you know no discussion happens here, just circlejerking.
Looks like John Candy with down syndrome
By being lazy
It's true man this whole board is a bunch of fucking moron kids I don't know why I even come here.
No one has their own opinion, it's a hivemind of fat neckbeard faggots who shit on stuff without even trying it based on other people's thoughts
The game is good, just know that and have fun with it that's my plan
5/10 is average you trash gobbling retard
I keep meaning to post a picture of my average ass and post as a FTM trans just to get showered in free compliments
Some cute traps there
>they literally hire random trannies off reddit
>reddit spacing
>shit taste
i may not be the exact same case as your ex-colleague (i never shit on somebody else's work and i never try to push my work on others) but i'm pretty close
i just coast along by making a bare minimum effort while sucking up to the bosses and presenting myself confidently
i got fucking sick of being stonewalled every time i took the initiative or tried to improve on something. like holy fuck, every time i tried it went the same way. i lay out a plan, make it clear that any extra work the change requires will be done by me, all my dipshit co-workers have to do is listen and nod, but no. apparently i can only act out of spite so they can't let user get his way.
fuck making an effort then, i'll just play vidya all day in my home office time and do the minimum to keep my job
not software development btw
There's gold in them thar hills.
Thanks for the tip, user.
we'll hire the stupid danger hair that virtue singled about being too fucking dumb to go into a menu and change lobbies if she was really damaged by mods and harassment.
here in all lowercase to show i dont care faggot
I wonder how hairy I would get if I took extra testosterone
even release bloodborne is throwing shit at anthem
Oh look, its Fatta the Slut.
>those obvious photoshops
I had a different kind of twist on this whole thing. The boss saw how much downtime I was ending up with so he just kept heaping more work and responsibility on me. I ended up being the de facto manager of a business I was in no way qualified to manage, with employees who didn't respect me because I wasn't from their side of the business, and because I was effectively in charge I got blamed every time anything went wrong. Oh, and I was also regularly working 70-80 hour weeks. I ended up pretty much getting fired for taking a vacation I'd scheduled months in advance instead of cancelling it to work on a last minute major project the owner took.
youtubers aren't fucking journalists
>went from middle aged man to middle aged woman
i mean thats all you can hope for i guess. some people botch their shit so hard
damn user you made my head hurt from laughing
It's almost time now
You do have a point about the hivemind, but keep in mind that 5/10 is, by definition, completely average and that the industry only has itself to blame for skewing expectations on review scores.
It may be average according to this metric and not complete dogshit, but it is not, by any means, good, and anybody trying to justify it as such is being inherently disingenuous or trying to justify money spent. The shitposters were more than ready to whip out the OH NO NO NOS, but you're a fool if you think it wouldn't have gotten this bad if there wasn't something legitimately wrong.
If someone says it's good, maybe they're enjoying what it DOES have to offer.
Industry patch culture dictates this game has a free two year period in which it may unfuck itself and any criticism before then must be prefaced with "FUN WITH FRIENDS THEY GONNA PATCH IT HUUUUH."
That and the fact that, working in the industry, these people are probably all connected and know each other and they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings (or blast it too hard and lose out on free games and publisher pot sweeteners). If you want actual criticism that isn't softened up, unironically look for some random youtuber or streamer, they get paid to shill games for release based on their popularity and thus aren't beholden to sucking dick to get ahead.
wheres the long form video essay critique of the game though
A game being "good" like this is subjective though.
When a game is objectively good, the majority has come to a consensus that the game works, is polished, and has enough good things to outweigh the bad. Calling this good is subjective, because even though there's a lot of fun to be had in the game, it always has to be prefaced with "but this thing sucks."
Trying to pretend something is better than it is only gets more people to waste their money. And no, 'fun with friends' is not a bonus. You can have 'fun with friends' poking a dead body with a stick, if you need friends to have fun that's to the detriment of the game.
I'll judge it once it's out. They seem to he listening and responding to bugs and player feedback with a genuine sense of urgency. The coming weeks will reveal more. Also, fuck my friends, they give me so much shit just for saying I wanted to play it, meanwhile they're trying to shill me into Kh3
mfw I make all you virgins mad by getting paid to make games when I don't even play video games!
I wasn't aware that as part of EA's StarWars deal with Disney they had to give Jabba The Hutt a position at the company.
He's even wearing a wig and lipstsick now, it's got to the point that even Jabba has been pozzed by EA.
Making "games" for facebook and mobile doesn't count faggot. Now fuck off back to retardera where you can talk about how you'd like to feature dilation in your next "game".
The moment it was announced, every single fucking issue or shortcoming was predicted years ahead of release - AND IT STILL FLOPPED
Every possible criticism being made now was already assumed to be in the end product. How incompetent do you have to be?
Even 75 feels a bit generous to me, but I also haven't really decided exactly how I feel about it. I'm torn between the fact that the gameplay itself is limited but not terrible and the fact that the whole game feels like an unfinished skeleton of something that was supposed to be much more than it ended up being. All I'll say at the moment is that I don't regret paying $15 to play it for a couple of weeks but I sure as hell wouldn't spend $60 to own it.
>as if they remove all white characters
but that's exactly what anthem did
Not drfending it but it could be worse
>the controlled the anthem which shapes the world because it only reacted to their "skin" color
lmao is that actually real?
kek, that explains a lot
nice find
>just wait for the patch
>just wait for the patch
>just wait for the patch
>just wait for the patch
>just wait for the patch
Being a decent looking guy beforehand would also help quite a bit, most trannies are not though.
But decent looking guys are already hitting it off with Stacy so they don't need to go trans.
This picture is a valid proof we need a 3rd gender with pronouns "it".
True, but for the rare cases they are looking decent, and do identify as the other gender, normally at a young age It'll work out fine for them, because how the fuck do you go at 25-30 and go, Oh wow, I'm actually a girl on the inside is beyond me. Just feels like uggo's going trans because they look barely decent as male and can't be arsed to do anything about it, so they hop the fence for minority and woke points.
Why is Peurto Rico and Mexico in there? Are you an angry mutt-spic?
No one here was actually dumb enough to buy this game right? Not after everything that's already happened...... r-right?
i bought it, 1 more hour until i get to play yayyy
>water scarcity
75% of the planet is water, faggot.
I already got burned by Andromeda., not falling for that again.
I haven't bought or pirated an EA game in 7 years.
>oh no, the conservatives won the latest election, we are literally nazi germany
Politics doesn't work that way, user. Unless Drumf conquers America by force, kills all his political competition and abolishes voting, it isn't fascism. What kind of fascist can be easily voted out of office?
>libs complain about political instability of all things
You niggers are the source of it.
And you don’t even have to make them good cause no one wants to play them anyway!
And most of it isn't drinkable, you dumb fuck. Feel free to drink as much sea water as you can. Please.
I know it can be desalinized, but people won't give a shit about desalination until we reach Water Wars level.
Fuck off mate, thats one bad screenshot. Lifeline is cute, CUTE.
>this united the clans
Nah, he's full of shit. 80% of the game's characters are generic brown of indeterminate race but it's never a plot point. Dominion guys are all faceless except for one dude, who's vaguely middle eastern looking. Relic fucked the dominion guys over because they tried to fuck with it. Freelancers are just Lancers (Javelin pilots) who take odd jobs instead of being soldiers or cops or outcast criminals or whatever.
Fucking hell, I hated her enough without seeing those tweets from last year. Glad Bioware is burning to the ground.
Southeast Asian user here, are we supposed to be the target audience for Bioware's love of muslims and hijabs? Even we can't stand that stuff, my Muslim friends eat and drink during Ramadan.
they dont do it for you, they do it to destroy the countrys theyre currently trying to conquer. if they were in your country, they would promote atheism faggotry and all the rest too.
Neither of these is true. They do it to feed their own retarded sense of self-superiority and for brownie points within their circlejerk echo chamber.