Shout out to the good old days.
Shout out to the good old days
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Grandpa forgot his pills again and is posting memes on facebook.
Omg this shit house
>Best f2p
>Literally had to spend money or else you couldn't progress due to the fucked up enemy scaling
>best f2p
>adventure quest
You're a zoomer aswell you dumb cunt, 90s is millenial.
>destroys your schools bandwidth
anyone remember the 2D top down anime game where you could pimp out cars and shit? cant remember the name of it, it was kind of like a habbo type thing
>80% of the content locked behind paywall
>best f2p
Also shoutout to Jagex's other game
>fps 9
Oh god the memories. The shitty, shitty, repressed memories.
Get on my level
>one of the most aggressively shilled subscription models of all time
>all the actual cool armor, weapons, quests, monsters, and gold bonuses shoved in your face at every turn.
>best f2p
I love the game, but come on now.
Free-til-paywall are the worst types of games
>of all time
of ITS time. Because it was the only one available. Saying its still "good" is just your nostalgia talking.
Dragonfable was better
>the semi-sequel is an actual great game that nobody ever heard of
What a shame
I was obsessed with this game but fuck that paywall bullshit.
Was I just a retarded kid or is a huge majority of the AQ content locked behind a mid to upper skill level? I remember never being able to sail to other towns because they were too hard, but the game isn't good enough to justify grinding.
It's not that the game is hard, it's that your gear was shit, and the best way to get better gear is to pay real money
Never thought I'd see AQ memes. Got anymore, traveler?
Adventure Quest World might unironically be the best browser game of all time
I only found this one, but we can always ask drawfags.
You gotta agree on this though, only having to pay for membership one time instead of having to subscribe to a membership was better.
Also why the fuck did Mechquest have to die? I just want more mechs, and actually being able to do Planet Romero's questline
ended on a big ole cliffhanger too with the content just being...cut
I think it had something to do with the only guy essentially working on it quitting and it always being the least lucrative
>dress up sim: The Game
Disregard that, and you'd 100% be correct.
Yeah, I have some hope since last summer, someone did an update to allow for playing the GEARS Games.
I still can't figure out how to even progress in Romero since can't seem to go into any buildings.
Millennials are boomers, user. Zoomers are gen Z (get it, Z-oomer?).
Adventure Quest is an untapped gold mine of porn. There is so much potential that it actually makes me sad.
The zombie planet? Go to the hospital its the only building you can enter and do the quests. One quest will put you on a grid and have you kill a fuckton of zombies on that map
like 30 or some gay shit
>The good ol' days
You just posted Darkest Dungeon lmao
>best free to play
>not epic battle fantasy 3
I only sill play AQW When they release a cool looking amor, so I can play dress up so your unronically right
I just got back into it, and god damn do I wish there was a version of the game with no adventure limit. I want to sit through like, 3 ascensions in one sitting, but every time I start having fun, I have to wait until the next day.
When did this happen?
It sold well enough that it's getting DLC apparently. So it's not all bad.
You'll get there in time, when I stopped playing last 3-4 years ago it would take me several hours to get through my turns and that's eventually why I got bored. Access to good items will increase your playtime.
>best f2p
>fucking adventure quest
>not any of the numerous free indie games around on both flash sites and otherwise
who /lyleincubesector/ here
definitely fun. Dragonfable was good too but not as dumb fun and customizable if I remember correctly.
Also paywall bullshit.
Act III I'm pretty sure?
Also best arc
That's the problem, last few times I checked Romero, can't go into any building in the area. All I can do is talk to the NPCs and go left or right.
Oh that explains it. I never got into that one. I had to choose between getting the premium subscription for Mechquest or DF and I chose poorly.
Was it another werewolf vs vampire war?
>play up to lv40
>our servers are full, please fuck off
When your items procced and did some crazy animations with big combos
if you're a star captain I'd skip it honestly
it's a shitty planet
No werewolves are pretty much just vamp bitches in DF, they're present in the arc but it involves Thursday (Friday Adams joke originally) and her whole dark heritage deal
Based and Evilpilled
I'm guessing since the evil side has some anime thot as their boss all the waifufags and edgelords back them
Most I have is this
Fuck yeah we did
she's a loli in DF right now involved in a quest or two
Pretty much. The Evil faction outnumbers everything else by a decent magnitude. Granted, Gravelyn is a very good girl, and the MC is pretty much her person she trusts.
She's literally the best character in the game. Drakath is the edgy OC
>Adventure Quest
God I hate nostalgia. Kill yourself faggot.
Well I haven't completed Zargon Chapter 2, but I don't know how to deal with the mission without getting destroyed by the rebuilt geekatrons.
>that game
Doesn't get any more reddit than this
>The one from AQW where she's doing the confused 'O.O' face
I need it.
It's from her first cutscene, iirc. Perhaps I should play the game again and just take screenshots of her. It's been a while.
>Gravelyn is a very good girl
>She's literally the best character in the game. Drakath is the edgy OC
>tfw i still have my character safe and sound
>All I have to do is play the cutscene
Based Artrix
No character in AQ is good. She was just waifubait for retarded American weebs.
It's a low bar, mind you. Gravelyn really wants to live up to her father's reputation as the most evil, most powerful commander of the undead to ever exist. Unfortunately, there are many that still see her as just a little girl and she is unable to do as many dark spells since she is the Champion of Light. Though a competent military leader, her reliance on the Undead's ability to just be summoned again has made her attack plans center around unleashing endless hordes. She distrusts all humans accept the MC, whom she considers her closest friend (besides Chuckles the Skeleton) and most trusted warrior. She also really, really hates Drakath.
>all da kids today play much better gaymez, but I remember this shitty browser game from 2002 so take that xD
What is it like being 32 years old and never accomplishing anything in your life?
Not even the best f2p browser RPG
>posting facebook memes on Yea Forums
>She also really, really hates Drakath.
to be fair even ignoring he killed her dad is there a SINGLE character across the Artix multiverse that likes or even tolerates Drakath?
>doesn't try to be cute but still is
>creates undead minion that can dematerialize shit
>is the chosen champion of light
>Throws the ''No way fag" and still choses to command the undead
>knocked out an immortal necromancer with her bare fist, wearing nothing but slut clothes
ceasing to care is my greatest accomplishment
>Unironically using the word 'weeb' on Yea Forums
the only reason I got into Yea Forums was I realized that it was full of temporary porn links. this was a huge upgrade from newgrounds porn games, and it was almost half a lifetime ago
Good point. Still, it was nice of her to give up the chance to kill him so she could save the MC.
Giving her a Valentine's Day card was also nice.
The MC in AQW tried to befriend him multiple times.
Does a torrent exist or is this thing online only?
I would replay this for nostalgia's sake.
>this post
Kinda disappointing.
You're an disappointment
Yeah but we're not talking about me.
She has a lot of nice moments, like the time you go back in time and help her celebrate their Christmas equivalent. She's basically the edgy goth gf meme.
You mean this game, OP?
What the fuck did you expect from a browser game made by weebs in the early 00s?
Show us your opinion then, user. Who's the best AQ character?
Considering how everytime AQ/DF/MQ/AQW discussions come up people can't shut up about how great she is I expected a little more but it seems like it's just the waifu effect.
They're all around nerds. Apparently Artix's wedding had him dressed as...Artix
If you played the games you'd understand, dummy.
He also hired people to be Batman and Iron Man and had them fight each other
I stopped playing an extremely long time ago and I've forgotten most of the characters. I don't even know the plot.
Somehow I doubt it'd change my opinion, besides, the game I played died.
If Artix made it that means we can too, we just have to hold out a while longer.
I got some pretty old items. Staff and Sword of Wishes were part of an event back in 2009 for a movie called Shorts.
I have a board of falconreach from the actual event
Though I think you can get it again through an Act III quest
Only open this if you're Rank 10 Evil
Dragonfable is the best Artix game. This is fact.
user you don't understand!
Wish I actually knew what to do in DF. I've been trying to clear the FIre War questline from Yulgar but North just seems to be completely broken in the end.
holy shit
Do you have that Keyblade-looking weapon from like 2010~ something? It had a super low drop rate like 4%?
Based Artix BTFO Randy
Yep, the CorDemi Codex one. It's only the basic one though, not the advanced.
I really wish funorb didn't have to die desu.
Arcanists was fun.
To this day it's my belief that this game has handled a vampire-werewolf dynamic better than any other game ever. Which is really, really sad.
My nigga. BTFO premium fags with the basic spell set and superior tactics felt so good.
real men like me played the they might be giants event
also got the blues brothers stuff, and the wolverine costume. its amazing how much stuff there is to do in these games, considered you have paid a subscription.
What ever happened to that 3D MMO Phone/PC hybrid they were making?
I miss MUME.
he's still there...
That gal on left is hot.
artix entertainment girls were always top tier
post full image
Only after you take over the world with her
Remember to get a house in AQ. You can gain interest on it and just sell it for AC apparently.
It was pretty good. In gameplay mechanics if you bought the faction-specific armor you had a random chance to turn into a vampire or werewolf and do a shitton of damage. The fun thing is that it didn't matter which chose, the super-moves both did the same amount of damage just with differing flavor. Vampires did all their damage in a few hits while Werewolves spread their damage out over many, many hits. But let's not forget, behind the paywall you could become a "Werepyre", a werewolf vampire. Which WAS strictly better than either.
But otherwise you're pretty right that nothing has really managed to rival a fucking browser game from the early 2000s in obtaining the right feel for the two popular creatures of the night. I think its because media keeps trying to humanize them instead of keeping them savage yet refined.
I remember finding one of the Chaos Beasts pretty hot
on a sidenote aq needs more love
I've been asking for Gravelyn pictures in the drawthreads.
Here's that good shit.
Remember that time there was a Dracowerepyre?
You've yet to post the full image
Loved that thing.
Edgiest character coming through
I don't, actually, but it sounds retarded but in a good way. I'm only going off of what I remembered seeing my younger brother do, since he bought Guardianship for AQ back in the day while I spent my money on Runescape.
Fucking based.
I still play that on and off, but its been almost a year now I think. I got most essential reincarnation skills. I play hardcore.
Pretty much.
Honestly, that was the first reason I joined, I liked Gravelyn. Then I spent the money to switch to Good to see what was going on over there, and it turns out they're both boring and also have worse gear for dressing up with. Good got shafted while Evil kept getting more and more relevant.
>worked all summer as a 10 year old to buy x-guardian, rs membership and some GBA games
>mfw getting the sword of awe for the first time
I was rank 10 evil before I was level 10
It was in AQW. The villain was going to use it to convert everyone into a werepyre
Artist to the crop is bigdead
I didn't know that FGO was on PC
How's you manage that? I was in my 30s when I got rank 10, iirc
zoomers go home
Who Werepyre here?
It’s on rule 34 .xxx
This game made me into the patrician forger of worlds that I am today, bless.
Oh man this is getting me nostalgic for the Meet 'n' Fuck games. Better stories and more rewarding than Adventure Quest
The virgin goody two-shoes
>Probably thought the Good side was the most "adult"
>Boring in personality and appearance
>The kind of guy to tell the teacher that she forgot to check everyone's homework
>Limbs firmly attached. Can't even let loose.
>Forgets to tie his shoes
>Serves an old, dead man who killed his daughter
The virgin chaosfag
>Thinks he's above good and evil, actually just doesn't have enough conviction to choose a side
>Pretends he's the wild card while being extremely predictable
>Eyes everywhere, but still can't see his awful fashion
>Tentacles reflect his search history
>Biggest edgelord you'll meet. Draws pictures of himself killing God and Satan
>boss is a whiny Mama's boy that no one likes
The Chad Evil-doer
>The idol of 12 year olds everywhere
>Undead, but still the most lively in the group
>Only colors are black and red, still the Mt fashionable
>Unbound by the chains of morality, but still helps everyone he meets
>Wins every faction war through sheer numbers and determination
>Has the most friends
>Has a giant undead dragon as home base
>Covered in spikes, but somehow the most approachable
>boss is a hot lady who cares about him dearly
I never really got into AQ but really liked epic duel and dragonfable. AQ worlds was alright I guess.
My nig. Made an account last year and still play it every other month or so. Currently on book 2 storyshit.
Post characters
Artix is secretly a Chad, though
>Runs a successful company that makes kids happy
>Married a qt
>Always upbeat and looking ahead
This, he's one of those rare autistic chads.
He's also a JEW
>successful company
what does he even do?
aren't all his games old and dusty by now?
>mfw I accidentally chose good during one event and couldn't go back and change my decision, so I quit the game because I couldn't stand to play soft traitor for even a little while
It hurts.
I'm sure she would have forgiven you for one slip up
Necromancers are pussies
But Gravelyn
You are the necromancers
It wasn't even like a switching sides thing, it was like an ideological "I'm a good guy and I don't like what you're doing" thing. It just felt so bad. I think I filed a ticket or whatever to have it reversed but it never happened.
I miss the original Dragonslayer armor. The new one is ass.
Liches are bitches then
What did the old version look like again?
Gravelyn is a stupid slut that loves bouncing on The Eternal Dragon of Time’s DIIIIIIICK
Gravelyn is a PERFECT and deserves more love
>Gravelyn will never reward the MC with marriage and lots of marital sex
I mean, Gravelyn is for the Eternal Dragon of Time since the MC is the Eternal Dragon of Time
i forgot i randoumly made a accounttt on AQW and played for like a few hours then quit loollll :3
is it even worths playings :x
The Lich should fear the CHAMPION
Imagine laying your head on Gravelyn's lap
imagine being Gravelyn :(
user no
Gaia online
:(( but i wana be here OwO
probally gaia
they had other gaymes?
I fapped to that beast.
Can't believe a kid's game got me into snake girls and undead at the same time
It's been so long.
Is the vampire leader still an ara ara~ with huge tits?
ahhh a monster fucker
She died, but she came back to life.
Can this also be a Neopets thread?
>at work discussing ostrich eggs for some reason
>can't help but think of pic related because apparently O eggs are huge
>bring up Neopets expecting one of my girl coworkers to speak up
>the young black guy actually says 'doood I remember dat shit, it looked GOOD!'
>spend next few minutes discussing favorite Neofoods and how Jhudora and Illusen were hot
Well shit Brandon.
I can't believe Vordred got fucking cucked
Yeah, the whole FunOrb page for a while. Only games I can remember was Flea Circus and Vertigo where you played some blob and had to hop around and color blocks or some shit.
/f/ forever
Anyone else play this?
Where are the Gravelyn lewds
I really wonder how much money they made with that piece of shit
Wait, she died?
What's the story?
The 13th Chaos Lord the MC manipulated events that resulted in a werewolf assassin shooting her through the heart with a stake crossbow
I had the Twili plushy that came with an in-game pet and a battleon t-shirt when I was like ten. Good times.
user, she was a vampire, she was already dead.
Best girl coming through.
It was run by interns mainly, and when the head interne said "fuck you I want a job, a lot of the newer employees was interns for less time than me", he got the boot.
Absolutely fucking based writing
he made it bros
She was dead dead for a few years
Reminder that this image was once sold as a poster on their official website.
>tfw I completely missed the Adventure Quest boat
Did I miss anything of value? I remember trying it out but never making any progression because of not using an account of some shit.
>someone complains about it being too lewd
>they lazily photoshop her into some comfy pajamas
Actually I just checked and it's up again.
>but you get a cool poster and a cool sword
I'm heavily debating
Based and Flashpilled
Gotta say, that's a very xenophobic attitude you got there, friend.
I bet she wouldn't be happy when you call her dead.
how da hell do u get ac coins in AQW?????
AQ Classic still gets updates, and AQW and AQ3D are their big money makers right now. AQ3D is pretty decent for what it is, just a basic grinding MMO.
What house?
>got an adventure quest pro membership by clicking “bill me later” and typing in a fake mailing address
take that fuckers
Are there any more good Gravelyn pictures?
meh all the cool stuff is behind a paywall or u need like there form of membership
its kinda borring
I remember just randomly going places on a map and being confused the first time i played it.
The waifus though..
Robina hood.
For some reason my mind's eye opened and i started putting in real effort trying to bone her.
Good times.
Good ole days.
Game came out when i was in highschool
Shame there isn't much art of her in the slave bikini
What did he mean by this?
aqw stopped being good in 2013
>>Eyes everywhere, but still can't see his awful fashion
Fuck, time for me to get back into this. Also, why do I feel like I'm constantly so underleveled? I've never been able to play the combat in the game comfortably for some reason, but then again I was a stupid ass kid.
It was a fun game because of all the secrets you could find. They later revamped the xp and gold drops to be VERY generous so making progress was much easier and fun. The 10 year anniversay event was epic.
But I haven't played in forever
Who /roguelife/ here?
fucking based
also kek at the one mega autist who replied to everyone in that thread
What happened then?
If you're talking about AQ classic, your stats might be unoptimized. You basically just need to pump full STR/DEX for melee, or INT/DEX for spells. DEX is really important since it heavily affects accuracy. LCK (accuracy, crit rate and gold find) is really good too, but all the other stats are a bit lackluster since the best way to play is just kill shit faster than it kills you.
look at this cute mommy right here
> Gravelyn is a virgin.
Adventure Quest was boring and sucked shit. Runescape was the better F2P game in the early/mid 2000's anyway
considering the current state of javascript and hardware of that time its really impresive
Is Gravelyn canonically (you)r (the Player Character’s) love interest?
Real men played Neopets.
There aren't really any romance options, but it's clear that she cares a lot for the MC, and vice versa. You give her a Valentine's Day card in one event, iirc.
I'd still play it if not the horrible fps lag
I completely forgot about what happened to her
So in-game Artix is fucking that tsundere necromantess, right?
Artix is married in-game to his irl wife
Isn't Artix the character separate from Adam in-game?
I just remember an event where Artix got married
>used to crush on her as a kid
fuck my shit up
How do you feel about her being fucking dead
I still go back now and then to sell my house for Z-Tokens and buy up all the OP garbage.
based boomer poster
The MC has her assassinated
She got better
fucks sakes
The Hero resurrected her after some Halloween event. The only thing she has to worry about is her niece being a filthy race mixer
She gets revived though.
>kills her then revives her
retard MC, at least she's alive
>She gets resurrected but her niece is getting WOLFED on the daily
Big Wolf Cock is unstoppable
The Hero got brainwashed by Drakath into being the 13th Chaos Lord
>game meant for kids under the age of 10
>every female character is a busty anime character
based artix. this wouldnt pass in 2019
You didn't choose evil just to get a girl, did you? Surely there are some people here who chose the path of justice?
>Surely there are some people here who chose the path of justice?
Bringing justice for Gravelyn's father, that is.
>You need the hot chick in spandex with the magic arrows
what the fuck
gravelyn is cute i wish there was more cute art of her like this
Sepulchure was evil, and he deserved it.
Sepulchure just wanted a better world for his daughter
Sepulchure was just angry he got cucked.
Didn't he cuck Alteon?
>not being a cool hacker kid and downloading a trainer to give you guardian status for free
Don't tell her that, though!
Mechquest felt like it had barely any plot. Makes sense that barely anyone was working on it.
Aria is best girl
GOML plebs
>tfw never got that free dragon slaying sword because couldn't get the final part of the 3 pieces needed to create the sword
I will never not be upset.
You are like a little baby
>0 CHA
They cucked each other? Alteon got the girl, sepulchure got the girl pregnant,
Alteon's wife is a SLUT
Just like real life.
There aren't any high level pets worth the investment, and they changed most pets to function with 0 CHA.
My LUK isn't capped because the stat trainer is literally based on pure luck and RNG tho.
Adventure Quest and Runescape were trash only poor brainlet kids would play
>you will never again be blasting Blink 182 while sweating with nothing but your tighty whities on while hacking in stick arena again
This is an awful fucking feeling
When you about to finish a long ass quest, then AQ boots you out.
>buy house
>stop playing the game
>return and sell house for tokens
>buy bestest house
and that's how i won the game till i got cockblocked by the premium member wall thing, my parents refused to buy it for me and maybe it was for the best
Blame guardians that don't use the dedicated guardian server.
Who the fuck here remembers Whirled?
Pretty much any of the early 2000s Newgrounds stuff.
>played AQW for years
>stopped after the Troll siblings Chaos Lords story
>every now and then get an urge to come back and see it settled
Should I?
Yeah, go ahead. A lot of plot has been added
You know I'm shocked Artix never modernized. The death of flash will almost completely end all their games.
So wait, is there a way to play Dragonfable and Mechquest offline, without all that DLC shit?
Should I farm for this class for 50 days or just pay the 2000 AC I somehow have?
gaia is still alive?
i remember getting a bunch of op rings and then i just left
What do you mean? The mobile/PC 3d mmo he made is his best money maker.
>Miltonius started drawing porn under his name so they had to remove his character from the game and bring in a completely new one
A class shouldn’t take 50 days to farm, but that’s definitely the right decision. Only down ACs on stuff you can’t get anyway else.
Adventure Quest fucking sucked
fuck yeah who else spent their childhood playing beyond games like dbz, naruto and ss13
Porting the games to another engine would be a nightmare i guess.
He will eventully. But im ok with playing on the launcher
I spent years playing this, fuck it was so cozy.
Can someone tell me how AQW ends? When I started playing the newest one was Kitsune (the 4th one) so I never got around to finishing it because they updated the game so slowly
>mfw they actually remade his area
What did they change? The obvious anime references or something else?
I just think that adventure quest needs a coat of polish. It feels really flat and awkward compared to other games from the same time period.
Its dying, they are asking for donations
>class requires 100 of a specific item in order to get it
>daily quest gives 2
the whole game was an ever expanding janky but charming shitpost
it was fun, but they really wanted you to pay for membership to experience most of the game, open locked doors, equip/buy/keep loot that's right in front of you, etc
it's around the tone of old runescape, but more rpg-meta
My nigger
I still have the whole series saved on my computer since ages ago
They're working on a standalone launcher for all their games. It's alright in it current state.
The Chaos Lord arc ended with the Hero ripping off Drakath's wings and beating him into submission inside of the Chaos dimension. Turns out Drakath was just a distraction for the Queen of Monsters to escape.
There are also some fun things, like becoming literal Death and helping your own birth.
Just be patient honestly. It will work out in the end
It's being slowly polished over time but it's always going to be a bit rough around the edges.
Anybody else still unironically listen to Voltaire?
Almost every good quest was locked behind a paywall and the game had login queue times for free users
Nostalgia really hits hard but come on, it was pretty fucked up
Fuck yeah, I do.
Didn't the artist do some rule34? where is it lads
I'm inclined to believe that he got fired because his porn was really shit
>this whole thread
>One single paywall
Are Zcoins required for any content or can you do everything with guardian?
trying out AQ3d right now and sound is so trash could be a fun game but needs more work
Same, the Battleon dudes never came off as giving a fuck
Zcoins is only certain gear, not quests
>Hello, I am indisputably the worst and least memorable AE game ever!
Had to do it too. God fucking damn I was a kid
I'm gonna check out what's going on after so long
Yeah, I play with the sound off. Still it's kind of fun to just do some easy grindan every now and then. Especially when you're decked out and high level, helping out newbies and stuff.
and the FOV is weird or its just me
You're not wrong. I remember it was so hyped too
I still play neopets, it's a sinking ship; but it's my ship; and I'll be damned if I'm not going down with it.
Pretty sure you can change it, at least on PC. You can also turn off NPC/Target Highlighting and stuff like that if you don't like it.
Yeah, I think as a kid I dumped my first 50 levels into Health and mana. Fuck I was stupid. Good and bad news though, my character was removed. Hoping they restore at least my guardian status and z tokens, I could live with starting over otherwise.
+10 respect
Well, just so you know, there is the "Un-Trainer". If you're a Guardian you can access him via the Guardian Portal in the Tower. Otherwise, you have to die and click on the hourglass when Death shows up and accept his quest, then get lucky and find the Un-Trainer in one of the portals, you can also change your name the same way.
Lastly, if you own an Estate, you can construct a stat trainer building that will let you train or un-train your stats very easily.
This game owns a piece of my soul, fucking christ
Shame that Dage and Miltonius's art styles differ so much
remember this Yea Forums
is this a neopets wannabe?
Why is it dying?
How much time would going through the whole storyline even take? And are there even still people to group with for boss fights?
You can solo practically all the story bosses, don't worry. I'd say that it would take a day or two to get through everything
>I'd say that it would take a day or two to get through everything
Don't you need to grind out like 60 levels?
Max level has been raised to 90, iirc, but you don't need to be max level. I don't recall any level requirements for story missions. If there are, then it's probably 55 at most
West of Loathing is excellent
That still sounds like it'd take a shitload of time, but then again I haven't played any MMO in years, so maybe I'm under the wrong impression.
Before Cataclysm, before zomboid and DayZ
anyone remembers deadfrontier?
i tried to get into it multiple times but the same grinding over and over to make money just to have a shot at exploring deeper got boring
It does take a while, even though they've added in farming areas
bleeding users since the trickle of content is extremely slow and typically low quality
neopets general on trash has like
7 active users
Huh. Unfortunate.
So it's one of those fanbases
Holy shit I do. Have you joined any of the whirled revivals?
Nope. Also nice ultraman meme
I remember. I also remember the player market being borked beyond repair. It shouldn't be so hard to buy food but it was.
There was a RPG style flash game about being a ninja, and a shopkeeper who would instantly kill you if you stole his wares. Does anyone know what it was?
Links Awakening
This is making me think of all those dozens of event stories and fights that I barely remember, but won't even be able to replay if I wanted to.
I can't remember the name right now, but I know it's on newgrounds if it's what I think it is. Best way to make money was to buy tea leaves (I think) and sell them at a slight profit to another vendor.
eh, the furries make up 1% of the population; hense the inactive trash general; it's actually 95% moms in their 30s and 40s
I'm retarded.
What are all the ramifications of flash dying for old flash games. Can't you save most of it anyway?
the fuck is this
text and map based zombie apocalypse survivor.
and multiplayer web game
You can replay all of Vordred's stuff, I think
What is with those guys and slapping dragons together with anything they can get their hands on?
I want to MARRY Gravelyn!
What's his deal?
AQ or DF?
Wait we're this thing?
What's the explanation for that?
This shit was my jam as a kid
I remember this game dying for me with the fall of Caiger Mall.
We're this thing. IIRC, another character killed our super powerful dragon form in order to reset time. We then reincarnated as the Hero in the new world.
This guy is the guardian killer or some shit.
You beat his shit in so he gets so pissy that he fuses with the flying edge head which acts as a multiplier for the edge.
ok but do we ever fuck Gravelyn
Galanoth slayed us, somehow the AQ, DF, MQ, worlds mashed together and made AQW, we became human and forgot we were the dragon at least until we become the 13th chaos lord.
>No user, you are the dragons.
10/10 wouldn't expect anything less.
We're both too busy
>Guardian Killer
Yeah, that's pretty edgy.
Karok the Fallen is edgy in the "lol social darwinism and fallen angels" kind of way. He also uses a scythe and kills quite a few characters.
>>Covered in spikes, but somehow the most approachable
Not only that, we were our own Chaos Beast. We helped ourselves hatch.
I also remember there was a game called nexus war or something that was somewhat similar but it died long ago.
You have done your part in the extermination of the BURP infestation in AQ, right Yea Forums?
me on the right
I actually bought a membership for this game so I could get the Dragon Slayer Sword. To this day its the only time I've ever put money into a f2p game.
>Choose evil
>You're not actually evil because the hero retains his heroic personality
Congratulations on motherhood, user
oh my fuck, did jagex make this fucking game? holy shit, I haven't seen this in so fucking long
DragonFable is much better
Anyone else play this bullshit?
>not being a fun edgy good guy
Still playing it sometimes. Loved that game as a kid
You're basically the villain who everyone likes. You'll go around being a nice guy, but you'll always be there to help out the Shadowscythe Empire
>It get's killed just after turning good
fuck Z, and fuck Drakath because why not
Artix has a Dragon fetish
Do you remember?
damn i miss playing that game
Oh shit, thanks. Let's hope I get that character back so I can balance him out.
Pretty sure I did. It was entertaining for a short while but repetitive.
So how's Dragon Fable these days? I'm still subscribed to some dude that does quest videos every now and then but I barely understand what the fuck is even going on anymore, I know there are "books" or some shit that go through time skips or something? I'd love to just read it all and not sit through the hassle of playing the game again but it looks like the wiki is barely even updated anymore, I don't even understand how they have the funds to keep updating the game but I sure am not complaining about it
My mind is shit but isn't that the year who had the "MC is le ebin 13th lord of chaos" storyline? I remember the game back then was hype as fuck, +10 servers full , full of fun people to talk/battle with. Now, 6 servers holding itself with artix as main server, everyone running Nulgath/Legion stuff because expensive = Quality, 234554 new class (still dab on those fags with evolved stunman), most people who you knew is out, lvl +90. It's just not the same but I won't let go my account
Drakath is a bitch, so it's always okay to insult him
became avatar of earth yada yada the usual
I swear, that was 2015
>downloading cheat engine to try to hack the game
Are you supposed to play AQ before DF or what?
he's the giant rat that makes all of the rules
You'll just make me boot my good 'ol acc and farm tokens, fuck you
friday nights with friends waiting for updates was the best back then. AQW didn't "END" per se, just the chaos saga did with MC being made the 13th lord of chaos, it turns out every LoC was a key to unlock the portal for the queen of monsters (a.k.a drakath's boss) to cross over so by the MC killing itself it acomplished what drakath was for. battle ensues and he fight drakath just to rip him of a part of his chaos power along his wings, good guys wins and arc ends. trying to follow the next one is a chore because you won't have the same dedication as 8 years ago and for me and most of the players the story ended that day.
>What did they change? The obvious anime references or something else?
who the fuck goes to a starting area in this day?Desoloth , EDoF and death shennanigans were fun, plus the inbetween events were entretaining (I miss a doomvault esque event). Fuck nostalgia
At least she's not as spooky as her old corrupted form
Arcanists was elder god-tier. That time period when actual jmods would come in and fight randoms with their 500 HP and fuckhuge avatars while everyone gathered in the lobby to watch was amazing.
I loved running into those high prestige players who could ruin your life with just a set of imps.
>that one artist who was fired and removed from the lore for making aqw hentai parodies
I thought it was Powerpuff Girls
it was because he drew r63 porn of twilly
yo what the fuck
Absolutely based.
Fucking foul
it's THE dump stat across Artix games
pets that are good are good because of their special abilities and can't really damage for shit anyway
i did
the 2 endgame areas were super difficult
the rest was cozy
and it still has that coliseum challenge on impossible no one beat
>Charisma is the most useless stat
What did Artix mean by this?
Haven’t played in years but did they kill AQW or something, there’s a delay on every action I try to do
Doesn't Galanoth have a track record of fucking things up like that and otherwise being a weak chump?
>Alpha Omega Cancer
>Mirror realm
>Chaos King
I think doomvault was the last time I had trully fun. Aside from that it was a okay year, chaos saga end was better
>start of 13th chaos lord saga
I knew , I still maintain bits of my mind at least
I haven't played the next arc but the last I knew about him is that he got a slave and a nice lair, something something becoming the true enbodiment of chaos and the queen of monsters sucks dicks
I was there since the first event and that was what made me love him, good songs and good events, playing the friday the 13th events while listening to him was comfy
what do you mean?
Didn't have a huge paywall for gear or am I thinking of some clone or vice versa
I can't imagine how many times I beat off to pic related
Pretty good but releases lately have been slow n the plot
we pg13 now too rather than all ages
i didn't know you could even sell your house. just went on and sold my little tiki hut shitter shack for 5500 tokens. thanks, fellas.
It was a java applet. Java has nothing to do with Javascript.
I wonder how she feels about her mother being a whore
It runs in the family so it's fine.
Her mom is LITERALLY the biggest whore in their multiverse
also I thought she was dead
Guys what the fuck
Who /VoidHighLord/ here?
who the fucks cares about stats in AQW? just dump all in hibryd unless you're a PvP faggot
Pass, I have Miltonius PTSD
Did KH steal the plot of AQ?
I'm not doing any damage despite my Hybrid enhancements. My Wizard Mage hits harder
you could see that twist miles ahead trough
define "harder" because dmg is subjetive in AQW
If you wanna hit like a wet noodle then sure. Luck or Wizard, are the best enhancements
I used to play this without my parents' permission
>melee hit with Mage 60 Attack power: 143
>Melee hit with Shadowscythe general with 478 Attack power: 28
Her mom is a T rex?
>ill have you n your nan
it's fun with a DPS class, now that I look at my inventory all my stuff is wizard, weird freudian slip
Isn't that class a warrior type one?
>unstable weapon
figures, might as well go full luck
das it mane
Hybrid/Luck were the recommended enhancements
It has a special ability that allows it to build up on damage. I should be doing more base damage, though.
you won't do more dmg with meele per se, might as well rely on skills
After looking it up, I found out it apparently just has really shit auto attack damage.
Put up again by a different guy and called nexus clash, a little different in class abilities but still going.
Needs to start a new breath because the current one has been going for ages and everyone is max everything.
Why do I always miss Artix threads on Yea Forums fuck
is any of the AQ games worth playing, I remember cheating a bunch when dragonfable was still fresh but I can't remember my throwaway accounts and microsoft is giving me way too much shit for recovering it.
AQ, DF, AQW, all still get updated
I remember the good ol days when Dragonfable had like 30-40K players online. Now it can barely hold 100 players. Online gaming killed DF.
Adventure Quest was the fucking fortnite of its time.
This is what I have, nothing special but good dmg overall, I love this class and playing with the high DPS ones is for e-sports or for annoying bosses
there were better free games than adventure quest. Love hina was a better flash game than this shit
Which one?
Nah, that was CoD
I like Dage's aesthetic more
This is my usual PvE class
I don't think that ever happened user, even in it's golden age
Nulgath for the variety. Being a blue and black and teal edgelord can only go on for so long.
eh, Id rather something else, mana shield is a bitch
AQ was early 2000s so that would actually be Halo
I switch it up for others when I have to.
Oracle is easy mode
I usually just play Dragonlord, but I'm working my way to Cryomancer.
Cryomancer has decent burst damage, but I don't remember how good its sustain was
it's a roll of dice, any other high dmg class is better with mana regen sans pyromancer
How is the damage reduction calculated, anyway?
It definitely did happen.
I was mostly picking it for it's defensive qualities. Is there a different class I should go for?
The newest class has an ability that increases its defense by 80% almost permanently and has an all right self heal.
It's damage is fucking shit, though
Do I have to pay for it?
for mage usually it brings down the damage around 90% of what it was, but it varies and the mana comsuption is fucking high
you should go for a stable class, with HoT and decent dmg, at the end is trial and error to be honest, this is my list
>fucking twilly
2000 ACs or 100 Shadow Shields
>tfw bought Negromancer with ac coins and could just solo the mana golem by spamming life drain
Did they ever bring back the old stackable infusion?
Is there a single boss that Oracle and Necromancer can't solo?
I have no idea
did that 3d adventure quest thing every go anywhere? i remember seeing it pop up on steam and it was barebones as fuck
They're still adding stuff to it
kolmafia is a real time saver.
turns hours down in to 15-20 minutes.
join not dead yet. I'm #1825915
>tfw don't remember my old kid email along with user + password
I just want to see what my character looked like and see how many days it's been.
Still new
At least weapons seem to be universal which I like since swords usually get all the love
It's a hard life for a macefag.
>tfw had to REMAKE the yahoo email since it's been almost ten years to get the recovery password sent to it
>characters are deleted
>last activity 2007
Yeah, they started doing mass deletion of old inactive accounts around 2012-13.
Did you get it, user?
I mean it has been LITERALLY over a decade since I logged onto either of them
so much for getting infinite z tokens by selling that property. Don't even want to play now
I have the one with the exclamation points and I don't remember how I got it.