30 days to release

>30 days to release
>no marketing at all
>no gameplay trailers/ boss trailers etc
What are they thinking?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>What are they thinking?
DMC5 is only 2 weeks away

Don't need to advertise when you're confident about the product. It could also be because Activision is trying to screw over Fromsoft from sale bonuses.

They've been putting out a shitload of mini trailers all month

>wanting areas and bosses spoiled
Shit taste family, going blind is the superior way to play

Why does Yea Forums keep acting like this is unusual?
Before release all Bloodborne had other than some demos was the original announcement trailer and a demo of the first level with the Cleric Beast

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Oh hi Arkham Japan

Best to go in blind

>no public demo either.
Maybe the game is shit.

They were thinking that I'm (me, the poster of this post) going to torrent the game and enjoy it all the way through !

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Release Bloodborne for the Personalized Computing platform.

Is dmc5 even going to be good? Everything i've seen so far looks disappointing

This is wrong on so many levels


>Don't need to advertise when you're confident about the product.
that's complete bullshit

>Don't need to advertise when you're confident about the product.
Look at this fucling retard

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>Already know the game is a 3d metroidvania which is what i have been wanting to play for a long time
>No spoilers about anything

Let's fucking go, niggers, i can't wait.

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From likes to be eloquent when it comes to advertising, short and simple, not too revealing. Activision and Sony give them the freedom to advertise their games the way they want to, unlike Bandai who spoil every boss in the reveal trailer.

sekiro dies in the end

>Caring about story in a metroidvania
Hell nigga, u gay.

All i care about are the hidden shit, bosses secrets etc.

>sekiro dies TWICE
fixed that for you

Have the CE preordered. Going in blind because no zoomer fags on Yea Forums are spoiling shit by hyping it up needlessly.

Gotta say, feels pretty damn good.

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There is nothing to spoil, based Fromsoft

>tfw we are gonna end up knowing everything about dmc5 before it comes out
You better hope people don't ruin whatever cool stuff/twist there is to Sekiro, just like Ayys leaking right before Bloodborne was released.
>Azuma ninjas show up halfway through the game

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Like clockwork.

some fags will obtain copies before release and stream it

You're thinking of Ghost of Tsushima

Looking forward to it but no way in hell i'm pre-ordering

Shit, you're right, I better unplug my internet for the next 30 days

Yea, that's really weird ain't it? I mean even BB had a demo right? Sekiro is actually trying to have good combat too, I don't understand From in this regard.


BB had a network test, sekiro is singleplayer only

So it wasn't a publicly available build of the game?

>moving the goalpost
Stop being retarded on purpose

>mention game
>user expresses opinion on mentioned game
>like clockwork

uh, yeah?

Now I can finally know what it's like to kick the shit out Jiraya from Gintama.

>Kill Yourself or Nuke Japan

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I'm shook

>>>no marketing at all
Turn off ad-block you dingus.

This game needs no tricks to sell copies.

I was thinking about this the other day and how great it is that they've basically showed nothing except explaining the story and the gameplay fundamentals.
I don't mind spoilers but it's nice going into a game like this, like the 2nd half of Bloodborne that they also kept hidden.

Yeah, better show all of game in trailers like Kojima do whit MGS5.

So there is none and you're an autistic fanboy who thinks everything that isn't glowing, unquestionable praise is bait and shitposting. Gotcha.

Your opinion does not matter is you are not willing to justify and elaborate on it (unless you're one of the fags on DMC threads a jus wan't the game to do well). knows this is inapplicable for DMC5(in fact, most agree they've shown too much already) and already knows the answer.

I am not even that guy. Maybe you should fuck off back to your hug box shill threads you triggered fanboy cunt. Jesus those threads will shun a new light on DMC faggots

>type "really"
>it comes out as "will"

What the fuck...

God this game gets my dick so hard.

Sekiro is going to be one of the most shitposted games on Yea Forums ever.
Can't wait. I even have some ideas for imagemacros and copypastas.

>Arkham combat
Yeah, no.

Barely anyone cares about the game as is.

wow, what made you so mad you seething retard

Shitposting culture was a mistake

What is gameplay like? Is it not as superficially hard like Dark Souls?

>shitty american rubber band combat

leave burgerstanian.

It's a boring mashfest.

weak bait desu

Been burnt too many times with drip-feed DLC to buy this on day one. But I will get it.

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I''ll pirate it though because it's fucking expensive in my country, will buy on a 50%+ discount though.

Fuck activision and their retarded regional pricing.

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That shit looks so bad, it's like ass creed levels of bad gameplay.

It looks like garbage.

>cant roll

Oh yes

There's been an entire fucking month of almost daily gameinformer coverage, retard

Like what?

They don't need to do that at all. The name of FromSoft is enough marketing. They want to avoid spoiling, just like for Bloodborne they literally showed fucking NOTHING, and it was a brilliant choice of action.
Clockwork what, dumbass. He was saying DMC5 is barely marketed as well and it's even closer to release.
These are the kind of companies that put their entire budget into making the game as good as possible instead of shilling it.

This user speaks the truth, i dunno what's happening to these fucking millennials, back in the day we used to rent games, picking the one with the most atractive cover and that's it. The game itself was a completely surprise.

No no, you're confusing this with Ghost of Tsushima, which is also in feudal Japan but has Batman combat. Sekiro has god tier combat.

Are you people actually this retarded? The purpose of a demo in each Souls game and Bloodborne was to run network tests so the online play is not completely fucked on release.
There is absolutely zero reason for a demo of Sekiro since it is entirely offline.
Holy shit you are unintelligent.

They are thinking you should be allocated to Hampture.

your parents must be so proud of you user

>number 1 most wishlisted and preordered game on Steam
>hurrr barely anyone cares about it

We barely seen the combat of Sekiro

that's unironically good, i'll buy it anyways

You literally won't even beat the first zone of Sekiro by mashing. Who is paying you shills to lie about the game so blatantly? Anyone who has looked into it at all knows every enemy in the game knows how to parry attacks, so mashing will get you killed 100% of the time.

So partially fucked was acceptable.

You mean apart from like 2 hours of gameplay footage? Ok buddy.

sekiro more like sekino

Yes, because online play was only a minor thing in Soulsborne. They put very minimal effort into it, as they should. You should be happy they completely excluded it from Sekiro and put 100% of the budget into single player.

>enemy health doesn't matter
Why would they do this?

Yes, this is the stuff.
Once I finish Sekiro I should have enough knowledge of its gameplay mechanics to create good bait and to pit the game against both DMC and Soulsborne

Wrong game bro. Understandable confusion. This plays more like ninja gaiden but it's from software so a mix between BB and that.

Didn't know gameplay was released, looks really fun unlike the Souls-Borne series. May buy this day one

From what I understand there's no health just like posture or something. Forced you to play aggressive so they don't regain posture and die from your earned instant kill. Stealth is important too

>They aren't buying reviews from my favourite sites!
>They must be mad!


What's some good footage?

yea except combat is the only thing that looks different

Why not? What kind of dumbass are you to not understand that it's not a Soulslike. You kill enemies by hitting their vitals enough, or getting a proper finishing move landed on them, like a decapitation or something.
This of course means that they in fact do have hidden HP bars, but the player won't ever be able to see them (until PC players mod the HP bars visible).

Does this mean a physical PC version?

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The difference between Demon Souls and Dark Souls was good marketing. Hell even with the latter, marketing was shit. It was saved by word of mouth.

100% hardcore game for a narrow circle of elite gamers doesnt need shilling, son

>environmental traps
>non-linear exploration
>proper platforming

Sekino. Let the Soulsfags have their hallway rolling simulator.

Look up GameInformer on Jewtube and watch the 9 videos they have on Sekiro and it's different design aspects. All of them have some gameplay playing as they speak about the game, and some of the videos are long gameplay sections.

why wouldnt there be?

What? Literally every single thing is different.
You wouldn't be able to explain your stance since it's not true.
Look at the cover picture in the image you uploaded, it has a big sign that says "PC - Download ONLY - No disc included".

>caring about the story

but most soulfags are hyped for sekiro

Well, I got into FromSoft games when Demon's Souls was released just because I saw a review of it by chance, but it was definitely not marketed at all in the west. However, I remember DS1 was marketed towards western audiences because DeS had become such a cult classic.
DS1 became a success half because of word of mouth from people who played DeS, and half because they really did make and show a lot of trailers.
But now that From is mega popular, they have no need to shill their game with lots of spoilery trailers again like DS1. They clearly want to be more subtle and not spoil anything again, they care more about the experience for the player than marketing.
Also, it was Bamco that did the marketing for DS1, of course. While today Miyazaki is in charge of FromSofts destiny.

implying we need marketing for based miyazaki. it's already goty

Not really.
Soulsborne fans hate the shit out of Sekiro

Isn't it weird how bamco marketed this game so hard but Activision is somehow taking a back seat?

All they did was make a tutorial lol.

I guess this game mustt not cost much to produce and they have some real trust in the company

Ironically this is the only games I've ever prepurchased on steam

>Sekiro is going to be one of the most shitposted games on Yea Forums ever.
you are a low IQ zoomer if you believe a multi-plat will cause any shitposting butthurt

shut the fuck UP
kenshiro will be GREAT

It's time

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>so influential and renowned for creating profitable new IPs he can literally strongarm Activision into giving him money and then telling them to fuck off.

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I hope this bomb so fucking hard.

I love the shit out of soulsgames but Sekiro really doesn't do it for me. I think it's the pace of the gameplay that seems off.

Guess I'll wait till I see some more footage.

about a month ago all you could find on any site was Sekiro shit. calm the fuck down, faggot.

You don't market a game this early.

Soulsborne fans also hated DS2 which was one of the best. Souls fans are brainlets.

I think it's gonna be the sleeper hit of 2019 just for that, they're wisely flying under the radar right now, with DMC5 on the horizon, people who love souls are already getting it, when the game releases and every from fan is playing it, on top of every twitch streamer and their dog (souls games do VERY well on twitch), you'll see discussion abound.

I'd go so far to say as the only haters of the game are just the cringy pvp players, the exact ones that would hide or run behind enemies whenever they got their shit pushed in. All this game will do is save me the time and effort of plug pulling and blocking those cringelords so they can't sperg about in my game, just for that its gonna be great.

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>millennials are zoomers

Are Soulsbabies afraid because they won't be able to abuse broken builds and summon anymore?

DeS: a raw experience, rough around some edges, experimental, gameplay still holds up very well, atmosphere still unbeaten to this day, excellent visual style. Clear product of passion and care.

DaS: more refined concept with very good world, art style and presentation, gameplay is a complete downgrade from its predecessor and has, frankly, aged like milk. Regardless, it clearly has much dedication behind it.

DaS2: bastard child whose few good ideas are overshadowed by bad downgrades and poor general gameplay. An obvious cash in that had care put in parts, but that's hard to see.

BB: perfectly refined gameplay, excellent execution, true spiritual successor to DeS with atmosphere to rival it, a bit on the short side but has quality to match it. The clear and obvious product of impassioned experimentation.

DaS3: a somewhat muddled collection of very good ideas, overly obscure in some places, fantastic aesthetic but lacks a consistent atmosphere, though some parts stand out. Gameplay too is somewhat muddled in contrast to the refinement of BB, but leagues above its Dark predecessors. Interesting meta narrative considering the director never intended a sequel. Feels like an obligation but still has the same level creativity as previous games and a clear desire for closure.

>It could also be because Activision is trying to screw over Fromsoft from sale bonuses

They're just publishing it on the western side of things. FromSoft have their product locked down it seems.

Bamco marketing this? That's impossible, Sekiro was first revealed after From had been freed from the ownership of Bamco.

yes that's what physical versions of PC games look like

You can keep hoping for eternity then, because it's going to be GOTY

Any place I can find a discounted Steam key?

>gameplay is a complete downgrade from its predecessor and has, frankly, aged like milk
tell me how it's any different

>the exact ones that would hide or run behind enemies whenever they got their shit pushed in
Yep, that is exactly the person who whines and rages about Sekiro on Yea Forums. That red phantom guy that duels you but then runs behind a mob pack when they start losing.

>in need of market
Remember when that stupid cgi tease came out and everyone went apeshit?
Game just need to be made by them and that's it, 10mil copies sold.

It's weird that Sekiro is going the single distinctive character look while Nioh 2 is going to have a character creator. Nioh was fun but I only played through the game twice due to limited builds. With character creation and no multiplayer I don't see what else they could have to make me buy Sekiro on release. I'm sure it'll be awesome but I'll bet I'll only play through it a handful of times.

All of these are spot on
DS1 is actually missing a lot of intricacies of combat that were present in DeS, for example "sweet spot hits". Hitting certain bodyparts of enemies, or them hitting you in certain bodyparts had specific effects - such as stagger if your attack hit the enemy in the head, or hitting certain weak spots would change your moveset if you continued the combo.

Marketing is essential even for the best games. Devs can’t afford to get too cocky.
BB was great, but in no way better than DaS. The bosses were good, but the game lacked depth and chalices were shit (so was pvp).

There's a pretty huge difference in writing quality between From and Team Ninja. From will write pure kino characters and plot, while Nioh took a bunch of historical characters, gave them Pokemons and flamboyant JoJo outfits. Nioh writing was super gay, so Team Ninja is going for a character creator because they realized they can't write for jack shit.

Why would you release an action game in the same year as DMC5?

Team Ninja has the right idea by keeping quiet, they know they can't compete.

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>Hitting certain bodyparts of enemies, or them hitting you in certain bodyparts had specific effects - such as stagger if your attack hit the enemy in the head, or hitting certain weak spots would change your moveset if you continued the combo.
send me examples, i didn't notice this once in my playthrough. the changed moveset is something i especially want to see.

You literally have no argument against Bloodborne there.
>the game lacked depth
>fails to provide info of in what way it lacked depth
Everyone else would say it had more depth than a single game in the Dark Souls trilogy
>chalices were shit
Optional side content doesn't lower the score of a game
>so was pvp
Irrelevant again, PvP means nothing in Soulsborne.

user, I'm not going to fire up my dust covered and filled PS3 just to film some video with my phone and show you how the sweet spot mechanic worked in DeS, just google it.

It didn't work with every weapon, maybe you never played maces. With maces for example, if your attack missed the enemy completely, you would get staggered and lose your footing. If you hit them in the torso, you could continue the combo. And if you hit them in the head, you would stagger them due to the high blunt damage and be able to do a much higher damage combo.

No need to spend money on marketing when you have at least one channel on YouTube shilling your game for free to 1.3 million potential buyers

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why did From betray us PvP bros... Sekiro could be at EVO... just imagine

Enemy health does matter, boss health not so much though. At least it's hard to notice a discernible difference to it or it's Posture when it's out of health, but unlike basic single health bar enemies (thinking about it I'm not sure about the bigger guys), an execution is needed to remove a health bar. I think it could work as long as there is a tangible reward to lowering boss health, I heard it slowed Posture regen but it was very hard to tell in the videos.

They're thinking: "Thank god Fromdrones are gonna eat up anything we serve them."

That is pretty much the mentality of PvPfags. I've seen some who unironically thought Souls PvP is more hardcore and complex than fighting games. Absolute brainlets.

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i mean i wouldn't know what to type to see this, there's surely existing videos or wiki pages on it? all i can find is sweet spots for the weapons doing more damage. the mechanic youre describing is neither talked about in game nor did i notice it at any point while i was playing - functionally DeS and DS combat and gameplay feel and play practically the same and to say that DS aged like milk and DeS didn't would be completely dishonest imo. if anything, the gimmick bosses in DeS (part of the gameplay) has aged like milk.

Is the katana the only primary weapon you have? No new interesting weapons to play around with?

>only produce god tier masterpieces
>"hehehe, those idiots will buy any shit we serve them"
Ok? Kind of an unrealistic way of looking at this, I doubt they think that way when they and the whole world knows they are the best games devs right now.

you have a bunch of subweapons

that nigga's head is huge lol

They are confidents beacause DankSoulshills will buy it anyways

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Well if you can't find it with google dunno how I could either. You own the game, just fire it up and see for yourself. Should be able to get a mace in early game.
And what that guy meant by DeS aging very well and DS1 not aging so well was referring to the whole big picture, not just combat. The combat is pretty similar, but overall DeS has a much better world design, atmosphere, lore, soundtrack - that's a LOT of things that make up for a much better, more timeless whole product.
I have to agree with him, I could play DeS countless times more, but I don't think I ever want to play DS1 again, even though it is one of my favorite games of all time and definitely enjoy it more than DS2 or 3.

why do you keep making this thread multiple times per day every day ? are you alright ?

There are a large variety of different secondary weapon types. For the main weapon, it is always A katana, not THE katana. Meaning, you do find better katanas and replace yours with them. Might have varying movesets depending on the length of the katana, don't see why it wouldn't since you would not fight the same way with a short sword than a two hander.

I get that BB is Yea Forums‘s sacred cow. And don’t get me wrong, it’s great (definitely better than DS3).
>more depth than a single DS game
It was very linear. With the exception of Amelia, there was only one way to proceed with the main quest. All the branches were for optional areas.
>chalices are optional side content
Lol, half the non-chalice bosses were optional. By your logic, they shouldn’t factor into the score either. Probably my biggest gripe with the game was how unviable a pure BTG build was, especially if you weren’t using a guide. Aside from parrying smaller bosses, guns were pretty much crap.

>god tier masterpieces
I'm not here to shitpost, but to say they have zero problems in their game is just retarded

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Hm, well no, he said gameplay and talked about those other aspects separately, not to mention between these two games it's definitely opinion based. I will never ever experience anything like the first time I played dark souls again, or at least, I haven't yet - the atmosphere, music, lore and world design of dark souls is unmatched for me by anything but BB. I loved DeS but to say the lore, world design, soundtrack and atmosphere have aged like milk is just wrong, if DS1 has aged like milk then so has DeS, and in my eyes, DeS even more so - but I don't agree with the premise that either have aged like milk.

linearity has nothing to do with depth.

That's how activation is marketing their game, they pretend that no one loves the game but when it's out everyone is praising it, and the "Yea Forums btfo" narrative continues

Remember when they gave a ton of info about DS3 then it came out and none of it was true

imagine DSP

r/bloodborne has 130k subs
r/darksouls has over 200k
shitty dead r/nioh has 36k
r/sekiro only has 14k.
It's a massive flop. It's the end of From Software.

Attached: giantdad.png (500x500, 451K)

*coughs* no man's sky and anthem *coughs*

BB is far more repetitive than all of the Souls games in virtually every way.

perhaps the fact that all those other games have been out for a while has something to do with that hmmm?


Godspeed shitposter-san.

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I don't get why people think it looks good at all.

I mean, of all settings Miyazaki could've chosen he just had to choose the most boring and overused one ever, fucking Shogun Japan.

Cyberpunk 2077, 124k.

found the dmcfag

>normie games generating more interest
Shocking news

I don't get why people are excited for DMC5, it looks like complete garbage.

Sekiro looks cool, but I hope they announce a proper Soulsborne title this E3

DMC-community are a bunch of Tranny husbandofags.

some people care value gameplay higher than muh lore and kino

Pretty sure Miyazaki said he's done with them.

first time i made this particular thread

its good that theyre keeping it mysterious

cant wait

dmcfags are mental shit eaters

it has a massive hype behind it. and 124k is pretty low for reddit.

Unlike Anthem, the good shit dont need a billboard, kid.

he said it back in 2015, but in 2018 he said that they're only taking a break from Souls
also in one of the interviews he said that From is making another dark fantasy RPG

>he said that From is making another dark fantasy RPG

Probably King's Field lul

wasnt from working on 3 games they said? Have he other 2 been revealed?


At hard working on real game Armored Core 6

no king's field
t. someone who follows every single piece of news related to From Software

>armored core 6
more like dark souls IIII

just imagine from soft on the ps5

just imagine the smell

I have my hope on a Bloodborne but with vampires instead. It'd be a Soulsvania.

DaS 2 has numerous issues and some questionable design choices. But it's still really fun and its a shame its poor reception probably meant some of its innovations didn't make it into DaS 3. Giant Knights in DaS 1 have shockwaves.

Linearity is irrelevant if it fits the game.
Also your logic about optional bosses in the actual game world is not comparable, because that's all handcrafted to perfection - while Chalice dungeons are procedural generation dungeons, which is why it's just an irrelevant side content addition that is of no relevance to you or anyone else. Its existence takes nothing away from the game. Use your head.

>he posts DS2
Who said anything about that? Miyazaki didn't make DS2. We are talking about games from Miyazaki obviously since Sekiro is one of those.
Well good for you but you're wrong. DeS definitely has way better lore, world design, atmosphere etc.
It has aged better.

>Well good for you but you're wrong.
Nope, you're definitely wrong :^)

This meme is so dead dude, why do you insist on using it. Feudal Japan is overused? Really? Dark Souls was fucking medieval European setting, that has been used a hundred times more in games.
Feudal Japan is actually pretty rare, not many games have done it and most that have, failed at it.

Something must be wrong with your eyes to not see Sekiro looks incredible.

But Sekiro objectively has better gameplay than DMC or hack n slash games in general lol


For some reason having an average of 500 hours on the Dark Souls trilogy gives me a lot of leverage with Souls fans on Steam.
I've convinced a bunch of them to avoid certain action games (especially Nioh) so I shouldn't have any trouble keeping them away from Sekiro.

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Yeah I wonder why

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That supposed to be good or something?

>chalices are procedurally generated
Only the root chalices are procedurally generated.
>irrelevant side content edition
Not sure who gave you the authority to decide which optional area is ‘relevant’ and which isn’t.


Im still gonna be playing it on release, Probably.

It was pretty clear what those games were about from the trailers, especially NMS.
It's kinda like the OUYA, which had all the information what it's going to be written in the kickstarter (an androidbox for your TV) and then people just imagined they'll get Skyrim 2 and other supersweet games. Some people just play themselves
Not even sure why you bring up Anthem either, there wasn't even any real hype for it.

Then elaborate on the finer details of why.

You haven't even played it. Don't tell me you are one of those people that thinks Souls combat is in depth. The stat system is well integrated and the combat works well in the context of the game, but it isn't anything compared to action games like DMC.

Just dropping in to say this is the only game I'm looking forward to this year and I'm avoiding all discussion and even trailers because I want to go in fresh
kiss my ass Yea Forums

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Your so brave. PM me you're patreon so I could send you some money.

If you use Yea Forums to discuss games seriously, you're nothing more than an idiot.

Why should I buy Sekiro?

>your so brave
>you're patreon
hahahahaha you pea-brain idiot

>being excited about an Activision published game
You're setting yourself up to be fucked over by whatever scummy thing they shoved in this game.

>Same souls combat
>But instead of a stamina meter its a posture meter
>99% of what made souls fun axed
>"B-b-b-but its not a souls game!" whine the activision shills and fanboys despite quite literally playing exactly like souls.

I think Sekiro will be the best Fromsoft game yet but I'd still like a BB followup so I can do new multiplayer stuff with my friends.

>99% of what made souls fun axed
>fashion and facial customization was 99% of what made souls fun

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Apparently 2 action games can't co-exist at the same time. I'm buying both Sekiro and DMC5 because I'm not a faggot that pits 2 totally different games against eachother.

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I'm just buying Sekiro because I never liked DMC games.


>no more builds
>no more itemization
>no more jolley cooperation
>no more pvp
>no more leaving signs.
>no more replayability.
>no more weapons to learn or master
>no roleplay elements to speak of at all frankly.

Luckily Nioh 2 is coming out to carry on the torch

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I will consider buy Sekiro if the show something else for the moment doesn't look that interesting

>he STILL thinks of it as a souls game
there are a lot of good singleplayer games that don't have the things you mention. it's not souls and it's not one of your nu-RPGs, where rpg elements are just shoved in because.

>Supporting MTX

DMC5 is a no go if you have a shred of self respect.

I will stop thinking of it as a souls game, when the gameplay stops being exactly a carbon copy of souls.

They don't need marketing. I'm going to buy it anyway.

People like you already ran off crying with your tails between your legs in the demos, don't act like a lost puppy thinking it'll be different now. And I'm actually interested in both Sekiro and Nioh 2.

but it isn't a carbon copy of souls in terms of gameplay, the only real connections it has is a world with enemies placed in it and bosses. the combat looks and feels different and has entirely different mechanics. i've literally played it myself, it feels and plays nothing like souls or bloodborne. you're equating it to souls this way because it's by FROM and is a third person melee game with their same engine.

>I'm interested in supporting Activision

Hello, Cancer.

>The state of Dark Souls cucks

But Sekiro is more of a tightly constructed action game, not a variable RPG.

They did have a big media blitz this month, just no one cared. Game looks OK but it's not something I care to preorded, I might buy it when it's on sale.

All this shitposting is giving me Project Beast flashbacks. Nothing but souls kiddies seething at the tiniest change. Can't wait for this game to set the Fromsoft standard even higher.

From Soft*

>predetermined auto-aimed grappling points


Attached: grappling-hook-2118588.jpg (800x800, 68K)

>Published by Activision

Sorry user, but I won't give money to Lucifer just to play another From game and neither should you. Wait to pirate it if you absolutely must play it.

Kotick did nothing wrong.

Doesn't bother me that much. I rather FROM be independent and use Ubisoft/Activision/Bamco/SEGA etc. as publishers like they've done so far than to be owned by them.

Activision likely already have their blood money, it's unlikely that sales of this would help them in the long run. Either way I can always pick it up used, I'm sure many of those will be around.

>I can always pick it up used
Might as well just pirate.

That's not it.
Everyone knows fromsoft already, and with a game like this, they can expect word of mouth to do a lot of work. They also don't need to immediately sell lots during release.
It's more like, if you're confident about your product, you don't need millions of preorders because people will talk about your game.

Activision gets a cut per unit sold, all publishers do

Best way to get Sekiro is to either import the Japanese version or pirate.

Just get a 7-day PS Now trial, beat the game, then cancel the sub.

You are the problem with this industry.

This game will cause more butthurt than even Bloodborne.
Soulsniggers will try and ignore it but their favorite YouTuber will start playing it and word of mouth will spread about how great it is they'll have to pick it up. Then they'll start getting BTFO cause they won't be able to summon or grind their way to be over leveled to win.
I look forward to to all the buttblasted this is too hard threads in the coming months.

Do people even build PC's with disc drives anymore?

I rarely buy new games these days and I never ever supported lootboxes, season passes, online subs etc. People like me definitely aren't what's wrong with this industry.
Once again I'd rather FROM stay independent like this. Heck this isn't even the first time they used Activision for publishing.

>Don't tell me you are one of those people that thinks Souls combat is in depth
So you're telling me you're mentally retarded? Because Sekiro doesn't have Souls combat. It has action combat like hack n slash, except a system that requires skill unlike hack n slash games.
Literally no other game in history has made a combat system like Sekiro yet. It's character action evolved.

Miyazaki literally said they have been building the entire game around replayability, which has me excited.

They didn't have any influence

Sadly isn't possible for me, but they think used games are even worse than pirating anyway.
How did we get here from me calling out that one user?

People like you are the reason why the Souls fan community is perhaps the most autistic of all, even more than Sonic fans, somehow.
Sekiro doesn't have "Same souls combat", it literally has an entirely different type of combat no Souls game ever had.

>hack n slash
>character action
You're just a bundle of tumors aren't you

here's your grappling mechanic bro.
nothing personal.

Attached: green-circle-clipart-1.png (600x581, 19K)

Exactly the same as souls. Parry, estues, light attack, heavy attack. Only difference is they replaced stamina mangement with posture management. The only hope you activision shills have is to try and convince people not to compare it to souls and it just isn't going to happen

>no one cared
>the most preordered game right now

One of those guys is waiting for Nioh 2. He isn't a real Souls fan.

I do for DVD burning

NG, NG+, NG++, and so on.

Yeah that worked really well for valve and artifact.

here's a boss trailer

They already had an interview where they said they will be going back to Dark Souls formula games after this.

This is a one and done side project for them to change things up.

this looks so fucking pathetic. literally Kameem DmC trash.
Ocarina of Time did this better 21 years ago

Actually it's people like you that don't support the best devs around
>I'd rather FROM stay independent like this
Because it's totally reasonable to expect developers to publish their game worldwide all on their own. That costs a lot of money you know.

Source or simple dick.

If they work with Publishers like Activision and EA, they dont deserve support.

Go to bed Tam Tam

Literally wrong. How could you be more wrong. You're just lying on purpose, aren't you.
It has nothing in common with the Soulsborne combat systems lmfao. Open your eyes retard.


Got a better source?

There are no MTX in DMC5 you faggt. It's literally just items from deluxe edition sold seperately. Progression is not slowed due to it.

Yes, that is what DMC is, you retarded fuck.
How about you kill yourself so you never get triggered again about hearing the name of the genre of your favorite babby button mashing games.

but those were heavily marketed and turned out to be shit
Fact: if they spend all their budget on marketing you can be sure the game is gonna be shit

Hack & Slash is a different genre and "Character action" doesn't exist lmao

yeah totally not the fact that you can play through Sekiro in any order you want, dude
Sure they do. They needed a publisher for the west. Activison has no influence over the actual content of the game, this isn't one of those deals where the publisher owns the IP. From owns all rights to Sekiro, makes all the decisions.


Yes it does
DMC clones are character action

That is literally, objectively false. Character action refers to hack n slash games, it's another name for it. And DMC is hack n slash.
You don't even know what the games you play are called, how sad is that.

It literally doesn't matter. You're putting money in the hands of the direct enemies of your hobby.

I think he might be retarded user, he plays hack n slash games and doesn't realize they are called "hack n slash" or "character action".

nioh 2
Rdr2 pc
anything else i should get hype 4?

Should I get this on PC or PS4 pro? Never bought a from game on PC but I heard some of their ports are shit

Actually that's the part that literally doesn't matter. From deserves the profits from the game, and Activision is already fuckhuge rich so it will be of no consequence to them if everyone in the world boycotted Sekiro to slight them. It would be utterly irrelevant in their eyes.

Steam only has 13.8 million users, consoles are significantly larger (100s of millions). If you weigh interest by population sekiro doesn't even break top 5.

I've adored the Souls series but DMC5 has me far more hyped than Sekiro. Almost everything I've seen so far seems ideal, and Sekiro has been the inverse, sadly. New trailers give me less and less confidence in it.

You're factually wrong lol

Post specs

Their PC versions have been the best versions since DS2. Since you are limited to 20-30 fps on consoles, but can play on 60 fps DS2 and DS3 on PC.
Get it on PC.

>mfw the hype could not get any more palpable

i feel like a kid again

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Yeah well, it's pretty inaccurate to look at a mixed list of both multiplats and exclusives, especially a list of "preorders" of games that were already released, like in your link.

No, you are wrong. It literally would have taken you a single google search to find out DMC is both a hack n slash game and a character action game. Not that hard. You could have done that, admitted you were wrong, and saved face. But now you made yourself look fucking retarded.

Hey, you're still wrong

You should absolutely include both multiplat and exclusive titles, why wouldn't you? Sales are sales. Also when I say top 5 I'm already accounting for released titles. Sekiro isn't anywhere near #1

20 of my friends own dark souls on steam
9 own ds2
13 own ds3
0(zero) bought or wishlisted sekiro

Attached: thinking-face.png (640x640, 101K)

Same, I think its the lack of pvp

what's the point of buying a singleplayer game when you can just pirate it

20 DaS1 / 15 DaS2 / 15 DaS3 / 0 Sekiro preorders / 2 wishlists here.

why do from games still look like ps3 games?
and is this shit going to be 30fps again?

I own all the souls games but I have zero interest in Sekiro. They just haven't shown me anything that makes me say "I want that"

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Should I burn a big anime collection onto DVDs? It takes up a lot of HDD space and DVDs should last forever unlike HDDs right?

what theyve shown so far didnt really blow me away graphically speaking but on the other hand theyve shown basically fuckall

Im expect this game to be a huge surprise

I watched a gameplay video a while ago of a boss fight on a bridge, and it was just going on for fucking ever while the boss cycled through its moveset a dozen times.
Lost all interest in the game after that.

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I'm waiting for Nioh 2 but I'll use Sekiro to tie me over.

I got rid of dvds; moved all my anime to external HDDs

If Sekiro has a DT equivalent that isn't unlocked at the 75% mark I'll buy it.

I wonder if I will be able to play this on my gtx 950m, i7-7500U laptop.


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>btfo'd so fucking hard user can't even reply
Fucking kek'd.

this but unironically
I still dream of DSII being the game they were showing off before release
I hope they either make the next Souls game what II was supposed to be, or do another new IP that captures what they wanted to do in II

I watched that too. It's the equivalent of watching someone try to do a no-death run attempt against Gascoigne in Bloodborne on their first attempt without knowing how to parry, they played it so fucking wrong that it dragged out way longer than it was ever meant to.

and never died, makes you think huh

This isn't a new strategy by From, they always keep a tight lid on their games, and for that I'm thankful. Especially with Bloodborne where the gothic horror turned into cosmic horror, and seeing as Miyazaki has hinted at a thematical tone shift in Sekiro as well I'm making an extra effort to go as blind as possible into this game.

I feel kinda torned, as I really want to see new content now, but in the long run this is for the best.

Yeah, but it's inefficient. And the game literally has death and reincarnation as a gameplay mechanic.

Like, you could also beat a Monster Hunter game with a Great Sword never using a charge slash. Or play Bloodborne never using the rally mechanic because you want to be "safe". It's not the way they intend for you to play, not the efficient way to play either.

The online element was the only reason why souls had decent replayablility. I'll be waiting to see this game get destroyed in 3 hours by "experiences" souls player then tossed aside like the other piss excuse of game released this year.

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>The online element was the only reason why souls had decent replayablility
This isn't true though. Most people just liked playing the actual game multiple times with different builds and different order

6 and a half minutes boy oh boy.

Yeah but HDDs break.

Bullshit. I replay the souls games all the time, and it's not for the loathsome PvP, that's for sure. It's just a bunch of eliteists and griefers exploiting lag and bugs, using unfair builds to stomp the competition. I'm glad Miyazaki is pretty much telling these players to go fuck themselves, his games are too good for such trash humans.

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is this the same kind of player that "wanted to play with their friends" and bitched about the lack of coop?

I feel like most AAA games have marketing, only the juggernauts like CoD or AssCred do traditional marketing. KH3 had some because Disney specifically wanted it.

>I'm glad Miyazaki is pretty much telling these players to go fuck themselves, his games are too good for such trash humans.
So good he can't finish any of them because he is incompetent.

Not as fast as people believe.
DVD break too. Add to that how they're dependant on DVD drives that will be discontinued on a few years; meanwhile I can transfer data from one external storage technology to another when I please.

I replay souls games to make different builds, design my character around a preexisting character from other media, real aut.

Meant for

Nope, you are wrong. Literally everyone else in the world knows this but you.

So you're saying your friends are mouthbreathers?

>Argumentum ad populum
you're still wrong

What game are you talking about? Sekiro looks graphically incredible and is obviously 60 fps. Are you retarded?

So you're saying you are extremely unintelligent? Because you just said you lost interest in a game because you watched someone retarded and bad attempt it and completely fail at it.
Kind of a retards argument, don't you think?

Cope, cucktivision shill.

DS2 is objectively the worst game FromSoft has released since 2009.
What kind of fantasy are you living in? Literally like 0.1% of players ever engaged in PvP at all, it was so garbage.
The games had immense replayability in the PvE content, and so will Sekiro.


You sound confused about something. DeS and Bloodborne were completely finished, with no unfinished or missing mechanics or content.
DS1 was forced to be released too early by Namco Bandai, From had no say in it. If Miyazaki had been allowed to, he would have developed it for longer.

>BB: perfectly refined gameplay, excellent execution

>Doesn't even have proper parries

Nope, you're still wrong. DMC is hack n slash and character action. How does it feel to be so embarrassingly stupid?
That was the point of pointing out that literally everyone else knows this. You're actually DUMBER than the average person. In fact, you're dumber than a well below average IQ person. How does that feel?

>get BTFO by facts
>waaaahhhh muh Activision WAAAAAAHHHHH
Uhh, ok. Embarrassing post for you, but you do you.
It's for PC you drooling mongoloid.

The demo ran at 60.
On PC, of course. But only a retard would buy a console version of a multiplat.

You're both wrong and insane now


The Ninja Gaiden of this generation is Nioh

>you can't create your own character
Confirmed to be shit.

I’m fucking HYPEEEEEED literally the best looking game this year. Looks like a huge upgrade over the Souls series

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Sekiro will sell 3 million copies thanks to Souls' popularity.
DMC5 will sell 1 million copies due to being a niche series.
Sekiro will have a metacritic score of 90 due to Souls' popularity
DMC 5 will have a metacritic score of 70 due to not playing like Souls and the journos still being bitter about the DmC debacle

kill yourself

>Sekiro will sell 3 million copies thanks to Souls' popularity
Maybe that's too optimistic. I reckon it'll sell 2.5 millions.

>DMC5 will sell 1 million copies due to being a niche series
Not even DmC sold that low. It'll sell at least 3 millions.
Pic related was before HD collection on Steam and 4:SE.

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I really wanted this game to be a new Tenchu, but I'm still looking forward to it.

Pretty sure it's going to get delayed. They don't seem ready to release it.

>samurai shit
>no multiplayer
>no character customization
it's garbage m8

are you shitting on a game for having the ability to reverse an enemy attack? I hope sekiro does this too so your head will explode

I really really hate the setting. It's why I didn't like Nioh as much as I could have.

Samurai a fucking shit.

>waste more on marketing than the game
>it does alright but still loses money
Let the game catch on through word of mouthg and a small marketing campaign the week before, it will sell just as much over a longer period and actually make money.

>a different genre means its an upgrade
Wow man sci-fi is a straight upgrade over western.

Fuck off dipshit

Times have changed
Videogame tastes have changed
My prediction will be 100% accurate

Why the hell not?

>source: my ass
Yea Forums everyone

It literally is idiot

what's wrong with that?

Yeah you are. I suggest you calm down a little, it's not the end of the world that you were wrong.

You actually keep doubling down even though several people have already told you you clearly are in the wrong.

the only fact is that this turd is going to bomb and bury fromshit

>no marketing at all
>no gameplay trailers/ boss trailers etc
You literally don't follow anything about the game so why are you posting a thread about the game?

PVP faggot

Looks like trash compared to MG Rising or Bayo

how s word clashhing wrk?

Only two autists. Both wrong lel

>40 years old who never owned a skateboard because mommy wouldn't buy him one
looks like shit

Bayonetta faggot

>since you didnt make dark souls 76 i hope your company dies
and this is why no one likes you pvp shitters

>check it guis u can use a sword as skateboard how epic for the win is that? XD

It's his arm actually

Bayonetta shits on dmc3 so hard it’s not even funny but you wouldn’t know since you’re a shitter at both games. DMC5 may be the DMC to beat bayo

Skatboarding is cool stupid zoomer

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>Platinum games
If that was MGR or Bayo it'd have a slow-down + gigantic button prompts on screen instead of letting you find out on your own that you can deflect his projectiles by hitting them.

Nigga what

Fuck you guys
Bayo and DMC are two diffrent games, that have diffrent combat mechanics and diffrent straights and weaknesses, there are both great games, no need to pretend that one is better than the other and that you can't enjoy one if you like the other

Bayo and MGR are objectively far better gameplay than DMC ever has been.
You clearly haven't even played them because they have no button prompts on the screen during gameplay. In fact, literally both games have deflecting projectiles by hitting them at the exact right frame, and there is no prompt about it on screen any time. Are you stupid?

>Bayo and MGR are objectively far better gameplay than DMC ever has been.
I love both but they're nowhere near as good as DMC3/4.

>they have no button prompts on the screen during gameplay
They do though. Most bosses in MGR are finished with a QTE. Blade mode itself gets tedious over time.
Bayo also has contextualized mashers like God Hand. Giant button prompts and all.

>In fact, literally both games have deflecting projectiles by hitting them at the exact right frame
Parrying in MGR is super easy. It's a barely thought out mechanic. RG in DMC at least requires some timing. And Raiden deflects bullets automatically in ninja run.

Nigger are you high? DMC games doesn't have any QTEs while Platinum games has.
>In fact, literally both games have deflecting projectiles by hitting them at the exact right frame
Wow, so just like DMC then?

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I find it hard to believe that anything can top Bayonetta 2 and Bloodborne in terms of shitposting.

Well Apex dropped with zero marketing and here we are.

Maybe if you make a good game you dont have to spend millions of dollars convincing people its good?

Attached: thonk.png (564x524, 296K)

MGR has button prompts all the time
Bayo has mashed torture attacks and instakill QTEs
you haven't played either. you probably don't even play video games, go back to resetera

Attached: n.png (1261x721, 1.06M)

apex also payed a bunch of streamers to play the game but then again sekiro will probably do the same
if anything marketing before release is just becoming less and less relevant and it's better to just pay big influencers to show off your game and say that it's cool

>0(zero) bought or wishlisted sekiro
>single player game

Very few games these days don't pay streamers to try their games. The contracts they had with those streamers lasted about a week, less for some, and the streamers are still playing

The fact remains that Apex spent pennies on marketing compared to what other AAA titles spend, and its the biggest game of the year.

apex is a multiplayer battle royale game, as long as it can keep a playerbase it'll have variety streamers streaming it without sponsorships
sekiro is a single player rpg, once that week of sponsored streams end it won't be streamed much anymore, but that week is vital in getting the first sales and getting the word of mouth out there

Pirates aren't relevant to the industry.
They may as well not exist

I'm guessing you're one of those faggots that pulls the plug out of your playstation when you get invaded.

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Not him but I always play hollowed.
I see no reason to engage on PvP.

>apex wasn't advertised
user, please..

what were soulsfags before souls?

were they DMCfags? frame-perfect fighting gamefags don't make sense

who were they? i like the games, but how could a series come along and create a perfect breeding ground for autists

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>You clearly haven't even played them because they have no button prompts on the screen during gameplay.
>you clearly haven't played them
>no button prompts during gameplay
>on fucking Bayo and MGR
do Platinumfags actually not even play the games they jack off to?

There is going to be a twist that they're trying not to reveal. Like bloodborne and lovecraft.

It's why they've only shown the same 3 areas since reveal.

probably playing minecraft or something

They weren’t born yet

I wonder the same.
They're literally unable to enjoy a game not named Demon's Souls, Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

and thats a good thing, tired of getting spoiled on the whole fucking games before they come out, i can just buy the game and fucking play it


Hard pass from me.

They were Silent Hill fans. Fucking autism galore.

they have been lauching trailers for the bosses and the minis too you retard

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huh. i had no idea lady yharnam's face was so emaciated.


I have a bad feeling about the game begining with the fact that there is no coop/invasions >:(

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Yea Forums is a mindless beast, what do you expect.

shame about the lack of invasions but coop is for mega casuals

>tfw buying both on PC

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