>we'll soon have tech capable of pic related in real time
>animation still hasn't moved an inch from ~2006 mocap levels
>clipping never even attempted to be fixed by anyone
I'm getting really tired of this timeline
>we'll soon have tech capable of pic related in real time
>animation still hasn't moved an inch from ~2006 mocap levels
>clipping never even attempted to be fixed by anyone
I'm getting really tired of this timeline
Other urls found in this thread:
>Disgusting neoteny faced woman
Please stop.
realism in vidya sucks and need to die.
Only good on paintings.
Animation is the hardest part of asset creation because it ties directly into user interaction which is the most volatile part of a game.
Clipping is only solvable by intense interaction between animations (which are difficult because of the mentioned) and physics systems which would have to naturally bend materials that can bend correctly to an excessively exact specification at multiple points, all the time.
They're NEVER going to be fixed, largely because of the human element of creation rather than tech restraints.
>>we'll soon have tech capable of pic related in real time and it will still look terrible and fake
whats the point of photorealism? I dont want to look at ugly roasties in my vidya.
Real life Alita bots when?
They'll probably just throw neural networks or something at the problem so it looks like it's solved but isn't actually, much like RTX isn't actually ray tracing but an error-prone approximation.
>clipping never even attempted to be fixed by anyone
You dont understand how it works, clipping cant have a catch-all solution, most of the time its too small to be noticeable, and if it isnt the problem lies somewhere before in the pipeline.
And a solution to clipping has been know for ages but like i said, its not worth the work to apply it most of the time, in the rare case in which it exists but it couldnt have been avoided devs will have objects follow a specific rendering order so that they still clip, but the user will never see it, and the only example i can think of is batman's cape clipping with his arm spikes in bamham games, if you look at it carefully the spikes should be clipping through his cape, however the cape is rendered last so its always drawn over the spikes.
This won't be plausible for 15-20 years at best because GPU technology hasn't gotten to a point where you can expect this quality on a single GPU and even that goalpost might shift because TV/display manufacturers keep raising the bar on pixel count.
This man is asking the right questions.
Jesus fuck no
Just gimme a normal loli bot ffs
This looks like garbage
Nope. It still takes a couple minutes to render one CG full HD frame. Real time is WAY off.
>animation still hasn't moved an inch from ~2006 mocap levels
1:1 captured motion isn't good enough?
>clipping never even attempted to be fixed by anyone
It would be fixed today if not for Nvidia. Dedicated physics processing was on its way up before Nvidia did what they do and greedily shut down that whole market and study.
>>animation still hasn't moved an inch from ~2006 mocap levels
do you actually believe this?
Realism is that fantasy is so great and immersive because it's experiencing "all things are possible".
Most modern vidya animation looks no better than Crysis in 2007, last time I was impressed by animation/clipping was GTA V stair climbing in 2013
>They're NEVER going to be fixed,
Don't say never faggot.
Colision detection and deformation takes up a lot of CPU power console could not handle this so there were no major atempts. Since why make something if you can't sell it?
There were games/sims that focused solely on those aspects. Once someone create simple to implement system that alows for better collision/deformation and there would be hardware acceleration for it that could become mainstream.
clipping is a faggy complaint.
To solve it you would have to run collisions against every object in the world, and considering how much you idiots complain about developers putting so much effort into things other than gameplay it would be a complete waste of time.
>console could not handle this
Nothing comercially available now or in the next 20 years will be able handle it
I'd rather have 2005 graphics with stellar animation and no clipping than what we have now
Look at what were capable of mainstream PCs and consoles 20 years ago.
If software development keeps pace with hardware advancement then it will be easy.
even if a studio was doing 1990s level 3d there would still be clipping and deformation unless the asset creation team put in so many countless man hours fine tuning every little detail that it would drive the development into the ground
>only AAA devs will have resource to do assets like this
>they will spend mroe and more resources on making just a few characters
>it will be so expensive to make a single asset that in the future making photorealistic games will be impossible
I think the way games look right now is ok. I would be ok with games had graphics like that, only if it were made by using an algorithm on top of pictures like they do in FIFA to get the semblance of players.
I dont want the production of games to suffer even more on some 3d meshes any more. The IA in games are HORRIBLE, the design is STALE, and the mechanics are being developed TOO SLOWLY, the only area that the industry is progressing fast enough is either graphics or micro transactions. BTW, most people wont have 8k or 64k monitors to render very good stuff and notice stuff like that. Also remember why most cartoons are flat instead of deeply rendered scenes. Our brains handle better shapes than details
>TV/display manufacturers keep raising the bar on pixel count.
People just need to stop being retarded and stop buying shit that demands microscopic detail the human eye is not even supposed to perceive.
>1:1 captured motion isn't good enough?
It really isn’t
I don't think we will go much farther than 4k for displays diminishing returns are now realy kicking in.
And this allows advances in other dimentions.
>Most modern vidya animation looks no better than Crysis in 2007
but that's completely false.
If we saw animations like Crysis in a modern game every faggot would be making webms of it and going "OH NO NO NO NO" at how shit it looked
depends on the studio, good mocap is going to look bad if your asset team doesn't know how to optimize their models for complex animation and bad mocap is going to look bad even with amazing models
If anything it only looks old because of the bloom meme. This game was release 12 years ago, that’s more than a decade ago. We’ve reached a point everyone is focusing on retarded minimal barely perceptive details instead of making decent gameplay.
Well, I just know a LOT of games still have extremely awful animations, and for me good animations is way more important than high quality graphics.
it's a problem of how mocap is done
too often studios go grab some interns and make them act like they're swinging a sword when they should hire a professional fencer to come in and swing a sword
the alternative is to do the animations by hand but the quality of that can.. vary greatly
It looks weightless and janky regardless of the actor
you are in denial
when you see that it's a problem of the modeler, good topology is huge when animating and unfortunately 3d modeling is a bit of a meme job like code monkeys so they just hire underpaid people from foreign countries instead of hiring good quality 3d artists
>Amazing graphics
>shit gameplay
so games like naughty dog
i would rather have cartoonish faces rather than "realistic" mutt faces
So was it a human brain in a cyborg shell, or was it a sufficiently advanced cyborg brain that is indistinguishable from a human one?
the only 'innovations' are easier ways to do the same stuff
being able to do the same things faster isn't progress.
I want them to fix clipping simply because it'd incidentally provide a framework for realistic, real-time pushup and jiggle to work with different outfits. When we get titty havok(I assume that'll be its name) I'll know for sure that the future is now.
sweet mother of everything autistic, what the fuck is that
ND gameplay is fun though
Animation and AI are the two big hurdles that are going to be with us for quite a while.
>screen shake
get out of here
lol no
actually yes
Animation has come a long way since 2006. Especially facial animation.
I swear to god you people don't even play video games.
Why is this movie being shilled so hard that it's leaking out of Yea Forums? Is it just waifufags or legitimate shilling?
probably waifu fags, since the movie got weak reviews
Uncharted and combat don't mix.
It's boring bullet sponge wave after wave.
It should be pure stealth and focus far more on puzzles and set pieces instead of using those as intermissions between shooting.
This. Compare Heavy Rain from 2010 to Detroit from last year. Even though both use mocap for everything, the latter has animations that look a million times better.
Posting something very contextual as an image is gross.
>"literally press certain buttons in time to advance chapters of the movie" the game
its moobie not game because it look pretty!
in what fucking word of that sentence the graphics has been implied? you brainlets can't even defend an obvious answer
I doubt anyone's ever accused console games of being pretty.
the word "movie"
You only call it that because it looks good
It has regular third person shooter gameplay, and what's "advancing the movie" for you is just pressing a button to do a realtime in-game combat animation to me (because I have actually played the game)
People call them movies because the prevalence of lengthy cutscenes and QTE's.
>spending so much time and money into making ultra realistic faces instead of leveraging the medium to have interesting and creative stylization while saving budget and focus on gameplay
none of which are in the webm he quoted
>pic related
we're years behind having this at
just let it go bro. autism is not the answer.
>>we'll soon have tech capable of pic related in real time
you weren't even born when snoy was already spreading that bullshit with the ps2 reveal.
Wow this is so fucking bad
300M$ budget but huge flop worldwide, already out of most theaters.
reminds me of elly akira
You don't get good gameplay just by throwing time and money at it retard, and especially not more people. You get it by putting the right people (person) in charge of the game design, and it usually doesn't even take them long to think up the formula.
All the extra effort you talk about just goes straight into the game's presentation
>can't even raytrace 5 year old games at 1080p 60 fps
>surely goblal raytracing and skin physics and hair physics are going to be a thing next years guys!
the only thing the future will bring is a crash of the industry, and tech progress falling under total control of phone collection data technology.
I have no idea how this shit is successful, it's an insult to the manga.
Yea Forums are such fucking hypocrite
>weebshit ree our glorious edgy movies are better
Yet as soon a murricunt movie is based on a nip story they say it's amazing
>waifufags ree
Yet it's the most pedo board on Yea Forums
>It took Uncharted four games to implement mechanics other than press one button to climb everything and cover shootan
This. Striving for realism is what makes triple-A games so shit. All the resources go into the fucking graphics because they take so much time and effort. But a polished turd is still a turd.
it sounds like you have only played Uncharted 1
Great point, but the more realistic your game looks the more limited the gameplay/animation/universe will be.
As an example, you simply can't just make the OP's girl do a double jump.
Nope, all of them.
Clipping is annoying but view distance and pop in are the biggest issues in all of gaming. Every object in a game should be rendered in full detail 100% of the time so that there is never a single instance of pop in. I am willing to go back to doom on the N64 level graphics in order to accomplish this.
RDR2 has super far draw distance and very little pop-in
Devs just need to learn optimization tricks
Seriously though, why is clipping such a hard problem to deal with?
>Every object in a game should be rendered in full detail 100% of the time
That's almost impossible and extremely unnecessary. Even with N64 tier graphics it would have trouble running on a high-end PC.
How are we going to create entire virtualized universes in vr if we cannot even replicate real life in this small way? This is the most important issue for developers to focus on bar none.
Basically, you would need to permanently calculate the position of all surfaces per frame to avoid it. It would take immense computing power.
That's also why hitboxes are still square or pill shaped.
Calculating collision with the actual 3D mesh is incredibly computationally intensive.
It's not a "small" way. Why would you want to entirely render things behind you that are impossible to see? It literally cuts your frames in half.
But yeah we are pretty far away from great looking and functioning VR. Especially because VR glasses need way higher FPS to not cause nausea while playing.
fuck off to your weebgames manchildren
>only absolute realism benefits from better technology and higher graphical fidelity
Better tell pixar to throw away all their render farms, they don't need them if they're not going for realism.
because physics in a videogame is just a bunch of imaginary rules applied after-the-fact. If the models, animations and environments don't all perfectly match up and the physics / animation don't have a system to predict / prevent it, there will be clipping
Fine I'll concede a small point to you. Everything that is in front of the player must be rendered at an infinite distance but anything behind the player can be loaded instantly when they turn around but there can never even be one instance of observable pop in.
>comparing movies with games
Just how fucking retarded are you, user?
If you're building a universe from scratch, what kind of pathetically unimaginative faggot would just recreate the same women they see every day? Video games are fantasy. Make breeders with 1 in a million dimensions, or find a new line of work.
Like said, Rockstar has the best far landscapes in the industry, they even nailed the real life natural haze that people misinterpret for fog
>has more in 100 yards than reality does in five fucking miles
yeah, nailed it, nothing to do with LoD for sure
Nice but Iguana was doing that shit decades ago.
No that's fog
look at this misinterpreter
imagine spending 2000$ on a computer to play shitty triple A games you'll forget about in a week
Human brain. Later robot brain.
re2make was good tho
>we'll soon have tech capable of pic related in real time
>Can do all this
>Gets beaten by a little girl
I'll always laugh
if you like goblinas