Whats the Evangelion of Video Games?

Whats the Evangelion of Video Games?
Hardmode: No MGS2, Xenogears or Drakengard

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A game that looks from the outside like it's about mecha battles and christian iconography but turns out it's actually about intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships and German philosophy?

Deltarune will be the Evangelion of video games.

whats the italian plumber rescuing the princess of video games?
hardmode: no mario or luigi

stupid thread


Zone of the Enders

Danganronpa, because it's visually appealing, but the story is overwritten and unfulfilling.

Silent Hill 2

>Hardmode: No MGS2, Xenogears or Drakengard
Well, the answer is still very easy. You filthy jians

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BioShock? Fuck if I kno

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I just finished Drakengard a couple weekends ago. All this time I thought the evangelion comparison was a joke. What the hell.

Sonic series. It fucked up a whole generation of people and created it's own Hedgehog's Dilemma.

Binding of Isaac then.

This haha fuck jians and fuck the feds

German philosophy is tied to Christian icongraphy.

Taro straight up admitted he likes Eva and the ending of Drakengard was just a straight up ripoff



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>What are some games that are tonally or thematically similar to this very specific thing?
>No, not those ones
Fucking retard.

NGE for Nintendo 64.

>Launched at the end of the 90's
>Changed completely the way people perceive the medium
>Inspired hundreds of copycats that never managed to replicate the charm
>Plot starts with a massive scientific fuckup pushed by greed and dark schemes
>Strong narrative but with a lot of interpretation left to the consumer
>Slowly paced but can become an intense action mess in a moment
>Still discussed to this day
There is only one answer

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EYE didn't had the impact though

Xenogears is the real answer

Final Fantasy 7 is also close. Front Mission 3 is kinda a stretch.

Toast Rei > Asuka > Rei

Come on user, there are a million games. There gotta be more than 3 similar to eva

Toast Rei is more tsundere than Asuka.

Yes, and?

Just saying.

>Asuka above Rei
>Muh mommy issues is considered a better character than the only thinking being in the show

Of course it sounds stupid when you condense it like that.
>Ooh look at me I'm an emotional bitch who destroys the world because my sort-of-husband's an asshole and my sort-of-son's a little pussy

I agree with you, but Rei wasn't much emotive during EoE. She just coldly destroyed the world because shinji asked her to