Borderlands 3

What's your wishlist? Personally, all I want is equippable melee weapons and the opportunity to shoot Tannis in the fucking cunt.

Also heard bl2 got a mysterious dlc that hasn't been released yet. If I were a betting man, I'd wager a large sum that it's going to be a playable trailer / headhunter pack of sorts, introducing new characters, etc. well either that or just prepping the game for vr, but if that were the case, it wouldn't need localization info now would it. Thoughts?

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Revolvers and repeaters split categories
More vehicles and customization of said vehicles
LMGs/miniguns are their own weapon category
All slag weapons are dumped into a garbage compressor and shot into a star
Adventure mode
Expand on the lore of Guardians and Eridians and make them appear in more than one/two areas of the game
A DLC of Tina hosting a Shadowrun campaign or some other tabletop RPG
Duke Nukem character pack

I hope it's badass

>remove slag
based and slagpilled

also what do you mean by adventure mode.

Diablo 3 had a mode that removed all cutscenes and story dialogue so you can just play the game without anything holding you up.

Better damage scaling, better class balance, make rifles useful this time, more than one action skill and lastly more Maya.

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based and dukepilled

This would have made the second game far more tolerable. Starting new characters was incredibly tedious when you couldn't skip Burch's obnoxious meme writing you've already sat through in your previous playthrough.

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>lasers return
>oz kits instead of relics
>new weapon type, lmgs or crossbows like the other user mentioned
>grinder returns
>not on fucking pandora ffs
>no jack
>no references to tales
>lategame rebalanced to avoid slag/sal abuse like in bl2
>bl2 crew returns, become questgivers and deeply involved in the story (like the bl1 crew was in bl2)
>tina dlc
>more weapon manufacturers ceos or characters (specifically based jakobs and redpilled maliwan)
>more sirens
>more maya
>more maya

More cute sirens

>no references to tales

holy fuckin BASED

While a Borderlands thread up I want to ask
I just got the DLC for Borderlands 2 and I want to know if I should play Krieg or Mechromancer

>tina dlc
We already had the Dragon Keep DLC. Why would you want more of that annoying cunt in the series?

>cool guns
>cool environments
>cool mobs
I really didnt care for the plot but i would still really want a sequal

>revolvers and repeaters in split categories
That was already in BL1 and honestly why would you even want to do that. Do you just want to have an unwieldy number of weapon categories?

Ability to save loadouts.
-Something similar to the Doppelganger soul from Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow or the Spirit team from SSBU.

Automatically pick up all non weapon items.
-I don't want to be picking up every single of the 30 Eridium a boss drops. They at least got it right with cash and ammo in BL2.

Less intrusive item inventory.
-Kreig's character model frequently gets in the way of the menu in BL2.

Ability to skip cutscenes.
-Whats that, you left the area before I said varkid? Tough shit. Sit through the dialogue again.

Both are strong, depends on what you like more. Krieg is a melee focused class. I wouldn’t call Gaige a pet class, because she’s more focused on her anarchy skills than deathtrap. With a lot of anarchy stacks you can literally shoot anywhere and kill people.

Krieg is fucking OP

fuck off, Randy, go wank on some magic.

Based and Mayapilled. I want to impregnate and marry her.

Krieg is fucking amazing.
He's also mayapilled which makes him literally /ourguy/.

Hope the game never comes out and gearbox burns

It's gonna be lootshoot kino and one of the best games of 2019.
Screencap this.

If she is in BL3 alone I'll buy it, if they don't ruin her character model and outfits.

its just gonna be another Blunderborn, nothing more.

Even if its shit you buy it and Defend it

If they make her gay I'm personally gonna burn down Gearbox and shoot Randy in the fucking head

Borderlands 2 is 2K’s highest selling game. Borderlands 3 sales will be high.

Different teams, different genres, different budgets. They already have a winning formula for BL.


That would be actually pretty good

Most of these wishlist items are already in a BL2 modpack called BL2 Reborn.

Borderlands 3 is going to be set decades into the future IIRC so shes probably going to be a granny.

krieg is the best at mobbing in the game. he can also oneshot hyperius with the right build.

gaige can get the second highest dps in the game after sal, and her robot makes it as if you're playing with 2 ppl instead of one.

both are amazing, so just go with whoever looks the coolest for you.

7 years after BL2

never gonna happen. Market over-saturated and they gonna ruin it with politics and technical issues.

>ruin it with politics
Borderlands 2 was already ruined by politics and sold 12 million copies

>all these mayaChads
i love you guys.

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I hope the nuclear rumors are fake, we don't need another healthtype with a new element that is just like the others but for that healthtype

This. A few of my IRL friends unironically praise the game's writing.

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We love you too, fellow Mayabab.

The fact that Borderlands is still the best out them all speaks volumes about the incompetence of Bungie, Ubisoft, and Bioware.

Some of it is genuinely funny. Most isn't.

Even though BL2 writing is shit, I still think that Handsome Jack is a great character.

i think for its time, bl2 had very good writing. the problem is that it has aged horribly.

If bl3's writing is even marginally better than the pre sequel's, it will do very well i think.

Maya is and always, a best.

I wanna fuck Lilith, Moxxi, Maya, Gaige, Athena and Nisha

What would your reaction be if Burch announced that he's returning as head writer for 3?

hes not even with gearbox anymore though, right? didnt he move to riot games or some shit?

>Borderlands 3 may come back
>But your Bros won't
Life is suffering

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Don't forget Captain Scarlet.

I wanna fuck Fiona

swap nisha for captain scarlett and we're in business

Don’t forget Ellie

1. Not made by Gearbox
2. It's not called Borderlands 3, instead it's called Borderlands: [Planet Name].
3. Add a melee class of weapons.

it came from supmatto, right?

i'm 99% sure he's pulling most of this shit right out of his ass for the ad revenue.

Every manufacturer should make every type of weapon

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The amount of gearbox dicksucking he does is ridiculous.

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cute maya! Thanks for posting!

also explain to me how a dahl launcher would work, or a torgue sniper. i totally agree with you, but some of it would be difficult to pull off so it would find a balance between totally op as fuck (vladof shotguns) and broken and dysfunctional (semiauto jakobs smg??)

is there actually gonna be one? I just replayed 2 and I'm doing the D&D dlc for the first time. then I'm gonna do presequel again and maybe tales if I feel like it.
I don't care what you say about the writing of the games but the worldbuilding itself and aesthetics are god tier.

Have Maya kill Lilith. Killith.

>dahl launcher
lock on mechanic and shots smaller rockets in salvo when a target has been acquired
>torgue sniper
just a scoped gyrojet gun with slower projectile speed but no bullet drop and aoe impact damage

Torgue made snipers in the first game.

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Based mayabro

I want to see young adult tina

Honestly the only thing I hated in the pre sequel was Janey Springs,Lilith and how small it all felt compared to 2. Almost everything was improved upon from 2.
>cryo is better than slag
>lasers are great
>jet packing is fun
>the player characters talk more
>Ultimate Vault Hunter mode doesn't give enemies health regeneration
Wish they could've made more dlc before being axed. Claptastic voyage was fun.

game is confirmed to be at the late stages of development. gearbox and pitchford are attending this years pax east, which strongly indicates a release this year, probably september or early 2020 at the latest. pitchford has stated multiple times that he hates long delays between announcements and releases, so it's likely that the game will be out 6-8 months after the initial announcement.

non-confirmed leaks also say the trailer is finished, game is in final localization stages, and that a bl2 free dlc will be released to promote it as well.

there was no real uniqueness between manufacturers in bl1 like there was in bl2. i was mostly referring to the unique manufacturer attributes in bl2 and how they would apply to certain weapons.

Did you see the cancelled DLC concept art? Looked fucking cool


another criticism i had for tps was how some skill trees had a heavy emphasis on coop rather than solo play which made some characters (especially clap and hammerlock, but also athena to an extent) less fun for solo play.

but other than that, i agree 100%. lasers absolutely need to return, as well as more dialogue and character development for the playable characters. i hope they make up for the lack of talking in bl2 by making the bl2 crew very involved in the story, as quest givers and all that.

>Tediore sniper
>you throw it as a javelin
>its able to crit

I need it.

That space whale? Yeah. Real shame. Sounded like an alien safari or something.

>glowing siren pits
well that's a new fetish i'll never be able to satisfy...

>another criticism i had for tps was how some skill trees had a heavy emphasis on coop rather than solo play
Absolutely correct. I forgot to add that. I managed to make claptrap work solo while having fun though.

This girl barges into your room and says she just had a fight with her chair and needs a place to sleep. What do?

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Point to the garbage can.

>Be excited for borderlands 3 after remember the fun I had playing coop with my buddies
>Remember we drifted apart and I'd be playing alone
3's siren is gonna be some ugly mutt to stick it to those incel gamers that were attracted to the previous characters

I want Jesper Kyd, Chris Velasco, Sascha Dikiciyan, and Raison Varner to all come back. Borderlands 2's soundtrack was a masterpiece.

Let her sleep in my bed.
Do Sirens have glowing tattoos or are those things actually there from birth

Shoot her in the fucking cunt with my Jakobs brand quad barreled shotgun.

Did anyone else find the zombie dlc in 1 legitimately spooky? Dead haven really unnerved me.

in an echo log, lilith mentions having them since birth iirc.

They're born with them.

>Destiny, Warframe, Anthem and Division have all made MMO-lite/looter shooters shit.
>There are people who believe Gearbox wont copy them instead of following their own successful formula.

LMAO! Screen cap this shit. I want to laugh when Borderlands 3 is a live service with all the flaws and strings of game made post 2015

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I fear this
Like if you think about it 2012 when 2 came out was before sjws got to be as vocal as they are now
And let's admit it borderlands is an extremely reddit franchise so they might kowtow to them, perhaps theyve long since hired some new writers and artists etc that are gonna fuck everything up and make it all ugly

Not sure if we’re talking about the same dlc, but the dlc was to be called Luxy’s Space Adventure and took place on a resort space ship. The ship would then be taken over by weird plant things that you would have to kill. The raid boss would’ve been a lovecraft inspired creature

What could be worse than Burch? a whole team of Burches.

Replace Bandit gimmick with player made weapons made out of other brands parts for some fun shit

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>>no references to tales
>No mention of the best Boderlands story
If they have a brain they hired the writers thatmade Tales

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That does sound cool. Now I'm bummed.

Honestly they need to scale back or just add them to every weapon to every manufacture. I actually hated 2 because I enjoyed almost none of the weapon classes and downright disliked many of the looks. Remove bandits and bring back sns because I enjoyed my saws and not hobo guns.

Battle royale

This. The game really needs weapon crafting. It'd make for something retarded shit.

I don't know about full-blown crafting but we need a way to modify weapons
>perfect random parts rolls
>except the fucking sight is shit and makes the weapon a plague to use

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>why bother grinding for the perfect weapon when you can just craft it lol!!!!
you millennials and your damn instant gratification

I just want a playable psycho specialising in explosives, we need the Krieg magic back. Should look similar to Nine Toes or something.

Who said that the crafting should let you make the best weapons easily? To make legendary weapons you would need to farm legendary weapon parts

I imagined something like exchanging parts from guns you already have. Maybe throw in a rule where legendaries can only exchange parts with the same kind of legendary. It'd be fun desu.

Maybe even custom painting like you do with vehicles. This would be great as a mod.

Is Borderlands worth playing solo? I don't have any friends who enjoy loot shooters.

if they make sirens the villains, i won't be able to finish the game

i can't shoot maya bros, i just can't.

yes. i personally enjoy it more solo.

Definitely. I have only played solo and have over 300 hours in the game

I've played each one offline and by myself because I have no friends and managed to have a lot of fun. Take this with a grain of salt though because I'm a mentally ill introverted pustule.

I played solo the first time and had fun, though i find it way more fun with a group, but you lose some of the perks of play alone like going at your own pace and not having to share loot.

where is burch these days anyways? heard he recently deleted his twitter...

He’s writing a Big Trouble in Little China comic with John Carpenter. Looks like shit