5 year old

>5 year old
>Still no games

How did they do it?

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Saying it over and over doesn't make it true user. You can dislike the exclusives as much as you want but the no games meme only applies to a few consoles ever, and the ps4 is not one of them.

common user I hate snoy too but that is a lie

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You say that for the switch as well but yet...

They realized they don't need games, just normalfag simulators like FIFA and COD.

oh no no no no no

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we are too busy playing crackdown 3 user

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Bloodborne is still the best game of the generation.

What was last Switch game btw? How these nintendo babbies dare to say anything about ps4 when last Swith game was like 2 years ago, geez

>5 years later

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absolutely B A S E D Xbro

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Tetris 99 is apparently fucking sick.

how come they always look so pathetic?

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Posts the only console that actually has by far the most exclusives and the most content.
Shit bait faggot

YOU KNOW IT cant wait for halo reach on MCC BABYYY

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But yet its true. There are 4 exclusives worth your time and one of them already exists on wii u. Which makes it three to be honest. Still better than the xbone but still...

Isnt crackdown 3 shit? Ive heard only bad things about it.

Yeah i wonder why faggot.

4 exclusives

is shit for the reviewers that didn't get paid for the good review. if you like crackdown you will like this game.

>release in america first
>stubborn gooks only go by months later japanese release date for officially-recognized anniversaries


Easily the best exclusive and nothing has been even CLOSE to topping it.
>God of War
First part of the game is great. Latter part is lazy.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
Fine. It's super repetitive.

>tfw you bought a PS4 solely for FF12 zodiac age and FF 15
>both appear on PC a few months later
It's truly just bloodborne now for me

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Don't get me wrong. I got my money's worth with GoW and Spider-Man, but those games struggle to find a consistent excitement that lasts til the end of the game. Bloodborne succeeds at that.
Thank God I bought Horizon for a cheap price because I would have felt ripped-off otherwise.

It's only been five years before they release a new console?

Wait is there less games on PS4 than on Switch? That's an old image, right?