No new information on the supposedly leaked Harry Potter RPG? Has it been confirmed either real of fake?
I really hope it’s real because I’m a fan of the series.
Leaked Harry Potter RPG
Fake and gay
Why would anyone have those three spells selected?
I don't know what is more "interesting" the fact you know what those spells do or the fact that you complain about their selection.
looked real, this screenshot reminds me of the game based on last movie, those were terrible
first 2 games were amazing though
>cant tell what "REPAIRo" and Lumos are from the names alone
cmon man
>all these quality animations and assets for a "fake"
It's certainly not fake though I wouldn't anticipate it too hard if I were you.
It's being made by Avalanche, not even the swedish just cause studio, but Avalanche Software aka the guys that make shitty disney games. If it somehow ends up being their big breakthrough, cool, but there's no fucking way I'm getting excited for it.
It really does seem too good, not being a shitty throwaway game to accompany a new HP movie and not even reusing the same old garbage characters, instead focusing on something completely new, and even the setting is pretty exciting (WW1 times)
I really do hope it's good, user
how do we know it´s made by them ? I thought there were no infos besides that one leaked video..
Barry Knotter gaypg isnt something youd post here op this board is one of the toughest boards for the coolest not for faggot ass you and your gary plopper vidya
Warner bros takedown every single video, begin huge hits this begin real, but annonce maybe for Next Gen consoles.
Lumos and alohmira are peobably for a stealth section. I don't really get reparo though. Maybe to build back a fallen structure for platforming? Perhaps to repair a piece of a puzzle? Thinking on it, reparo is kind of a boring ability
E3 2019 my dude, just wait
This is what I’m worried about, but from the leaked gameplay it looks fine but like any other game it’ll probably end up shit. But I still have some hope in it.
I feel like this might be real at one point but is cancelled and now vaporware because the magic didn't last for fantastic beasts
It was either fake or was a game that already got cancelled years ago. No info or announcement within months after the leak at any of the gaming conventions or events like Pax, Gamescom, or The Game Awards means it's not happening.
Maybe leak test levels but game release in 2020
Say that to my face, fucker.
Pottaboos are truly unbearable.
Highly unlikely. Game footage like this leaking without the devs or publisher then coming forward and begrudgingly announcing it earlier than they planned shortly after is a tell tale sign of a dead project.
It's real but is a leak, could be just a pitch that will never happen. Or it's still too early in development, maybe even cancelled. We don't know, just wait for the announcement
If an announcement were coming, it would have already happened months ago. Most likely a cancelled game and the leaker was a disgruntled employee who wanted to see it continue or maybe got laid off when they shut it down.
>Game footage like this leaking without the devs or publisher then coming forward and begrudgingly announcing it earlier than they planned shortly after is a tell tale sign of a dead project.
outside of Ubisoft, this rarely ever happens with this amount of footage
there is no precedent, and no reason to assume every publisher has the same policy on how to handle leaks
Lumos and Alohomora were a big part of the first few HP games' gameplay. Alohomora opens doors, chests and secret passages, and Lumos dispels illusions and reveals hidden platforms.
and if it was a canceled game you would just as likely have employees with nothing to lose leaking more information like what happened with Visceral's Star Wars game and ex-employees giving anonymous interviews
To make pretty lights and move stones to progress while spamming the one attack spell.
If this is going to be anohter modern """"""RPG"""""" then expect these to be the most thrilling things you do outside of battles where you get to press a button once to active an amazingly animated sequence of spells you will only see in that instance.