The last 3 games you played are now one game

>Muv Luv Alternative
>Zone of the Enders
>Ace Combat 7
literally the only thing I could ever ask for

Attached: English can eat shit.jpg (1024x576, 95K)

Team Wario Bros Ultimate Land 2

>GTA Vice City
>GTA 3
>Space Marine
Uhh...GTA 40k?

>cube world
no clue but it would be pretty good?

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>Yakuza 0
I'm not creative someone help me here.

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>azur lane
>super mario maker 3ds
>scp secret lab
a multiplayer team versus team versus team where your goal is to kidnap or imprison shipgirl npcs scattered throughout a haunted shipyard. the third faction is the sirens, they have massive health pools and their goal is to destroy everyone in the shipyard except themselves. rather than a random layout, you can design your own shipyard layout and upload them online for other people to play.

For Honor

I go around assassinating people as Silver Samurai and then run away through large crowds of fodder enemies?

Titanfall 2
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII
Monster Hunter World

this can be very very good or very very stupid. So scifi Sengoku heroes in Mecha against Celestial Behemoths

>Soul Calibur 6
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Senran Kagura Burst Renewal
RPG with stupidly in depth combat and a chance to see Disney characters get naked.

Attached: mhga.jpg (1142x1200, 266K)

>Super Mario Galaxy
Tactical HRPG with my favorite Waifu sound shot..

Attached: That was quick.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)