what's the modern day equivalent to pic related?
What's the modern day equivalent to pic related?
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I'll get shit for this but Bloodborne chalice dungeons are the closest thing we've had to an action RPG dungeon crawler since then
soul level of modern shit has dropped
I don't think anything modern would reach that
Ni No Kuni 2
I dunno really this game was packed full of stuff and it wasn't just all combat or anything. Fishing, golf, inventing, dungeons, that georama stuff. Was pretty fun despite the golf mini game being bullshit in certain dungeons. Pretty cool weapon designs.
What's the modern day version of an awful sequel to a beloved game? Shit dude, take your pick
I thought both were good
Not him but more is less
I'm still in the sewers on the second game, so dunno
The whole photography mini thingy looks dumb af, how forced in the game is it?
I would also like to know. I miss DC2's weapon system.
I remember having to use it to discover new parts
uh you don't have to do it all the time, but it's got it's uses in making the robot better which you're gonna need. I dunno, it's definitely different and they were going for that. You're gonna need the robo to be doing okay damage by like chapter 5, cause you need it for a ranged fight. Other than that the two characters can pretty much do the rest of the game. I feel like 2 is a decently cozy game though.
anything that cedric doesn't sell anyway, but as far as the characters go, you don't have to do any photography unless you wanna save medals getting their special outfits by inventing the shoes.
Good to know
Do you know where the fuck I can buy more fuel for that robot in the first town? I ran out and Im kinda stuck (or was, havent played in months)
This is the closest thing there is recently.
You can ignore it for the most part but you will make your life harder. You need those photos to make new stuff and some of the best stuff is made through photos.
Probably best to look up a quick guide on it since trying to come up with the ideas/inventions on your own could take hours or days.
>still in the sewers
the sewers is literally 5 floors you breeze through in an hour with cutscenes included, how do you think you're allowed to have an opinion on this game? Dark Cloud 2 is an improvement in every single way over its predecessor. More appealing graphics, less exploitable upgrade system with a reasonable amount of attributes, combat that isn't complete spammy diarrhea where each weapon actually has unique properties that give them innate strengths and weaknesses. A freaking dodge function, switching between ranged and melee without having to switch an entire character. And that's just combat. The only thing I find even debatable is how the town building functions and even that's mostly down to preference.
Im playing the first game and im at the part where you got Goro and you are forced to use him in one level in the forest and I had a question.
Is it normal for him to suck that much? He is just so fucking slow and the only thing he has is higher base HP but outside of that the MC and the cat does everything better than him, and he's just a prick, I hate him so much.
I dont have an opinion, I said so
Yeah the combat is vastly improved, it even feels less clunky from the original right away, there is no denying that
>Probably best to look up a quick guide on it
Guess I'll do that.
I just hate any type of crafting in vidya
You dont have to use him except for the levels where he is obligatory.
I played the whole game with just Toan and a character you havent found yet.
So to answer your qestion, yes
you can break those crates in the underground sewer to find some, I think Morton the sundries guy will sell it later on but at the start no one sells it. Unless you didn't beat Linda you don't really NEED the robot.
I don't remember man. I do remember that pretty much used the MC the entire game and ignored the other characters except when I had to use them for a door or something. I might have used the magic ranged person a bit to handle those special cases.
Really liked the game and really hated being forced to use a bunch of useless assholes.
Dark Cloud 1 constantly forces you to use new awful characters. Rather than waste your time grinding just break down a strong enough weapon and then equip it to the characters you need to use for their limited zone without absorbing it into their weapon. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches that way in the long run.
Also use Osmond when you get him and upgrade his machinegun ASAP because he's completely broken.
I'm at the level after that mini-boss fight with an elephant or some shit.
I think I need the robot cause I keep having to fight big ass robot enemies in the sewer and nothing else harms them
>i just hate any kind of crafting
You might be playing the wrong game...
the crafting in this game is at least fairly simple, and make sure you get pictures of Scoops as soon as you can manage, because they are used in inventions for the level 4 upgrades for the robot, certain ones anyway. Don't neglect leveling max or monica's weapons either, if 1 gets good then the other will be shit and you'll end up having to go back just to level them up anyway.
On Level 12 in Wise Owl Forest you are forced to use the fat fuck since some Limitation set on the level, so there's no going around it, and the only thing the fat fuck can kill easily are the bees, the rest are either too tanky for him or he just dies in 2-3 hits by everything else.
I hate him, I wish he was removed from the game.
What those dudes said, but make sure to not only focus on Toan and have ONE good leveld up RANGED fighter, it will be needed in the end...
My Time at Portia
I mean that level was designed for you to get used to him, does he suck that bad? Just get a bunch of healing items
Shame cause I love the first one
I wont give up on it though!
Thanks for the tip
those CAN be killed by normal weapons it just takes a fuck ton of hits, and you'll be using a bunch of repair poweder. At this point you're better off grinding some gilda and getting repair powder, or else you'll be looking for the fuel for a while, and the robot's fuel runs out slowly and goes down when it gets hit. You might be better off just biting the bullet and getting the repair powder and stuff. You can carry 20 normal and 20 gun repair powder.
Osmond is suitable for that. Actually Osmond is suitable for everything, he's ridiculously OP because he's the only character who can move while attacking, basically nullifying the threat that any enemy can provide. And despite having a low attack cap his hitscan ultimate machine gun can still shred through everything
Im pretty sure you can talk to cedric and he'll refil it for free, later on you can take him as a support for a free refill on the fly.
Robot is the easiest way to handle the big guys, but a decent smash wrench, grenade gun or bombs should work too.
I guess I'll do that then, might have to grind some earlier levels cause I miiiiight be broke
Oh one other thing that really irks me with this game when it shouldn't is that the weapon upgrades dont have their seperate item menu like in the first one so now the item menu is really fucking ugly and cluttered.
Why did they do that? :(
I've been thinking about buying it but i've heard it's really easy, is that true?
>still in the sewers
>hurr game is bad
Jesus Christ
Learn to read faggot
couldn't tell you but maybe to try and make it quicker versus going to a sub menu but it seems to have backfired. I got used to it. You will too. It's kind of dumb though making such a difference in UI or controls, like KH1 to KH2 the camera controls change and you have to readjust if you switch between them.
he'd need to find a build up tree online to know how to build up the gun to a bazooka gun. Otherwise he's gonna be using up a bunch of time for trial and error. Smash Wrench isn't gonna happen til Sindain unless he spends a lot of time in the sewers grinding it out. I usually just got it to the Drill Wrench and called it a day til Sindain.
another tip is just go along the upgrade path as normal, you can even out stats way later in the game if you feel like it, another thing is that Dark is not defaultly a bad effect on a weapon, and paired with Absorb later on it's pretty broken. The only thing you don't want Dark on is a machine gun cause that will eat your health away real quick cause a shot from a gun counts as a "hit" without hitting anything.
you flat out just don't want a machine gun tbqh, the laser gun is ridiculously good and easily accessible if you 100% Sindain. It also functions as an actual ranged weapon with a good rate of fire, unlike the machine gun which you need to be close range to get any use out of, defeating the entire purpose.
the Dark effect ridiculously buffs your attack power with really not much of a penalty, the health drain is fairly negligible most of the time.
I think the health drain depends on base damage, but absorb plus dark is broken in that you'll pretty much heal whatever is taken away. Laser guns also lead to Max's ultimate gun. I was just saying that dark makes machine guns even worse.
the photography isn't that bad, the one time photos are barely used in anything good. anything you can use those photos to create you will have your own weapons close enough to form into it anyways and with the way the game works it's not good to craft weapons and instead it wants you to level them from the starter wrench for maximum power. also everything you create you can just instead purchase.
the photos is more for the robot if anything, and if you want to get those secret outfits for max and monica from Need you can make the shoes for them and save some medals and time. You can also "invent" food but some of it like cheese is cumbersome to make as it also takes Tasty Water which is a useful item. Plum Rice Ball is best heal item cause it heals it's own status effect and anything else. Plus a full heal too.