It's fucking boring shit, isn't it? It's literally the same game as the previous two but with a couple of new mechanics and bigger maps.
Linear shooters are dead, there's nothing exciting anymore, you can't invent anything new and groundbreaking.
It's fucking boring shit, isn't it? It's literally the same game as the previous two but with a couple of new mechanics and bigger maps.
Linear shooters are dead, there's nothing exciting anymore, you can't invent anything new and groundbreaking.
This a really low IQ post.
I like it well enough. I'm only at cannibal caves but it seems different enough. I like the open level vs open world. I kinda really hate the "weapon degradation" system though. Guns get dirty whether you use them or not and you have to spend vital resources to keep them working. I'd rather use my chems on medkits not spit shining my slav trash
I just completely legally bought it, haven't touched it yet. It seems fun enough from trailers but who knows.
This game sucks and plays like fucking crap. Don't honestly understand what people see in it.
everybody said the same thing in 90s before half life came out. everybody was sick of find red key for red doors stuff. we are just waiting for someone to grow balls and builds something original.
Completed it and got the good ending, thoroughly enjoyed the game though wished it was longer and had more classic style Metro tunnels and supernatural bits sort of like near the end, I thought it was the Dark Ones when I started seeing those dark figures in the distance
Also what is the point of the Bastard gun when you get a Kalash from the start? I know you could give it a drum mag but is that all that’s good about it?
The game isn't boring because it's linear you idiot.
linear >>>> open world
I loved the first two games. Fantastic atmosphere/graphics. Bought Exodus on release for my XboneX. The first thing I noticed was the HORRIBLE input lag. Holy shit. I know its only 30FPS but this is unplayable. Buggy as fuck. Game crashing. Cringy dialog. The game looks good. Weapon degradation is fucking retarded. I dunno. I went back to RDR2 (Not my fav game either). A4 should patch this mess.
I'm enjoying it.
>playing fps on console
The fuck you doing nigger.
>playing fps on console
this is easy as fuck faggot it doesn't matter on what you play it
you can hardly call it a shooter when it's mostly cutscene and walking simulator
I didn't notice any input lag (playing on PeniS4) but what bothers me is the sluggish movements. Obviously I'm not expecting a zoomy cowadoody level of aim speed but it feels like my character is moving their gun through molassass
This, I found movement fine for the pace of the game but I’d rather not have the fucking press and hold prompts to open containers or perform actions, that needlessly slows the game down.
>doesn't matter what you play it on
>complains about horrible input lag on xbone
This game is straight out of 2005
>It's literally the same game as the previous two but with a couple of new mechanics and bigger maps
oh, so it's a sequel? Gotcha
>A game so bad that it made a Twitch streamer quit gaming and instead stay in a WoW safespace
Based Asmongold took a huge dunking shit on the game and put those Epic Store vermin in their place
Which instantly makes it superior to all modern games.
is it actually input lag? the movement is supposed to be slow and cinematic like RDR2
post link
>using Twitch streamers are the measuring stick for if a game is good or not
Fucking zoomers
Pretty sure he is doing some DSP style ironic shitposting.
>Which instantly makes it superior to all modern games.
The game is cinematic walking simulator garbage like any modern game you faggots.
Why exactly did he quit it? Was it too scary?
Because it was boring linear scripted shooter and that it felt too much like watching a movie.
But also because he played like a retard.
So he's even more retarded than DSP and the game was too hard for him?
Imagine a fucking walking simulator is too hard for you so you go back to playing WOW.
hey, at least it only being sold on a weird platform kept me from paying for it without thinking!
Going to play through it for free and build my own opinions.
There is a lot of scripted stuff for the first 45-60 minutes until you reach your first open area then you can go and do what you want.
From then on you only really get cinematic scenes during downtime during travel which you can mostly ignore by selecting the map in the bridge.
>then you can go and do what you want.
lol no, you linearly follow objectives and walk through an empty map collecting shitty loot
I wandered off the first moment I got a chance and started finding armor and tool upgrades, maybe don’t be shit?
How long did it take to beat?
Can I either play or fuck Anna though
I mean you only find loot you faggot and nothing else.
How does simply walking towards loot and picking it up make you good you massive faggot?
What else are you expecting to find in a post-apocalyptic game?
About 18 hours for me, I didn’t get too thorough with the exploration and I know I missed a few upgrades but I’d say you could finish the main story in about 12-15, maybe 20-22 for all upgrades.
>It's fucking boring shit, isn't it? It's literally the same game as the previous two but with a couple of new mechanics and bigger maps.
I never experimented with it myself either. I guess part of the appeal might be that it uses pistol ammo, so you can save some ak rounds.
But in the Volga I just used a silenced Revolver and the Kalash. Just got the Bulldog though so now I'm gonna use that.
Oh ok, not as long as I thought but that's not horrible. Thanks for the info.
it is boring you retard
The point is the side stuff is purely optional and uninteresting. You only get some loot which you can skip because the game is easy. You can just follow the main objective. The game is purely linear and the "open world" is just slapped on.
>literally doesn’t make it past the prelude
>I think I'm retarded
>dies because he doesn't change filter, 1h in during the cinematic intro
>plays like a complete retard who never played a game ever
and people give DSP shit
he plays WoW what do you expect?
serious wow player are literally the most retarded kind of gamer.. yet they all think they are intellectual as fuck
some weird complex they got from being bullied at school and being destroyed by sports players they considered dumb
OH NONONONO grandpa do you know what year is this? It's 2k19 you have to make open world, gay and tranny supported game or its shit. Go back to 2001 or what ever lmao
boycott epic and origin. they are jew trash. thank you that is all.
>i don't personally like this game, why are they making it?
i once felt the same about crpgs but then i stopped being a faggot
I'm just an hour in but so far it's pretty much the same as the other two. Not that I'm complaining or expected anything different really
>wait eons for save to load
>my progress is 10 minutes behind where I last left off
>whatever, play through it again
>go to quicksand
>"you can't save right now"
>assume game is autosaving, ok whatever
>walk a bit then check menu again
>still can't
>go to safehouse to sleep it off maybe
>game doesn't auto save entering shack or after sleep
>still can't save
>check google for issue
>everyone is getying it and there's no solution other than praying the gay away
Fuck me, this kills the hype.
>wait aeons for save to load
Are you using a HDD? Load screens is one thing I got no problems with in this game
I can't fucking believe they actually and unironically released the game in the state that its in. Jesus Christ.
Yes, it takes about 1-2 minutes to load my save. 7200rpm standard
Shit that sucks man. I got a SDD last year specifically for gaming and in terms of quality of life it's a huge improvement.
In the time it's taken for you to reply, I fixed my game by restarting, avoiding checking the pause menu, and walking until the game autosaved.... At least it wasn't a permanent issue.
I played through the whole game on xbone and didn’t encounter any glitches
>drops below 30fps with 1070 on high w/o hairworks during the scene where you get the binoculars
what the fuck man, I just built this shit less than 2 years ago
Is mein neger Uhlmann mentioned in Exodus? In the bad ending, when you're on the ghost train from Hey Arnold, you get to see Bourbon and some literal who that died from that hand car incident in the first game, but Uhlmann is nowhere. I guess they also retconned the good ending from LL since Miller still has both his legs.
Bruh miller doesn’t have his legs
Are these things not compressed at all? Mine was 41GB with multi9 language support
I'm a few hours in on PC playing on the ranger hardcore mode. So far I feel that:
>graphics are good
>sluggish movement, especially when sprinting in the world. Artyom will be halted for a split second by even a small pond of water or if there is even slight elevation in the terrain
>something seems completely off about the sounds in the game, especially when Artyom gets attacked by the initial monsters or explosions are happening
>throwing knives and melee is not very satisfying compared to the first game
>voice-acting is absolutely terrible. Switching to russian with english subtitles makes it hard to keep up, since there is a shitload of dialogue going on, at least for the first part of the game.
Does it get better?
what kind of a shit console port is this
>no borderless or even windowed
>windowed only if edited in .cfg and borderless with 3rd party program
>no way to turn off motion blur in-game
>no fov slider
>mouse wheel doesn't work with scrolling menus
>mouse acceleration out of the ass
>screen effects don't even scale with different aspect ratios or fov,
its another generic open world with even dumber enemy ai
>torrenting in 2019
am laffin
Smoothbrain: the post
I had to check youtube to confirm the sound in my game isn't fucked somehow.
Holy fuck it's bad
>I feel like a retard
holy shit my sides
haven't laughed that hard in a while. cheers
What a shitfest of a game, what the fuck did they do to one of the last FPS franchises actually worth playing.
is it broken? how bad is it? anthem bad? mass effect Andromeda bad?
can one of you faggots explain what's wrong with it before I buy it?
still in the first zone and I am having a blast and enjoying the game. It surprised me by the positive.
>Sound is awful
>Voice acting is worse than 1 and 2
>Story is incredibly forced and cringey/mushy
>AI is completely broken, they literally walk into your bullets or die from walking into your rifle
>Uninspired areas
>Far more action-oriented and straightforward and far less survivalism
>Ammo is no longer a concern and item reservation is a hoot
>Constantly stuck with your blyat waifu who keeps on interrupting the game's tension with her 10 pound plot armor
>Story is so unbelievable shoehorned in its laughable, imagine erasing 3/4th of the first two games when it comes to story and important themes and atmosphere and you have a good idea of just how bad this really gets
Its not that bad. This is not Andromeda or Fallout 76. Its as buggy as the standard Ubisoft game that people complain about but still succeeds anyway. In this case, it might have less PC sales because of the Epic drama but on console nobody is gonna make a fuss.
no attention span here
>cant into stealth because it takes too long
>playing on extra hard to be contrary
getting my ass kicked I cant even tell if it’s good game
>I just completely legally bought it,
Same here, that was until I issued a refund. And it just so happens that When they refunded my game, they forgot to disable it on my account, so I got a free game AND my money back.
yup game is way too easy.
Edit config, you stupid nigger. Everything you mentioned is there, except the scroll wheel.
how to remove the meme filters that dont scale with fov??????
I'd say that max difficulty in this game feels bullshit. I guess it is hard to pull off with hitscan weapons.
Yes he does he's walking around?
Can I refund it if I already finished it?
He's coming to save shooters. Again.
It's unpolished but it's still worth playing. Sound design is a little off, the human enemies are a bit dull, and you have to fiddle with cfg files to get the right settings on PC, but the gameplay and immersion is amazing as always for the series. Ending is kino, and the soundtrack is actually pretty good for once. Play on ranger hardcore though, that's the only difficulty where you really have to put thought into ammo and resources and engagements - and without that aspect, yeah it would be a boring linear shooter with scary bits.
Maybe, but he's not wrong at all. The game is kinda dull and uninspired.
Unfortunately, in both endings, Uhlman is killed in action fighting Red troops.
I agree with this but I wouldn't buy it full price desu.
But they do scale perfectly. Its clearly a separate bug, if you have a problem with it. Reset your config with only fov changed and update the gpu drivers or something.
anything over 2 hours, and its considered nonrefundable by their terms.
People with even high end rigs are having every 10-15 seconds freezes/stutters in the open world. You make what you will of it. On top of that its an awful PC port
see dsp isn't as bad as people say. there are stupider people out there.
Literally look down on the train, they are prosthetics
So is steam with its ridiculous cut. Yet you have it installed like a fucking gay shlomo shill.
At the very beginning i was disappointed but as soon as i reached the first hub i started loving the game.
Change the preset to 2 and turn up the sensitivity
I just remember exodus being fun because even on the hardest difficulty there was a lot of stealth that made it challenging but fair in most places.
Is there good stealth or did their attempt at an open world ruin the stealth aspect and turn it into “go here fight x bad guys grab this”
And no I’m not posting this so all the people who suck fucking dick at vidya can tell me there’s no stealth because they’re too retarded to do stealth
user its not nice to just lie on the internet
They can't refund your game without removing it from your account
Was the voice acting this bad in the previous games? I can't remember
Metro games were always basically just a Call of Duty campaign with more atmosphere and a handful of cool touches. Just a bunch of STALKER fans thirsting over them because they'll take anything that's vaguely similar thematically
It's fucking amazing and has stalker-like hub levels with lots of shit to explore, safe houses, crafting tables and shit. If you like stalker it is an absolute must have.
There's the usual stealth sections against humans you're used to because the open world still has buildings and camps that work exactly like the old stealth sections from the previous two games. You can also sneak past monsters in the open world hubs (a little too easily honestly though, I wish they would detect you from farther away - takes away a bit of the scare factor)
Graphics are shit. Can hardly see anything it's so messy.
>an autistic who has only played wow for 12 years thinks a new game is so bad that he stopped streaming then remembered he had no real world skills and went back streaming the next day like nothing happened
They really needed to make pickable items flash.
How the fuck do I increase the shitty FOV
don't do this to us tovarisch
cfg file. usually in c/user/saved games
It's no where near as bad as andromeda or fallout 4.
I'd say it's 2 degrees worse than any other game that has bugs
Oh really?
Linear games are good dipshit, what made Metro games good was good linear levels with survivalist mechanics like gas filters, medic needles, the good combat and linear extremely atmospheric action filled levels that, within the Metro and small radiationed open areas, made the game and claustrophobic epic masterpiece. But guess what, they ditchied all this to go to an open-world linear aproach and killed the fucking series with this boring bugged mess of a game.
The sound really bothers me, voices are really low compared to everything else and there is no separate option to change them. Also there is lots of sound clipping
Fuck off, casual.
>rtx is a meme! I don't need it!
>wow, why doesnt the lighting work like in real life
He kept dying on normal difficulty
>all those plebs who don't play with original sound and then complain about sound quality
I bet you also play witcher in english, fucking retarded westcucks.
so far I'm heading to the third map of the game... this is the first game in a long time where I've wanted to skip the cutscenes because they were so boring. the only aspect that open world has brought in is the tediosity of driving across a fucking map filled with absolutely nothing.
Any attempt at exploring is met with disappointment, even the big fucking markers with skulls on them reward you with nothing, you kill a whole camp of bandits for WHAT? there's fucking NOTHING.
Ranger hardcore is pretty bullshit, weapons get dirty way too fast.
Considering you can drag an AK through mud and it will still shoot flawlessy the one ingame behaves like a L98A1 on a bad day.
I wish there would be a custom difficulty where you could adjust damage, AI, saves, resources etc.
Also is there ever a point where the boats are actually usable?
I get instantly raped by the shrimps after entering a one, and they seem to spawn infinetly no matter how many I kill
One time I killed 25 in a single spot nonstop.
>hurr durr where is my instant gratification
Spotted a console nigger who never played a single stalker game.
I played stalker, overrated trash just like silent hill that only boomer faggots would enjoy because muh old after school vidyagames
The game is pretty shit, wasnt even worth pirating. Hopefully the company goes bust after this release.
Thanks for giving out that you are an underage zoomer faggot.
okay grandpa, you're game is still trash and so is this one, glad I pirated
Metro isn't a traditional action fps though.
It's skyrim with guns.
LA la la la la la, AH GWOP STWOP
You are just embarassing yourself, newfag nigger. Overrated by fucking who?? Stalker has been shitted on by its most hardcore fans since the beginning for all it's unfullfilled promises, bugs, changes from original gameplay plans and so on. But you haven't even been born at that time, how would you know.
>I've seen few threads on Yea Forums that means it' so overrated hurrr
Fucking retarded millenial nigger.
Throwing a bomb in the water makes them move away if not killing them. Otherwise just use a couple morphine while rowing out of dock.
They'll probably remove it once you get your money
>the game was so hyped for some reason the zoomers came out and cried for it being slow and boring
still pushing the zoomer meme, I'm probably older than you ya fucking retard I just don't buy into your bullshit hype about a mediocre game that satisfies your niche autism
The little gameplay I saw looked like every other shitty early access shooter on steam made with the unreal engine.
well i cant show you my statements, but they money has already returned to me.
I liked the other two metros, this ones by far the worst.
Let's take out the atmospheric tunnels and replace them with boring fucking driving to spaced out camps like something out of fucking mad max oh and btw we'll put absolutely nothing interesting for you to explore or fuck with on your way there.
The game is WANK, very rarely does a linear franchise turn open world for the BETTER.
you didn't play the game if you think it has no atmosphere
adjust your idiotic bait
I don't even know where to change language
you're a faggot
I've watched you respond to every bit of criticism in this thread, are you autistic or underage? choose one.
my fuck, he's a redditor too
get the fuck going lol
A shitty ruskie hollywood wanabe "game"
why would anyone want another linear cinematic metro game after last light, that was mediocre as hell
Fuck the morale system in this game, it's even more retarded than in the old ones
It's called Metro EXODUS you fucking zoomer. There's tunnels in the end game, fuck off
nice buzzword, kid.
>it's called metro exodus
but there's zero metro kek
I stopped playing it halfway, reinstalled STALKER and the Anomaly 1.5. Having a pretty fun time now when it isn't crashing.
There's morale?
Pretty much. I loved Metro 2033. Last Light already bore me to death and I couldn't play more than 2 hours of this.
but muh cheap chink box
>guns degrade whether you use them or not
That's bullshit. When I don't use my guns I never have to clean them
You should clean them regularly regardless
>escape the church without anyone noticing me
>capture the boat without killing anyone
>stealth through the bridge and knock everyone out
>Duke still dies
Fuck this game
why is the voice acting so bad holy shit didn't they have a big ass budget
So how is morale affecting the game then? Just muh good ending?
who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have 4 different characters all talking at the same time during cutscenes, this happens a lot. The subtitles can't even keep up with what the fuck is going on
Good boys *should* save some crew members that die if you kill people, and the ending, yeah
The game is blinding me so hard with it's tryhard cinematic approacj and poorly made english dub/sfx that I can hardly see the gameplay.
How is this 60$ again?
>that bit where stepan is marrying that bitch
>three sets of voice acting marriage vows at the same time
Fuck me I feel like I'm on ventrilo with dial up connection in early 2000's
No fov slider
Motion blur cant be turned off
AI sucks
W o w almost like I'm playing Crysis except its shit
I've been playing for like 2 hours now and I keep waiting for the game to "start"
So why should I care about the crew except sniper grill?
So they pretty much spend the budget on graphics and said LOL FUCK AUDIO WHO CARES
Retard doesn't understand that Exodus mean.
Neck yourself
It's called Metro too. What was your point again?
In the beginning of game you're in Metro and you escape it, aka Exodus. Metro Exodus, fuck you for making me respond to your bait.
I bought the game and couldn't launch the executable. Issued a refund immediately.
My rig is perfectly fine. Others are complaining about the same exact problem but are being censored. Their troubleshooting service still hasn't gotten back to me. This game is not ready for release.
Question. Does Nvidia's DLSS work with pirates games? Since it needs to connect to Nvidia servers to work?
>in the beginning of the game you're in metro and you escape it
oh you mean the best 5 minutes of the game, yeah I remember that.
>forced to use the airgun in one of your weapon slots
>can only use the Helsing for 15 minutes right at the very end of the game but you get a literal railgun shortly after anyway
Another thing
>let's replace all the interesting mutants with zombies
Im still early in the game, but I'm loving the feeling of embarking on a journey that the game gives. Maximum comfy
>no FOV slider
welp thanks for saving my time. fucking dropped
I'm loving it. Only played and completed Metro 2033 and Last Light this week too.
This shit needs a New Game+ badly. You get the box magazine for the shotgun in the last 10 minutes too, and you only use it against a few of those worms. Apparently there's a semi-auto gas system for the Valve somewhere, has anyone found it?
Yeah, it doesn’t keep the over pressure though, I stuck with the sealed one.
fuck this gay ass can only carry 2 weapons bullshit no fun allowed slav fucks
>Linear games are good dipshit
A well done open world game is far fucking better compared to linear trash. That being said a mediocre linear game trumps a mediocre open world game.
So if you're passionate about a project and have the skill to deliver it, I would go with open world every time. But if you're just trying to push product out the door and care more about making money than making a good game play safe and go linear. Your shit probably still won't sell that well but at least you'll have invested less into it.
I mean the sniper rifle, not the airgun. Changes it from bolt action to semi-auto.
You get it in Caspian
There is no semi-auto gas system for the Valve as it's the B O L T action, no mod slot for that. Only thing that does semi action is the Hellsing auto bow.
Loved 2033 and last light, but I’m having a hard time with this one. It’s not a bad game, but I feel let down. This game has had plenty of development time, but feels like it’s from 2005. The semi open world hasn’t sold me and I’m disappointed with the enemy variation. If we’re exploring a whole new world, where’s my mutant abominations? All we get are cliche zombies and the same shit we’ve been killing for two games.
Was I getting memed on then? I've seen people talking about it but it feels like a 'that kid' story, and I can't find any screenshots or videos with it.
So many whining little Yea Forumscels ITT.
Do you virgin losers ever enjoy anything that isn't wanking to cartoons or playing games with prepubescent anime girls? Miserable, horrible little cunts. Glad 90% of you will never breed.
I feel no need to tell you anything but fuck off
this game is so boring holy shit
you can carry 3
U mad bro?
And one of them is always the airgun. Fuck that, I want my revolver, Bastard and shotgun combo I used in the previous games. The Bastard is useless in Exodus because it uses pistol ammo, which is a shame.
That's the stupidest thing I've seen on this board all month
>retards literally trying to justify the notion that the story should be contained in the same setting for THREE games
peak v
No just stating facts, bro.
You go back to metro at the end of the game for a huge section, you fucks just have not played it.
Finished it in a weekend, came across 1 bug, game ran like butter.
How does it run on an HDD? I don't have space to spare on my SSD for a game I might play for 2 hours.
Bastard has always benn useless
>the world is fucked and only a few thousand people survived in the metro
>lol not really bro, WW3 is still going on, the government still exists and there are jammers around Moscow to stop any signals from getting in or out
>nah we're fucking with you, the government is gone and the US isn't really occupying Russia
Why did they need to shoehorn 2035's ridiculous plot into this game?
im on your side you illiterate c u c k im saying these dudes are trying to defend being inside the metro for three consecutive games like thats absurd
The filter's gone, you can say cuck now
Real question is why they even fucking bother with radio silence when they launched nuclear missiles in the first game
Exodus doesn't even mention the dark ones or any of the events of the previous games, it's fucking bizarre. As if they're trying to pretend none of it ever happened.
They mentioned Artyom nuking the dark ones when you first get on the train, I literally just heard it
Why should they? They leave Moscow anyway.
Does the game ever pick up pace after intro? Or does it stay slow and on-rails like this? I wouldn't mind if the dialogue was actually any good but this shit is getting stale real fast
It's Far Cry-lite for quite a while then it's back on rails after the desert.
nice fucking game
Only pic related can save post apocalyptic slav kino, metro has always been trash
What happened to all the monsters form 2033 and 2034? I like to think that I was just speed reading through 2035, but I can't remember anyone actually running into a monster in this book, which is especially bizzare because Artyom is running around on the surface for half the book.
Fuck these things and whoever decided to replace all the other mutants with them. Fucking zombies, seriously.
It's going to be utter shit and you know it.
Why is every review (big websites and small youtubers alike) fucking 10/10 GOTY? This game feels like a stalker game from 2010 with upgraded graphics and less fun
There's apparently a Dark One in Novosibirsk. I didn't see it, but it's supposed to be on one of the roofs
i want to FUCK that seraph
>the absolute state of sedentary Amerimutts in their homes
I enjoyed it a lot. I managed to get the good ending. The only bugs I had were sometimes enemies would clip through walls and spot where I was hiding, resulting in me needing to reload from a save point because I was trying to be sneaky. Play it on ranger hardcore. It felt like a polished STALKER game with more cinematics, but I liked that.
It was so bad towards the end of the game for me that it completely ruined every scene. The dialogue triggers are broken so people start talking halfway through someone else's line.
Sold it after a few hours desu
Terrible cliche writing
Cannot stand the Russian accent but spoken in English thing
Movement feels off
I like the Metro series but it feels nothing like S.T.A.L.K.E.R
>playing in English
The russian voice acting is also garbage, actually
You need to do some missions before you get the hook for it
do you have the zipline attachment?
but i cant go anywhere
Are you talking about the zipline?
no, some nigga just told me theres some treasure nearby though but I need a boat it seems
Okay I am after the first map and I am uninstalling.
>Zero to none tutorial (I don't know how this epin weapon crafting works)
>Zero to none connection to last light, I remember committing anhero to stop the commies)
>Feels like a shittier cod
>Shitty cut scenes
>Lore is ruined and retconned
>shitty atmosphere
2/10 this is not a Metro game, but a shitty MW2 remake
This game is unironically good so far. It reminds me of stalker and I really liked stalker
>(I don't know how this epin weapon crafting works)
What is there to not understand?
>(I don't know how this epin weapon crafting works)
lmao, what a brainlet
yeah, it does feel stalker-y at times
I didn't even try I guess it isn't that hard. I think the a game should start with a small introduction of the features and basics. Just a little sneak peak of what should I expect later on. As I remember when they first announced the game weapon crafting was a huge selling point for me.
could they make these boat parts any less fun
are the layered voices supposed to be immersive
it feels like i'm stuck in a room with a bunch of people who have adhd whenever there's more than 2 characters on screen
Yeah they could make Artyom row even more slowly
No, the dialogue triggers are fucked so people start talking before others have finished their lines
>Zero to none connection to last light, I remember committing anhero to stop the commies)
It's because you got the bad ending you stupid nigger, the good ending is canon.
It's not about being a brainlet. In 2033 during the first fifteen minutes the game introduces its core features. And I had this wow feeling that 'woah all these weapons and woah I can charge the lighter, that's sweet.' now I have started with this let's kill everything that moves.
yes its fucking retarded, how the fuck does shit like this get past testing
I don't even remember the choices in Last Light desu. I mean I remember the choice between killing everybody or sneaking around as the main moral choice, but some memory refreshing would have been nice.
English or Russian voices?
I don't how the fuck people can reccomend switching to Russian when you can barely tell who's saying what in the English dub as it is.
>mission where you go under the lighthouse
>get to that part where the bandit is dying of his burns
>icon for entering the van appears over his body
>press it
>immediately teleported to the other side of the map where you first find the van
There are some truly special glitches in this.
>the game being less linear and handholdy makes it more like CoD
Every time a new entry into a series come sout there's always people who don't play the first games and then jump into this.
Then they say it's trash and generic because they don't even have a connection with the older games.
Shit thread.
>Mouse acceleration out the ass
>Can't change the FoV
Glad I pirated it
CoD is about shooting and killing everything on the map which isn't you. Metro supposed to be a horror game. Remember how scared I was when I went through those dark and empty tunnels in the first game.
these zombies are not very scary, they look like yellow retards
the game isn't even in development, this site was made for exposure and getting funding from a publisher
What exactly are you guys having issues with? I have been in a bunch of firefights and not had any real trouble except for once when some guy rushed me and instakilled me with a shotgun.
>few thousand
The intro literally says there are 50k people inside metro
i only like og 2033
Didn't Last Light also have nothing to do with Dark Ones? I never finished, but all I remember is it being about the revenge quest against the Soviet guy who betrays you. I loved the first game and wanted the series to be about those but it seems like it abandoned that mostly.
They were a huge plot point in LL
The last act of the game literally has a babby dark one helping you with predator vision. Depending on your ending, they come and magic away all the commies too.
Both last light's endings is why the story should've ended with that game instead of retconning it out and making another game right afterwards
no matter what you choose the events of exodus don't make any fucking sense
>retconning it out
Actual retard
All I ever wanted from this series was a game set in the entirety of the Metro, with every station and tunnel detailed. You could join the Red Line, Nazis, Hanza, the Rangers, or any other faction. Go stalking on the surface for all the best gear, find hidden shortcuts back to the safe areas, Dark Souls-style. Basically STALKER but underground.
>We Spartans at war with the commies
>The CCCP still exists and it's at war with the NATO
>Btw Miller got in the a wheelchair and now he walks and now he is some leader in the commie army
Yeah not a retcon
maybe im just dumb but how do you pick up a 3rd gun? or its it like the older games where on ranger you only get 2 guns the whole game. options says theres 3 weapon slots
you get a 3rd gun later in the game, like after the first actual open ended mission
you shouldnt be far from it
You're forced to use the Tihar, you get it when you go back to the train for the first time. Yes, it's fucking stupid.
Exodus had the same mini open world maps for each level that STALKER does. That, combined with the general aesthetic of the game reminded me heavily of STALKER
Damn son, you really are retarded
>the CCCP
It isn't retconned, you just glimpsed into the alternate universe ending route where you die to save metro. There would only be a retcon if they said both endings lead to exodus (which makes no sense because artyom is dead in the shitter ending)
They could make an offshoot game from last light's bad end where you play as his kid or something.
>You all are retarded
>It's not a retcon I swear
>Subverting expectations am I right
>sprint down 1m stairs
>take huge damage am now bleeding
>Noble self sacrifice is a shitty ending, but Deus ex aliens are good
oh ok found that doublebarreled ashot in the shack and was like wtf why cant i just take it.
You just keep digging deeper and deeper
Not him but you are definitely mentally handicapped.
I said shitter, as in youre a shitter if you got the bad end
Well this wasn't me either
This is a fucking retcon. I am glad I didn't give a single cent for this shit.
I really hope this is bait
Do they only spawn during the day? Because I haven't run into them since the mandatory time after the mission.
I hope one day you will develop a taste for games.
I really hope one day you will develop a brain
i distinctly remember this happening in OG metro 2033 and i'm surprised they haven't fixed it
its probably meant to add immersion or some bullshit, fucking retard slavs
Wait, your crew members can die? I stealthed the entire game and never killed any functioning human, besides those slaves who were so retarded they were better off euthanized than staying alive in the desert.
So, naturally, I got the good ending and no human died. All because I showed mercy and ended their suffering.
my only real complaint is that the mysticism of the metro got axed. I loved the paranormal bullcrap that happened.
the CCP isn't alive still you sperglord. You do know tons of shit in Russia was built during the soviet era and still has a lot of Soviet imagery. Highly likely especially if it isn't in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Miller just likes the USSR because he spent most of his life under it and like many old military men in Russia thinks it was better.
>sprint off 10 feet of stairs while carrying a lot of stuff
>woooooow why are my legs not ok?
timestamp? I don't want to see the whole thing
The game literally prompts you to open the fucking backpack. If you can't grasp crafting from there immediately, I have bad news for you.
how does a company spend so much money on graphics but fucks up the audio so badly
>not playing on ranger hardcore
does it make the ai better
Being forced to use the Tihar is a deal-breaker for me. You know they only did that as a crutch for brainlets who can't conserve ammo so they need a gun that essentially never runs out.
It returns in Novosibirsk
deep silver probably cucked them out of development funds again
I really love the part where if you walk into mutant enemies they automatically damage you like it's a fucking NES game
So I only got to the church and there's a guy who wants me teach him heretical ways of filthy electricity worshiper. Do I charge my flashlight in front of him or somethin?
>70 years in service
>hurr durr gun bad
Can't wait for AR to beat AK in their dust test too. I bet all that time AK spent in Middle East will suddenly vanish.
i miss the cool electric gun from the first one
why this nigga so scared of water
i'm a fan of the stock thwacking sound melee attacks make myself
You can't swim while you're carrying 70 pounds of gear and 3 rifles, and have you seen the shit living in the water?
yes, read the description in game
kek why did they make these zombies so kawaii
shut up faggot, what do you do in a open world besides endless fetch quests.
I can't take of a lot of games with worse voice acting than this.
>light a cobweb on fire
>half dead
Far Cry 3+ with more fluff.
The railgun really isn't in Exodus? A shame. The customization system really took its toll on the actual weapon variety, though I guess the Volt Driver would be a bit too overpowered as a non-stealth economy weapon over the Tihar.
You get it at the end and completely invalidates every other weapon, even the Helsing you've just acquired. And no, you can't equip both at once.
There isn't one, you just swap weapons in the workbench menu.
oh wait, so its basically free weapon cleaning?
I have around 50 60 fps but sometimes the game freezes for a sec. Is it loading a new area or something?
I hadn't even thought of that, you're a genius
ayy lmao
It was a strong 6 to a light 7.
Nothing really to stress over if you don't play, but I think it's personally worth it as I love the atmosphere Metro games put off. I had a 4 day weekend due to military.bat so it ate up a lot of that time and I ain't even mad.
If you wanna take a break from a certain game you play constantly its a good freshener
is there any to sleep on the aurora?
>tfw I own 2033 and Last Light, but never even played them
I'll get to it eventually...
>I had a 4 day weekend due to military.bat
2033 OG or Redux? Don't play Last Light, though.
OG on Steam. Redux versions on PS4.
Unfortunately, that isn't the case, just tested it.
play og, disregard redux.
>can't equip both at once
That's because the rail is an attachment
>minding your own business exploring shit when suddenly: spider_over_screen.fx
it is though, you gotta swap everything out a couple of times
I mean you can't have the Tihar and Helsing at the same time because reasons. It's so dumb.
Oh, fair enough
just a heads up
the new nvidia drivers are borking performance in a lot of games with metro exodus being one of them and you should rollback to 417.71 if you haven't already
wtf you fags told me to update drivers in the last thread
they were wrong
how do u change zoom on the variable 4x scope
Army, Fort Hood TX
I had to roll back because the current driver and one before it both kept giving me a display driver failed error. I sincerely hope their next update fixes that shit.
>It's fucking boring shit, isn't it?
Go play Call of Duty ffs
>Linear shooters are dead
Way to prove you've never even touched the game OP
Is this worth playing or should I start with Exodus?
Literally one of the best games I've ever played. Play on hardcore or ranger and you won't be let down.
There's a patch today apparently. Anyone confirm if it helped the shit optimization?
Not the redux version, that's for sure.
I mean you really won't understand 90% of the plot if you don't play at the very least last light or 2033
It's fine, I played through on medium settings with a 1050ti and only dropped to 50fps now and again. Didnt experience 1 bug or glitch the entire time. However some people are having issues where their save game corrupts.
Yes I thought that also, but the last mission you actually see one and everything that is happening is causes by them. They're actually featured on every level, but you just can't physically see them most of the time.
There's no mouse accel and you can change the fov kys
Yea Forums being contrarian as ever.
Exodus is a combination of Metro 2033/Last Light atmosphere and action sequences with STALKER gameplay loop of roam a small open area fighting bandits and avoiding giant balls of lightning.
metro series got too big and zoomers got into it and can't handle a great slavjank kino experience
yes it can be buggy but people calling it slow shouldn't even be playing it and sticking to the latest BR shooters
anyone have a direct download link for the new patch?
I liked how comfy the train was, but lost interest in Taiga. I hate the trope where you lose all your gear and have to sneak through an area. I pretty much figured out what was goin on there, theyre all the kids from the school, but grown up, but quickly got bored. I redboxed the game for a dollar, so I didnt really feel pressure to finish it. Returned it earlier today. I really like 2033 and 2034, but I just couldnt slog through Exodus
it should update through epic launcher :^)
because of denuvo the game has to be cracked again when patched so very likely it won't be coming this week
>destroy Moscow's command center, possibly fucking up the entire metro in the process
>shoot POW
>blow up train, killing hundreds of people for barely any good reason
>wife who sticks with you through thick and thin
Based Anna, a shame Artyom is probably sterile as shit thanks to repeated doses of rads.
Best wife.
The game should have been in the metro or at least in some sort of tunnels. Because holy fuck the first open area is boring as fuck, I keep losing interest after 30mins. Dialogue is atrocious, atmosphere from the previous games is gone. The cannibal bunker was okay, I thought it would get interesting during that point. Lol nope, we desert now. Fuck you
shes perfect
you don't run around in the desert or snow all day either
lol whiteboys BTFO
artyom is black
I had this happen with Skyrim on steam.
Yeah but did you have her perty head on your lap while she talked about her frustrations and rubbing her shoulder?
Apex comfy my friend, the highest tier.
So there's an interaction in the first open area with the fish cult where they stand in a triangle made of metal conductors and it shields them from an anomaly. Has anyone found that standing under metal cable structures has them same effect with anomalies?
>a game called Metro
hey does anyone know if killing the blind gorillas in the dead city was incur a negative morality thing? It's not necesarily hard to get by without killing them, but having the option to murder them would make this last bit where there are two of them and you have to walk on glass much easier. Ranger Difficulty with Deep Dive so I cant tell by the color of the reticle
i killed all of them and still got the good ending. railgun makes quick work of them.
they are really good. play them on the difficulty where you dont have a hud. it's a good experience for first timers.
And this one is called "Metro: Exodus"
Google the definition to understand more.
Did you find her teddy?
I was dissapointed how it was just a small demon guarding it and there was no mother boss fight, two ashot shells and goobye
okeydokey bout make out like it's 2016 HARAMBE MEME
I just grabbed it and ran like a nigger who stole something
You get an achievement for not killing any of them
I didnt because I hated her at first, but I regretted it because she and her mum grew on me :(
She is probably very sweaty with all that sun, I really need to tongue fuck her asshole until it's completely clean and moist
fuck that. ill 100% it when it's on steam in like 3 years after a sale.
On hardcore, I used tikhar to shoot it twice in its head but it woke up and I ended up unloading all my AK ammo and pumped 3 more shells to down it. My weapons were pretty fucking dirty, so that's probably why... but come on, 2 pressurized steelies to the brain? Tough bitch.
>Go convince them Artyom
sit there silently until someone voluntells me
>Sad old guy “my family died because of these hippies just shoot me”
game lets you shoot them
>Confused zombie moaning when they get anomaly’d
>Trying to jump on a small ledge but cant
hup hup hup huphup
why did they make the game so funny tho
Was I supposed to shoot that guy who lost his family or not? I didnt.
Can you play this game 100% stealthy?
no, in straight-lined areas you get attacked and have to respond
I grabbed it, walked around and took the zipline. The thing didn't even aggro on me
honestly i prefer the METRO atmosphere. it s not a metro GAME at this point
How in the living fuck do you take screenshots in this game.
you can't. Can't use third party programs either cus full sccreen
I simply decided to hook it up to steam's overlay.
What third party program are you using? Msi afterburner works great for and screen mode.
There we go.
the good ending is the one where everyone is at Miller's funeral on the hill and Artyom is stoicly talking about their bright future. it's all sunny and stuff. I like this ending. it's the good ending right?
probably like 80%
Yes it is.
what's wrong with the redux version?