Sony says STOP to console wars

>"I think Nintendo’s doing wonderful things with Switch, and the platform. And it’s sort of blurring the lines between what’s at home gaming, what’s on-the-go gaming. But also I think Xbox has really raced with us on how we’re pushing the bar out on technology and quality. And what they’ve done recently with their introduction of an adaptive controller, to increase accessibility in gaming, is a wonderful innovation. So I think as an industry, wyden Praises Microsoft & Nintendo’s Achievements, Hopes to Shift Narrative from Console We all move forward. And, I for one, am gonna stop talking about using phrases like competitive platform, because I think we’re all supporting and leading an entertainment revolution of gaming. You know, all hands to the till. We’re all in this together".
What a good guy Shawn is.

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I hate that rat-looking fuck Shawn Layden so fucking much

Make Ape Escape 4

does this rat fuck even play vidya?

Fuck that, bring back Sega.v.Nintendo-tier rivalries again. Why does everything need to be pussyfied.

>Sony, the company that's so dedicated to (timed) exclusivity that they even publicly banned developers from adding crossplay to their titles, says it's time to stop console wars.

top kek

>kudos to nintendo for their portable hybrid idea
>oh and good job on your controller for retards microsoft

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Sadly, this.

So does this mean no PS5? will they just release their games for the switch/future Nintendo console?

why these niggas look like they in an anime intro

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They can smell the gaming crash coming but they don't know which direction it's coming from.

Show some fucking respect for the guy that saved vidya

Didn't the Sony president also say he doesn't see consoles living past the PS5? The slimy faggot's been hinting that the next Playstation is gonna be a streaming console and that concerns me more than anything.

Because shitposting about consoles is the cenit of manliness.

I don't doubt that all three play at least a little
but Shawn Layden has actually been in the gaming industry the longest
working at SCE Studio London back in the late 90s making PS1 games

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It's "zenith."

>Americans vs. irony

You really don't understand it do you?

Autocorrect is something I wish I could kill.

>btw buy our console with timed exclusives

>trying to reason with console war faggotry

Because nobody's tried THAT.

PS5 digital only confirmed

Sure, just port your exclusives to other platforms as well.

you can literally turn it off you useless fucking waste of life

>the guy that saved vidya

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This just means they're losing the war.

If you are older than 13 years old and purchase a game console instead of a PC, you are genuinely a low IQ person. I'm talking 95 IQ or lower. You probably will work retail all your life.

>Sony says STOP to console wars
Then uncensor my damn Konosuba dungeon crawler and make up for the damn delay and censored game you caused. FUCK OFF!

They are hired to run the company, not play video games.

>Sony execs and devs do everything they can to egg on console war shit at the start of the gen because the WiiU and launch Xbox One basically mean nothing to them
>Nintendo free to control the ENTIRE portable market with Switch and put out worthwhile exclusives that aren't walking sims about sad daddies
>Xbox One X BTFOs the PS4 Pro in every regard, EVERY multiplat looks and performs better
>meanwhile Sony leaves the Vita and its playerbase to die, fucks over dozens- hundreds, maybe- of Japanese developers with asinine censorship and english-language-only policies, and takes that guy who said multiple times that backwards compatibility doesn't matter because "old games look icky" and makes him THEIR PRESIDENT
>Xbox and Switch sales catching up to PS4 sales at a rapid pace
>c-calm down everyone :^) he-heh heh, w-we were just joking, let's s-s-stop these console wars ok
I'm so glad I sold my PS4. Sony is fucked.

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Why is Sony the only company that people think shouldnt have exclusives? I dont see people begging for Mario and Halo on any other platforms.

>xbox has really raced with us
wtf, Vert hasn't even left her room in the last 5 years.

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>Xbox and Switch sales catching up to PS4 sales at a rapid pace

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Because Playstation owners are actually content with the games they have and don't need to beg for more.
Switch and Xbox owners on the other hand...

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This won't happen obviously. Most of the console war shit is instigated by children trying to act more mature than they actually are, pretending that avoiding Nintendo is like some kind of rite of passage while some 20 to 30 something manchildren with a lot of free time and plays games more often than they should argues against them. In order to stop or lessen the whole console war bullshit, one or more of the following would have to happen:

1. Nintendo would have to die
2. Nintendo would have to get more mature titles
3. Sony would have to get more titles meant for children
4. Sony loyalists would have to convert to idorts
5. Idorts should be more common in general
6. Games would have to be less accessible to children
7. Manchildren will have to get a job and spend less time on gaming forums

He’s only saying this because Sony has now opened a vaccum in the industry, with their capitulation to Chinese censorship, for Microsoft and Nintendo to collaborate on a new console: one that
>is free of censorship
>has the power of Xbox
>has Nintendo’s stellar first party titles
>can play Xbox first party titles like Halo, and all other modern titles
>has a fun Wii-Remote style motion control gimmick as icing on the cake (imagine Halo with Metroid Prime 3 controls)
Shawn is literally just covering Sony’s ass because he doesn’t want them to get utterly fucked

witouth him all you would have is shit mobile, old visual bing bing wahoo shit and madden


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Has Sony even announced a single new game since 2016?

>let's stop the console wars


this nigga didn't do shit.

Source? Yeah, that's what I thought. Most of my Xbros are switching to PC or PS4, after all the dickery Microsoft has stirred. Also Yea Forums, you're all cool. So contrarian and edgy. Grow the fuck up. No company is personally giving you handjobs, so lose the mindless brand based loyalty.

ah yes, where would we be without Cinematic Experiences?

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Concrete Genie
Astro Bot

basically shovelware

I said game, not vr tech demos.

>exclusive (that Sony themselves killed and forced to shut down)
>PS2 port
>western AAA (lel) exclusive

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every console and company with their executives and decisions behind it is disgusting

Yeah, it's already been heavily rumored that Microsoft x Nintendo have been working on something big. Personally, Sony's arrogance this gen. completely put me off from supporting them in the future. I thought God of War was a 7 and terribly outdated in the gameplay department (walk through corridor, fight, do a PS2-era puzzle where you hit things in the environment, cutscene, repeat.. and don't get me started on the "Open World"; same thing with Spider-Man, Horizon, etc. they're all just 7/10 games with insane production values.

>Sony says STOP to console wars
>After years of console wars and finally not having games to show

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Of course there's no console war, it's a fucking slaughter just like the PS2 era.

That argument is based off the creators of Detroit Become Human and you know it. Spider-Man, God Of War, Bloodborne etc all have fast paced smooth combat. Sorry that's thye only game you played and didn't enjoy, maybe broaden your horizons? Horizons, oh right, Horizon Zero Dawn, another with polished combat and not a cut scene ridden shitshow.

what was the last boss of horizon again?

oh right

it was a larger than normal regular enemy haha

10/10 quality exclusives bro

with what? his 5 dollar magician hands?

Yeah nah. Sony or Microsoft having my financial info is bad enough without chinks getting their hands on it too.
>just pirate dood!!
No thanks I'd rather not be part of a Ukrainian botnet.

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>We are all in this together
>Lets not have competition so we can jack up prices

Every large company is trading your information. Sony is selling your information... those channels have been in place for decades.

You are underage and naive, the average console consumer.

>No company is personally giving you handjobs
No, but one of them is trying to shove their fist up my ass (Sony), so obviously I'm going to support the companies that don't try to do that shit

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>No thanks I'd rather not be part of a Ukrainian botnet.

there has quite literally never been malware in a scene release

the only way you can get malware is if you download "repacks"

i think you have no idea how piracy works. the same people responsible for defeating a game's DRM also peer-review all scene releases to make sure they are safe. the only way you can get any kind of malware from piracy is if you are an actually very dumb person

>Having to pay £50 a year to download updates while the console is in standby mode

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fake news
I download in rest mode all the time and I don't have PS+

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It's poorly worded, what it means is that the console constantly checks for updates while in rest mode and starts downloading the stuff with zero consent while it's in that mode. If you manually update a game and then put the console into rest mode, it will still finish what you started.

I'm not afraid to criticize Sony but this point is just dumb. A scummy company would ENABLE the updates automatically to combat piracy. Sony has legitimate flaws but people like you that get triggered over anything makes it impossible to convince people of the real issues.

Kaz ain't in charge anymore, it's time leave petty things behind us and enjoy each others company while cursing each other when they're not around.

OH so now the rat bastard company wants to work together. Fuck Sony, I hope they go bankrupt

>I dont see people begging for Mario and Halo on any other platforms

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Man, sony fanboys did nothing, but beg for Nintendo to go third-party, for these past 8 years, so they could play their games; games they said was childish and stupid.

it's pretty clear all the exclusives that haven't been announced yet are going to be on the PS5. they'll probably announce them at the same time or shortly after the PS5 reveal announcement.

unless he manages to do actual games and release a poweful console next-gen(more powerful than xbox) the narrative isn't going to change anytime soon, xbox won, now peharps next-gen they will have a chance.

Lmao tell that to the fanbase. Sonygroes are the worst console warring shitposters.

Thats the nintendo fanbase

>Xbox won
>sold less than half of PS4

>sells define quality

i bet you use metacritic to use which games are good aswell

>Why is Sony the only company that people think shouldnt have exclusives?
as in they should stop making them


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Nintendofags beg for BB and Gravity Rush yet no one complains

>no Smash
Yep totally believable

xbox doesn't even have any good games this generation. only a delusional person would say they "won."

This January Switch outsold Ps4 according to NPD.

Define "mature".

valve worse than nintendo. now that's funny. was this poll posted on a nintendo forum?

Console war exists because of exclusivity, which then forces people to pick sides and contrast hardware and software against competition on basis of superiority.

For console wars to stop, Sony would have to lift exclusivity restrictions and release any games they make on PC, Xbox, and Playstation with the best possible game going to each platform to take advantage of its own hardware capabilities--and facilitating cross-platform play across all 3.

That way people stop talking about consoles and specs and bullshit, and start focusing on the games and the value they bring to interaction via their content. But Sony will never do that, and the console war will continue.

>Expecting me to put up with Xniggies and Phil the fraud

No thanks

>Doing cross-play for longer this gen

Yeah OK

>Xbox and Switch sales catching up to PS4 sales at a rapid pace
>both Xbone its frozen at 40M and Switch even with most of its hard hitters its at 30M
>meanwhile PS4 its closing at 100M
What is it about the PS4 that makes Yea Forums SEETHE like no other?

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lately they've been begging for Dreams too, making discussion for an already niche game impossible

I never slandered Sony before they went balls deep into charging for online, live services, and now even censorship.
I actually used to be quite the fanboy as much as I am shamed to admit it. Granted that the entire console industry is going down the shitter.

In this context, pretentiously grown-up and sophisticated, kinda like Bill Maher

That image dates back to at least 2010-2012-era Yea Forums
>Xbox uses the 360 logo
>Fire Emblem using the logo from the Tellius games
>League of Legends is there and still relevant

Yeah, it was posted on this one.

>complains about Sony exclusives being the cause of consolewars
>no mention of Nintendo exclusives at all

>Spider-Man, God Of War, Bloodborne
like clockwork

>Horizon Zero Dawn, another with polished combat

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Only poorfags choose one machine.

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No but neither does reggie. He was a fucking pizza hut ceo long before Nintendo. Phil Spencer is the only confirmed guy there that plays games with a gamertag and achievement Score probably surpassing anyone on Yea Forums

Probably notice the popularity of PC gaming, consoles are no longer the go to place for videogames, everyone except entry level normies play on PC at this point.

Hes only saying that because sony gets hate for their evil censorship and they don't want criticism

>imagine putting some fatso faggot mentally ill addicted to video games as a CEO of a billion dollar multinational company

And yet she accomplished about as much as a nation that constantly works and even has a sister to jerk around.
Best goddess.

nobody cares about censorship you fatso weeb pedo

Sony's just backpedalling hard on their decade long "Playstation comes first" motto that gave them a lot of bad press when they refused to make some online games crossplayable. It's all damage control and you bought right into it.

Stfu and get back to slurping on shawn layden's micropenis

>Score probably surpassing anyone on Yea Forums
Unsurprising. Yea Forums doesn't play games.

This makes no sense. If the goal is to make money they need to be competitive. That's what capitalism is. The only way to not be part of the console war is to not have exclusives or drop out of the race entirely and just focus on making games for everyone that's left.

But when will Sony have any games?


This. There's nothing wrong with having a fun competition and poking fun. Inb4 some faggot thinking I'm defending flamewar threads.

Damn. He could be gloating about how successful PS4 is, but isn't. This says something about the sheer confidence Sony has.

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>Why does everything need to be pussyfied.
Because Snoy

snoy's foy and onions

>seriously shillint ghis Phil is le "gamer like us" meme

he doesn't know jackshit about games, he is literally just doing this shit for his merketing persona. Otherwise he would know what a pile of shit games like State of Decay2, Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3 are, he would have never funded them, he wouldn't have cancelled Scalebound instead of them, and he wouldn't keep shilling these games in ever conference like they are a big achivement for the xbox, when these games are fucking laughing stocks