Why are females always the best healers?

Why are females always the best healers?

Attached: maat.jpg (1400x2500, 1.29M)

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You can make em thicc, but if their body tapers down to peanut sized feet that's fucking weird

Because they are played by men.

How do you guys feel about designs that are just some skintight straps of fabric that keep the thing from being full-on nudity?
I like huge tits and thick thighs and all that good shit but I guess I'm more of a fan of leaving something, anything to the imagination, or alternatively just straight-up nudity, I guess. Half-measures like this or the microbikinis just look too ridiculous to be sexy.

Attached: 5623455_p0.jpg (728x1030, 576K)

>there are people that play this shit unironically

Attached: 1540319481316.jpg (1438x957, 117K)

I always thought slutty clothes looked goofy. A well dressed woman is much better looking than a loosely dressed one

Wish the mc wasn't an stupid and annoying manlet and it had a better gameplay. There is barely any difference in owning characters when everyone makes the same stupid explosions as skill.

This is the most disgusting shit i've seen in the whole day
Thanks OP

If you have trouble with manlet protags I'd avoid anything Japanese

If nuns would look like that, I would become a christian immediatly.