Nu-DMC sucked

>nu-DMC sucked
>DMC 5 is made by the same team
>Reports of demo being shit
Why do you STILL think this will be a good game?

Attached: 1550578212427.jpg (280x280, 27K)

>>DMC 5 is made by the same team
>Reports of demo being shit
>he didn't play the demo to make his own opinion

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What's the matter goy? Don't you want to replay the same twenty 5-10 minute long missions over and over and over again? Don't you like having to wait for over a month for Bloody Palace to be patched in? Capcom is back lads, I can't wait to be shekel and dimed for post release content haha. Hahaha Itsuno-san is so based am I right Yea Forumsros?

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Played the demo and it kicks ass.

learn to sage you fucking retards and stop replying to bait

>dmcfags are this desperate to save protect their propaganda

Attached: gold.png (600x580, 572K)

>5 Yen has been deposited into your bank account


DMC Thread? DMC Thread!

Attached: Ebony & Ivory.webm (640x360, 209K)

Why is V such a cutie desu?

Attached: 43691826_279587872681612_5230903024215358269_n.jpg (1080x1026, 85K)

nice pre rendered video. Now post real gameplay.

>>DMC 5 is made by the same team
What the fuck are you talking about, DmC was ninja theory and they are owned by microsoft now.

>Made by the same team
Are you fucking retarded
>Demo reportedly shit
The only thing people had problems with was the Devil Breakers and that's just because it takes time getting used to

Combat is great and the RE Engine looks fucking stellar, like I'm actually playing in a CG cutscene. Nice bait though

Attached: IMG_1444.png (124x131, 45K)

here you go
>people replying to bait OPs
this is now the DMC thread guys 2 WEEKS LEFT

Attached: donte.webm (720x360, 2.43M)

>reports of the demo

Nigga just play it

I played the demo and it was pretty shit. especially the music. also upgrading through a heroin addict instead of a divinity statue is just wrong

>Why do you STILL think this will be a good game?
Because V

Attached: VSip.png (280x280, 117K)

thats not real gameplay faggot. the camera is moving to cinematic angles.
Now post REAL real gameplay. You know, the one that's shit lole.

Here you go bro

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why did the boss lose hp when dante didnt even hit him?
>Also that huge hp bar on dante.
lmao casual game

Way to make it clear you've never played dmc. lmaoing at you right now.

You seem new, that's how royalgaurd works, when an enemy attacks you you can block him and return the damage he tried to inflict on you back to him, when you perfect block him, you increase some of your meter around the R in the top left, and when it's full you can release all that damage on to your opponent
But most fags on Yea Forums seem to want to stick with trickster because mah dodge button instead of getting good with this style

Holy based

its asinine to use in 4 and I prefer using gunslinger in 3

>realistic dante lacking japanese flare (2013)
>realistic dante lacking japanese flate (2019)

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Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

Let's not talk about the styles in 4 cause they were all pretty shit compared to 3
And Styles in 3 just end up with what your prefrence is, doesn't change the fact that most plebs seem to stick with trickster though

>nu-DMC sucked
>DMC 5 is made by the same team
Fucking no? are you retarded
>Reports of demo being shit
resetera is full of retards and you shouldn't listen to them

so pretty

>why did the boss lose hp when dante didnt even hit him?


Attached: Flate.jpg (1282x406, 165K)

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: dante embarrassing.jpg (294x294, 19K)

>But most fags on Yea Forums seem to want to stick with trickster
i stick too swordmaster

she looks like that trap pornstar that used to be really popular on Yea Forums

>Man with Royal Guard: I am growing motivated

Fucking based

It looks like rehashed DMC4, people are only blindly praising it because of how bad DmC was.



Rehashed dmc4 is incredibly high praise though.

How big was his dick and how much bigger was his dick

Attached: Vergil_(Model)_DmC.png (681x1289, 702K)

Only Nero upgrades through Nico.
V upgrades through a Divinity statue in Nico's van and Dante just finds regular Divinity statues.

>Why do you STILL think this will be a good game?
Because you're a liar.
DMC5 is not made by the same team that made DmC. DmC was made by Ninja Theory, Capcom had to coach them through development by sending an experienced team of their own to help them out a bit, but they didn't make the game.
There are no reports of the demo being shit. Sure a couple people probably think that, but "reports", no. Almost everything thinks the demo is fucking amazing.
I'm getting it for PS4 so don't care about Denuvo.
The game will be amazing and nothing else in 2019 even looks remotely as good as DMC5.


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Attached: treason then.webm (1280x720, 991K)

Attached: TACTICAL NUKE.webm (1280x720, 2.1M)

Attached: Nero pro skater.webm (900x506, 1.29M)

why do that if we can hijack the thread and make it a DMC THREAD


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>and nothing else in 2019 even looks remotely as good as DMC5.

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'Don't get so cocky.'
Nobodys and Vergil 3
Lucia Because she sounds like a valley girl but clearly has kept herself pure for Dante!

Attached: yes this is actually gameplay.webm (1024x576, 1.89M)

Can you do this in Sekiro? I'm probably gonna get both though.

Attached: BUSTING MAKES ME FEEL GOOD.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Rebellion. Gilgamesh is close second.
"Wanna know the name?"
Blitz / Vergils, Berial, Cerberus
Because you're pedo. Mary's best lady.

Attached: GRUG SMASH.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

>Because you're pedo
shes 18 now

>a-all it has is combat

Attached: Arkham May Cry.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

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DMCucks spent the better part a decade shitting up this board. They need it to be good.
They'll keep shilling it for free until 6 comes out.

>bing bing wahooye!
>so long gay bowser!

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Attached: k i c k s.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

I don't get the claim here?
Secret Mission entrances being sigils you line up like the Lucky Emblems in KH3 instead of just being random parts of the map you have to interact with half the time?

Attached: GUTS IN DMC5 CONFIRMED.webm (1036x592, 2.16M)

>dontefags still buttmad

I think they're just referring to how they made secret missions at least mildly interesting to find now.

Attached: It's treason then.webm (700x394, 1.91M)

>ugly sjw women characters
>published by cap 'EA of the east' com
y i k e s

I enjoy the fact you can end any and all shitposting about this game by just posting webms.

Who? name please

>tfw was a dmc hater
>gifs in this thread successfully made me interested
>now looking forward to march 8

Attached: 902.jpg (680x544, 33K)

Don't you dare use my favorite comfy manga for your bait motherfucker.

Royal guard is the true lad's style.

>I'm not crying! you're crying!
whatevs floats your boat, lads

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come to my loveshack

Attached: goblin.png (350x350, 8K)

>crying over perfect gameplay, visuals, innovations and enemy types

Attached: 1537873079492.webm (1024x570, 1.45M)

>rehashed dmc4
despite having
>an entirely new character that plays radically different to any character in previous games
>an entirely new arm system for Nero.
are you a dipshit or just b8ing?

Attached: just the opposite actually.jpg (636x551, 32K)

that word doesn't mean what you think it meass

You left out entirely new weapons for Dante and reworked styles like RG

isnt daimon supposed to be in bitterblack isle?

I hear he needed a job until DD2

>DMC 5 is made by the same team

>>Reports of demo being shit
according to whom?

What manga is this from?

that guy who was pitting sekiro fanbase against dmc

>That pic
>what are colons

All I asked out of a DMC5 was bring back the original continuity and don't dumb down the gameplay too much, instead I got more than I asked for even. They've brought back everyone except Lucia and copy pasted DMC4's combat with the only dumbing down being exceed timing.

Oh you know

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I don't understand how you can not figure out how to dodge, like the game has a full move list

>that incredibly based webm
Thank you, user. For a second, I thought only Rebellion can parry that boss' attacks. Good to know that other devil arms can parry attacks for DMD runs.

>"I still can't get over Nero not being able to roll."
Nero can roll, you transvestite. If he could not roll, then I would never allow him to breed with my sister.

Attached: credo-devil-may-cry-4-1.49.jpg (210x240, 15K)

I'm a complete DMC fanboy but I look at these webms and I just ask myself how someone couldn't be hype

I don't know about V's moveset, but Dante has trickster dodge on 1 button, and Nero can just equip gerbera for dodges on 1 button. Did any of these retards get corrected?

>Dante in 5 lacks Japanese flair
lmao what?

Royal Guard timing is a lot more forgiving too, so i've heard.

Attached: MEME MAGIC.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

Don't mind me, just screencapping stuff. Nothing to worry about

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Someone who thinks combat with alot of depth and where the fun is gained with becoming more skillful is "outdated"

Why does everyone want Devil May Cry to play like Bayonetta now?

>all that speculation about whether it was a devil arm or not
>people trying and failing to prevent over hype because we didn't want to be jewed
>eventually the hype was actually right for once

This is an odd game where the hype has consistently been proven correct or appropriate.

because it has a dedicated casual button aka dodge and slowdown

No you can't, Sakiro has actual gameplay.

Some people cannot understand games beyond
>attack from complete safety
like it's a fucking platformer boss or something. Then they quit at gracious and glorious because they require you to fight more aggressively and not from complete safety

because DMC is 'old fashioned'

Attached: YOU!.jpg (194x372, 19K)

Red Queen
"c'mon little puupy, i'll take you out for a walk!"
vergil 2
>best girl
lucia because DSL

by HIM

That vergil leak thread is still one of my favorite BTFO's of all time.
they got BTFO so bad that they waited until 2 weeks before the game comes out to shitpost it again.
will this game put most of Yea Forums on suicide watch?

DMC5 launch day will rupture this board forever, just like the announcement

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I know that DMC5 is a very beautiful game, but what's shown in the webms is pure gameplay. What Nero did was use Buster Arn on a boss after it's been weakened. Heh, getting the boss to the point where you can Buster it is a hard task for trannies like you. And it's "Sekiro" not "Sakiro."

Which leak you talking about? The 'Urizen is Vergil' one with the voice shifting? Or the 'that's not vergil in the garage' one?

Attached: (You)rizen.png (825x450, 322K)

I'm excited for Sekiro as much as the next fag but it's really nowhere near DMC5 in terms of complexity of mechanics. It's simply not in the same subgenre.
I agree that it's the only other worthwhile game on the horizon and I'll definitely play it and replay it but it's one of those games that once you fully master and speedrun it you won't be touching it anymore for years to come.
DMC5 on the other hand is a game you'll lose 500 hours just fucking around in the Bloody Palace/debug mode.

Sekiro also features contextualized/scripted executions and takedowns.

Attached: dc.jpg (1424x1424, 373K)

DMC5 is the anti-TORtanic. Every attempt to bash it ends in complete failure.
>shitpost threads like this one end up becoming DMC threads
>every fake leak and fake news gets BTFO a week later
DMC5 is literal magic. Look at this thread; shitposters are so scared that they're confusing gameplay for cutscenes. They should go back to their console wars.

Attached: NON_BELIEVERS_BTFO.jpg (1920x4350, 2.03M)

We already knew it was Vergil though from day one. Frame by frame on the trailer reveals the hooded man had the same fingerless gloves, cuffs on his sleeves and boots as Vergil.

>anti TORtanic
It's still not going to make a ton of sales, is it?

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I believe. If REmake could be successful then I believe in DMC5

Realistically speaking - it's pretty unlikely. It'll probably be the best selling DMC ever, but the series are pretty niche in the end.

the vergil in the garage one. theres a screencap somewhere of people going "LMAOINGVERGILKEKS" "VERGILFAGS BTFO"
and then leaker kun posted the garage footage and they shut the fuck up REAL fast.

Re2 was a streamer bait which boosted its sales. Just another horror shooter on the surface.
For DMC to be enjoyable to watch a player must be good and that's gonna be a rare occurrence.

we live in hope.

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Its gonna sell better than the reboot for sure, and I don't doubt it'll beat 4 either. Given Capcom's new philosophy on keeping the values of their IPs by making quality games rather than trash that sells I doubt they'd be unhappy with that result.

I guarantee every single group is going to rip this thing to shreds. The only reason we won't see a day one is some may wait for BP to drop or the game is a buggy mess.

If I were to be realistic, DMC5 will probably sell better than RE2 but below KH3. I could imagine Capcom profiting more from DMC5 than Square-Enix has from KH3 though. Even the controversial DmC sold 2.4 million units. DCM5 will be fine.

people were in denial, man.
they also though V was demi-fiend or gene.
2018 times sure were weird

i'm playing through the first DMC right now and i don't understand how i'm supposed to beat these faggots

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I would like to see a Demi-fiend mod for V though. V kinda fights like him as they both specialize in summoning demons while being able to hold their own.

shotgun+ air hiked helm breaker
roll to avoid their drill attack

So what's the likelihood of Itsuno making good on DD2 after DMCV? He said he wanted to do both and was given a choice.

Attached: 1550463475253.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

this is bait

>So what's the likelihood of Itsuno making good on DD2 after DMCV?
0% as DMCV is never getting released

Considering that Ninja Theory belongs to Microsoft, that would not be possible.

He also mentioned rival schools but it's very high.

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Red Queen
"That's the only kind of gift worth giving."
Hell Sloth and Angelo Credo
But it's Lady, though.

Attached: 1550375355308.webm (1080x720, 2.45M)

God, Capcom's quality over quantity resurgence really makes me hopeful that Itsuno makes his dream game, for real this time.

Why nightmare is so cute bros?

Damn this was in september?
Where does the time go?

>it's another shitpost thread
>gets btfo anyway

>air hike
i probably should have bought that instead of wasting points on ifrit.

literally just posting actual footage of the game is all you need to kill the shitposting threads

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Attached: Smug.webm (912x512, 785K)

What're you screencaping, user?

Red Queen (DMC5 version) and Cerberus (will probably be King Cerberus once I get to use it)
"So this is what they call a heart-warming family reunion." "You got that right."
>favorite demon
>favorite boss
Vergil 1

Attached: 1540367281346.jpg (600x636, 206K)

>Shitposters have moved on to DMC5 and Sekiro

I suppose it was only a matter of time

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The next Yea Forums meltdown

If DMC5 is good then you're going to use the picture to fuck with shitposters and if it's bad you're going to be THE shitposter aren't you?

from the demos and multiple videos, there's zero chance it's bad. Nero's gameplay alone makes it an 8/10 game. Imagine V and Dante

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Reason 4 was a disappointment was because the level design was meh and then repeated. I'm worried it will be like that again. Though I'd like to think it being the longest in the series means it will be fine compared to the rushed 9 hours of DMC4.

If it's bad at least Remake 2 was good

>parry long wind up
>parry long wind up
>parry long wind up
>press the "do something cool" button to use up the gauge and so damage
Holy fuck this is more casual than darks souls

What do you think about Sekiro, user?

It looks like shit, mash and dash with no stamina meter.

good lord I can't wait to play as Dante in DMCV

The game that broke OHNONONONOfags

lmao people like you are so fucking lame. Enjoy playing nothing this year you fucking absolute faggot

>tfw Resident Evil 2 didn't make me happy
>tfw Kingdom Hearts 3 didn't make me happy
>tfw I'm no longer excited for DMC V anymore
>tfw I feel so lonely nothing makes me happy anymore

why even bother trying to live

>RE2 was the only thing that made me happy in recent time

Sucks it didn't for you. I feel your pain user

This thread sucks
Lady is hot

Quick question for anyone who played the demo, can you turn off that deep throat announcer

>nothing else in 2019 even looks remotely as good as DMC5.
You don't even need to look further than Capcom itself

Attached: Monster-Hunter-World-Iceborne.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Don't worry.
Anthem will be a good target again in a few days, and when Capcom will show MH on Switch and more info for Iceborne, shitposters will have MONTHS to spend on MH.

Not in the demo, but since the deluxe edition has additional announcer options to choose from, it's likely that there'll be an option to turn it off for all players.

I didn't try to during the demo, but it was confirmed to be toggleable after the first gameplay came out after E3.

this game looks like Capc uck shit. fake hype flavor of the month bullshit that will be forgotten before April.
>monster hunter who?
>street fighter what?
>marvel vs capkek?
>there was a resident evil remake?
the same old capcom bait and switch, false hype, viral marketing, DLC ridden trash.
DMC 1 + 3 remain SUPREME. 3>1>>>> 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4=5


I've been putting my devil breaker on left trigger instead of the gun

>press the "do something cool" button to use up the gauge and so damage
>he thinks royal release is a single button press
user, there is no need to try and shitpost cause it's just too obvious

>>monster hunter who?
>still played on all platforms, even on the fucking Xbox
>12 million copies sold

Devil May Cry's biggest flaw from contractors is that it has too much gameplay by beating and juggling enemies to death. What the fuck are you on about?

>not excited for DMC5
literally what has changed

Attached: best boy.gif (512x288, 2.17M)

>0.01 Capcoins were deposited into your Capcom DLC wallet.

Only 9000 more posts and you will be able to afford a DLC pack.

My biggest flaw is I wish it had some level design that wasn't mostly arenas. Literally the only thing DmC did well and what Bayonetta has over DMC

Capcom is probs my favourite dev.

Ifrit or Cerberus, tough choice
"My sincerest apology brother. I was so eager to see you, I couldn't concentrate on preparations for the bash."
DMC 1 Frost
Vergil 2

Probably not, so take this gift from God while you can and enjoy it.

Depression user. If he didn't feel anything for RE2 then his hopes of the depression elevating might be much lower now

Holy fuck, I they gonna gift me Iceborne just for talking good about a good game?
Based Capcom


What's your fav dev user

Oh look it's this thread again. Enjoy samefagging OP

What's your favourite friend?

>fav dev
imagine being this cucked by marketing. I like good games, not developers only interested in money

Attached: 1536443842650.png (430x441, 86K)

>fag tries to shit DMC
>Starts a DMC thread instead

Attached: 1547832937327.png (209x200, 77K)

I don't get it, how do I change costumes in dmc 3? I beat the game on normal but I see no option to change on the mission select screen. Is hard the first unlock?

I can't fucking wait to use Tomboy
>have all the diverse and wonderful breakers available
>only ones I want to use are a fist skateboard and an unga bunga one

Attached: tomboy.webm (1600x900, 2.86M)

But I'm talking about devs, not publishers. You know, the teams that actually make games.


You can enemy step off them instead.
And no orbs are ever wasted on Ifrit

Nevermind I am an enormous fucking retard, I just figured it out.

>Anthem fags are so desperate they try to shitpost better titles to distract from the abysmal launch

buy 3 doses of psilocybin shrooms and do them over a long period of time; actually cured my depression fairly easily

>He thinks there are Anthem fags on Yea Forums
Now that's the real joke

even Yea Forums doesn't hate themselves THAT much

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Yo I was playing DMC1 and beat the level where you fight that knight looking boi for the first time, but I quit because the forced camera angles were killing me. Should I continue, or will that remain frustrating for the rest of the game?

Try a bit more and if you can't stand it just move on to 3.

anyone else thinking of getting the collectors edition?

she acts like that cute slutty antagonist from Taxi 3

do yourself a favor and watch first three taxi movies, my fellow americans - it's good even with subtitles, albeit couple of side-splitting jokes are lost in translation

Attached: DeepLameBlackwidowspider-size_restricted.png (588x250, 64K)

whos this cute anime girl?

nah, personally didn't like the contents of it. I might buy the art book from some idiot on amazon though

>anons start shitposting with a really bad fake leak saying the game will be ultra casualized and no vergil
>user suddenly leaks Vergil taking it back

holy shit this is hilarious


>play demo
>you can charge with L2
>ok but why for one basic ass attack?
>look into it and you can charge after every swing with timing
>swing at the air for a few minutes, barely able to get anything
Is this because I skipped 4, suck or both of those combined resulting in me super sucking?

oh and while im asking about shit, am I also bad for not being able to find a better way to damage the demo boss than spamming the basic electric hand move? Not even combo canceled into hand, just the hand?

the charge is called exceed
upgrading it levels it up to do more damage per attack
the charge is on enemy hit and takes some time to get the timing down
also gerbera is the most fun i had fighting the boss
air dash + enemy step + air hike make him way more fun

It just requires practice, man. When playing, you'll notice that there are certain moves that are easier to EX-ACT than others. Nero's Split being one of them.

It's pretty damn tough to do consistently, but the timing never changes, so you'll only ever get better at ti.

You gotta use circle during lockon to pull yourself up to his head then swing at him with your air combos

well yea, If you skipped 4 then you are obviously not gonna catch on quick. Takes some time to get used to but they have made the timings more lenient than in DMC4. The most common advice is to time the Exceed (L2) at the moment your sword hits the enemy, don't mindlessly button mash L2 cause you are gonna get tired.
As for the boss, best ways to damage him is trying to get on his face rather than the legs. There's move called Calibur you can buy which is excellent for aerial combat