Hey Yea Forums, what's your favorite pokemon?

Hey Yea Forums, what's your favorite pokemon?

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What is that thing

Don't have one because picking favourites is low iq and for children with no real identity, life experience or personality.


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That's Mew from Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon.

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You just know Mew has a huge cock

That ending was kind of fucky



This sweetie!

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Wait, is that Brock?

Also belongs to based waifu Cynthia

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Best mom

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This little motherfucker. I completed Pokemon Ruby when I was young with his help.

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blastoise motherfucker

I also loved to use charizard in blue but blastoise was on the cover so nigga wins

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You JUST know

>tfw mew is blushing because he can read your thoughts

What does he see user?

It's the totally original character BLOCK

Species: Tsareena
Specific Pokemon: My Gardevoir from Emerald who is still with me in UltraMoon

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Lopunny if I choose with my dick, Deoxys otherwise.

I like mudkipz

>tfw your favorite pokemon will never get merchandise
It hurts to live also

I got a cute little keychain plush and one of those nano block sets for Farfetch'd. I'm happy with that.

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I love Buizel

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Gardevoir for non sexual reasons.
I don't mind the waifuism of it though.

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Autism, in a pokemon thread? Nooooo.
Watch people get triggered by a few panels on this one.

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>non sexual reasons

absolutely based taste

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i wanna bury my head into its chest and vent about my anxiety while it hugs me with its big strong arms and wings and nuzzles its head into my shoulder

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why is that incredibly likely?

Cubone, but Bulbasaur is an almost imperceptibly close second.
You're a good guy.

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that rock slide saved me so many times lads, it's surreal

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It's just so fun to use

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You posted it.

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This boi

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It might be a mediocre shitmon but I love it regardless

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My boy

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all of the eevees are varying degrees of shitmon
those fuckers need some kind of special move or mechanic

It's Chandelure

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>100 kg of magic space cat standing 2 meter tall looks down on you and demands intimacy
What do?

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Sucker Punch

this cool dude.

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Edgy rock boy

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