Don't forget to vote bros

Don't forget to vote bros

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Which gender identity do you most identify with?
>Prefer not to identify
Aaaaaaaand close window

>non-binary gender option

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fuck off ugly intern at atlus

i don't care about the non-binary option but :

>Prefer not to identify
what it's supposed to mean

>what state do you live in
I'm not American you stupid cunts.

Time for vote for a P3 remake again

It's the Rin answer.

make sure to say you bought as many pc games as possible so they actually port more shit

>tumblrshit in the first question

>tfw they made this to damage control catherine full body

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''The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Successful completion of the survey will give eligible respondents the chance to opt in to the ATLUS® Player Survey Sweepstakes for the chance to win their choice of a gift card for the ATLUS® Online Store, Nintendo eShop, PlayStation™Store, or Xbox/Microsoft Store.''
>gives gift cards for online store
>is for USA only

I mean, Jesus Christ. Some of us have JAP/US accounts for digital sales only. Also, why couldn't I participate and, if I win the card and don't want it, I could always give it to some Merricanbro on 4chin.

Is it related to this game?

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>trauma center acknowledged
oh boy. doubt anything will come of it, but it's nice to see nonetheless


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>non-binary gender
>In what state or U.S. territory do you live?
Did you just assume nationality? Nah, fuck this shit.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... what the fuck am I reading here?

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I chuckled
You're probably right
Results from surveys like these have to be taken with a grain of salt because you're always going to have people swing both ways--die hard fans that are over critical of their favorite series, and assholes who have no business taking these surveys, let alon eactually playing any of the company's games.

They're what, on their fifth numbered game?
Of course we're going to see another installment, less they killed off the series, which by the way, is actually the main series that everything else is a spin-off from.

I just wish they would stop making portable games--fucking hate the aesthetic they resort to.

I had to lie because I don't live in the US, I chose Washington.

No thanks.

Switch ports are more lucrative and fun

PC and Switch fags are a headache. Play your exclusives.

the fuck is this shit lmao

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I asked them for more Fuuka content, I hope they hear me out!

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It means you'd rather not say.

Put everything on Nintendo's systems and PC so that everyone gets to play their shit and never ever have to hear about retarded console war faggotry.

I don't get it

Have you checked non-binary, if not... you won't be heard out.

I wanna be an intern at atlus!

I went with Puerto Rico since I'm latin american, guess its the closest thing.

nothin personnel kiddo

Attached: Fatlus.png (1005x330, 23K)

oh no

Oh no!


>All these fags who think this survey matters
Lmao, this is going to Atlus USA who have literally no power whatsoever

Why is this survey for americans only?

Because Atlus USA are being fucktards. They didn't even acknowledge Canada. We're always included in "America Only" shit like this.


The japanese one was some years ago

>Said nothing about Trauma Center except if you have played it


I'm gonna make up a state and say I'm from Vermont

But does ATLUS know there are more countries besides those two?

The Japanese cant read because they have small eyes hahah

Should we ask for a Persona 5 port? I'd feel silly since I have already invested 20 hours on the RPCS3 emulator

Shh...GUILT is sleeping
(GUILT is dead)

They gotta do that or they'll get sued to death. It's the CURRENT YEAR, after all.

Nice. Finally I can request SMT on PS4.

atlus ain't porting shit, pray for sega eu to deliver

>But do Americans know there are more countries besides those two?
Fixed it for you and the answer is no, they hardly know any other countries.

Probably because of the sweepstakes.

Fuck, my age is on the bottom half. Why I feel so old, Yea Forums?

Attached: Old.png (1069x563, 20K)

>they remeber they have the Trayms Center IP

>amerimutt survey
>non-binary memes
The city of fatlus, lmao.

>Should we ask for a Persona 5 port?

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Wrote I wanted a switch port for Persona. Lots of questions why I buy certain games and fucking youtubers is an option. Hah.

I put switch port everywhere, but no PC.

lol triggered

basicly shilled smt localisations, pc ports and hated on merchandise/digital content lol

Cause you are old. It's our time now old man

because you are grandpa

>"Fuck, you are right, we dont want to lose those 4% of our player base"

>In what state or U.S. territory do you live?
>no option to choose another country


>people complaining about non-binary being an option

Do you morons not understand what market research is? Not everything is political

>"our most popular series, including Persona, Catherine, Etrian Odyssey, and more"
>SMT not being full front

And Personafags say it's just a conspiracy theory.

Attached: SMTfanseesPersona.png (400x240, 57K)

Fuck off fatlus. Release your shit on multiple platforms or I'm pirating and emulating it.

trannies are 0,1% at most

Post them, Yea Forums.

It also count if you have the emulator :)

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Acknowledging this nonsense is as political as it gets.

Reminder to remind atlus to not taint their franchises with pc ports, pc ports Always, ALWAYS kill the fanbases, look at Yakuza and Ace Combat.

>In what state or U.S. territory do you live?

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I think even less than that

>and have purchased and downloaded a game for in the past year

Deal with it, faggot.

I mean they are right SMT is just not popular in the states. Nobody is out to get you because nobody knows you and I say this as a SMTfag. But yes user the bad meanie Atlus is out to get us

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>always check for pc port
>ignore switch,xnone and ps4

I think this is legit what brain damage looks like.

>Atlus make poll to have better understanding of who buys their games
>People who don't buy their games are very likely to lie about it just because
>Yea Forums's solution is to protest said survey that is simply trying to understand their audience
You guys can't be this retarded right?

You asked for it, right?

Attached: dungeon-travelers-22-yamiochi-no-otomo-to-hajimari-no-sho-382057.9.jpg (640x640, 117K)

>Etrian Odessey - PS4 Port
Lolis will get censored ass fuck.
Fucking trannies

In this one 100% for Nintendo side

Good thing Sega doesn't seem to give a single fuck about consoletards sensibilities

Bless you

In Arabic countries it's 0%... all of them are dead.

What a snowflake

You did tell the truth, right Yea Forums?

Attached: gaymen.jpg (1084x570, 43K)

Fuck that gay shit, give me Devil Summoner


cringe blue pilled

Unfortunately Atlus doesn't care about Raidou anymore so I asked for Aquaplus instead.

Based and redpilled

what was that website who usually had info for jap games?i think it had a green color scheme

Give me my devil survivor 3 Atlus I swear too god

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Reminder to check the non-binary option because only trannies get what they want

Does Atlus JP even listen to Atlus USA?

yes of course why do you think this survey is happening retard

already finished it on the emulator so nah

No which is why I only asked for localizations.

>mfw fatlus USA tries to be muh inclusive but the chad japs make them release their games as is

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>they end up censoring the game with bad translation and cutted content

Where's the fuck is my Persona 3 remaster Atlus?!


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On the trash where it belongs

>Shit interactions
>Shit waifus
>Faggy MC
>Aged like milk
>Expect nostalgia to be good enough to give it a remaster

Also kill yourself, faggot

>Dragon's Crown PC Release

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And port the first Devil Summoner.
I still have no idea why they bothered with Soul Hackers first.

I don't give a fuck I just want SMT5


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Good then Atlus will have irrefutable proof that they have no need to pander to the 2% of tranny queers.

How do you get triggered so easily, just pick your boring ass normie gender poltard

Dragon's Crown is one of the easiest game to emulate. Any toaster can play it with the current version of RPCS3

When stating what you're a fan of, i lister Power Instinct and Rockin' Kats.
I wonder if Atlus itself remembers those.

Yeah no, PC ruins games and communities

ResetERA is probably raiding the survey right now and clicking tranny shit. If you don't participate in this poll, you'll only have yourself to blame.

Thieving Nigger

>PC port
Yes please

I'd rather buy it on PC.
Given. But i don't participate in the communities after Dark Souls.

>no otherkin/deity option in gender

Heathens shall not be saved by thy skin
Now buy thy games peasent

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Fuck you. Fuck Epic. Fuck China.

Fuck you scumbag, Aigis still is the best waifu on this series

They already forgot. Half of them are asking for ports

Because of the sweepstakes prizes they're only able to offer to Americans

Fuck you scumbag, Aigis still is the best waifu on this series

Only if you're a sperg. Anything can be "political" the key for shit not to be political is to ignore the self-interest aspect of it.

>The girl whose ass is just a lot of screws is best girl
Saying it twice wont make it any real.

Unironically based, fuck piratefags

>anything persona
Very interested

Anything else
>not interested

Attached: IMG_5309.jpg (470x470, 31K)

>Mary Sue
>Best anything

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Imagine agreeing to eat a log of shit before the anus even relaxes

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>What merchandise would you want Atlus to develop

Joker amiibo for sure

That's very specific user, you have experience in scat play?

>Singling out Devil Summoner and Digital Devil Saga

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he cute

So i completed their survey but now i am stuck at the sweepstakes part, the Submit button doesn't react when i click on it.

Can I have it user senpai? Please?

Hell i'd be fine for the moment even with just having the PS2 SMT games (DDS, DSRK and Nocturne) appearing as Classics on the PS4. Hardcore SMT with trophy list is all i need.

Good thing ATLUS USA doesn't call the shots, huh?
Nor do they actually develop anything they release.

I specifically entered the survey so i could ask for more PC ports thanks to your post. Thanks!

>asnwer everything with a heavy SMT non persona and PC bias
>won't matter in the case of mainline and non persona SMT spinoffs anyways
Oh well

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LMao eAt ShiT sMt FAGGOTS.

Give me my soul hackers 2 too or raidou 3

Dokapon Kingdom bros, this is are chance

And why wouldn't they when the vast majority of sales aren't from weebland?

It might have been referring to Raidou

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Soul Hackers is.

They mentioned devil summoner and digital devil saga dude, those games haven't had games in a decade, they might be planning something with spimoffs after smtV

>they differentiate between Devil Summoner and Soul Hackers

Have these Atlus surveys ever done something?

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I was gonna defend you but can't defend this shit tasting of loving a toaster.

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Nemissa coming back confirmed

By that they meant Raidou 1&2

Devil Summoner probably refers to Raidou games
Soul Hackers it's its own thing and no one played the OG game because lol Saturn

>In what state or U.S. territory do you live?
good job Atlus

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I get that literally nobody but diehard fatlus autists played the original devil summoner, but it's not like Atlus tried to hide the fact SH belongs to it
I mean the murrican cover itself names the game as part of Devil Summoner

You just miss the chance of rewards by lying.

It's mainly for marketing, PR, and just maybe, on the very rare chance, localization projects. These surveys never affect actual game development.

I did too.
Specifically a Fuuka figure.

I live in mexico so i picked new mexico, nothing should stop us non-persona smt fans from being heard

I'm not lying, I swear
This was genuinely my first SMT game ever

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Same, but also threw in Switch ports because Switch emulation is happening at a relatively good pace to give us such potential remakes/masters on PC.

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It trigger you so hard that you had to leave. Snowflake.

>Other: Yea Forums

I asked for a Fuuka plushie or Daki
Something to hold while I drift off to sleep

I voted non binary and then said i love persona and catherine so I'm hoping they don't change anymore shit unnecessarily

Ironically, Soul Hackers is put separately from Devil Summoner.
I think they meant Raidou series by Devil Summoner.

why do you fags love to make up fake outrages? That shit was already proven fake

It was ported to PSP, but not localised

Attached: qWjQJi.png (925x222, 9K)

rev up that decade long fan translation

It feel like a push poll from some resetera tranny.

I suppose knowing which titles are most popular or known in the us is useful.

Nah, I selected switch port on everything and left PC blank. Atlus games dont feel right on PC

I cannot believe that people in other forums are asking for etrian odyssey for PS4. They want to kill the franchise with lolis censorship???

Is that gonna stop resetera?

cringe and bluepilled

If people don't vote because of that, then non-trannies will be underrepresented in the poll. Not the signal you want to send to Atlus, is it?

Vote for SMT 1+2 remakes in Other, folks

Don't worry Atlus USA will fix Catherine, amiga. :^)

It'll be dead anyways when it makes the move to a single screen.

Thats depends what are they doing right now. We have to wait until the make the trailer annoucement


Who else /traumachad/? I have no interest in anything but more Trauma Center

Attached: oh yes.png (389x240, 18K)

Catherine FB isnt censored

Justpretend you're from California, dumbshits

>Atlus games dont feel right on PC
That's a hot take, and definitely closed-minded to not get a tangible experience.
Barring the upstart porting studio, Catherine Classic is just fine on PC, beats out emulation, and shows there's money here.

Switch lags true wiggle controls (fakes it via gyro) and non-stylus input would be brutal. PC would be carpal tunnel, 3DS is on its way out, and any other platform lacks pointer input.

most of the EO fun comes from drawing your map as you go
Taking that away will ruin the game

That's because in FB none of the characters are or seem to be of a younger age. Most if not all of Snoy's censorship targets cartoon girls under a certain age.

And discussing whether door tiles should be walled and painted

>Be idort
>I still ask atlus to port to pc

I love you all

Etrian Odyssey is doomed when the 3ds dies at any rate

But that would be lying, and lying would be Chaotic
I did the survey after making my post, bud. Claimed I was from New York

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i went through the whole fucking thing looking for the option to tell them to make sure they dont censor things and in fact more lewd is more buying

but none of it exists

>tfw lied about my state as a USchad
>inb4 pity win but dq'd

>That's because in FB none of the characters are or seem to be of a younger age
>months ago
>C-Catherine was never in danger haha
Fuck right off

it was mine too

Golly there sure was an entire page dedicated to Dragon's Crown.

I hope they take another look at it and maybe even gift us with more content. DLC, sequel, don't matter to me.

It's a little cringe but I had to tell them the real reason that pushed me off the fence and into "definitely buying" territory- and it's because Kamitani was so based in dealing with Shitaku.

Attached: dcdwarves.png (402x552, 350K)

every fatlus is 5% little girl, on the inside, user.
I picked non binary, since i am only 95% male


You faggots better pick remake for the Persona Questions. I really want to play the P2 remake we never got in the west. What i really want is a P1/P2s bundle remake or remastered on consoles

>Golly there sure was an entire page dedicated to Dragon's Crown.
Was there? Think it depended on what you chose from previous pages.

I just asked for new sequels for everything. Fuck port kiddies.

everywhere is a US territory
except north korea, they are the only ones who remain free

i didn't, because then they'll come to shill into Yea Forums
or in the best time line:
the devs will come here to shill on their own

>Fuck port kiddies.
Based, the entire PS2 catalog of games can stay there and fucking rot as they should.

yes, stop giving them attention

Yeah I forgot Atlus was responsible for Dragon's Crown, I hope they do more with the series and don't let it die so they can make more useless Persona shit like Dancing All Night or whatever in the fuck.

Same here. Why would I want to buy the same game again?

Fuck that
I want New Personas

Fuck milking previous games

>Golly there sure was an entire page dedicated to Dragon's Crown.
>How did you find out about Dragon's Crown?
>Other: Sorceress porn

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Unless they change to JRPG or new adventure form bro..

We don't really know until we find out the new gameplay so every statement that is doom or dead is retard until they make the annoucement

SMT I and II both desperately need remakes, though. It's not like the same teams work on remakes as the new games.

well /videogames/?

Attached: do it ATLUSR.png (613x113, 5K)

All I did was ask for a fucking Xbox port.
Give me a fucking port of SMT and Dragon's Crown, you fucks.

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>interested in a game, want to play it day 1
>pre-order it, have it automatically ship to my house and get it on release date.
Why do faggots hate preordering shit again? There's literally no difference between preordering and buying shit on day one.

Remind them to localize Dungeon Travelers 2-2 please.

I don't know if they published 2-2 in Japan, but I know they did 2.


I asked for PC ports of Persona, SMT, Dragons Crown and Odins Sphere

And added the info that i want them to be Epic Store exclusive

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I mentioned in-game items like the watches Aksys did with the Zero Escape series.

Because casuals want everything to be homogenized on their platform of choice. God forbid they emulate, play a digital re-release, or use on older hardware.

This is Atlus USA, not the real Atlus based in Japan.
This is just a meme irrelevant survey.


I did my part user.

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>proceeds to list two homogeneous points
Older hardware is such a cop out.

Tell that to the Yakuza fans.

bros, why arent we listed?

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>no Yea Forums option in social media


Cute hat

i'm still mad i only learned about the zero escape watches like halfyear after the VLR preorders and nowhere to find them
just why the fuck did they stop making them, i'm still on the hunt for the VLR one AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Just pick Reddit

Can't you just lie?

Anons here already do enough for free shilling anyways why tell them we exist?

Traditional emulation is done by fans and requires no oversight or development hours wasted by a team.
Digital re-releases (e.g. the PS2 classics on PS3) require next to no resources to be spent on actually developing the game.

fuck off


they'll see your eye pee

>Literately had a character named Yea Forums McClover Girl in their last hot Persona release
>Don't even consider that audience.

Attached: AtlusSurvey.png (1060x294, 11K)

>no place to ask about other titles

>not voting to show yourself as the STRONG white male you are
It's like you want the to think trannies actually play their games

Unironically good. PC portbeggers need to be fucking gulaged.

Atlus its not the developers, that's Aquaplus, they just publish them

>retards will not give their opinion on survey just because of shit like that
Come on dude, tell Atlus to stop supporting PC gaming you bunch of faggots.

>tfw making multiple surveys with fake emails asking specifically for no Switch or PC ports, have sent 87 surveys already
you can't stop me

Attached: 6a2.png (165x115, 49K)

>Mentions Kingdom Hearts


Isn't there an "Other" option to type it in? I swear I skimmed over it.

Keep it up.

shut the fuck up tranny go dilate somewhere else

They know we don't buy game here, either pirate or shitpost without playing them.

you guys made sure to ask for the most important merchandise, right?

Attached: file.png (1005x398, 31K)

And they're in the best position to continue publishing the games.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-21-12-42-02-1.png (718x211, 13K)

>telling Atlus USA you want PC ports

It does as much good as port begging here on Yea Forums

I asked for art posters from Kaneko.

Attached: SMTII.jpg (2405x3600, 1.46M)

>with fake emails
But you dont need to input your email

>Which gender identity do you most identify with?

What in the fuck is wrong with California? Good Lord, what the fuck?

based, I asked for a real life size doll of Ann.

There's something like that at the end

Actually based.

I asked them to let kaneko out of the basement and allow him to draw again.

Now I'm waiting for remasters of all SMT games on Xbox.

There hasn't been a single Atlus game that has interested me in over two decades.

Suppose I'll take the survey just to stir some shit opinions in there.

rules one and two, motherfuckers.

No, I said I only buy Nintendo products and would like more cups and dinnerware with persona shit on it.
Also, I always preorder everything.

I'm not sure why I'd let Let's Play videos sway me when good ol' Educational video talking about gameplay mechanics and the overall scenario/plot would be just fine.

Attached: AtlusSurvey2.png (1147x401, 14K)

>of Ann
Fuck off pleb, v is demon fucking town

Attached: Anthony.png (512x384, 79K)

>asking pc ports from Japanese developers.
yea no.

Fun survey but you guys know that Atlus USA is irrelevant, right?

i don't feel like buying shitch for new smt and eo, i'll take ports

The Yakuza ports are great, and Catherine Classic is slowly being polished.
Can't complain about Sega holding a gun to Atlus.

Pretty much. But they COULD be worse and start actively fucking up the translations because of politics rather than incompetence.

Just showing which titles there's more interest in localizing couldn't hurt if it's on the bubble.

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>Put a woman in charge
This weird delusion people have that if someone has something different between their legs the game will be better.

>Soul Hackers mentioned like 6 times in the survey

Sure sounds like they've already considered porting this. Either way I'll take it on switch

The fact that Yea Forums is blacklisted by the entire internet since the times of "Anonymous" and Raiding even though developers and marketing teams browse here undercover

That's the female mentality

>Japanese game
>put a woman in charge
Cant wait for the part in P6 where your waifu gets raped and murdered

So she wants a Japanese woman in charge of Persona 6? That's somehow better? Good lord nip women are just as bad

>Radiant Historia port
How would that even work ?

They listed Dragon's Crown and Odin Sphere even though they only published them.

>no blank where I can tell them to drop dubs forever and stick with nipspeak
Waste of my time

Aren't Nip women behind Neptunia?

Someone post the picture of a young woman selling the hardcore guro doujinshi she made.

>female mc
>atlus pisses off or completely misses their demographic mark
>P6 flops
>atlus announces they'll never do something like that again or persona is no longer viable

Voted for Switch and PS4 ports of SMT/Persona.

non binary is the ONLY other gender other than boy or girl. it should be reserved for a very small part of the population that is born intersex. Not for angsty preteens that don't fit in with pretty girls.

why are resetera trannies so delusional?

pc port that uses 2 halves of the screen or a dual monitor setup

Attached: survey.png (1513x4236, 510K)

>forgot to ask for an SMT fightan
Someone please put it in for me

Portables are the best way to play RPGS.

That sounds interesting

>implying they have any real choice in the matter
Chad SEGA EU takes and ports what they want.


what is the difference between Atlus and Nippon Ichi?

they are 2 entirely different companies that produce separate games? What are you trying to get at

>PC gamer
OHNONONO they're gonna steal our games!

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what sexism are they talking about? Do they think Persona takes place in USA?

>he didnt make it big with a start up at 15, cash out at 17 and retire at 18
Never gonna make it

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The grindy game with the demons and the anime girls

Raidou remake/new Raidou game bros, where you at?

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>non-binary, Nintendo, visual novels, Kotaku, IGN
nothing to see here
user i thought this was a funny joke, why did you make me waste time reading that

You DID ask for jack frost plushies , right Yea Forums ?

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Those are already a thing and not cost productive.

Ok, but that woman is Tsunako

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i asked for Jack bros plushies and figures

Not like it would happen anyway lmao

>all the butthurt non americans ITT seething at the state option
imagine not living in rome LOL

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the california trannies are very loud on social media and companies have to monitor these freaks.

your father jizzed in your mouth while you were sleeping last night

>survey asks what I want more out of from Catherine
>no PC port option
>ask what I want out of SMT
>there is a PC port option
And don't give me that "it already has a PC port" shit because it still has "remake/remaster" as an option

>United States


stop promoting us you mongoloid

They probably talk about Catherine normal as Full Body isn't out yet.

>nothing about TMS#FE this year
Why is the world so cruel

It's called Atlus USA for a reason, any game that gets localized to a non US country is usually done by a third party

I asked for a Persona 2 remake

Attached: 1509591140800.jpg (800x600, 81K)

Reusing game assets like the good ol days

I asked in every "other" section about a new Trauma Center game.

Fucking based

I told them I didn't give a fuck about any streamers or news sites and to just give us more SMT remakes and new games.

Also asked for Kaneko back.

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>Rance lady gets Persona

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Silly user, Persona games before 3 do not exist.

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But I'm not an American.

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fuck i forgot to mention port persona 4 golden to fucking anything

I've already sent 200 requests for SMT on PS4.


I don’t think Rome was as famous as the US when it comes to trannies and race mixing tho’

You hee-ho'd into the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker

honestly watching GiantBomb go through P4 made me pick up Golden when it was announced

this wouldn't be a bad timeline at all and a good wake up call for these deluded resterera fags who think japanese women have the same distorted self victimizing mind as them. Hell, a woman in charge would put even more shit to trigger them in it


I don't think I could play these games again if they did.

Now if they made them again as waifu sims like P3, P4 and P5 maybe

I did my part. Asked for X1, Switch, and PC ports for Fullbody, Dragon's Crown and the Persona/SMT games. Made sure to emphasize not just DC, but port all of Vanillaware's games in DCs section. All of these games are super fun and everyone should get a chance to play them. Always remember, if people are actively trying to sabotage them from appearing on other consoles, it's because they're selfish and they don't want other people to have fun.

Can't figure out how to get entered into that sweepstakes contest though.

Who on Earth actually wants more DDS? And why did they separate Soul Hackers and Devil Summoner?

Now this is the kind of answers you guys should have submitted

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Because its a good series? Also its divided because one is for raidou and the other for the rest

>Who on Earth actually wants more DDS?
>And why did they separate Soul Hackers and Devil Summoner?
Because Devil Summoner its associated with Raidou while Soul Hackers its a separate thing despite also having the DeSum name

It's also completely self-contained. A sequel would just be tacking on more to something that's already standalone and complete just for the sake of doing it.

Seething jealousy

>not the real Atlus based in Japan.
Being An international branch of a company makes it fake?

I know Atlus was just the publisher but I can dream, right?

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Yeah , and? The whole point of asking for me is that they have more games that are about you transforming into demons in the literally sense of word

nah they just had old politicians groom 14 year old boys, dress them up in makeup to cart around everywhere and gave em the old buttfuck on occasion

Remember to do the following:
Ask for all games on PS
Say no more switch games
Say never touch pc

Good thing I did 100 doing exactly the opposite.

>it's because they're selfish and they don't want other people to have fun.
Then buy a fucking ps4

There's more to Digital Devil Saga than just transforming into Demons. If they made Digital Devil Saga 3 you would expect it to follow the Embryon seeing as that's what DDS1 and 2 were about, but that would just be dumb.

Wasnt there a manga spin-off focusing on another group of soldiers? They can make a game about that or another group that were infected with the demon virus in Nirvana

I think most of the people complaining is people just baiting. I sincerely hope that Yea Forums isn't as autistic as they make themselves look

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Well then I hope they dont take the sequel thing literally then
Focusing on specific religions worked pretty good imo, and having actual characters instead of what happens in SMT was a very nice addition

I do like the focusing on a specific religion, but I kind of preferred how it was done in Devil Survivor, I also prefer how characters were handled there and I prefer how the lack of characters is handled in SMT more than how the characters in DDS is handled. I'm just not all that fond of DDS in general, though.

I need you all to fucking vote that you played etrian odyssey and that you want a sequel/next installment and also a PC port.

Say you're seething and coping

I did vote that except for the PC port.

Doesn't EO require two screens to work?

I got your back. You know I'm always watching out for you, EObro.

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>EO without map drawing
Sounds like shit desu senpai.

y'all hav to stop supporting pedophilia right fucking now lol.

It's so they know they don't have to pander to these idiots when literally nobody chooses that option, you're actually hurting the statistics by not taking the survey because of it you fucking morons.

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You can't say that, it's slanderous.


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I played 1-3 on an emulator with my wacom tablet so its possible (and even better) to play it on PC.

You'll get similar in the form of Persona 5: The Revenge of the Detective Prince in which you play an alternate universe version of Persona 5 featuring Goro Akechi as the protagonist as he goes through the events of Persona 5 but this time he defeats the Phantom Thieves and Shido, featuring action RPG combat from Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon

I asked for more of vincents rape shirts and to bring back imagine

Suck my cock dude

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fuvck u

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>Please, don't make more money!
I bet company will listen to your enlightening advice. Reminder that Total War is a PC exclusive and makes Sega more money than Persona and SMT combined, and that's not counting all its DLC.

Likewise for ps4 dickhead. I don't wanna buy smtv on my shitty tablet.

There is not a single pedo thing about EO.

dá port plz

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bro I like EO but cmon now, you know why certain people are buying that game

Mapping dungeons?

Since I just finished all the ace attorney games and I'm trying to kill off my 3ds once and for all by clearing my backlog in that motherfucker I'm curious about EO now, I never played Dungeon crawlers before, should I play 4, 5, or Nexus?

Digital devil saga 3 focused on aztec or egyptian mythology would be kickass

hell yeah


Attached: kek.png (977x171, 9K)

I've only completed 4 and I'm playing through 5 now, I think 4 is a fine place to start. Personally, I don't intend to play Nexus until I've played all the others because I know it's a crossover of all the other games and I'd like to be familiar with the callbacks before going into Nexus.

Only played 4 and 5. I think 5 is a little more forgiving, but they're basically the same game.

What are ya gonna do with the Prize money, Yea Forums?

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i dunno lol

Most people start with 4, which is a fine entry point and the least refined when it comes to the 3ds games. You could try one of the Untolds too, remakes of the first and second games.

I'm gonna give it to Kaneko, his family is starving and he is out of work.

if big prize, I'll probably sell my 500 card for 400 dollars and pay off one of my credit cards so I can go back to being a full time student.

That's funny, I was thinking of using the money to hire a detective to find out what happened with Kaneko.

I asked for more demon figures, my thirst cannot be quenched on Jack bros nendos alone

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Ace Combat immediately recovered once the "M-MUH HOTAS" retards got bored.

I hope the fact that Radiant Historia was listed means that something could possibly, potentially, maybe be coming in the future


Based gotta represent bruh

Just vote fucking male so they see that 99 percent of their audience are not trannies

Asked for more Persona and less SMT

>sweetie, why didn't you apply to that job I told you about?
>they had the AUDACITY to ask what my gender was

i asked for Jack frost hats lol

Now they will pay shills to shill here.

I put "Vita port" in every other

Thats for Yea Forums. Newfag.

>Which gender identity do you most identify with?
Stopped there.


Attached: 1544176634305.png (1024x1163, 333K)

That's for WHAT?

Absolutely based, yeet em SMT boomers.

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Devilishly delicious

I'll waste it on anime figures, or hrt pills

Attached: lily.jpg (1200x1151, 130K)

It’s a pol made and for US citizens. In th me US other genres are accepted and even encouraged.

We are a shitposting community not a gaming community

wanna try typing that again?

Which do I choose? They all suck.

Attached: 43226236.png (877x328, 13K)

>Other genres are accepted and even encouraged.
I sexually identify as an isometric CRPG

>don't vote because of this
>trannies make a majority
>Atlus panders the most to them
Not a good idea to pass on this one.

you forgot
>trannies don't buy the games
>atlus get back to making their normal selling games.

Another cartography bro

the only correct option

Attached: Captura.png (824x535, 21K)

They did the poll for the US market. US is famous for pushing trannys as something normal.

>Yea Forums

Even if you don't vote there are going to be enough neckbeards voting that'll make trannies the minority by default. Don't worry about it.

>not choosing "I don't rely on any sites for gaming news"

Attached: 43525.png (600x600, 293K)

>video trailers suck

So how good is Odin's Sphere? Its one of the few Atlus games I never got and I have an Amazon gift card to burn

Video trailers do suck. They're never accurate.

>SO(n)YBOYS and Nintendies SEETHING because PC will get all games

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Apologies for phoneposting. Just coming into the thread to remind you guys to do the right thing.

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Well I just talked about how I dont trust kotaku and polygon information

If you meant to say that "other genders are accepted and encouraged", you're wrong. You're obviously not from the US. The mainstream media and loudmouths are one thing. But they only represent a small portion of the population. Believe me, the vast majority of US Citizens cringe whenever someone brings up "gender identities"

>they actually listed Trauma Center
finally they remember

Must be painful to live in such delusion

>Atlus USA
>"wtf why is this American company asking me which American state I live in??"

Go nag Atlus of Yugoslavia or some shit.

user, it's obviously a filter to determine which surveys to listen to, and which yo filter right into the recycling bin.

cant imagine what it must be like admitting your opinion has no validity and simultaneously being proud over that. but hey, to each their own i suppose.


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How bad do they look?


But I don't. I've played P3 and P4 multiple times each. I want new things.

I asked them to remember Debisama;_;

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>he wants remasters of P3 and P4

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>In what state or U.S. territory do you live?
>tfw canadian

Attached: Jimmy Neutron says fuck you.jpg (236x331, 13K)

na nigga just remake P3P
maybe in 5 more years i'll take a P4 femc rerelease

Really good, if you played dragons crown then you'll love this

Imagine being so zoomer you can't play PS2 games
lmaoing @ ur life

lies, canadians are too polite to grab their crotches like that

dumb fake tranny poster

Asked for SMTV pc port. It's already on UE4, so even Atlus Japan oppose, jews from Sega Europe will bruteforce it ;-)


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Cringe and bluepilled
Based and redpilled

Sorry i wrote in Raidou.

But I want remasters of SMT 1, 2 and Nocturne.

I voted in Remakes for Persona and SMT. Honestly Persona 3 and 4 could be great in the P5 engine along with Nocturne. And also PC port because lets be honest. If atlus puts it on there it would get a fuckton of sales especially for SMT and Persona alone.

I don't want remasters of games that are already available in english and that are perfectly playable, I want new games

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You guys made sure to ask for Soul Hackers 2, right? It is the best spinoff afterall

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Debisama, idiot

I seriously hope you did this

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Please say you want a Persona 2 HD Remake. Because Persona 2 is not finished.

I asked for Soul Hackers 0

Fucking Persona 5 babbies.

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SMTrannies need to be gassed

A Judah prequel? Id be down with that

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*this post was made by Raidou gang*

nice projecting breh

Say that again? I couldnt hear you over the smooth jazz

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I find it funny people are getting more triggered that this option is here than it not being there. You guys are literally tumblr now.

>Put in a woman
>Woman gets put in but has big boobs, an hourglass figure
>No i wanted mah stronk Black female character that nobody will play and make the series bomb because my feels matter more than a company.

>Normal people get turned off by this question and quit the survey
>Now only trannies and freaks will give answers
>Atlus will pander to them because they're the only ones who answered the survey
Closing the window means they win user.

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I hope you faggots do more shit like this because this is about what Yea Forums truly deserves the most.

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>the only correct option
>not specifically /pg/

Don't make me get the riders on you fuccboi

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made sure to tell them how much I love Etrian Odyssey

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I mean how can you not love sexy smug lolis

>"replace the head of development for this series because I don't like their sex!"
>not asking for original games from female led teams instead

Its like these people never think. Granted, neither situation above will ever happen, but original works are better than co-opting established series.

nice potato
I made sure to emphasize it was the mapping that I care about most but also to make more EO1 young female medic merch

Attached: eoxvampy.jpg (390x640, 57K)

>Implying raidoucucks know shit about the apocalypse


I choose "I dont care about it " with 3 and 4 in all fields

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>hyoothetical prequel would probably let him fuse a team of kickass demons
How are you going to explain him dying like a bitch later on in Soul Hackers?

>not choosing Virgin Islands

Is the joke that it's actually Megami Tensei/Megaten?

there are a dozen excuses prequels use for that shit, just pick one out a hat
>got caught off guard
>left his best team behind because he thought it would be a cushy job
>gave his best team to a friend/lover/family member because they were in a rough spot

Said Montana because its the closest

I mean at the time you get to play as him he had some kick ass demons.

I asked for anything with Chihiro in it!
Anything at all!

Attached: 3cute5me Colored.jpg (581x645, 295K)

You meant to say Digital Devil Saga right?

>number of votes
>female: 2315
>male: 16520
>Non-binary: 217
>Prefer not to identify: 896
>ok, so yeah, we just need to pander to our male audience
They are fucking smart if you ask me.

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You mean Digital Devil Story?

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>I want SMT remake/sequels and figures
I've done my job.

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Now that Atlus has money and Sega to help them it will happen. The age of exclusivity is over.

Fuck all you portbegging poorfags from Brazil and autistic /toy/ crossposters, you should be doing something actually worthwhile and asking for a Princess Crown localization.

>Being this new to bait.

>Gitarooman style rhythm game where you have to play some rocking Jazz to summon Beelzebub
I could dig it

>they acknowledged trauma center

oh fuck, I guess I can't meme vote now

I could dig it, I love me some school shooter-kuns

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>a Princess Crown localization.

You complain about others being unrealistic with their requests, then request something equally unrealistic?

I hope you win the 500 dollar gift card for the Atlus store, user!

>I don't own a Play Station
What could I even use it on?

How does it feel to be irrelevant, you misogynistic bigots?

Attached: Irrelevant.jpg (877x303, 36K)

>Not being an active target of Shills


Feels good

Casuals are the only ones that pay for digital to begin with

feels good man
we're so cool that they don't even dare to speak our name

Feels good, we're a boogeyman

wtf i love 4channel now

fpbp, fuck trannies

I asked more Aigis content, I just want an official daki

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>he didn't put in Male and then put "DO NOT FUCK WITH ENDINGS IN CATHERINE" in the Catherine page

Attached: Too Mental.jpg (353x380, 49K)

fuck i would've, but i did check everything else except the ports.

If you guys didn't put something similar in the Catherine page, you're fucking stupid

Also make sure to input "Male" because I am 100% sure alot of virtue signalling soiboys are gonna input non-binary to fuck with the numbers to make it seems like trannies are more than .0001% of their playerbase.

Attached: Fuck Trannies.jpg (978x289, 50K)

I did too but I specified that if they don't give PC a physical release like consoles get then I will be forced to pirate. I hope you did the same.

>a survey aimed towards americans is being handled by their american division
Wow who'da thunk

Didn't ask if I downloaded them legally or not

What you playing on your wii boyo

I wish there was a general comment section to tell Atlus to let that one guy localize Yakuza again.
His writing in Zero absolutely made that game.

There's gonna be patches anyway retard, your disc will be worthless. It's better to buy digital, wait for all patches and then just backup your game. That's why I understand being against Denuvo but physical releases are worthless in this day and age.

Do you have a source for your numbers?

That last section, "what kind of games do you want us to make?" It could fit in there, maybe.

>I asked more Aigis content

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