What the fuck is Blizzard doing?
What the fuck is Blizzard doing?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope they cancel it for good
ITT: People that didn't click the link
Fake but also based.
Hijacking this bait thread made by a seething retailfag
We're going home bros, what class will you be comfily leveling while all the zoomers struggle and the private server cucks sweat?
You absolute faggot OP you made me pink wojak for about 5 seconds there
when will you people realize?
Classic nostalgia will wear off after a few hours and then you will come to the reality its just as the same as nu-wow. Most people if not have already, have downloaded a private client and gone on a private server.
be hillarious if true, hate vanillafags
based going home poster
tauren druid. when i get to max level and nobody wants me anymore (not going resto), i'll just level alts until BC comes out
No ...... my favorite streamer said classic will kill retail .....
Warrior or rogue
And all so I can stack proc items/weapons and ninja spell damage gear.
The game HAS ALREADY BEEN SOLVED you gays.
>tauren druid
>playing lorebreaking race+class combos
Absolutely not based or redpilled, not comfy
But I played Classic on private servers and I cant wait to do it again on retail. It ruined retail for me.
New MMO (Shadowbringers) comes out at the same time as Old MMO (Classic Wow).
Which one will be better received by the community?
Not for me, I haven't played vanilla in a decade.
t. dies to hogger, twice
Why is it so hard for them to make vanilla when a bunch of modders could do it on their free time?
Let me guess, you are the major release fag that gets btfo every thread and is now trying to bait people to be as dumb as you
it's not about the solution
it's about the journey
Same here. I remember how hyped i was before wow release, checking new images on net. Played wow uptil Panda expansion, then i stopped. Wasnt the same game anymore. So i rather have WoW 2 or a new Blizzard mmorpg.
>2 minute global cooldown
no ty
modders spent years doing open source server side development. Blizzard doesn't want to use emulated software.
Honest question to everyone interested in classic retail. What do you guys think the in game economy is going to be like? Because just like OSRS, now everyone knows the best farming methods and is going to be raking in gold. I feel like stuff is going to be really expensive.
delaying a low-priority project, of course
I can't wait for Classic bros. It's gonna be great. Anyone else excited for:
>Blizzard Store
>Loot trading
>New report system
>Tank and spank pve
>Twitch cancer
>SJW developers and community managers
>Women and trannys in your guild
I can't wait to give Based Blizzard $15 a month to experience all the above!
Orc warrior my brother, the chances are astronomical but maybe we will see each other out in the world. Throw me a mark of the wild when you do, ye?
judging by private servers, it's going to be nothing like real vanilla WoW economy. bots and farmers jack the spots quickly in order to profit hard early on but in turn they crash the market and prices drop fast.
Well I forgot to add on my post that there will be that percentage of the community that will always play classic not because they hate nu-wow, but because they prefer vanilla vs nu-wow. So people that were previously playing in private servers like nostalrius for example, will jump on classic wow and play nothing but classic wow all day every day.
man that shit looks so fucking gay lmfao
>spamming frostbolt for 50 levels
mhmm yes the pinnacle of wow design
Screencap this
I already played the real vanilla back in the day. I'm not interested in this cash grab fueled by twitch zoomers. I hop blizzard dies soon.
Obviously the new MMO.
>mfw clicked the link
>high elves
It would be a shame if something happened to your sunwell... oh wait.
The only retards that could actually want this are the people that never made it past Molten Core
I want to fuck a night elf's asshole!
>Want some milk user?
>raiding is the only thing that matters in the game
me on the bottom
I think I've read somewhere a while back that botting is pretty much impossible nowadays since the client software is basically full-blown spyware at this point. Mind you I haven't played since wrath so I don't know for sure if this is true or not, but I wouldn't put it past blizz. So, unless someone develops a pixel-based bot I don't see botting being a problem.
>All the trannies will flock to shadowniggers while boomers get to relive the classic experience free of any subhuman presence
Based trannybringer.
subhuman futa larper is here
that pic has no dick on it, imagine your fetish being so underrepresented that you need to spoof female draenei pics lol
>muh raids
this expression indicates a retailbab's confusion and lack of understanding
>night elf's
what diffecence does it make? im sure humans are as exotic for you
People leveling alts as fun in the most chewy episode of WoW ever are not only brainlets they are completely devoid of a brain.
Have fun leveling one char for half a year by doing quests that will drive you insane till you just look up all the shit anyway.
just remember when fucking shemales always wear rubber
Human paladin here.
By the way even if the link is fake I'm pretty sure it will be delayed.
played eq1999 not too long ago but then I had a kid so I don't have the time
was literally just as fun as I remember it when I was a teenager
botting is still very relevant today in WoW. it's piss easy to get past the client side check. bots are so advanced these days that they act more human than actual players if set up properly.
6/10, you made me look at the link.
Fuck you, salty retail boi. We're going home, whether it's retail or private. Deal with it.
God yes. There is nothing better than horse cocked draenei girls
I will fucking kill you
People will be 60 in 2 weeks you dumb shitter. Just because you're garbage at the game doesn't mean most other people are.
Dwarf Paladin
Either a healslutadin or an undead mage (if I'm being lazy and decide I need to teleport everywhere)
There's even a sort of vanilla single player game being made. From my understanding, you run your own server, pick how many bots you want in the world, and play with them. They respond to basic commands and can be traded with and grouped with.
So they have all the basic functionality of a human player, but without the cancer.
Warrior. Still not sure if Human or Orc/Tauren.
>Muh Vanilla experience
>Power leveling to 60 in 2 weeks
Fuck off.
>not a dwarf
You've obviously never played vanilla. Your opinion is worthless. You're the one who needs to fuck off out of this thread.
I either get my human bonus dps or i get shaman buffs.
What did the blood elf do wrong?
I speed level and can level up a DPS character in 5 days /played if everything goes well. Right at the beginning there's more competition, though, unless you get way out in front and have high level zones to yourself.
Not hard to get multiple alts leveled if you do this.
Do you think they will do tbc and wrath servers eventually?
Became a horde race.
it's not just vanilla. there are server projects for TBC,Wrath,Cata already set up like that.
basically WoW is so simple that a bot can play it effectively. doesn't matter if you're vanilla or battle for azeroth.
SFM is so hideous
Dick """""""girls"""""""" is the gayrst fetish you can possibly have and no one on either side of being gay or straight likes you. Kill yourselves.
Redpill me on horde, what do they have that the alliance don't?
competent leadership
You are the faggot that never played vanilla. People took forever in the first few patches with only the most autistic getting to 60 in under a month.
Shut the fuck up you phoney piece of shit.
pretty sure that isn't SFM
People have been playing on private servers ever since 2007 you dumb retard. Leveling has been minimized down to a science. You are grasping at straws and shutting up the thread with your nothing posts. GTFO. People can level optimally and quickly while still being immersed in the old zones and quest lines. The fact that you're actually too dumb to understand this disqualifies you from being taken seriously here. Fuck off
reminder that WoW was never good, only novel for its time, and its popularity is based entirely on advertising success and normies-first-mmo
Classic WoW won't be the same as Vanilla WoW. They're going to make changes based on what the overall forum and reddit community wants. The old community simply doesn't exist anymore, you have to deal with the new age community. The game is also figured out from head to toe, people know what classes work best, what farm spots generate the most gold, and all the easy scripted raid encounter mechanic lockouts are burned to the their mind.
And every "good" mmo was just an even grindier shitfest with even worse combat than wow. Only jaded everquest/UO players give a shit about the first mmos.
Garithos deserved at least a mention in WOW, he was the most entertaining son of a bitch. This whole "racism bad bad things have to happen to racist character" meme needs to die.
joana got to 60 in 4 days 20 hours /played back in retail vanilla. The entire thing is recorded, too. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
>i played in nostralius so im a vanilla veteran. #no changes
>Here look at this guy who spedrun the game with a dedicated team
I wonder how many people are going to bot on day 1.
I always love reading these threads and seeing the sheer number of people who are arrogantly convinced they have it all figured out. They know exactly why people want to play Classic, exactly how hard Classic will fail, and exactly what people will think of it.
He didn't have a dedicated team. Why do you keep trying to argue when you have no experience with the subject?
This is the problem, grinding in mmos is actually fun when the mmo is not shit. Because WoW was designed not to be a group grinding game, all grinding in WoW tends to be horrible and tedious. So the issue immerges when people who only know WoW and WoW clones, all of which have shit grinding, instantly recoil from proper mmos with good group grinding content, because they do not understand what grind means beyond the tedious WoW grind which is unironically partially caused by its quest system.
The absolute most enjoyable experiences in mmo can be had by spending hours and hours grinding exp in a group of people you have just met in a comfy spawn and watching your progress bar slowly crime up while chatting and engaging in low intensity cooperation and strategy as you manage and prioritize targets as a group with out having to even communicate any of it. This is the root of the fabled mmo 'community', and its why all modern mmos which are just soloing and then raiding with a guild have no community or soul.
>hurr leveling fast means it isn't fun
>hurr playing with friends means you're doing it wrong
You are an absolute retard. I thought I told you to GTFO
You made a Typo OP
It's not "Delayed until 2020"
It's "Dead by 2020"
im gonna play classic if [streamer] plays it too
reminder that videogames are a waste of time and you're less of a person for engaging in them
video games are one path to enlightenment through obtaining cosmic awareness via the grind by entering grindtrance to access the exp flow and obtain grindstate
They say all this shit because if what they say turns out to be true then they can post later about how they were right. It's an investment in which there's no risk. If it turns out they were wrong they can just be silent and pretend they didn't say anything. What loser would screenshot their posts anyway?
>Have to wait days at launch until every cancer Streamer picks a realm so I dont have to deal with Thousands of Retards chasing that 1 guy
>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.2 with nazjatar and all the azshara content
>classicucks will crawl back to retail
playing any blizzard game at all in current year makes you a garbage
>>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.2 with nazjatar and all the azshara content
yeah 3 quests jej
Oh look, another weeb game. I'll be over here stressing out to my BR tetris.
Stop putting Yea Forums to shame with your shill posts please.
How can WoW classic be good if there aren't draenei women
>not just unsubbing during the shitty expansions
whats that, whats that sound on the wind? why its the call of the rare orange-fingered faggot! listen, do you hear it
>kuk kuk kuk kuk play BoFA kuk kuk kuk
wow what a gay dumb bird.
Blizzard is years behind the standard set by OSRS and will be years behind the standard set by OSRS going mobile.
imagine being such a fucking loser you are willing to pay $15 a month to play a 15 year old game and level with normal xp rates AGAIN
5-7x leveling on private servers for FREE or go the fuck home
and also, TBC > WotLK > Vanilla
fuck off vanilla fags
Same. I'll make toons in every realm with the name I want and then wait to see which realm is the least cancerous. Or just play in EU realms, since all the twitch cancer comes from NA.
I cant wait to play play my undead frost mage and pick my delicious herbs. We'll be home soon brother.