This is going to revolutionize mobile gaming

this is going to revolutionize mobile gaming

Attached: galaxy_fold(4).gif (500x281, 959K)

Other urls found in this thread:

have sex you fat ugly redditor

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>two thousand double dollars
That's like 3 granblue sparks.

It would if it wasnt so expensive


no buttons

Great, that's just what I want, a THICCer phone that won't fit on my pockets, amazing

holy finnola this goku poster is basedola

Ahh a gimmick

How? By kneecapping your potential market size by giving your game a phone folding gimmick? Or do you mean the bigger screen which tablets already have?


what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkerino

Will it though? For me, I'll never be able to have a truly immersive and compelling gaming experience on a touch screen device with no game pad/ keyboard & mouse.

No, good games are going to revolutionize mobile gaming, not some shitty overpriced phone that 1% of the entire population will own and noone in their right mind would ever program a game to. And we won't get good mobile games as long as retards keep spending money on gachashit.

Maybe in 5 years (waiting for tech to get cheaper) and another 1-2 (good games released)

based goku going over this inceletty

Stop buying skinny jeans, you fucking queer. Literally the only time I ever hear this stupid argument in my store is from twink faggots and women.

Attached: 1505877973598.png (850x850, 80K)

I can’t wait to see all the broken hinges.

Attached: A4C35F3F-E97C-4B08-8994-93C86C6EC6DF.jpg (798x641, 79K)

All that money and yet these engineers are still fucking useless. I don't need a new phone I need holograms and a neural interface so I don't have to use my hands.


Attached: do you guys not have phones.png (345x364, 243K)

They get tired and sleepy during work user

>the next iPhone folds too
>it's $3000

Attached: 1550640783725.gif (185x260, 24K)

t. obese cargo shorts american

gee user, what a cool idea i guess engineers never thought about that, ill get on it right away

How do you carry money around? If you can't fit a phone I can't see you carrying around a wallet.

I think you meant $6000

what's the chance they get thousands of people complaining it broke within a month despite it being a $2000 door hinge

very likely
never underestimate retards

If they haven't done wear testing then they deserve to go bankrupt.



What's the point of this gimmick?

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>$1980 plus tax plus tip
what the fuck

woah based!?!?


it's just jingling keys infront of manchildren to have them spend their college fund on some stupid shit.

Apple on suicide watch.

Don't call the fbi on me goku

Attached: 1455626276831.jpg (550x343, 19K)

>check out this advanced phone bullshit
>on a gif
lmao, is it Applel that doesn't support webms yet?

Not that guy but in my country very few people carry physical cash around, paying almost exclusively with their bank card.

The technology just isn't there yet. Until then, have fun with rehashes and planned obsolescence to fulfill the infinite growth meme.

great, an awkward middle ground between phone and tablet. that will surely makes games better.

Lol, my jeans can fit an iPad mini. My next phone will be a tablet if I can find one that supports cellular data and wireless charging.

God that actual phone part is a fucking eyesore and clearly an afterthought.

Colombia? That shit only happens when cash has so low value that it doesn't make sense use it so you just use your card


The Swedish government is trying to become a "cashless society" so they don't have to keep printing money and can track everyone.

Oh, sorry

Starting price is actually $1980.

I will be shocked if this doesn’t end up being a complete failure, and I really doubt the long term durability of something like this. My old Samsung flip phone fell about after two years and that was just two slabs of plastic. Amazing how stagnant this entire market has grown despite the billions being made. Normies are too stupid to see the ruse.

Is technology really so stagnant that people have to pretend to be impressed by a foldable phone?

Attached: 94248460-old-vintage-grey-flip-phone-open-isolated-on-a-white-background-.jpg (1055x1300, 82K)

I have never owned a phone that cost more than $200. They have always done what I needed. People who always buy the next generation phone are fucking retarded. What do you need that power for? Shitty mobile games?

Can fit inside your pockets and have the screen size about a tablet.

Also, ebooks.

Imagine dropping it on it's hinge. That thing is gonna snap in two.

The LCD itself folds with no bezel. So that's pretty impressive.

Yeah, Im thinkin' he's back

What can it do for gameplay that a regular phone/tablet can't?

The real revolution will be when true tactile screen technology is perfected. And even then, devs will probably keep making low effort gacha instead of real games.

Not really

Attached: 2019-02-21-113200_778x519_scrot.png (778x519, 510K)

But, user. They NEED the slightly higher res camera!

Attached: A765E18C-47B3-4A0B-958C-568676FA1D89.png (469x634, 361K)

$200 phones are fine today but they sucked ass circa 2011. You needed at least a quad core top of the line phone to run Android without lagging. Also they're heavily subsidized in the US when you sign a 2 year contract, so that $600 iPhone becomes $300, or $15/month on some dumb layaway plan.


Is that something on the market today?

>You can have THREE (3) apps open at the SAME TIME!!! :OOO
Truly revolutionary

Attached: 1550715330647.png (634x414, 254K)

I got into smart phones pretty late. My first one was the first gen Moto G and it was pretty solid for it's price, even better than many pricier phones.
Have you accepted your Chinese overlords yet?

If it actually works like that it's a much more elegant solution than Samsung's. I'm impressed.

>Cargo shorts
Literally any decent pair of pants or jeans have pockets big enough for the largest of phones - unless you're a woman or a fag who buys designer trash.

what the fuck why cant i stop chuckling why is this shit so funny

>Posts prototype tech that costs thousands

This phone costs 2 thousand

What do you think this phone is?

>Not putting the tip before the tax

What do you mean you can't afford a $9000 phone? It's only a measly $12000!

Not just mobile gaming but proper hanheld gaming.
Imagine if your switch could just fold in the middle vertically.
It would fit in your pocket.

>that crease
>"that'll be $1980 plus tip"


Attached: fold.jpg (770x390, 40K)

That's Venezuela, retard

>How do you carry money around?
You don't, where the fuck do you live if you need to carry cash. At most I carry enough money for some basic necessities if I have to purchase something with cash and ability to go home, which is $10-$20

>make super complicated gimmick to increase display size
>have a bunch of apps open, reducing effective display space for each of those apps so you can't properly use them anyway

I hope the NPC's buy it thus regular phones get even cheaper. And i already have a 90€ acer for years because i'm a huge kike and refuse to pay for this trash and a cheap phone is more than enought decieve the goy.

Attached: big think.png (1200x1855, 368K)

Why couldn't they make the front screen bigger?


ITT poor thirdworlders scared of technology with caveman brains cant think about how this tech in 5 years is going to revolutionize handheld gaming.

>That gigantic notch
wtf Samsung, why even put that in the inside part? there's plenty of room in the huge bezels in the "front" part.

How will this revolutionize gaming?

Phones are not and never will be for handheld gaming, soiboy.

Nigga you a repressed homosexual. Just let go you closet faggot, go stare at those boys in skinny jeans, go fuck those boys. It's fine, dude.

How dumb you have to be to not see the potential of a Vita type console that can fold in half with some clever design of the button layout.

>motion controls are the future!
>game streaming is the future!
>handheld consoles are the future!
>touch controls are the future!
>3D displays are the future!
>curved displays are the future!
>virtual reality is the future!
>augmented reality is the future!
>smart glasses are the future!
>modular phones are the future!
>smartwatches are the future!
>foldable phones are the future!

If you're 20 or older and still fall for these memes you should be ashamed of yourself.

>muh potential
aka things which never will happen

Literal fucking Neanderthal
I bet you were scared of the fire too and wanted to kill Galileo

gyro aiming and handhelds are pretty good tho

OP forever btfo
Based goku

Ok this is based AND redpilled

>think about POSSIBILITIES
what I see is overly expensive phone + tablet combo.
you talk as dual screen phones and flipphones are something new.

$15000? Thats a bargain

Yep, based.

>what I see is overly expensive phone + tablet combo
Because you are a brainlet.
In 3-5 years this tech is going to be used in every kind of device that uses a screen.

>oh shit he's right
Give up on life more and go suck some more dicks

Attached: 1543674829793.jpg (331x331, 38K)

Wow so a bigger screen. Truly a gaming revolution. user, there is a huge difference between a flashy gimmick in a stagnant market like smartphones and actual innovation.

>a Vita type console
Wow, I can already see the gacha and the pantsu quest.

Anything with moving parts is doomed for failure.
Also, how do you put a protector on that?

>Just wear baggy pants so people can't see the brick youre carrying

okay, so what?
Phones won't get better games.
Handheld console if happen - will be just reiteration on DS formula. That's about it.
It's just a shitty gimmick.

b && r

>touch controlls are a meme!
>no phone will ever have a touchscreen haha
>motion controls are a meme there is no way a console based on that would be one of the highest selling consoles of all time haha
>3d is a meme nobody will use it haha especialy not in cinemas there is no way every big action blockbuster movie will be in 3d haha

a lot of those things are still present and being developed for
especially smartwatches are popular though I don't see the point of having one

>game streaming is the future!
I really hope not, but the big companies are really pushing for it.
>handheld consoles are the future!
They're the past actually, which is quite sad.
>touch controls are the future!
Touch controls are the present.
>augmented reality is the future!
While not used for mainstream consumer applications, AR eyewear like Google Glass is used in a lot of factories and heavy industries.
>modular phones are the future!
A real shame Project Ara got canned. I don't want to buy a whole new device just to get an upgraded camera module.

what happens to plastic when you keep bending it over and over

If nothing else, I appreciate that Samsung's actually trying a different form factor.
Now if only people would realize that clamshell flipphones would be objectively superior with smartphone-tier hardware/software, then we'd finally be able to get somewhere.

Attached: 1547435880763.gif (748x550, 428K)

1% of the world population is still 70 million people. Pretty good customer base if you ask me.

>a handheld device that has a 6 inch amoled touchscreen but can also fit in your pocket is not revolutionary
Its funny how most of the retards on this site complain about how the switch is not a portable console because it doesn't fit in your pocket but now that a tech comes out that could make that a possibility with the next iteration you all call it a meme

This. Those massive bezels bother the shit out of me.

I can't wait to see the Note 10 since I bought a Note 9 last year. I probably won't get it but I'm still interested in seeing what they do with it.

Attached: aHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmJlc3RvZm1pY3JvLmNvbS9LL0cvNzkwMDAwL29yaWdpbmFsL3NhbXN1bmctbm90ZS05LWhhbmRzLW9uLTA0 (1500x938, 251K)

No games are going to be made to display at that aspect ratio. It's just gonna have useless black bars or be entirely incompatible.

Looks like a meme now, big and bulky and even in this little clip it looks clumsy to handle. But looks promising for better and more reasonably priced implementations in a few years.

or they could just try and sell japanese flip phones in the west

Attached: file.png (422x369, 241K)

not gonna lie, chuckled.
gg you fucking fag

Attached: 1508144521032.gif (245x245, 397K)

Sorry for not being complete retards like you.

In 3-5 years Apple and Samsung will still be ripping off dumb consumeristic fucks with this snake oil. And it'll still break down within months of moderate usage.

Note 8 user here, dunno what they could do aside from better everything. Note 9 is one of the best on the market and the note 8 is fantastic too.

I legit forgot that smart glasses even existed

The Galaxy Folder 2 is literally that, an Android Flipphone.
Motorola is also rumored to be bringing back the RAZR brand.

Attached: U5KrKvxV275NQZD2URoD3A-768-80.jpg (768x432, 16K)

because you NEED a frontal camera

Japanese Flip Phones are okay (fucking god-tier visual design though, god those things are pleasing to the eye) but they've been phasing them out lately. Besides, they usually put pretty underpowered hardware into those, at least by smartphone standards. I want full-on midrange android-level hardware ina flip phone.

meant for

I'd much rather have a mate 20 x

I don't get it. All these motherfuckers have to do is slap a tiny d-pad, A button, and B button and gaming would take off for phones. Tactile controls would make it so phone games aren't limited to turn-based games. Why has no one figured this out yet? You could put Nintendo's handheld division out of business by just adding 3 buttons to a phone.

Normies don’t want ugly game buttons on their selfie device. Now an easy and official extension piece with buttons that could attach to the sides could maybe work.

no it wont, until maybe the mid to late 2020s when its thinner and cheaper. the problem with mobile is the controls are terrible and the games are not good enough to justify taking a game pad with you.

Yeah, quite a shame. After posting image I lurked a bit, didn't see anything really notable for them.
Could've tried and put something decent with modern hardware.
But seems like it'll stay as "older people" phone
Shame. I'd pay a good money for just decent flipphone with all modern stuff.
But no, all we get are bricks of various variety.

Things which won't happen and if they'd happen - they'd achieve fucking nothing.

>gaming would take off for phones
It already has. Normalfags don't care if they have to use touch controls.

Fuck off, faggot. Even with skinny jeans I could fit a 3DS XL in my pocket.

>touch screens are relegated into the most absolute meme normie use cases possible, not used in a single serious industry as they're objectively an inferior control scheme
>Wii's success was a novelty one-time thing and the gimmick isn't even attempted anymore
>all consumer level 3D displays/glasses dead in the water and 3D movie revenue is on a steady decline

Oh hey, is that the new Nintendo DS?

>American education
It's Venezuela you retarded Amerifatski.

I really want this to be real.

Nigga the iphones been doing that since the 6

>those dont count!!!!!

The closest equivalent is the flipphone Samshit makes in Korea, but it has the big fucking glaring issue of having two screens, COMPLETELY defeating the point of the clamshell design.

The argument that they count is false

Colombia does this too desu

doesn't count when you just stole the shit from samsung's office

Also, how are you going to prevent breaks when half of the screen is now on each side in folded mode? Gonna have to carry it in a fucking soft pouch or something.

you can use the phone apps at full screen too, it's just a multitask option since there still isn't a ton of that in the mobile market

I mean 2 screens wouldn't be so bad, if the outer screen was smaller one, clearly being secondary.
But fullsize is kinda dumb and probably will drive price up to dumb degree

It's hard being into an unpopular form factor. I'm still waiting to get a verizon blackberry keytwo or better

All the outside really needs is a little notification bar+light, which most Japanese flip phones already do.

motion control is still featured in every controller beyond xbox, and is the essential element of VR games. I'd say that tech has worked out pretty well so far.

>handheld consoles are the future!
The switch is still selling like hotcakes. And gyro are here to stay.

yeah, that, maybe with ability to read whole message or something.
Jesus that phone is slow as fuck
or being into anything with buttons, typing on phone is such a pain. I felt more comfortable on t9


Attached: 1550570430897.jpg (400x400, 19K)

well no but that's not the point


best post on 4channel

stop playing hentai visual novels and it wont matter when your finger blocks part of the screen

Attached: 1550486228184.jpg (460x420, 48K)

So pretty. I'd buy one if I wasn't so reliant on smartphone apps and cameras.

Attached: softbank_11_models.jpg (608x661, 82K)

Attached: stopped_reading.png (250x272, 78K)

Well, that i can agree with. I mean yeah, for some multitasking is usefull, even as a normie, watching a yt vid and texting at the same time is probably a nice thing. I just wanted to shit on this gimmick phone.

Samsung's current phones and tablets already do split screen multi-tasking and do it quite well.

For example on the S9 a 18:9 phone you have plenty of space to run x2 apps like you want.
The only real application I'd have for an expanding phone screen would be for reading, a more square aspect ratio and physically larger screen really complements that scenario.

>$1,500 2-screen phone will "revolutionize" mobile gaming
>Still inferior to the original DS

Sure buddy.


What was your first phone, Yea Forums?

Attached: nokia3510.1.jpg (1000x801, 123K)

/thread it’s over

Good on Samsung for making something different for once, but some chink company is gonna make a rip-off one for under 1/3 the price in less than a year. I'll just buy that, 4:3 is infinitely better for what I do on my phone (read manga) than 18:9 or 16:9.

Based Goku

This is useless for gaming but god mode for reading ebooks.


>Actually use 3 apps at once like the marketing
>Battery dies in an hour
Fucking useless, ceramic batteries when.

Why is the external display so smol?

Based and redpilled


Why are mobile games so shitty? Like fucking Gameboy Color had better games than your average mobile device.

just end it now bros

Based poster

to encourage you to use the mini tablet mode of the phone

Yeah fuck OP!

Fucking kek made my day

Fucking destroyed



Attached: f419e489fbc49716207950457f88d0bd46495befr1-1063-799v2_hq.jpg (1024x769, 55K)


based goku

OP btfo

Nice one Goku



Made me giggle

>Now if only people would realize that clamshell flipphones would be objectively superior with smartphone-tier hardware/software, then we'd finally be able to get somewhere.
Next step: interstellar travel.


Op btfo


Attached: noice.png (627x321, 266K)

go get em goku

It's pretty cool but paying that much to beta test 1st generation tech that will surely have issues is something a normal consumer should never do.


Based Goku. Virginia is gay.

Fuck you for making me laugh

Based and gokupilled

it's shit

Based goku poster

>Samsung Fold.

Attached: d90 (1).png (644x800, 15K)



Holy shit


Hot damn boy

Attached: thats_rad.gif (500x211, 980K)

Can I suck your dick?


idk wym, touch screens and smart watches are pretty common thing

this, the only thing that seems lacking about the folder is the front screen is pretty small for the model, but then it's also just meant to be a secondary screen anyway. Could stand to be larger still though.

The inside screen looks like it should be excellent for both full-screen apps, reading, and multi-tasking. I only wish it supported the S pen.

I actually even like the inside notch on the big foldout screen, but only because it reminds me of the pokedex and somehow it triggers my latent nostalgiafag.

first phone was a bottom-barrel verizon flip phone from early-mid 2000s. At the time I questioned when would I ever need to call someone and not be somewhere that already had a phone, but that was also before I had a job or a car. I also saw no value in a phone that couldn't send emails and go online. Turns out I was right though, 10 years later and all anyone does on their phone is type messages.

Also, I was jealous of my mom's Nokia, because it had snake plus a space game and some others I don't remember, while mine only had a shitty blackjack game.

Attached: 1066177-ashpokedex2.png (361x347, 279K)

no, money, GB games were developed cheaply and sold at 30 bucks a pop even in the late 80s/early 90s when 30 was more like 50 now. Modern day, people still develop "cheaply" but it's more expensive than on GB, and the games are expected to be completely free.

Makes more sense and you get a big screen even when folded unlike that piece of shit from samsung.

But user, chugging vodka all day does not mean you are qualified engineer

>How to end a thread

Attached: 1550302111392.jpg (433x427, 86K)

would be basado but stupid animuposting faggots can't be basado


Hey fatass :)

>Yea Forums telling reddit to have sex
Am tired of jumping into alternate realities

have fun trying not to break the screen though

Based as fuck

>more powerful and portable than a switch
How can Nintendo compete?

I'm sure the sheet won't degrade after getting folded 10000 times.

the only time when /threading your own post was based

Attached: 1538840350552.jpg (400x400, 34K)

Absolutely based

>the games are expected to be completely free.
"audience" as a reason still works.
GB was niche product. Basically a toy for kids and for people to spend time with when they are in transit.
Now there are phones, with audience basically being almost entire population. Therefore when you have audience this big, all you have to do is produce shit which "wows" enough people and keep their attention long enough so they'll maybe spend money on it.
Entertaiment became basically free or dirt cheap for "normal" person, therefore it's shit on mobiles.


>not 3310


3210 AK47

Back in my day, /threading your own post was NOT based.

Attached: 28532.jpg (1920x1080, 203K)

You mean like a tablet?

Attached: se_t100.jpg (350x574, 56K)

I have gigs of porn on my phone.


Attached: 1550252588048.jpg (832x832, 436K)

>nigga you a
are you literally shilling for tiny pocketed pants on an estonian stock market board? fuck off you stupid piece of shit.

dayum based

Why though, I can just hit up the internet anywhere.

Social media was a mistake

Attached: 1514400741422.jpg (212x200, 7K)

lol, illegal emulation revolutionized mobile gaming.

B to the T to the F to the O

I wish I could stick to flip phones, actually answering calls on snortphones is 10x worst.

in price and in platform stability obviously, there are plenty of devices more powerful than the switch, even around the same price, but it doesn't really matter, because there is no basis for doing quality at that level when the lowest common denominator user is on some 4 year old flagship or its modern cheapo hardware equivalent. That one chinese manufacturer demonstrated a phone with controllers that's more powerful than switch by a longshot, but it's also 3 times more expensive and again, will not have anywhere near the effort put into it on the software side.

I think saying the audience is the problem is accurate, but too vague. It doesn't accurately model the very real problem, which is simply that the budget as well as the cost vs. return formula simply isn't there for efforts as meaningful as in the past. A large majority of the games on GB would basically never work on a cell phone economy, same for most any traditional effort on a dedicated game console.

ask yourself that when you don't have internet/a specific site dies/insert other situations that happen way more often than people think.

or alternatively

>have mobile data caps
>want to repeatedly spend data to get the same favorite video(s) over and over instead of getting them once and never again
>waiting for loading

I know you're never actually leaving your wifi in your place, but consider the other side.

thanks for telling us the hot news from 3 years ago

>impossible to fit a gamepad with

nah it's for kindlebook readers and people who want a portable tablet. not much potential for gaming

Attached: gamepad.jpg (600x600, 37K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190221-110142.png (720x1440, 229K)

fuck off

Attached: 1539980106276.gif (300x281, 643K)

I own a Samsung Galaxy 4 since 2013 and it still works fine, albeit slower. Give me one good reason as to why should I buy something like that

Yea Forums is social media

>249 replies
>136 posters

Hm. Really makes me think.

Isn't Shoujo Ramune that loli porn anime?


You can even see most of the posts are just over a minute apart. Some people are fucking pathetic.



remember when they made phones that literally self combusted?

Attached: 1496511889445.jpg (634x661, 58K)

at least phones will try to do something outside being just a rectangle.

Attached: maxresdefault (9).jpg (1280x720, 221K)

You're a fucking retard. Take a day off from being a cocksucker for once in your life.

Attached: 1526581717526.png (276x29, 4K)

>super expensive phone that won't work with good protective cases.

This is going to end well.

Attached: google_fold_map[1].gif (800x430, 1.24M)

>flip phones will make a comeback in your lifetime

I'll allow it

Holy kek
3 based for you

Foldable screens are retarded. I'd rather have a clamshell design.

include me in the screencap :^)

Attached: angry numale soyboy.png (225x225, 8K)

2000 USD

might as well purchase a pc

No buttons, no buy
I don't play anything that imposes retarded touch screen controls.

Why is everyone replying?

Excuse me?

Attached: 1483723595602.gif (300x351, 61K)

I bought an iPhone XS Max to replace my 8 year old Sony camcorder and DSLR.
I mainly do static film work and this phone will suffice for that for years. Fuck dragging heavy shit around, phone tech is beyond good enough for this now.

If you see nothing wrong with playing games on inferior touch controls, you're part of the cancer killing the game industry.

You forgot the disgustingly huge notch user.


>Why is everyone replying?
It's mostly the same faggot and a few sheep trying to fit in

Why not just get a tablet if you want a bigger screen? You'll pay less, too.

Attached: DqNNTpmUUAAXNZq.jpg (579x763, 67K)


what's with the fuck huge corner notch

Attached: 1549829858800.gif (520x293, 909K)


This. I have a Surface Pro 4 for this, shit is basically a laptop and tablet and can have a detachable type cover and a stand to prop it up like a laptop. With the stylus I can draw on it, or even attach a mouse to it. What I like is how compact the thing is.

Problem is how expensive it is if you want a decent one, and the type covers are proprietary and sold separately.

gh 337

Attached: file.png (353x750, 139K)

Much better to get boomer women addicted to casino trash like they're already doing. Much more money in it.

Just wait a few years

Holy fuck. Now this is based. How will OP ever recover?

>all this free bezel space
>they STILL put in a FUCKING NOTCH

There are plenty of good mobile games.

Yes? Mobile devices are simply stronger handheld consoles.


With very few good games, turn-based RPG ports, and a Bluetooth controller being a near-necessity to emulate anything comfortably

>Why is everyone replying?
First replies were by the same person from multiple IPs, then it snowballed into others replying too because they are in on some epic inside joke.

I don't get it either.
This thing was probably in development before the infinity o display.

Attached: 420190629cbebda7a77071edeafd2b5a.jpg (480x640, 21K)

The absolute state of OP

I'm glad I was here to witness this thread

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How does that become one screen without the screen cracking? Also who in their right mind would spend THAT much for a phone?

Hoooo boi

can someone tell me why i would want this thing? what fucking good is it? what games could you play on it? why is there no physical buttons and thumbstick for playing games? why would i need my phone to become two phone? why do i even need a new phone when there are no gaems?

Attached: 52197701_p0.jpg (1200x785, 609K)

There are plenty of games.

absolutely based

Attached: 1445091715043.png (704x528, 553K)

Wallets are handy for carrying cards and ID and cash will always be king. Why would I pay 3% transaction costs, 5%+ for creditcards and even more than that at the ATM, when I can pay cash? I didn't used to carry a wallet much but police here in NL will unironically fine you for not carrying ID. Plenty of shops also have dodgy card machines where I'd rather not enter my pin.

name 37

I don't feel like writing that much.

Mainly just to track everyone in everything they do, that's the only reason. And it's happening everywhere in EU.

You know you can buy a car for 2k.

Attached: 122e8f15b2f3a1077c12531a925c8a51.jpg (548x548, 64K)

>no disgusting notch
Unironically better.

then name 10

>First model anything
Just let the Chinese and flexers buy the first model so everyone else would make better, cheaper alternatives.

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Terraria update coming by 2020.

Apple etc. want phones to break more easily, that's why they abandoned full metal bodies in favor of full glass and fewer and fewer phones have hard unbreakable glass.

Space Justice
Honkai Impact 3
Shadowgun Legends
Asphalt 9
Chaos Rings series
Zenonia series
Monster Hunter Stories
JRPGs like SaGa: Scarlet Grace
Darkness Rises
Thatgamecompany's Sky

This phone isn't for you then.

It's not a consumer device yet. It's for well dressed beautiful Korean business men who want something that stands apart from plebs

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i said name 10, not 11, shithead
also nobody knows or plays any of that chink shovelware
bravo for not saying fortnight, though.

>also nobody knows or plays any of that chink shovelware
Pretty much all the ones I listed have at least 1 million downloads on Android alone.

if they dont have their own threads on Yea Forums or /vg/ then they dont exist


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Ugly front screen. Totally gonna accidentally snap in half when open

Jesus Christ

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Basically this
Why do you think mobile couldn’t kill off the 3DS despite outdoing it and every way shape and form?
Money People will pay 40$ for Animal Crossings, Smash and Mario
But 2.99 on the App Store will bleeding me dry.

>a Nintendo DS but more uncomfortable
Nintendo already won ages ago.
Whatever, happy new year 2005 everybody. Really excited for the new PS3. They say games look like real life!


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You can see the folds in the phone through wear.

>making a folding screen that will wear out when you have bezelless modular screen tech you could hinge and magnetize together
Samsung is fucking retarded

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Based and redpilled

>tfw audibly kekd

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Yeah, how come nobody has thought of using a bigger screen before? These guys are fuckin geniuses!