Post your favorite memes ITT

Post your favorite memes ITT

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Other urls found in this thread:

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H*nd h*ld*ng

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nujak is fucking based tbqh

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I want Rumia to t-pose at me

isn't it obvious?

loli time is my favorite meme

I can’t. My ip is blocked thanks to some neighbor faggot that uploads ponies.

>I want Rumia to down smash at me

Virgin vs Chad is one of the best memes

Attached: virgin vs chad slender.png (2518x1158, 359K)

Attached: Fightan.jpg (1024x579, 109K)

Attached: 1533619187795.jpg (1200x1505, 170K)

do old memes count?

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Attached: 1549913762632.jpg (2709x2833, 549K)


Oldfags will understand this one

Attached: 7QJPF.jpg (680x880, 76K)

Doesn't work anymore
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Looks good to me.

Attached: newfag can triforce.png (1080x465, 170K)

Attached: 1264815585668.png (680x1289, 3.18M)

>Can I be Milhouse meme now

I don't get it

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Attached: pepey.png (502x454, 161K)

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Please for the love of god teach me how to triforce, I've been here for at least 6 years and I still don't know how. It bothers me a lot.

and thanks friend

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god yes

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ps3 has no game

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god i havent seen that meme in so long


Fuuuuuuuuck it's hard to decide tbqh


Attached: 1203187409360.jpg (390x426, 78K)

fully serious, the right one is a qt
the left one is for boxing

Attached: ff.png (500x436, 83K)

Attached: 1193933097338.png (1064x1832, 168K)

all the pol ones and the frog/that funny face posts. i just love it. it's so fucking good. especially when people say stuff like incel, seething or cope. that almost makes me orgarm.

Still laughed.

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Depends on how they look

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Sup Andy

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Attached: glorioustale.jpg (685x600, 112K)

Attached: le deserve this guy.png (288x350, 9K)

I liked them better when they had jokes.

If this is anything like
3 4
the reference is lost on me.

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Attached: 1548669195581.jpg (448x286, 33K)

fuck you

It's not that, it's pic related

Attached: Abstract.jpg (858x630, 12K)

fucking A

Attached: wiz.png (636x515, 41K)

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Post the rest

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I think I understand now but I still don't know what it's referencing.

too many to post unless you're talking about the one he messages the same person again but that's p short and boring.

Attached: 1206625094225.jpg (3750x3750, 1.41M)

Unironically the best meme of recent Yea Forums history.
Funny and powerful

Attached: 1549754057420.jpg (480x360, 22K)

Slightly less abstract

Attached: No mouth fag.jpg (2729x1985, 87K)

Attached: The Tiananmen Square Massacre.png (2200x1448, 2.85M)

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>yfw this is another thread made with the intention of collecting data

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Green is a pretty shit color for a water bottler.

Attached: 1531569355578.png (1910x1420, 1.92M)

is this like an american thing

>yfw this is another thread made with the intention of collecting data
they're collecting data on old fucking memes then in which they'd be better off trawling ED.

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the game

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can some one explain this?


>tfw nu-Yea Forums would probably unironically agree with Chick

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true classic

I'm beyond mad

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Spurdo is ages old and still pure.

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I unironically like wojak
I hate that he has been turned into a reddit tier meme by the console wartards, /pol/tards and "this is you" subhumans.
Wojak should only ever express the actual feelings of the poster himself, never his opponents

Attached: lmao 0gf.jpg (680x1020, 141K)

Why did spurdo and gondola remain genuinely funny while Pepe and wojak become unrestrained reddit cancer that only fags post?

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Finnish memesmiths are crafting memes too complex to use for the broader mass.

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I respect you using him as he was meant to be used But I maintain wojak was never funny. It's just that your version is just unfunny and not absolute cancer

Attached: Obiwan.jpg (637x358, 27K)

Attached: How to Survive a School or Workplace Shooting.png (794x797, 419K)

Spurdo has that finnish autism and can't be as easily exploited as Wojak and Pepe. Gondola on the other hand is way too out there to even be used like that.

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khajiit has breed...

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Haircut = Character development holds a special place in my heart

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Attached: prd.png (540x675, 186K)

>wojak was never funny
There is no way exaggerated suffering of pink wojak isn't funny.
It's objectively, measurably funny.

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What movie is the image from?

Only on /biz/

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Nah. It might have been funny the very first time someone on /biz/ blew their life savings on a meme and had a meltdown, but now it's obnoxious and forced for EVERY slight inconvenience. It's terrible.

It's attention-seeking and pathetic, just like pepe and blade runner images.

>tfw sharing a board with those

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Not a Yea Forums meme, but you know

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man I wish I saved more edits of this back then.

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I like the original white ones from when he was Feelsguy and the pink ones but only on /biz/. Any other variation is fucking garbage.

Attached: wow the.webm (488x490, 730K)

Whoever the fuck made nujack should be found and executed.

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get pwnt n00b

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Attached: Frogtron.png (500x500, 76K)

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Attached: weebs.jpg (936x936, 328K)

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Attached: ro.jpg (450x600, 58K)

Milhouse is not a meme. Milhouse is not a meme is a meme.

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Attached: 1390681909365.jpg (480x459, 165K)

why didn't she just do this again?

Attached: sweaty hijacker hands.png (1033x210, 128K)

boomer was a good meme

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Attached: spurd.png (192x203, 14K)

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Attached: Backslash.png (666x472, 589K)

> see this thread
> go run errands
> come back
> thread still up
mods are based sometimes

VGTG Shazbot!

I miss the Yea Forums creation threads after the shitstorm when spore came out.

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back of the knee maybe

How did I laugh at that

>tfw I know exactly what this is from
too bad the artist is defunct, I can't fap to dead ones

Attached: aspect raidou.png (3532x687, 478K)

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>How did I laugh at that
imo it's one of the best comics to ever come from Yea Forums

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Frosted butts never fails to make me laugh and I have no idea why



They're jokes. They're just funny. They're useless to the sort of twat who feels the need to downvote anything he disagrees with.



Attached: Anon is pissed.gif (150x107, 261K)

Nigger, wojaks are good when they are posted to express poster's feelings of dissatisfaction with life.
It's the cucks who posted them to shit on others who ruined them.

How is that good? Nobody wants to hear it.

Yeah it's a good comic, b is decent sometimes

Get the fuck out
Back to your pit, normigger

Nobody wants to hear your opinion either, yet you post it anyway.

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I never did.

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ctrl c
ctrl v

is ghodere a chad?

>b is decent sometimes
was*, that place is just a porn dump now. nowhere near it's golden years between 05-09.

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It never recovered after Chanology

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It was still alright even during the 2012 era, but once /pol/ took over as the entry board, it went fully shit.

Porn ruins boards
I'm honestly more OK with furnigs than with normalvermin who post straight porn meant as a fap material.
Furtards won't bring a horde of their own, horny teenagers will, if they have one place to find edgy shit and to fap. And they all have terrible tastes.

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Attached: fakenews.jpg (1544x868, 149K)

Let's try this again

Yea Forums is fucking dead.

You're kind of just proving his point about the "not funny" thing.

Attached: Screenshot_20190219-210416.jpg (884x761, 434K)

I'm pretty sure I've fapped to this.

Attached: 02b8f78a542c9d7c4206b445d84d1d4e.jpg (600x620, 185K)

The author really likes his consensual rape

Attached: 1522149854183.jpg (600x616, 132K)

Attached: knees.jpg (484x534, 63K)

Now that's performance art.

I've always loved these faces and all of their forms.

Attached: ultra8k.jpg (7680x4320, 2.39M)

>/pol/ took over Yea Forums
never happened Yea Forums was an unfun garbage fire by 2011 the only thing good left was gore spam to keep the redditors away

>I'm honestly more OK with furnigs
I remember when furry threads got spammed with gore/cp/shovel dog now furfags are basically accepted here.

Attached: 1193925720572.jpg (907x341, 58K)

As the entry board user, after GG newfags started coming in through /pol/ rather than Yea Forums which meant it filtered the newfags way differently.

That's because furfags are no longer the furfags.
If you actually remember those times, you also remember the reason they were hated.
This reason was first overtaken by bronies, then by /pol/. /pol/ is the current furfags.

today is finally going to be the day


good God that is so much hotter

Top kek

>That's because furfags are no longer the furfags.
no, they're still the same furfags they've always been.

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funny thing is
i keep forgetting resetera even exists until some of you fucks remind me

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eric manes!!!!!!!! good threade!!!

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Angery pickle

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god i wish that were me

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I want to fuck these two

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Attached: freedom urine.png (500x1157, 302K)

>no moustache

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Attached: eric.jpg (413x144, 9K)

I made this the other day.

Attached: neuron crusher.gif (540x413, 21K)

Attached: chad gamer.jpg (1321x813, 195K)

>It was still alright even during the 2012 era
people that usually say this usually started browsing Yea Forums around 2010.

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laser cheese

Attached: Puffball.png (398x399, 44K)

Attached: Seek further evolution.jpg (677x1024, 101K)

there is a yuri manga with this exact plot.
just so you know.

>doesn't like straight sex
>it's fine with furniggers derailing threads with their faggotry and diaper fetishes

Kill yourself, faggot.

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Attached: Chad Retard.jpg (1024x610, 73K)

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>Furtards won't bring a horde of their own
Fucking kek

Attached: 1528233520357.gif (100x100, 23K)

Cute, what's this from?

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try yandex

I remember this, OmnibusIsMyName drew this i think.
He used to draw good Bristleback ms paint rages before DA Forums got nuked.

Attached: 1274372545954.jpg (511x686, 61K)

You should already know who the right is.

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Attached: loli.png (868x648, 326K)

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Are you not feeling well? I want you to take this.

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thanks doc

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when did dat ass go out of favor for brap posting?

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Attached: why the fuck did I save this.gif (329x342, 2.59M)


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how hasn't this thread been deleted yet

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Nonono this shit is worse than little cheetus

Doctor you gave me my dose at least 4 times today what the fuck

Wtf is this

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>Not posting YJSNPI's beautiful scream

Men in Black chat, duh

Attached: twas but a jest.jpg (680x1671, 1.15M)

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You guys have really shit taste in memes.

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Attached: 『HIT OR MISS』.jpg (1544x2048, 375K)

Still gets me every time

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Killing snakes grows your hair out?

Attached: 1206322195931.jpg (640x448, 68K)

do you know who jonas salk was?
he was the jewish scientist that cured polio. he created the march of dimes to raise millions to fund his research.
polio was a crippling and deadly disease putting children all over the world into a wheelchair or an early grave. the vaccine for polio was one of the greatest medical achievements of the last century. its a globally essential medicine.
and this guy jonas salk?
he could have made billions from it. he could have patented it and made actual billions of dollars.
you know what he did? he waived the patent. he gave up billions just to make sure as many people who could be helped got the help they needed. he became a celeb after that even though he hated it. truly a great man and he left the world a better place than he came into it.

If I had a choice between polio existing in the USA/world and jews. I would choose polio every single time and twice on sundays. I would infect myself with polio and tour america spreading the disease in a custom built wheelchair or crutches if it meant all the jews and their influence were excised from my country like the cancer they are.
polio is nothing compared to the harmful effects of jews on the USA and world.I would give anything to live in a world where our biggest problem was building access ramps and compliance with the civil disabilities act.

that sounds like hyperbole. it is not. 100% authentic feelings. I cant sleep at night anymore. I wish I never started questioning things. I wish I was still a dumb rube out there able to laugh at things instead of a woke misanthrope. I envy the dumb.

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I miss those silly MLG parody videos that used to be popular on here around early 2012.

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Hi, Vinny

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Attached: 1223181744852.jpg (481x1428, 283K)

homm3 memes are top

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you ain't fooling no one, fur nigger

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Nice triforce.

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>tfw in a few years, 2008 will be just as long ago as 1994 was during 2008

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When did people start posting Spurdo? Wasn't it around 2011 or so?

God damn it

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that's ages ago for newfags

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>the current state of /wsg/
why wont they just fuck off

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2011 was around the time I started coming here myself.

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Now do the Delta Rune

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why did i laugh

moikka /mämmi/

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i love helper

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post some spengbab pics

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holy shit, how could I forgot this

I love Reisen!

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That is so good.


very gay of you...

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Am I doing it right?

Attached: 1537428144512.png (1999x1323, 1.33M)


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Attached: 1204003817942.jpg (640x480, 43K)

Fuck I miss that game...
"The enemy base turrets are... AWESOME"

Don't do this it creates mustard force.

Attached: Lttp-Tri.jpg (450x412, 97K)

Attached: 1211158225310.jpg (900x220, 45K)