Why are females always the best healers?

Why are females always the best healers?

Attached: maat.jpg (1400x2500, 1.29M)

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You can make em thicc, but if their body tapers down to peanut sized feet that's fucking weird

Because they are played by men.

How do you guys feel about designs that are just some skintight straps of fabric that keep the thing from being full-on nudity?
I like huge tits and thick thighs and all that good shit but I guess I'm more of a fan of leaving something, anything to the imagination, or alternatively just straight-up nudity, I guess. Half-measures like this or the microbikinis just look too ridiculous to be sexy.

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>there are people that play this shit unironically

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I always thought slutty clothes looked goofy. A well dressed woman is much better looking than a loosely dressed one

Wish the mc wasn't an stupid and annoying manlet and it had a better gameplay. There is barely any difference in owning characters when everyone makes the same stupid explosions as skill.

This is the most disgusting shit i've seen in the whole day
Thanks OP

If you have trouble with manlet protags I'd avoid anything Japanese

If nuns would look like that, I would become a christian immediatly.

Disturbingly accurate.

No, because the others are silent and mostly you pick the choices. I prefer it that way, this guy act like an stupid otaku and thats cringier that the others who go to an adventure with certain objetive in mind.

Hey, some of us need our outing, lanky boy

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>korean shit



Heals incoming...

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Meh, as far as I'm concerned, manlets are usually bros, except when they have inferiority complex because some whore turned them down.

Those are some big heals


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Are you sure about that OP

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Is that a crit heal?

'cause they are the worst tank warriors

Women can't even compare to chad healers

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That healer reminds me of this

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OP check him out Best healer right here

Apex healer

>Ranger (animal friend)

Dude is multi-classed as fuck. He's too good.

When the fuck are they gonna nerf his passive aura buffs?

why is she dripping in oil

She looks like if she tripped and caught herself her arms would snap like twigs

but, why doesn't MY Maat look like that?
shes even MORE mommy in that pic!

What mobile game do you recommend me to play on my tablet?

This, Destiny Child's characters have so fucked up anatomy that I can't even find them erotic. It's one thing to exaggerate the assets and another to turn into Rob Liefeld.

Yeah, and personally I need a gal who's got ARMS on her

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i can't draw it
its like a weird thing. i think about it and it doesn't work out.

how can it fucking attach itself to EVERY CONTOUR OF THE BOOBS!? i just can't, i have to draw like huge boobs, but with the shirt pulled down in a real manner.

fuck, i hate having art autism

You meant paying right? Nobody plays gacha diarrhea, it's about looking at the "pretty pichurs."

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the absolute unit

basically also god level ascended bard since he tells stories and a monk.

The best mobile game to play on a tablet is the RetroArch emulator hub using a tiny pad. That way you can play thousands of REAL games without gacha bullshit.

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>tfw you drew him as a milf because you thought "he" was a cute loli "she" before you bought the game

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I heard that nigga can also self res. What the fuck kinda bullshit is that?

I actually like this micro bikini sized clothes more. Sorry user

If a girl has big titties and ass they should have some belly prove me wrong.

>How do you guys feel about designs that are just some skintight straps of fabric that keep the thing from being full-on nudity?

I fucking love them and support them and cherish them and make love to them.
Full-on nudity is crude but 99% nudity is sophisticated.

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Therer are good non gacha games on mobile friend, I regularly play Pinball Arcade on my tablet.

Once you can handle heels, heals are only slightly different

>finally rolled a Maat
>Have to wait until whenever they release this skin and hope it's not pay only
I'm not paying 50 fucking dollars for an Archfiend Pass like they did with Leda.

Old School Runescape

>there are homos in this thread that don't like these healing milkies

Attached: ma'at_(destiny_child).jpg (2456x4096, 1.48M)

I don't think it's a skin, so much as an unused design.
We've got this to look forward to though.

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>how can it fucking attach itself to EVERY CONTOUR OF THE BOOBS

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anything by gamecoaster is neat, even if it's grindshit, but the grind is supposed to be the point so it's okay i guess? i dont get it but i keep coming back to the games.
there's also bullet hell monday but once you complete it there's not much more to do.

it's not a skin. It's a Soul Carta, an entirely new stat enhancement that comes within a year.

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Post the sweating webm

>hides armpits
>gross heels

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this reminds me, wasnt there a fighting game with jesus that had his model based on this image with the cross broken?

silly boots


You mean something so fucking rehashed over 40 years that it should be free no matter what? Sure.

>Always Online
>Always dms back
>Can join multiple games at once
>Only uses hacks to help other players understand the game better
>When banned for hacking he still encourages the team in group chat and is never banned longer than 3 days.
>Says his dad made this game and everyone believes him except that one Jew on the other team who’s always trying to report him for impersonating the devs.
Good times

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Give me loli healers or give me death.

>cunt healers
>bara lanklet healers
>no cute tiny guy healers

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I have no idea what this Destiny Child thing is but is has some bitching music


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I need an "impregnate" button.

Is that actually good on mobile?

composer = the guy who did Ragnarok Online

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yes, battle of the gods

reminds me of purse owner

Only the next gen of degen could like this tasteless trash "game". fucking zoomers

None of these ultra thicc artists can draw anything below the knee well. Her feet are miniscule.

Larger Mana tanks

chink foot binding

I like the Ragna shop music


its just stupid looking

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Yeah it actually works really well on mobile.

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That's a Debuffer, she has no heals.

Goddamn I love tits.

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Wait, so is it an upgrade or do I have to roll a new version of her?

desu I unironically think the first is more sexy than the second.

>Why are old men always the best healers?

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>healers in fiction are all either motherly or childishly naive
Just once I'd like to see a healer portrayed as a jaded asshole just like irl.

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>Just once I'd like to see a healer portrayed as a fuckboi cocksleeve just like irl.

stop projecting your sexual fetishes onto me or I will stop healing you and everyone will lose

Nia is the first time I've enjoyed playing as a healer

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Try Xenoblade 2

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Can a healer only heal physical wounds or can they heal mental ones too? Like could a healer make me stop wanting to die?

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This. We all know what healers are really like.

No, only death fixes that.

This is your healer for this evening, say something nice.

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>Death is a healer

Death is the ultimate form of healing, user

anyone else thinks she looks much better like this? or is just me?

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>TFW no tank daddy to spit in my mouth and call me trash while I service his health bar

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>tfw no healer milkies

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Just you

not as thicc though

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could you please wear an hat?

Milkies are fine, the problem is the rest of her body.
Destiny Child characters always have too small heads, arms and legs for their torsos. They end up looking like mutants, similar to how Bayonetta is incredibly unerotic because she's 12 feet tall.

I gotta say, I'm liking this post!

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Can you fix her feet user? If you can it'll be perfect!

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That's actually a pretty good question. I guess in a setting that had psionics and healing magic, a magical psychiatrist could totally exist.

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But that's where all the good stuff comes from

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Also fix her wand, the bottom is warped.
If you can, make her breasts a little bit larger, so it'll align with her hip!

reminds me of FELT

Kuck kanuk



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>what is tf2?

W-wow your tank lets you hold a weapon?

I miss this game

But it was a complaint about her overall anatomy.


me too user, me too
i still didn't uninstall because i can't let go

Got a flac version of the second one?

was this from that game where vampires rape hard and playing as humans was terrifying but fun

Is she a survivor?

yea, Nosgoth.

Grow a spine you sorry excuse for a support class

I remember it being fun and then like a day later the game was dead.

i actually preffered playing as humans
alchemist and hunter are just so much fun

What are some singleplayer games where I can play a healer with relatively competent AI allies that I don't have to babysit? Kind of a twist on being a summoner

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is that real? also pass the fucking sauce nigga!

Is there anywhere to download them? A rip or anything

I forget her name, but she has some sort of "problem" that causes to her accumulate fat more quickly and densely in her ass and thighs than the rest of her body.
I want to plap her so hard and make her bigger

search Love Randalin

Amazing taste, kamerade

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Christ, disgusting

I'm a thiccfag but I draw the line at this shit

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>all that cellulite

A shame, but I'd still smash.

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You should draw the line on your neck

I hate everyone in these threads who points out how fucked their feet are because I literally never even looked at that until someone mentioned it and it damn near ruins all the art for me. Thanks footfags, you fucked me.

I would like to pat this cat on the head but I bet It would be a whole world of pain if I did.

>didn't fix her feet
Wow what a moron

Manuls are naturally wary of humans.
They are very hard to tame and even the newborns that can't see yet hiss at humans and can't be bottle-fed.

Kinda like wolves, except wolves are deathly afraid of humans, as if humans were giant bipedal spiders.

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here. Stop asking

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My wife Maat is pure, beautiful and autistic!

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Can your wife stop tweening?

Big tits mean LIFE

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That because she isn't thicc user. she's fat