I love Sylvando from Dragon Quest XI, but I can't tell if he's supposed to be mocking gay people

A while back I made a thread about how Dragon Quest XI just wasn't the game for me. Well low and behold, I decided to just stick with it and I've ended up quite liking it! One of the biggest reasons is because of Sylvando.

With LGBT representation being so incredibly limited in video games – especially Japanese video games (to the point where I consider Vanille and Fang gay just to beef up our numbers) – it's wonderful to see a gay character play a major role in a video game and being unapologetic about who he is. That being said...I can't help but wonder if Sylvando isn't actually meant to be a proud gay man, but rather an offensive caricature of what people think gay men act like.

There's this gray space between the creator's intention and the fans' interpretation that I'm operating in, where I recognize Sylvando as someone who isn't ashamed of who they are, but that's because I'm also a queer person and am playing through that perspective. On the other hand, to the average person, Sylvando might just be a total joke that is just a conglomeration of every gay stereotype you could possibly think of wrapped into one.

I also can't help but think of that DQXI composer who is also homophobic...who I realize (obviously) has no input on the character design, but the proximity of that mess and this character makes my brain do funky things.

What do you all think?

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You're retarded

If he's making fun of pantsless fruits, that just makes him even better.

Is sylvando even gay?

He's written as a flamboyant straight guy

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this is a reddit post copypaste thread right?

What? A guy an't be flamboyant without being gay now?

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OP needs to be range-banned for reposting ERA threads every day.

>strong, confident, dependable, amiable

he's flamboyant but the game clearly paints him in a very positive light, I don't see how you interpret that as mockery

Sylvando is based.

It's a Japanese trope to act like a flamboyant meterosexual that sleeps with tons of women and Dragon Quest loves their tropes. You are a fucking retard of the highest degree but I'm also a retard because this is clearly a copyasta.

Flamboyant straight and potentially bi dude is a classic character archetype especially in japan.

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What you're experiencing is called cognitive dissonance and your brain is doing backflips to try to fit a square peg into a round hole because you've been inundated with leftist globohomo propaganda your whole life.

Fact is nobody really cares about gay people because they're a hyper minority that doesn't breed and thus has no impact on the future of civilization. In modern times, many millennials and gen Xers were tricked into waving their right to a normal healthy life. They were sold a false philosophy that leaves people hedonistic and nihilistic.

It's that simple.

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where did Don Rodrigo go wrong

So is he like the peacock lad from One Piece who outwardly is flamboyant but actually a based character?

Bon Clay is based but he's super gay

Just got him in my party and he is based as fuck


The concept of flamboyant straight guy has been totally lost in modern media.

Instead we get Buzzfeed articles like "Is Bugs Bunny Gay?"

>i didnt like game but there's a gay in it so i like it

you people are lost

Japs are just very bad at portraying homosexuality
They literally cannot write a male homosexual that doesn't act like a predatory fruit.

>In modern times, many millennials and gen Xers were tricked into waving their right to a normal healthy life. They were sold a false philosophy that leaves people hedonistic and nihilistic.

I'll make it someday

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This is how japan sees fags so they mock them.

what are yaoi you dummy

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Knowing is half the battle

get hustle dance asap

Which tumblr or game site did you copypaste this from?

I hope this copypasta if not fuck off back to tumblr or reddit you mentally ill faggot

Gay people ARE a joke. Get over it.

Pridefags behave exactly this way. That's how they write themselves too. See Marvel comics. They lack self awareness or lack any sense of shame when they behave like stereotypes.

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>Daddy issues

Sylv is 100% gay

>Japs are bad at portraying homosexuality

I think the west is the one with delusions about homosexuality. Japs simply do not well on it because it isn't very interesting. Just an extension of the pervert trope.

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>Is sylvando even gay?
he clearly is.

There are no gays in Dragon Quest

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How many males does he have sex with?

Uhh zero? You're full of shit.

He's gay if you want him to be. That's how to properly write a character in general. Leave it up to the imagination rather than broadcast it or cram it down the throat.

He's fabulous.

They better make the PC version have the features added in S

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Changing names is fucking retarded in localizations, but changing Sylvia's name was the most retarded.

>read thread
>it bothers them that he is portrayed as goofy sometimes and not always serious
Do they hate fun?

Yea Forums
>man, I hate gay propaganda in my videogames
Yea Forums
>wtf, how am I supposed to know he's gay if they never showed him sucking a dude off?
you serious nigga?

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Sylvia sounds like a girl's name

forgot to add
>le shoved down our throats

He's vulnerable to puff puffs while the women aren't.

Gays have no place in vidya

Neither do straights, we don't need any form of sexuality in games.

I think that's the point maybe?
From what I heard Nipponese homos like to give themselves girl names or some shit, but I dunno know

That's the point, you retard.
His original actual name in jap was Goliath.

So basically he has no character at all. What great writing.

>sucking cocks is a character trait


but he is gay, not a tranny

>doesn't breed and thus has no impact on the future

i hear this line of thinking from poltard npcs 24/7 and i still cannot wrap my head around how someone could believe something so retarded

Nigga, tell Horii that. That's how he wrote him before the localization team fucked everything up yet again. I seriously want to burn honeywood's bible and then get the localization team banned from ever working on anything again. Square doesn't pull this shit with FF, because they know sales would tank.

Nice picture of something that only existed for 20 years

Maybe he is trans in the japanese version.

The fuck kind of sexless fantasy world do you live in?


This is a thread copy pasted directly from tranny far left shithole, Resetera. How and why this doesn't lead to instant perma ban is beyond me.

You know the next game is gonna have a town that exclusively speaks in haikus too.

Did you just realize that now? They don't even let people discuss in their forums, either masturbate over a single opnion or you get banned

>that doesn't breed and thus has no impact on the future of civilization
yikes. /pol/lets actually believe this

That seems to be their rule since the DQ3 trash localization. Japan-related towns speak in haikus. Thankfully they aren't too common in DQ, but it's just so fucking stupid.

nobody fucking cares faggot, if fags were made fun of more they'd probably be less faggy.

I thought I'd hate sylvando but his queerishness really grows on you


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Sylvando ain't gay, he's just a very happy dude.

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Sylvando is a character. It's his method of spreading joy across the world. He's no more gay than Hard Gay was gay.

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Nigger that's not even the OP's real opinion. That was literally copypasting a trannyera post.

Sylvando is never confirmed gay, NOR straight, he is flamboyant, but if you belive that this characteristic makes him gay, then your having prejudice against gay people and putting a label on them. This is what differentiates the eastern way of thinking to the western way of thinking.

In moonland, fujos can freely believe ANYONE is gay until proven otherwise (an even then sometimes) and ship them with other people, while normal people can ship him othe females and see him as "normal" aka straight

In the western view, THERE MUST BE AN ANSWER, so people see what they want and starting arguing against other people that their view is canon, using completely unrelated stuff (he is flamboyant, he is CLEARLY gay) to use as evidence. There is also the problem with the whole "representation" nonsense as if a gay character show up in a piece of fictional media this is A BIG STEP to the movement.


Hisoka is a predatory fruit but he's a great character.