haha so true
Haha so true
My main is a male who looks like me for self insert. My alts are female because variety and better outfits
Haha so true
>reaction faces are arguments
I play as girls because they're attractive. Is it gay to be attracted to girls?
why doesn't this just end at "they're cute"
Do people really self insert as their video game character
That's pathetic as fuck
Self insert is Chad as fuck. People who play a character they invest their time and money in but isn't themselves are cucks.
Girls (male) > boys > boys (female) >>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>> girls > trannies
Post the edit
it's funny because no matter how often this topic is brought up you can still bait people with it
truly one of the classics
Kill yourself tranny
Sounds like you want to be the girl
Reminder: Homosexuality is a mental illness.
name ONE thing to contradict the first or last statement
Reminder OP artist is a faggot.
how many times are you going to make this thread
I want to fuck this boy.
Is this all what we're capable of now? Just rehashes?
You're a faggot.
That image is shopped right? There's no way this fag can get decent coloring and linework but completely fuck up anatomy and proportions.
How many levels of irony(autism) do you have to be on to achieve an "I AM SILLY" comic without even having your self-insert say anything?
worst variation of pepe
... go on
Citation needed. Could you provide your certifications?
All Pepes are the worst variation.
Welcome to nu-Yea Forums an subsidiary of /pol/
first post best post
I don't need sources, it's a scientific fact.
I want to suck her (female) cock
You don't? Faggot.
what a twist, comedy gold, trannies artist are really the best
>self insert is chad as fuck
>I-I'll just pretend that it's me that's fucking Sakura-chan!
>implying this isn't the ultimate cuck option
pathetic, never gonna make it
But that's what sources are, silly.
trans flag is so aesthetic
He's right though, do you need a source for the fact that the sun comes out every morning too?
I know right. I used those three colours for my Halo emblems on XBL and people thought I was being weird.
that's not pepe, retarded zoom-zooms
You usually stare at the shoulders instead of the asses anyway.
user, the Sun is the gravitational centre that the Earth rotates around. It doesn't "come out" every morning.
When is someone going to draw porn of these two?
Yes, which we have.
Someone post the tomboys vs Traps pasta
If you're a male and you willingly play as a female if given the chance, then you're gay. That's simply all there is to it.
You do if you're gay
The only person that needs to come out is you, lord of the freudian slip.
But I'm gay ind I've always played as males. I like staring at them the best
If you play as a manly man in the next game do you go back to straight?
What kind of fucking brainlet are you to think we don't have a source for that?
That's a lot of seethe.
Oh shit am I straight? Fuck this shit I am out
Because even virtual boobies and ass make my dick hard. I'm a pervert
>sperging out this autistically when someone asks you a simple question
Yeah you're totally not a massive fucking faggot.
Male character for realistic games
Female character for sex games
Good character for fighting games
Where's the dick?
You act like thats impossible.
>Playing as a female
>Playing as the inferior gender
>Playing as the gender that's weaker, lacks honor, brotherhood, and is just good for eye candy and being fucked like sub humans.
>living as an incel
A lot of trannies and subhuman weebs ITT.
Something about color theory makes them pleasing to the eye, I just hate that gays, trannies, and fat balding old child diddlers pick colors for their representations
>this is homosexual according to Yea Forums
>Not imagining you're taken to a rape dungeon when you lose.
>sticky egg
>no gape
Did that egg just come out, or is it about to go in?
>Imagine PC
Thanks Doc.
desu is just ironic weebs being thirsty ass niggas rather than being fags.
>Elder Scrolls
>3rd person
What a fag.
I'd just go to a cool fictional universe where I could turn back into a guy.
Because trans people have the best aesthetics pass it on
I guess you hate national flags too then.
>can live in the MonQue universe and rape shotas for a living
It's LITERALLY the only funny variation
This, weebs are like furries pushing their ANIME LEWD XDD WAIFUS shit everywhere, like, jack off before playing you fucking incels.
>gays and trannys are just like you!
>Because trans people have the best aesthetics
>Because drawn trans people have the best aesthetics
It's literally just draw a cute flatchested girl and add a dick bulge.
I knew it !
>lacks honor
Literally what? Where's your honor? Honor for what? Honor for who? What the actual fuck are you talking about????
Yeah and it’s the best
I like to imagine that my female protag has to piss a lot and just has to struggle through it throughout the game, combine that with a good ass shot and it makes my dick diamonds.
t. woman
Imagine spending all day posting frogs, or even worse, getting together a group to do it on trannycord
God I wish this were me
Is that a problem?
i thought mcdonalds,coffee, maruchan, and general lack of knowledge on basic cooking, eating schedules and good nutrition caused this
that's a dude
First of all, it revolves around the Sun. Also that's not what causes the sun to "come out." Earth's rotation does that.
I'm not seeing the problem here
I want the day of the rope to come for all trannies
that's gay you fucking faggot
t. incel
>lowkey being a chick would be dope imagine the world pandering to you simply because you have tits
Arguing with holes.
I play as a girl because I want to play a girl and worship big smelly cocks and have my face smothered by fat, musky balls while getting spanked and abused.
t. Faggot
Kill yourself
why is Yea Forums bisexual literally faggot and waifu threads happen at the same time
I can dig it.
but that's exactly what happens.
Go to the gym, take notice of your hygiene, fucking talk to girls and don't be a repulsive cunt you faggot. It's not that hard.
>fat content.
now this thread is going places.
so that's how octolings are made
I like the clown frog
we aren't doing that
>The world pandering to you simply because you have tits
Flat is much better than the alternative.
I am.
hang yourself tranny
Fuck this pic is literally every tranny I know
Arguing with holes.
pretty sure no one is arguing bud, just giving you advice
This is why nobody takes you seriously.
>arguing with holes
but I'm a dude lmao
>there are people so creatively stunted they can only play their own gender in video games
>What is boypussy
I know, I just wish it could happen to dudes ya know. Life is shitty, and we get the short end of the stick.
We have become the vidya industry we complain about
All we do is rehash old content, too jaded, unimagimative and scared to make something new.
It looks fucked up because it's tranny male-to-female anatomy.
What’s the sauce on these two pieces? Love these boys
best end
I agree. I hate having to be the disposable gender. For all their talk about equality, women are always the first to ditch it whenever trouble shows up.
>the vidya industry we complain about
We don't even complain about that, look at all the threads gobbling up bobby kotick's corporate jew dick
Based kip
yh I remember watching this earlier last year. It's fucking sad man.
>ywn make link your bokoblin slave
if we ever needed confirmation that the clown pepe meme is being spammed by seething trannies
Is there anything more fucking smug, self-righteous and shit-eating than the thinking emoji?
Every single fucking time
Dunno. Im gay and never picked anything but beefiest, chadliest male when I got the choice.
>using crop that was created only so gay thread wouldnt get deleted 4 min in
>not using actually fun edit
You notice how has something in parentheses? It might be related.
>the artist stopped drawing this under threat of being put into a fucking gulag
feels bad man
Nigger, the arms are like a fucking charger.
>A girl will never plop her oversized gut onto your table to comfortably serve you
bruh where the fuck are the jannies
what's the point of this thread
>ladies first
>men are expected to go to battle, regardless of their own emotions and feelings towards conflicts
>men are expected to work harder jobs, thus creating depression and low self-esteem
>women when given the option refuse to work in harder jobs such as military or mining, etc, but will then immeitely scream those industries need more women
life is pain
What game?
>that ami doujin where ryuji shaves her pussy
sexual insecurity: the thread
People who don't pick female characters seem to think people who do are insecure about it, when in reality the people with the problem are incredibly insecure and the people picking female characters literally don't think about it.
Monster Hunter, I'm guessing. Probably the new one
I don't get it. Because they're cute is a perfectly good reason
Monster Hunter World with mods. There's a ton of nier mods.
>hating tomboys
I should beat you for your insolence
>game with character creator
>people treat you exactly the same no matter what gender
Woah. these are some really progressive literal peasants from the medieval age.
I'd go to the pokemon universe.
quick post a link or sauce before 404
Just google "cousinanon ang"
That's the name of the guy who originally drew those boys. Not necessarily the same artist.
>this is already canon and I can change gender and appearance anytime
Hey, alright now, alright now, fellas
Now, what's faggier than being op?
I can't hear ya
I say what's, what's faggier than being op?
Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright
Okay now, jannies
Now, we gon' lynch these discord trannies in just a few seconds
Now don't have me lynch these trannies for nothing
Now I want to see y'all acting like incels!
We finna boutta dab in prison cells!
>expecting anything different after willingly showing off his raging hardon to a crowd
>original artist lewded their own work
Feel free to call me dumb, but while I knew Pas did the comic, I didn’t realize they did the lewds as well. Neat
there is nothing to continue
there is more implied lewd stuff but thats it
but boys(female) are tomboys you double nigger
I forgot how degenerate this was lol
Traps will never be more gay than OP
>implying elder scrolls 6 won't be exclusively 3rd person
Story time
Oh never mind then, I’m not as dumb as I thought I was :)
what is the source for this so I dont have to wait for you to upload everything
i dont consider someone with a fucking phd to be subhuman, that shit takes a lot of work and dedication
that part should be removed from the image if the creator wanted to make a point
just call it ass, only trap faggots call it boy pussy due to them being in denial that they are gay
Why would they make such an unrealistic transgender person? Where's the dead eyed stare with eyebags and the general look of their face not knowing what the fuck it's doing?
I won't lie.
this shit is really fucking retarded.
putting them below boys and traps is a sign of being gay and thus heretical thinking, and I will beat you with 30 void ships for your insolence
could this be?
ew that "cute" face
What's going on in this thread?
sauce me before thread gets cucked
Apu Pepe is light years better
The GAYEST shit you won't believe.
Did someone jizz on his face?
Hi im new to Yea Forums what i do here how i register a username why cant you stop posting bad words please i dont like it can you talk without memes are you stupid
fight the gay
Kill yourself
My fellow Yea Forums bros, imagined if some lawyer pranked you by turning you into a catgirl for a rich lady, now that would be funny HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>orphan willingly going with the faggots.
gotta go
use saucenao
cute tomboy
The end
bros 4 lyfe
for me, is gyarus
This isn't a videogame thread, so the mods are going to let it stay up. The only thing they do for free is delete on topic threads.
how do i find more cute cuddle sleeps?
you don't "stare at a characters ass" when playing a game you stupid fucking idiot. you look at pretty much everything but your character because that is how video games work. it's not a movie
And OP is a fucking cuck.
Isn't this the American jojo ripoff?
Do your thing jinzo, wreck them traps
Source is aang story just google
I can't believe Joseph Joestar got killed like that.
be an oneesan drawn by itou hachi
>ignores the op
Attention to all of the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:
Stop cruising for attention and using Yea Forums as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.
Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.
You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.
Make a tumblr and peddle your trash there.
konosuba universe
sauce, I have a bad feeling about this yet I am also curious
and to think science is going to achiev that some day
Where is this going, user?
>dating a bully
not fucking ok
what a shity choice
Why are people acting like Yea Forums wasn't always gay as fuck
do you have the one where death visit him?
Tumblr does not allow nsfw content.
also cringe
>what is fashion souls
On reddit and you should be too
I get where you're coming from but traps make for some of the best hate sex I've ever had. My first time with one I was kinda violent even but he liked it.
Duke Smith's American Adventure
Anatomy is a completely different skill from cleanup and color-sense
that twink basically leverages his bootyhole to reform the bully.
Kill your fucking self JustPassingThrough
>all these comics involving homo bullying
Gotta keep the fags in line or they'll ruin society.
My wife was my school bully
So much cringe. There’s a reason why this kind of trash isn’t being made anymore why pepe and wojak flourish
>fucking a dude
I diagnose you with gay
i dont get it
Big if true
Nowhere because it's currently unfinished
Just like my Japanimations with tsundere waifus
It's to put them in their place as a subhuman I swear.
She was a lot taller than me back the .
There's two kinds of bullies
>The insecure loser who bullies because he was bullied
>the turbo chad who could bully because he know's he's better than everyone but only bullies people who like it
i want to pat girls
haha pics of wife?
what is this image even supposed to be?
is it some kind of insi
How did this innocent post get 8 (You)s
retards like you
fuck it why not
is it 40
Are there any games that explicitly let you make a female (male) character?
God I want to eat a dick...
>it changes the hour in the clock and the flower on the snail
you became the very degenerate you wished to exterminate user, you must find redemption for falling for the gay
> snail
Nigga I've been here since 2007 and Yea Forums has always been plagued with some form of trap/gay shit
i meant 25
>not playing hardest difficulty
are u a scrub
I swear fealty to the tit.
the clock is on 6 so that makes a clock six but the last clock is on 5 so that make sit 5
the flower is 2 but the last one has two flowers
the caterpillar is 7 but the flower is gone from it and it has 6 segments so from that we can conclude that it's 6 minus 2 so it's 4
therefore the answer is 4 plus 4 times 5 which is 24
That's a fucking snake you retard
we live in a society
>no guy in the wall
wtf this is shit tier wheres the guy in the wall one
Dark Souls 2 and 3 let you make rather effeminate looking men or masculine looking women
ome oeople do
I miss the times when alt-sexuals hadn't discovered the interwebs yet. You could say you wished to be the little girl and not set off a shitstorm
Yea Forums sucks corporate cock daily because some blue hairs were fired or capitalism or because we own a console
Shits sad.
Go to a world where only females exist and just dyke out, and thats just assuming you can't go to a world where you can fix your gender with magic or scifi shit
but now you must oppose the big gay by making high quality 2D yuri, after all since yuri is pure its not gay since gays can't be pure, that and it increases tities so it all balances out
Oh wait that’s not an addition sign haha
>clock indicates its value depending on the short handle so 5
>flower are 2 each
>caterpillar by itself is 5
5 times 4 (2 flowers and short handle is on 5) is equal to 40 plus the caterpillar's value is equal to 45.
No, living your real life and being successful is Chad as fuck. Self insert into a game that's easier than real life is a coping tactic for personal shortcomings and low self esteem.
What happens next?
But in the last question they add a segment to the caterpillar but remove the flower.
Nice, very lowkey tranny thread.
>Not wanting to be a dickgirl
If you use “Chad” as a compliment you need to return to reddit.
25 or 45 depending on your autism.
This guy had really low standards.
retarded. We have no information about what values a double flower or a clock with a different time represent.
he gets facefucked and anal probed
then chad legit falls in love
The only sensible post in this whole thread.
Sort yourselves out lads.
I hate trannies so much
Yuri is shit though.
Double flower = two flowers = 4
5 of clock = 5
Can't believe it took that long. Brainlets ITT.
Consider: "The sun comes out" is the term we use to simplify the astronomical fact in our daily basis. It's not referring, in this case, to the grammatical meaning of the verb, like when you came out of your closet as an empirical faggot.
Won't stop them existing :^)
I meant more like having a female character in dress and appearance but them being explicitly male.
They generally stop themselves from existing.
It's probably a combination of all of them. You definitely can get anal warts from HPV, and HPV is known to increase chances of cancer where present.
>add a segment to the caterpillar
Oh shit.
trannies are not the same as traps tho
traps >>>>>> shit >>>>>>> trannies
But transgenderism is fake to begin with. You can't be something that isn't real, so they don't actually exist. They're simply free roaming mentally ill people that the liberals support so they can jerk off to what good people they are.
Nice greentext usage.
>Draw female
>Call it a male
How retarded can this get?
they stop existing consecutively as they are indoctrinated
Only edit worth saving.
maybe for gays
Am I missing a meme or something? Why is everyone saying it isn't 26?
They do when they hit the concrete
>start reading this
>>billy herrington.avi has finished downloading
What the...?!
Explain your reasoning?
traps are the first step towards being trannies, also enjoy your three day mute
god damn weebs btfo
Yuri was good when it was just sex n shit.
Yuri hasent been that on forever.
6 + 4 x 5 = 26 ?
What reasoning can there be beyond basic math?
not all traps want to mutilate themselves, tranny.
tits or gtfo, faggot
thats because you don't know where to look
It's a character. If I managed to write a story with a female main character in it does that make me one?
I don't understand people who feel like they need to "be themselves" in a narrative context constantly
Trans have permanently ruined pastel colors.
>Was the stereotypical jovk bully in high school
>First summer back from uni was hooking up with the gay kid that didnt kill himself
Im not saying its a 100% solution but maybe give it a try you might be surprised
maybe not at first, but they are already corrupted by tranny ideology, just wanting to appear like a girl to begin with already makes you one of them even if you haven't done any of that body horror shit
>Not wanting to stare at a guy’s ass
Lol str*ightoids
so you admit that when you make a character in an mmo and it's a girl it's gay.
Alright, post your current characters in games you are playing;
DaS 2 SotFS
>lightning bolt chucking Santa Claus
>female Executioner cosplay
>dark knight edgelord
Modded Skyrim
>brown athletic tomboy with an axe
>self-insert Breton who spams Conjuration because fuck other wizards
>blond tomboy learning gunlance
that's not even close to what I said
Why is the caterpillar 6
Looks like you had a bad day, my dude. Rolling.
7 + 7 + 7 = 21
6 + 6 + 7 = 19
2 + 6 + 7 = 15
7 + 2 x 6 = 19
I need some brutal BDSM yuri in my life.
Do not open this spoiler
>being sexually attracted to females makes you gay
I can understand calling them trannies but what's the logic in calling them gay
it's too late. it's been flooded with moe shit.
i'm 200% confident, what could go wrong ?
core values
>That boomer who can't draw a difference between magical girls with penises and trannies.
I like to switch between first and third.
You do if you have the brain capacity > high school
Caterpillar with five dots plus a flower is 7.
Flower is 2.
So caterpillar with five dots is 5.
Would make sense that a caterpillar with six dots is 6.
>5 + (10 * 5)
skyrim has a neanderthal looking male nord necromancer and a wood elf werewolf chick because the savior's hide looks better that way
DaS3 all my characters are dudes besides my non-int casters (faith, pyro, hex) because most lightweight armor that's not rags is girl stuff
I have some other ones but that's all I've done lately character-wise
excuse me this a tranny thread? where's the dick?
>Girls (male)
>boys (female)
>Because they're cute.
idk lads isn't that reason enough?
son of a bitch
is this a cute or a sad story?
>when you try to make fun of someone but all the strawman arguments are actually sound and solid
Male troll rogue with no character because RP is for fags
Mr foster
Male orc with 0 effort put into character sliders because I play in first person. I hit things with melee weapons and use restoration spells to heal between fights.
Male hammer user that hits things really hard with 0 effort in customization because it will all be covered up by full tigrex anyways
Environmental pollution is sad
check this 9
this would look horrifying in 3d
Vidya allows me to occasionally be the girl I'll never even attempt to be IRL. It's escapism and I don't see anything wrong with that. Trannies will always try spinning it the wrong way and inject their absurd ideas into that train of thought though, so I don't talk about it.
Cheers anons.
but I ain't cute so the sign is clearly wrong
>tomboys below literally anything else
gayest thing I've ever seen
Either The Long Man or Optus The Burdened. I live in the middle of nowhere as it is, and I have never been charitable anyway.
The better passing a tranny is the more i want to strangle them just to see the light dimming in those mentally ill eyes because of a superior male
>I ain't cute
That’s what all cuteys say
looks like a dude gut desu
If you can see what the sign says then it looks like you're the one who's wrong here, buddy
Why is wanting to stare at a woman's ass bad?
this makes me wonder, if in the future genetic modification made it possible to seamlessly transition between genders with relatively little complication, would people still be against trannies? or would it simply be a subsect of anti-splicers?
I remember that guy fucking the mermaid too.
the sign is clearly wrong since I am a 4/10 at best along with the fact that you tell just be looking at me I have social autism, not even joking when I state that
It's like, so creepy. Ugh. A girl can't leave her ass hanging out of her clothes without getting stared at.
tbqh these days it seems like it's more common to play as the sex you wanna fuck than the other way around.
>if in the future genetic modification made it possible to seamlessly transition between genders with relatively little complication
No, too ingrained in your biology, also people hate trannies because they're insufferable annoying fags.
Yeah I don't know what they were thinking with the male Savior's Hide, its like someone on the team remembered Kraven from Spider-man and decide "wow lets do a jacket like that".
You can't fool me, your MHGU character has a pompadour!
Is it rape if you enjoy it?
>tfw only choose if there are stats involved
>otherwise just go with whatever the default is since its getting covered with armor anyways
Play as the one you want to fuck, but don't fuck the people you want to play with
Don't say I never did anything for you, Docs
>girls with penisee
Those are called boys.
Do americans really not use a trash bin for their used toilet paper? Do they really like to clog their sewer systems?
entirely depend on your sewers
in europe you also have actual sewer for toilet paper
>You can't fool me, your MHGU character has a pompadour
Honestly its almost 2000 hours in and years since I made him. I dont even remember what hair color he has
Bugs..... lay off the carrots....
It's kind of conan/he man I guess
The only loss is that the female forsworn hat doesn't have the deer head antlers without mods
If they could literally just transform into an actual girl and aren't screaming off the rooftops that they actually used to be a man then I guess it wouldn't have as big of a stigma. But I don't think that'll be possible.
This comic would be perfect if she had regular human arms.
Sewers that get clogged by tiny things like PAPER? What kind of third world hellhole are you living in?
Bless you buggs
But lay off the carrots dude
But without environmental pollution they would never have met and shared that memory.
is it just me or does she look exactly like joji if joji was a woman
What happened to all the gay comics? Thought this was Yea Forums
thanks for remind me about this comics
now post the version where the goblins get raped in their own caves by adventurers instead
maybe the mermaid would have still lived there and come out to play because of friendship and not because of needing help
>leaving your shitty toilet paper in an open trash bin to stink up the place
What kind of animal does this?
RTS about Warsaw pact when
Extremely unlikely. The better environment would have lead to a larger and more robust mermaid population. She likely would of had a boyfriend she would be hanging out with instead.
thanks nigga
Sauce me up, please
Mer maids reproduce like anglerfish or by abducting humans obviously
only 8 option but lemme roll anyway
It's always been bullshit. At this point, we may as well accept otherkinism and fursonas as legitimate identities.
25 if you apply pemdas
Be warned theres also incest, gay incest, gay trap incest, I expected too much from this
>it just ends
OMFG Reddit thanks for the gold kind stranger!
best version
Based Koreans for sending this artist to jail
guy got arrested for 3 years for the comics lmao
That's ingame (you).
Meaning you are a fucking faggot.
is this the dobson?
>i need to play every game like an actual power fantasy so everyone else does too
roll for polish or romania
Oh well if it's been years then alright.
Yeah the regular female Forsworm hat is shite, the one with horns is leaps and bounds better. Who wants to wear a helmet wig?
GDR best girl. PRB solid runner up. PSRA better than nothing. The rest are shit tier and not even worth looking at.
the forsworn goat wig is such a weird choice
even weirder is the ancient nord armor has the male version with long horns and the female with antlers
where is the consistency Todd