why do people watch streamers? 90% of them play easy multiplayer games on pc.
Why do people watch streamers? 90% of them play easy multiplayer games on pc
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Because I like seeing good gameplay (Shroud) to learn from or just decent gameplay with a funny personality to entertain me (Tim).
Having the Chat interaction is also fun and as someone who doesnt get much social interaction it is a nice outlet to feel part of a group subconsciously.
I used to watch Tim, but god he sure is a massive sellout, i hardly believe anyone would enjoy playing Fortnite for that long, im sure if he streamed a singleplayer game he would struggle to get 1k views.
shroud is average in any other game besides cs
God I love Clint Stevens
Any recommendations? I used to watch Moonmoon but he is a cunt nowadays.
Moonmoon has always been a cunt
Yeah but even more now or i realized way to late i guess, it was mostly when he was watching the VGA's that i realized that.
You can not actually believe this, its either dishonesty or ignorance.
Because "people" who watch streams are mostly zoomers or late millenials. Also, most people are more passive than active.
You usually watch for the streamer being entertaining, not for them showing off their skills. An exception to his are speedrunners but they are often pretty boring to watch because they do the same thing over and over again.
I don't care how good someone plays a game if they are charismatic, funny and know how to get a narrative going. That's why I can only watch northernlion.
Why do you think Moonx2 is a meaniepants?
I only watch xQc compilations. He is a moron. I love it. Cheeto.
sorry you're dogshit at multiplayer games
Come on user, in games like pubg and apex he's easily in the top 5% of players. Pretending that's 'average' is just dumb, regardless if you like him or not.
Truth Bomb: Every streamer is just a variation of DSP
He's just one of many people that appeal and thrive with a viewerbase that's attracted to "toxic" gameplay
Sounds like projecting bud, I know im very good at FPS (Not shroud level or pro level mind you, but top 10%)
you act like those games are hard, apex aiming is piss easy on pc
I honestly don’t know. Besides interaction with the streamer and chat you can get everything a stream provides from YouTube videos.
I put on a stream while I play games to fill the void.
cool my dude, jump on twitch and stream apex legends where you get 20+ kills per game, guaranteed money. just post a link to your channel, i'll watch right now and donate $500 if you win 5 games in a row
Big dimes Flax drawing all the adult DOTA audience
>hurr durr the only skill in any fps is pointing and clicking
Idk I like moon and he seems like a genuine nice person, just has no patience for Neets and can be a smartass sometimes. I love when he tries to stream hard games and actually keeps at it when he is losing unlike Assmongler who quits variety games when he goes down to 15k viewers.
OK sure
>Top 5%
Are numbers hard user? What you said was literally wrong
it is, no wonder you're shit you over think it
At first the "Give me your fucking money!" joke was funny, but then it was obvious he wasn't joking, he is a jew, plus while streamers sometimes do target the chat as a joke because they are getting bullied, Moon literally targets single individuals, and believe me, it stops getting funny after a while after he calls someone a bitch 10000 times.
Plus the one that made me realize the most, he has a massive hate boner for Ed Boon, because some bs that happened in the first Injustice game years ago with on disc DLC, while this faggot spends 1k$+ on microtransactions of new games just to spite the chat
And also he is fucking garbage at videogames, he has good aim, but is garbage at everything else, the one moment that made me realize it was when he was playing GTAV and then Fallout New Vegas after, in GTAV (The game with the most linear way to tackle missions) he would also be like "Wooooow i cannot take this particular car that i want to this mission area? that is bullshit!!!" but then with Fallout New Vegas, he did everything as linear as possible, in a mission he had to "Take care of some guy" he literally started a massive shotout in it's bar, making him die like 12 times and he complained on how hard it was, when he coulda done an easy charisma check at the front door or sneek in.
Tl;dr he is a jew shitter that is a terrible person
Internet is horrible.
Every link in existance today is clickbait.
zoomers aren't people
I dunno. Most of them are neither very entertaining nor good at vidya. Surrogate friendship maybe?
ecelebs go in
Suck my cock zoomer tranny!
this, those who watch streamers and youtubers are not people
Streamers worth watching and why:
Sodapoppin: General autism and new game discovery (shit show saturdays)
Shroud: Great gameplay and genuinely funny at times
Witwix: Extremely chill and comfy. Funny.
AndyMilonakis: Best IRL streamer. Travels a lot and has genuine love and interest in culture.
ClintStevens: Entertaining speed runs and genuinely funny. Never reveals his true power level.
Mew2King: Autistic level of competitive smash play without the snobbery and nose thumbing. Fun streams.
Summit1G: Shroud lite. Used to be cancer but now he just plays what he wants and it made his streams worth it.
>That taste
I have massive respect for Summit after his little speech about Fortnite a while back
streamers are so fake and twitch is the worst thing in the human history
I dont disagree i like moon too, its that his nonchalant attitude and behavior is a big attraction to viewers who people find "toxic" and in turn moon is easily conflated or bordering "toxic"
Generally if i bother i watch Density debate people, or catch it later on Youtube, some of the people are legitimately retarded, like that commie who wants to abolish the role of proletariats in society yet has no alternative and tries to ignore that obvious hole in his idealistic utopia because ... pseudo commie?
>"Give me your fucking money!" joke was funny, but then it was obvious he wasn't joking, he is a jew
I disagree with this, he is one of the only streamers out there that heavily criticizes people for doing things like sponsored content that they do not like, if he wanted to care about only money he would not show negative emotion and would take sponsorship. I like that he actually calls people out for being retards when others would not do it because they are scared of losing their silent viewbase and the ad money they bring.
I do not watch Moon for gameplay I just like his personality and his willingness to actually keep trying and adapting to games he plays.
I really think you just have a bad impression of him for some reason, but then again maybe its just an opinion kind of thing.
*pauses game to spend 10 minutes reading donations and viewing fanart*
shroud looks like a pedo
I didn't really care for Flax until I watched him commentate the Yogs poker games. How he didn't go in there and strangle the players at some point astounds me.
Summit is a fag who will ban people for talking shit on his friend JoshOG who was part of the Tmartn and Syndicate CSGO Lotto scam targeted at kids to get them to gamble. Other than that good list.
Fucking hell kill yourself irl.
>No alternative
You shitter, listen to Hasan speak and he has plans for all that shit.
Destiny and Hasan for political memes and shitting on you /pol/tards that I KNOW are in here right now.
>Shroud: "It was just the normal thing to do. You cheated. It's not like you were aimbotting, you were just, you know, throwing a little bit of walls here and there... a lot of pros cheat."
kill yourself FAGGOT
I watch Destiny to see rightists get constantly btfo.
Because people like to hang out and play video games. Problem is people are too socially inept to hang out and play video games irl.
They're lonely and want to be part of a community, even if it just a cult of personality dressed up as entertainment.
>tfw you donate $5 to your favorite millionaire streamer
>Watch turkish gigachad commie receive thousands from other commies
fuck that, i hate him mainly because he's too attractive, there's also the unironic circlejerk, and the fucker will support a narrative before there is a story to tell that will even support his narrative
>tfw the streamer laughs at your 50 dollar one-liner
If Josh is playing San Andreas i always watch him
I hope you don't actually do that. just go in pubs and say your jokes
>tfw you donate $300 to your favorite girl streamer and she writes your name on the good boy drawing board
there's no better feel than this boys
ClintStevens is literally the only good streamer and this is fact.
>why do people watch streamers?
I like watching CPU tournaments
Has Destiny ever had a far left communist or far right neo nazi on that wasn't a complete brain dead moran? I can't tell if destiny is actually really smart or if all the meme political opinions online are only held by troglodytes.
Yeah, I used to watch him as well. He was pretty hilarious and good to listen to, but holy shit, that sellout shit was disgusting.
The guy who ragequit a debate with Sargon the Retard and was literally on the verge of tears about how Sargon used unfair tactics?
>the fucker will support a narrative before there is a story to tell that will even support his narrative
Are you talking about the story he did about the "Trump supporter" shooting a 7 year old then driving away but it was actually a black man?
The reason he was wrong and drew a conclusion there was because the police report that he was reporting on said it could be a hate motivated crime and that it was a white guy in a red truck. It is hard to fault him for being wrong when the police themselves gave out wrong information and asked people to spread the word to find more information.
When he found out the POLICE were wrong he changed the video to keep up with current information and people took it as him trying to cover his wrongdoing up (despite him leaving the original video up on his channel)
I think it is a bit more logical when you hear the whole story but even I can disagree with his jumping on the story so fast, but its important that you can disagree with someone in one thing but still recognize they are smart or well versed in politics. He also get way to triggered when chat is meming his gameplay
>tfw you donate $300 to your favorite girl streamer and she writes your name on the good boy drawing board
Its hard to find non-brain dead far right people. And he has had intelligent commies on his channel, Irish laddy is one and Hasanabi is (unironically) another.
Little men are always the angriest people around.
I would ragequit if his "super intelligent opponent" lies for the sake of arguing and cites false reports as fact, if it makes you feel better they are going to have another one soon (and one with Ben Shapiro according to Destiny)
>learn from watching someone play
Ebin zozzle
Do you think people who are actually good at things just watched someone do it over and over again until they miraculously got good at it?
>false sense of belonging
Why don't you fucking play the game and interact with others instead of watching other 14 years old spamming a chat.
fucking zoomers
>Little men
That is 100% of all debates, including the ones your manlet king "won".
redpill me on watching livestreams Yea Forums
I don't see why I wouldn't just watch a highlight reel of the best moments of their stream, when half of the stream is gaps between them talking
why are the weakest, most physically unimposing people that ones who most advocate for physical violence to settle political disputes?
do they realize on any level this wouldn't work out well for them?
>Do you think people who are actually good at things just watched someone do it over and over again until they miraculously got good at it?
Yeah, you improve by mimicking people who are better than you. You pay attention to "why did he do x when I would have done y" and you can get a lot of insight into your play. This is why Coaches exist, it is easier to have more variables to see which is the most optimal way.
Like? Can you source that or are you just talking out of your ass? Destiny has defended stances that are not fully his for the sake of an argument but has not literally lied to win one.
I use streamers when I'm deciding whether to buy a game because then I can judge for myself based on the actual gameplay instead of getting a 5 second clip book-ended by some fuckwit's opinions in a review.
Watching them as legitimate recreation seems very boring.
>Look at all the different kind of feces I like, guys!
Its just nice to just have something on in the background while you work/chill.
Best streamer
>Accused of rape of a minor in 2002 and no one talks about it
Watching someone else play a multiplayer game is just pointless, watching someone play a singleplayer game ruins that experience for you.
I don't hate popular things you dummy I hate summit for the specific reason that he defends people who scam kids for money
>your favorite streamer will never influence twitch landscape as much as Forsen.
How does it feel watching some insignificant fuck?
You gonna just throw that out there without a source or?
That's a fair point, but what about his lengthy apology and his explanation of the whole thing? He clearly said he wanted to just move on from it. I think he bans people for talking about just because hes over it and done with the whole situation, not because he doesn't agree/disagree.
Because I'm a dumb shit that never saw the profit of making videos for retards who can't play games because they're too hard but still want to watch the game
>He did X in situation #7372
do you expect that you will be in the exact same scenario? you cant get actual game sense by watching someone having some. you cant learn these things from observing only, since it's not a theorical thing, same as you cant learn to play the piano just by watching someone do it over and over again
Coaches exist on a competitive level where they expect their team to play against teams they can analyze. Coaches can't do shit on your level.
Ice_Poseidon influenced twitch way more than Forsen ever did. Fuck Ice though hes a piece of shit
This. Ice is scum but he completely changed live streaming forever.
Yeah that was pretty much the reason in that instance, i wasn't really expecting a proper response to what i wrote there so take it with a grain of salt.
He's a nice guy but i find his streams oftentimes boring and a big circlejerk, same with Destiny too infact but if they have something interesting going on il tune in from time to time.
liking celebrities is cancer in general no matter what kind. watching streamers is the same kind of zero Braincell activity as watching tv or similar garbage. if you can't comprehend that you are retarded, but you proved it by replying and on top of that with an image macro, don't worry though as it goes gookmoot will make emojis work properly here so you can express yourself better
u mad
you have to be 18 to post here
u SO mad
He is pathetic and his fans are gullible morons
Imagine paying other people to play video games
He only apologized when he started losing viewers from it.
I do not hate him as much as others, I get just wanting to not publicly shit on your own friend but he just also rubs me the wrong way, he feels pretty fake to me and has for a while.
wasn't he a minor in 2002?
seething 0.8kd average wraith
Hey guys lets try playing any game other than WoW
The problem is most seem to play games that are new to them, you're not really going to learn much if they're playing for the first time.
>acting like you're a somebody when you're a nobody
what an existence
>watch YT highlights of twitch peoples
>its pretty entertaining
>watch an actual stream
>90+% is boring garbage
huh. I knew that the highlights where just the best moments, but I didn't know that the 10~ minute video was the best moments of 20+ hours of streaming. how the fuck do people watch this? it's even worse than a sports game where it's 4-7 hours long with a few minutes of good content
Not the exact scenerio but it can be as simple as things like "What corners did he check first in X building" or "why did he choose this gun over another"
I do not learn from observing only, but I do learn from observing and apply it to my own play.
"Coaching" means someone just advising you to improve in ways. Silver players in league buy coaches to improve for example.
One similar study for example a study that had 2 groups trying to learn the Piano. They practiced the same amount but had one group think about playing the paino a lot more than the other. The group that thought about playing it when they were not improved at a faster level.
You can not learn strictly from observing, but observing what you should improve on helps you improve a lot faster.
>unironically watching soda
>the entire list is reddit tier
He was 17, it's considered statutory in Arkansas.
"Friends" for hire
Hello fellow Soda sub.
>I watch streamers because they are popular
>watching big streamers
Biggest mistake. Anyone who averages more than 1k concurrent viewers is an egotistical narccissist
>destiny fan
>cant go two comments without revealing how rent free DA FARRR RITE lives in his head
makes sense why you would adore an incestuous dwarf named after a stripper
can I get a source?
So you are trying to play him off as a rapist for fucking a minor when he was also a minor?
Oh hey Tim. Good to see you're still browsing.
I don't get how twitch has a problem with nigger in chat but is fine with pepe a right wing symbol makes no sense.
someone asked why there are no smart far right people on his stream, I gave an answer. If anything its him living in your head so much since your the one who asked.
Your obsessing over a dude who used to clean carpets for a living? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>I don't get how twitch has a problem with nigger in chat but is fine with pepe a right wing symbol makes no sense.
Im sure if you bothered to examine the connotations to these two words you would find out one is a meme and the other is a racial slur
I didn't ask actually mongoloid, the reason he has has nobody smart left or right on his because the last time he did that with Ryan dawson he got humiliated and his paypigs mocked him about for an entire year
Look at the top comments
Actually pepe is a terrorist icon, as determined by the Anti-Defamation League, a leading Jewish thinktank.
>his streams don't have streamsavers playing earrape aniki every 5 minutes
what are you even watching?
Watch out guys we got a redpilled /pol/ expert here
I'm on the fence with Moonmoon. Some of his schtick gets old day in and day out and he's an asshole, but he seemed to have some integrity and overall I feel like he's being himself instead of some audience pleaser. However, when Apex came out he did take the sellout money for two streams. So integrity lost.
>5 streamers that I want to watch are streaming at the same time
your mom getting blacked :^)
>saying nigger is a racial slur
Sad zoomers looking for an e-friend. Lonely incels looking for an e-girl.
It gets boring quick if you aren't emotionally unfulfilled. Donating is just crazy unless you're not in a wrong state of mind.
she's dead
Pepe is not a terrorist icon according to ADL, if you actually bothered to even visit their site and read up on it, you would find out its listed on their site as a possible racial symbol or meme depending on the context
that makes it even better
Wow thanks schlomo
>he says while renewing his subscription to a deformed man-child who wants to fuck his son
how old are you dude?
*loads quicksave*
This was a great talk. Ive been a fan of Ryans for a couple of years and seeing him put destiny in his place was satisfying.
He's right
>calling Ryan Dawson brigadiers his paypigs
That is not to say that Destiny wins every debate, he doesn't, just most of them.
Got so used to being casuals they actually stopped playing games altogether while still clinging on to some vague video game feeling rather than finding games they love and provide a challenge that would engage their brain in interaction.
I'm not kidding, if you play games long enough they stop being challenging and you just do everything on auto-pilot and muscle memory. After a while that just stops engaging the brain in any meaningful way, that's why you always need to find new and more challenging stuff to play, and that's why the learning phase of any video game is always the most fun.
>Its the Jews again
wow nice infographic did you save that off r/The_Donald/ or /pol/?
This guy is not only bad at videogames but also has no form of technical knowledge whatsoever.
I am unironically baffled that he gets that many viewers.
18 why?
To be perfectly honest, I watch streams so I get an idea of how to act once I start. Currently doing an apprenticeship so I have work experience and a certificate in case streaming fails but once I'm done and have a comfortable nest I'll try it for a period of time.
Actually I transcribed it from some hieroglyphics on a cave wall in mesopotamia. It's carbon dated at 5000 BC and says "Don't trust the long nose tribe"
change your ways Nazi Scum
I mostly watch The Viper and other Age of Empires 2 streamers/commenters. It's fun and comfy.
>another blame the jews infographic
Damn making progress saving the white race now
What is this guys appeal?
I know people like shroud because he's mechanically skilled and stomps kids in BR's all day. I know people watch that DrDisrespect guy because they might find him funny even though he's wildly mediocre at games, but why do people like this guy? He isn't funny or good, he just yells and is over the top
was just curious
I take pride knowing I am better in every way than you Nazi PoS, stop projecting by calling others fat
>I don't have a political agenda my goal is solely for the pursuit of truth
Based, care to match me in donations on his stream fellow debater?
That will show them!
just play it
I don't donate to streamers
>Yea Forums is such a lib shit board they hate right wingers now
Based, everyone knows fat right wingers won't survive the coming civil war like us comrade
I do not hate right wingers, I just think they are ignorant to the truth.
At right or Nazis on the other hand I hate, same with climate change deniers.
Maybe you should report this to your local reactionary e-celeb via patreon
I have. If aiming is so easy then it would be harder because you would die to people shooting you more easily.
Nope it's just Destiny's discord brigading this thread again just like they do with all threads that mention his name
already did 2bh.
>I just think they are ignorant to the truth.
>said the npc
>won't survive the coming civil war
Fantasizing about overthrowing the government with your hunting rifles again?
How can you not hate retards shitting on their own interests
I watch streamers like Vinesauce, Jerma, Avoiding the puddle, Criken. In reality I'm incredibly lonely, so depressed that I can barely play vidya anymore and it makes me feel less lonely and like I'm playing vidya again.
and it's starting to not work anymore
i have a couple of reasons
1. Stream of professional level for games im interested in improving myself and learn from pros
2. Games im interested in but i cant play (for not owning the platform the game is on).
3. Background noise of a personality i find entertaining (literally just 1 streamer nowadays)
4. Quality gameplay of games i play (shroud/dizzy for apex legends for example)
Then again, i spend 2 hours of my time a day at most
haha yeah xD dont tread on me libturd!
>the truth
>most likely just disagrees with how to go about maintaining or progressing the unsustainable social securities of the nations people
what truth, pray tell?
>Destiny's discord
What, what happened to the tranny discord?
>Dems in charge of helping the lower classes
Most of those things come naturally if you play and think what you do before acting and actually reading up about the game.
>implying a coach can pull someone out from silvershitter
people who can't improve on their own have ero reason to pay for someone to coach them. Just think about how professional players got where they are, they didn't needed someone to wipe their asses after they took a nasty shit
>thinking about something is the same as observing
when they taught about the piano they used their brain to think about it, think about how they play how to read the sheet and didn't mindlessly enjoy watching someone play, also citation needed
>hahahahha america lost to rice farmers
>you dont really think you could overthrow the government do you?
the hormones you've been taking to shrink your balls seem to working on your brain too
If they aren't a top player at their game of choice, it's a waste of time to watch someone play a game.
They've done well so far
>Yes, I'm with her.
>NPC meme
and you are not worth wasting any time on.
They share the same fans but one is more focused with the streamer.
zoomers still cant tell that Shroud is a cheater baka
>We're fucking you up as much as the republicans but hey, we legalized gay marriage xD
one problem with this garbage propaganda is that repulicans/conservatives are routinely happier and this in every study that tests this for years now.
They deserve to be poor
literally only streamer you can put on while sleeping
Basic truths like
Climate change is a real problem that is going to fuck us over if we do not change soon.
Socialization of Healthcare is better for everyone except big pharma.
A system that lets the Uberich hold 10's of billions of dollars while kids are still born into households below the poverty line is wrong.
Thats a few things
Dumber people are generally happier, who woulda thunk
jesus christ the absolute state of this place
he makes you sleeping
>someone posts destiny
>thread immediately devolves to us politics
jesus fucking christ
kill yourselves
>pulled out my ass consensus
>Lost to rice farmers
Yeah because we started protesting how we were burning the whole fucking country down and withdrew. Do you actually think we would have "lost" if we gave it our all?
AndyMilonakis streams???
Thank fuck im not in shithole USA, but boy are your politics hilarious to watch, enjoy being poor and miserable you stupid fucks
the only time i watch twitch is for FGC tourneys
Politicfags cannot help themselves. They're so obsessed with politics that they see them everywhere.
>Dumber people are generally happier, who woulda thunk
This is untrue unless you are subhuman retarded
Right wingers just can't stand that the left has better streamers.
>easy multiplayer game
>90% of this was carried forward with bipartisan support
Only a brainlet would think that conservatives want 0 regulations, people who aren't completely spastic career politicians who work in the public sector realise that excessive regulations act as barriers to entry for smaller groups. Also lol at the meat packing industry being regulated by a liberal when it was one of the more prominent things that teddy did (republican)
tl;dr you're dumb
Why dont you go watch some Asmongold variety stre... and he's offline and taking a break from streaming
>w-we begrudgingly a-agreed t-to i-it after g-given n-no c-choice because w-we were h-harming t-the p-public
>us right are h-heroes
hmm lets check the most popular game to stream atm is a military shooter with 1 map 1 gamemode and random items hmm and every other game is teambased hmm
this fucking balding cuck is the epitome of twitch cancer. Mouthbreathing idiot who watches videos and fake reacts to everything.
games are hard if you're bad at them, user
>posts a tumblr infographic that has bills that were passed under republican majority
>w-we were forced
The absolute state of this retard
>bullshit revisionism
lmao I'm glad you're a delusional idiot
this is the most left person i've ever seen in my life
Wealth will always move towards a 80:20 split, what do you think will happen if you were to distribute the rich's money to the poor? Look at the actual math here. Jeff Bezos is the richest man on Earth, with a net-worth of $133,800,000,000. 10% of the world is estimated to to live below the poverty line, that's 753,000,000 people roughly. That's $177 per person. What the flying fuck do you think that'd actually do. What is a poor Ghana farmer going to do with $177 that will fundamentally change their lives? That's not how you solve poverty. You solve poverty, not by distributing wealth, but by empowering people with opportunities for entrepreneurship and microfinancing. Your virtue signalling 'truths' are so ill-conceived that they would fail to functionally change the status quo if they were the 'truth'. Fucking pig for brains.
>can't even be bothered to fact check the poorly written word doc saved as a .pdf he found on a subreddit dedicated to owning nazis
ladies and gentleman your average 'male' who donates to destiny
>climate change
>basic truths
>while even legit scientists cannot agree about the matter
But some politicians really care about the world and want to "" save "" it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH go bent ur mum over m8
Only 5% of the players will win in a match. Compare that to most other games where 50% of the players will win every match. Therefore, it's 10 times harder.
>Two streams
He's streamed nothing else since it came out, and he didn't take money to play it. The first stream of him playing it was him downloading Origin for 90 minutes after troubleshooting that his RGB control software was considered an exploit by origin's anticheat. If somebody paid him to do that they're idiots.
>no argument
>useless comment
Not completely streamers, but I like JFJ and Max0r. They are both like Soviet Womble, with edgier humor, and I love it.
You right central and left wingers are all so retarded
t. Actual autist who is truly based and gives no fuck about anything
its almost like people are dogshit
I get that you are making a point but you sound like a complete idiot so your whole point is null
This. It's disturbing that people are so willing to send money to literal sociopaths.
>liberal fought for minimum water-quality stanrds
meanwhile there are 3000 cities with worse quality water than Flint, all under the glorious regulation machine known as the EPA
>muh medical insurance
Liberals now complain that wages are stagnating because employers are forced to offer a myriad of benefits including maternity, sick, holiday, health insurance etc
>muh meat packing
regulated under teddy, liberals fought against it.
keep seething brainlet
t. retarded zoomer. pls donate more, cuck
quin69 is best cooked cunts
>dude fuck politics
so based
he's pretty good for a poe streamer. The other big ones are pretty shit, with Zizaran's nasally voice and him always grinding some pointless shit with 6 man parties or mathil just sitting there coming up with some shitty 3k life max dps build and listening to a trance podcast.
>entire thread devolved into politics
>people dont want to talk about politics!
based retardo
The problem isn't politics. The problem is that this isn't the political shit flinging board, dipshit.
Fake quote.
Its just discordfaggots arguing with eachother nigger
I don't watch streamers, I don't understand the appeal. The only thing I watch are actual casted tournaments, even then not a whole lot. I never got why people watch individual players instead of playing the game themselves. It's one thing to watch someone better and then apply the skills you saw into your own play, like for fighting games, but it's another to just watch some jerkoff run around in a battle royale doing nothing for a half hour.
> doesn't get social interaction
Watching streamers play games? Pathetic. Watching streamers watch youtube videos or clips is all the rage now.
Now I can watch summit watch Dunkey
What a time to be alive