Does this puss anyone else off?

Does this puss anyone else off?

>Bashes the game. So many negatives.

The full review read like a 5 at most

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has a game ever been reviewed with a score below six in the last 10 years? Fuck, its always 7 SUCKS, 8 IS GOOD, 9 IS AMAZING, 10 HOLY FUCK LOOK AT THIS BAG OF MONEY

7 is the new 4

>Not perfect, but

60-70 for aaa games is the "this game is a piece of shit, but we don't want the publisher to pull their advertising" range of scores.

>it's characerization
And disregarded, even if the game is shit.

Crackdown 3 got 5's.

If it's an American reviewer, 7/10 is considered pretty low since 8/10 is considered an average scores

> to fuel it is characterization and plot

Lower than 7 would attract too much attention. Safe, middling score to keep developers happy to give them review copies.

>in it is current state
The absolute state of journalism.

Review scores are a fucking joke.
Just read the article and move on, the numbers are just baits for clicks and spam caused by shitpost wars.

Honestly they’re completely justified in shutting it down this time around. Bioware hasn’t developed a good game in almost a decade, it’s time to go.

>mistake repeated over and over, revealing the writer is uneducated and doesn't know any better
Why is this site allowed on Metashit again?

>combat = not good
>graphics = good
>environment = not good
>narrative = not good
>writing = bad
>story = bad
>no one will like this except for hardcore retards who love repitition

>it's current state
The absolute state of "journalists"

there you go

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Uh... English isn't my first language so maybe I'm dumb, but shouldn't the "it's" in "it's characterization" and "it's current state" be "its"?

This pretty much describes every Bioware game since Jade Empire.

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Should’ve been less than that, a 5 is too forgiving

they have to do that or else EA and their handlers will pull advertising. the traditional gayming journalists have a total conflict of interest.

Yes it should be, but shockingly you don't actually need any qualifications to be a games "journalist."

You would think this would be lower.

I like how a lot of the reviews on youtube have the title as An Honest Review. Like they weren't being honest in other videos? Are they that scared of backlash from EA for criticizing a Bioware game? It's amusing.

Everyone is afraid to criticize the game. It's a major AAA title from EA and Bioware. They're so afraid to say the game is bad they have to put up reasons why they're criticizing it. The state of modern journalism.

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