I want to play Touhou

I want to play Touhou.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do it then
Also thanks to the user that recommended Luna Nights, it was a great game

Should I buy it?

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I want to kissu Rumia

>buying 2hou
>fanmade games

Play Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.

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What's stopping you?


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Girls are waiting warmly for you

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Download the beta and find it out
It's a little short

Girls are waiting quietly just outside the light's reach...

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Shut the fuck up and post more Rumia.

*pats head*

Do it fag

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Get touhou luna nights or touhou genso wanderer

The first one is simple and straightforward, the second one is a huge primer on gensokyo and has a lot of fun touhou stuff

Don't forget about Puppet Dance Performance

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This is now a thread dedicated to the Crown Prince

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Rumia probably is only able to survive thanks to fools like you

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>ywn get eaten by rumia
why even live bros

What is touhou even about?
I only know the porn

>not そうなのか

This is now the Crownprince’s wife’s thread

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Rumia is canonically too lazy to even try and capture humans, and even when a han does get trapped in her sphere of darkness they can pass right through without getting harmed because Rumia can't see inside it

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Can someone post some smug kaguyas? I want a new avatar

Reimu "the crimson slasher" exterminating harmless Yokai, just because they were messing around

Can we not make this into another space jin thread

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Have a smug Futo instead

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Then download EoSD and play it wtf are you waiting for u pussy

What's Reimu's face here meant to convey?

what's stopping you

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There's a tiny refugee camp in Japan for the remnants of magical beings walled off from the rest of the world as humanity ceases to believe in the mystic. They have a single village of humans trapped with them whose fear/faith is used to preserve their existence. A powerful priestess is tasked with maintain the fragile balance between all the factions and the barrier that contains them all. As the residents are too powerful to actually fight each other normally without obliterating everything, they settle disputes using the magical equivalent of dodgeball.

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Touhou is weird gameplay wise.
It's painfully hard yet addicting, a constant adrenaline rush yet relaxing

So...... Sex with the Bake-Danuki?

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Can I just touch her fluffy tail instead?

so reimu is the 保安官

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Kind of, she solves "incidents" but so does several other characters, most frequently Marisa (who mostly seems to do it for fun)

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More like the village thug

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No you don't.

How does shimmy fit into the area. I've read parts where she goes batshit evil if she gets her hands on an item that makes her normal(ish) size, i forget the item

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I want to fiddle Rumia

Shinmyoumaru is an Inchling responsible for the Double Dealing Character incident, however she was tricked by the stage 5 boss, Kijin Seija.
She's capable of using the Miracle Mallet, which can grant wishes.

She doesn't get evil, she was deceived by Seija who claimed that the Inchlings where destroyed by powerful youkai so she used the miracle mallet to start a rebellion to overturn the rule of the strong sowing chaos (which is exactly what Seija wanted since she's an amanojaku and thrives on chaos). She was defeated by Reimu and lived in the Hakuriei Shrine for a while but has moved back into the Shining Needle Castle by the time Urban Legend in Limbo takes place.

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uh oh

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Ah ok thanks. Really want to read more about this universe even in nip but I guess I will have to play the bullet hells

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Oh and she can change her size with the aid of the miracle mallet but only to around the size of a small child

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and nothing of value was lost

The touhou wiki is actually pretty decent and has links to a lot of translated stuff

>Not the superior Hisoutensoku

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glad you stopped my heart wasnt ready

This one is pretty good for the heart

Who cares about this spic

>tfw I managed to get access to the files on Sound Holic's website, during the C78 event.
Snagged a few music files and project files including the Hisoutensoku PV they made for the Comiket event.

Didn't even have to use muh hacker scripts either.

Check you passwords next time.

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B-but how will we get the funny memes now?

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>thanks to the user who recommended Luna Nights
You're welcome bro, I'm surprised my thread even lasted that long although I had to bump it myself a good amount

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awoo, much like any other meme originated from Yea Forums, is fucking cancer

>much like any other meme originated from Yea Forums

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Nonono don't listen to them play IaMP

Looks like it's getting late
Time to visit Gensokyo by entering the dream world

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So I looked up that guy's twitter and he's ranting about /jp/ being infested by /pol/ and /r9k/
>I could post a bunch of "lol patchi fans are degenerates" "alice is aryan!" but that's boring and unfunny and I will most likely attract people who believe that unironically.
Some rare maga hat momiji in a gyate thread apparently means the entire board is populated by incel neonazis. Well good riddance, he can go get his material from reddit where he belongs.

Good night user. Have a nice dream!

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Imagine being triggered by Touhou memes.


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*gasp* The black cat of ill omen

Good luck!

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Remove these unpopular bitches.

Sweet Dreams buddy

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15 years and that album still remains as the best one ZUN released.
Boys and Girls of the Scientific Era

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aw shit, somehow didn't copy the link

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I have difficulties picking my favourite between Trojan Green Asteroid and Dolls in Pseudo Paradise, but they all good man, they all good.


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>try touhou 6
>can't beat medium
>go watch more NYN videos without knowing jap

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I would say Magical Astronomy is better but fuck man Innocent Treasures and Boys and Girls of a Science Era are just fucking golden

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And then, once in a lifetime, you find a remix that perfectly captures the feeling of the original without losing the spark by making the song too different.

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in context of 2hue, mr. brainlet sir
dont get angery

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>try touhou
>cant beat it
>go dilate my vagina
true story

>Playing Normal of the first try
If you're new you should just play easy with continues, and do the same with the
other games, eventually you'll be able to get 1cc on easy, and then normal


There's also Retrospective 53 Minutes' song Hiroshige No.36 which is my favourite song out of ZUNs albums plus Lovely Mound of Cherry Blossoms was a close second.


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Each album has 2-3 songs so good that they make you question why ZUN put them alongside so many mediocre ones.

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You're not supposed to be able to beat it first try
Just play again
And again
And again
You'll get it eventually

asking the most important question:
which shot type

I like how out there some of the arranges of this particular track are

Damn, I still have yet to check out all his other albums. I've only done CoSD, Magical Astronomy, and Retrospective so far

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I heard from a zun album such a cool song
It has an organ intro, but I can't remember the name

Innocent Treasures?

You might be talking about Reincarnation

Yeah, that one
Thank you

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I think it's fun to listen to them in chronological order while looking at what else he was working on at the time. Dolls in Pseudo Paradise, the first one, was released alongside Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and includes a lot of tracks from various things before the Windows Touhou era. You can get a sense of the guy's style evolving in a way that just listening to the game soundtracks doesn't provide (since most of the time the games conform to a specific theme and atmosphere that ZUN wanted for that game).

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has anyone played Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded? is it any good?

Oh, that's pretty neat. Thanks, hopefully I'll find some some songs that will tickle my pickle

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Threadly reminder that Gensou Shoujo Taisen is a a good game and you should play it.

Touhou games are overrated garbage.
Stupid plots, dumb poorly drawn characters and boring games.

If you want fun bullet hell games play Deathsmiles.


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>hori caveshit

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That's a very big meido

I'm tryin dawg

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>implying that ZUN hasn't earned a beer or two

I want them to look my dick like that.

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Is Zun more beer than human?

Rate the Touhou games. From what I've played, and note that I've hardly played any Touhou and none at all recently, I'd say IN > PCB > DDC > LLK > SA > ESD

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Based Cirno the strong!

>DDC and LLK above shitter magnets that SA and EoSD are
My nigger.

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various fangames > SA > STB > GFW > IAMP > POFV > DS > PCB > don't care for the rest

Yeah, but good beer.

UFO > PCB > IN >>>>>>>> all the other ones

Should I go for hard mode clears or try to beat extras now? I tried a few ex but it's been a lot of frustration and little progress so far.

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depends on the game? Just try whatever interests you. I found UFO hard much more difficult than Nue.

IN > SA > MS > PCB > LLS > UFO >LoLK > MoF > HSiFS >PoFV > TD > PoDD > EoSD > DDC > SoEW > HRtP (although since it's a different kind of game it doesn't quite fit in the ranking)

>play Touhou for the first time in months while drinking Nipponese beer
>get in the zone for the first while, clear the first two stages without taking a single hit
>suddenly everything is really fucking fast and I can't dodge well and I lose all my lives
How does ZUN do it?

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>want to get into touhou
>have complex about not deserving to be into it unless I beat at least EoSD on normal
>still can't get past Patchy
>after 2 years of trying
I'm considering just giving up at this point.

another pedophile thread please report it
Im so sick of this shit please leave

Hold shift for focused movement
Press X to bomb
Use continues and know you've beaten a stage, play it in practise mode until you can beat it with no continues

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he programs while drinking

How many attempts per day? Do you use continues? Shottypes? Spellcards you can't capture? Do you use all your bombs before you die?

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>not deserving to be into it unless
if you saqy you like touhou you do
you don't need to dick around a massive 1cc chart to "deserve" it
play what you like, fuck what the others think
if you want to play a game, maybe PCB would be a better start to the series, way easier and better

Why did awoo take off anyways despite 2hu having a literal frog girl from the same game even?

it was a time when pepe was an old meme

t. secondary

Say hello to my little friend.

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>from the same person who brought us the end of the world in the eyes of three immortals

I wish there were mods for adding cirno + 12.8 mechanics to each game

Name a more kino moment

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gives me chills to this day Yuyuko's "last word"
one of the best moments in the series for sure

>need to look up what other games Rumia has been in
>Rumia T
>autosuggestion RUMIA TOUHOU AGE
lol I guess people outside of places like this actually care.

Can't decide if I should practice to get some Normal clears or dig into some fangames. I've only ever played Touhouvania 1 and that was years and years ago. Luna Nights looks fucking cool too.

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>could literally kill almost everyone in genosokyo with her powers
>doesn't want to

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>could genocide gensokyo
>already did genocide makai
>just wants to grow flowers

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can't beat icicle falls on normal without losing 2 lives

Go near in front of her so you only need to dodge the yellow orbs

I haven't played it in a little while, to be honest. I have issues with playing one game every day, although I probably could easily dedicate an hour to it a day.
I just need to dedicate more time to it, I guess. Most of the time, though, when I can't beat it, it's usually because of dumb mistakes in movement, and I have no idea how to get over that.
In any case, I refuse to be a secondary.

if you litterally bombspam you will use less resources, man
here's a good guide on how to do eosd, even if it focues on lunatic you can use the same strats for the most part

here's a way I like to approach this spell

You really not just gonna post the rest of it?

I have it. I'll post the rest.

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>playing MS the other day
>big dick Marisa piercing everybody
>doing damn well
>not even the yuri sluts can stop you
>get to knowyumemi.com
>she outlasers you
>you know you can just stream her cards but the fucking daggers coming from the sides are getting to you
>lose a bunch of lifes and waste bombs
>end up reaching notSatan with no bombs and a single extra life
>die like a bitch
Fuck this slut maid to oblivion.

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And that's it.

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This is ZUN

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>Crown prince
>is actually a girl

And this is ZUN who has just released a game, or you can just call this ZUN drinking beer.

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They're all really good, but i'd say my favorite is SA. There's just something about the atmosphere that I find really comfy

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And this is to go even further beyond

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Pretty much, the only real casual filter is 1cc normal, beyond that everything else are self imposing challenges and dick measurement competitions. The games are balanced in such a fair way you can tweak the settings to your skill level until you are good enough to advance on your own. Jumping straight into the grinder without learning from your mistakes just leads to frustration.

big sippy

Well there's your problem, whatever progress you make on your routes falls right out of your head. It's like actual exercise. Do it everyday for a while and you see results, do it once a week and you will regress.
Here's some tips, do use continues to learn what's Sakuya and Remilia's like, make sure you bomb before you die, even if you just feel like might botch something if you have stock you better use it than die and lose everything. Try to remember(or write it down) how many bombs you use on what stage, what spellcards, remember noncards or parts of stage can often be more deadly than you think. Try to feel out your route with resources. Deathbombing is technically good, but extremely hard and you shouldn't do it in a serious run. Also more points = more lives = more bombs. Be near the top of the stage on full power to autocollect everything.
Patches uses lasers and has unique cards for all 4 shottypes, so you gotta deal with those on your own. Sakuya will require streaming and misdirecting her bullets, stage 5 can also be rather tough. I like to stick to the right and dodge vertically. Stage 6 will open with bullshit you can bomb, Remilia's bubble bullets have actually tiny hitbox so you can hide almost entirely within them and not get hit. You can't skip some parts with bombs, mainly the last card.
Don't pussy out.

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is that so?

IN stage 4
PCB stage 4, right before the boss

Really, any moment when the music syncs perfectly with the gameplay is pure gold, I noticed this happening even in the PC98 games.

Grab one mainline game, one fangame and maybe one decimal game. Variety is nice.


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This looks like it could be really good

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man, it surely looks pretty dope
there aren't a lot of games where you play as suika

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most of ddc were so boring
only good one was raiko

imagine making a twitter account specifically for touhou memes and then getting triggered by them

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Clown Piece?

DDC sounds great in paper but the execution was surprisingly bland. I feel like it's because it didn't had a key location or enviroment to be associated with like some of the other games in the series. Some of the character designs also looked bland like pic related, which is why I think ZUN went for flashier looking designs in LoLK.

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Just take solace in knowing you will never in a million years beat Sakuya if Patch gives you trouble

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So, always?

Imagine feeding the inchling.

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Actually scratch that, I forgot about Shining Needle castle.

Rumia is such a good girl

The guy's been posting touhou antifa memes, trans activism, all kinds of leftypol stuff not even related to touhou on that twitter account. I'm surprised he/whatever even lasted this long without sperging out about /pol/ boogeymen.

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>Twitterfags are retarded

And water is wet.

isn't momiji the unofficial /pol/ fucktoy

Reminds me of this webm

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I want to be eaten dick first by Rumia

Reminder that Kasen will kill Reimu next chapter and Touhou will end

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man, you are pretty disingenuos
it was a replay to this
now fuck you and your "guy on twitter saied thing" posts

The screenshot was an example. Look through his timeline, there's no doubt he's very politically active on that account.

>3 months or so till next chapter

There are multiple other games where the story is mostly about wandering around looking for clues until the culprits are finally found in stage 5 or so, but the games before DDC like PCB and IN had the advantage of introducing new locations in Gensokyo. DDC (and HSiFS, pretty much) retreads old locations to tell us of previously unseen youkai living in them.

Oni Kasen is so cute goddamn

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such a politically inclined twitter, man
fuck off

Oki Kasen isn't invited to Hermit parties

How does picking a bunch of random tweets make him neutral in this case? I never said he exclusively posts political shit, dumbass.

No? People shooped MAGA hats on anime girls all the time back in the election days, Momiji just got targeted because of awoo memes.

>the only other hermits are miko (techincally) and seiga
>both are not good at being hermits

Isn't Futo also a hermit?

Yes, and also bad at it.
Though Seiga probably does it on purpose.

>Evil Kasen in the next fighting game just like Evil Ryu

My dick would explode

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>People trying to use Touhou to support a specific political ideology
>When the entire point of HM was that politics are bullshit and politicians are emotionally manipulative.

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Name worse boss
I dare you
Not only her hitbox is shit her moveset also sucks

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>Touhou with a controller

Remove buddhists and taoists


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>even forcing yourself to play trough that shitfuck of a game

why not

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I don't remember because Sariel fight is way too memorable in comparison. Music is god-tier.

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>Wahh muh politics.
Like it or not, HM is the climax of the only major Touhou story arc to span multiple mainline games.

This whole battle

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i dont give a shit about story if the game plays like shit

Don't forget the game about sending the Makai immigrants back home through brute force. Hell, Gensokyo is an overly traditional and segregated region composed of microcountries where humans are treated like cattle.

I think he's more bothered by the fact that it has the second shittiest gameplay out of the fighting games.

I agree but gameplay-wise it's unpolished as hell.
Good thing they improved it for each title. AoCF is alright.

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>wings open
>anus immediately clenches as you see the lasers pointed at you
>it isn't even half of the fight

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I always found Sakuya to be a cakewalk compared to Patchouli, or compared to just about any other stage 5 boss in the series. Even Reisen gave me a harder time than her.

My ass was clenched so hard for those 65 seconds the first time I got there.
still gives me chills years later.

I know you're lurking the thread Sokufag, one day my Suwako will best you in every way. One fucking day.

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Unpopular opinion time.
I enjoyed ULiL more than AoCF.

contrarian opinion*

IaMP has better gameplay than its successors

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>No weather
>No deck rng
You aren't wrong.

Epic thread guise
raymoo in smash when!? haha xDD

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Dumb and old gap hag

Is it just me or are 2hus with wings generally cooler than ones without them?
Just take Shinki or Sariel for example


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play the hour long boss medley

It's the little things.

Don't you feel happier knowing there's a real reason why they're always running late?

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I want to play 2hu fightans with Yea Forums again to show them my Okuu's Okuus or if possible Mokou's Mokous but only if they could stay subtle without attracting namefags and autismfags, or could it be you guys have been playing a good number of matches lately?

Okuu and Sagume are cool so maybe you're on to something.


RIP 2hu thread

pro matches in IaMP are way more intense to watch, that game has a really absurd pace despite no chip damage on correct block or no deaths to chip damage. Plus combos are much more impressive than that bluecircle shit.

Will Cirno become playable again for the eventual GFW2: Fairy Boogaloo now that Clownpiece turned out to be traitor (along with God-Fairy Eternity)?

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Is it finally out fully ? Someone gifted it to me while it was in early access, wanted to wait.

Hopefully not, I am sick of Cirno and Satan's little shitpost is fresh and interesting.

too bad that it's kind of a pain to play
also it's catlually slower than soku, combacts are waaay longer

It's almost out of early access as I said in the thread it's leaving it on Feb 26th. The price which is as of now about 15$ it'll get bumped up to 18$ on that same day to celebrate coming out of early access so get it while it's cheaper.

I just like the Spellcard system better since it's unique and more faithful to the STGs. Shame they dropped it in favor of more generic fighting with RNG specials/supers.
That being said, isn't there Yuyuko combo loop in IaMP?

>Using a smug Letty as an avatar
Fuck him defiling Letty like that

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debatable, but Soku is dragged down by the aforementioned cards/weather, and it feels that there's less -commitment-. Get under pressure, pushed into a corner in IaMP and it's terrifying, making you consider the use of a bomb - in most soku matches I watched the player just uses border escape and flies out because flying is so ridiculously good compared the the airdashes. I don't play a lot myself I have to admit, but watching skillful pressure/oki in IaMP is one hell of a drug.

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>another 2hu thread got move to Yea Forums
Fucking why

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It's one autistic newfag mod

The smuggest.

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Mods move threads that get infected by Hunger Games instead of mass banning everyone involved for spam

where did all the pofv players go?

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>/jp/ isn't funny anymore
Good. They have suffered enough that their memes always got stolen by normies and become mainstream fad despite being the most isolated board and /jp/ have to ditch them every single time. The latest one I believe was the "Pls rember" one.
Also, not many people know that some mainstream memes like Shibainu, Gachimuchi, Honk Chen etc were originated from /jp/.

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Everyone knows that /2hug/ is better

apparently only smash-oriented threads
and always in this timefreame
also that thread was so plagued by samefaggers and general cancer, this one is way comfier

I want touhou hacknslash rpg

I think there's probably a fan game out there.

Isolated generals for something that only updates like once in two years approximately is definitely going to be circlejerk trash. Sorry shill.

wheather isn't that bad, since you can manipulate it

For curiosities sake, here's the previous thread that got moved to Yea Forums

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There's actually barely any shitposting about specific people in these though
It even has roughly 10% of each thread dedicated to actual discussion!
The rest is obviously shitpostiong in general

There is a fangame literally named Touhou Hack n' Slash.

They all grew up and got married

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>smash thread
And nothing of value was lost

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>Curving laser phase begins
>except this isn't a regular curving laser phase you massive faggot
>it's pc98 baby
>curving lasers actually track your movement and act as massive heatseeking missiles that will fuck you up
>she fires 2-3 every second for 10-15 seconds
>all that while lasers and danmaku to the sides restrict your movement to only the middle part
>all of that happens on Normal difficulty

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaa.gif (480x480, 669K)

IaMP = Smash 64
SWR/Soku = Melee
HM = Brawl
ULiL = Sm4sh
AoCF = Ultimate

The manga might say otherwise

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I wish everyone was here
My main isn't

Attached: Swr-portrait-sakuya.png (300x300, 92K)

Actual Ultimate would be another Hisoutensoku with even bigger cast.
SWR 3: Hisoutensoku Harder never ever

bring it on, fag

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Okay Pedro

while it doesn't apply release time wise,
IAMP/soku=melee, SWR = brawl
god damn SWR was retarded.
>pushback on wrongblock

Y'all are weak

Attached: Weak.webm (640x480, 1.47M)

>yfw Touhou got announced for BlazBlue Cross Tag Team

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So play then faggot.

Mine is
The two of them
AND Joon, even if she's awkward to play

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>That part when Meiling jumps in to save Sakuya once you get her down to 50%

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Bananaroll (short for HyouinbanaRoll) when?

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ZUN sure likes his hats, doe-
>most of touhou cast also has hats
Dude sure likes his hats, doesn't he? Not that I mind.

Tasofro was aware that such athing was necessary and put it on his to do checklist, but completely forgot/dropped it

when you make it, nerd

>Touhou gets announced for BlazBlue
>Sans gets into Smash as a Ness echo, confirming MatPat’s theory
How would you react?

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I want to be with this mouse!

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What's the problem?
Shmups are a genre that actually benefits from a controller, it lets you have more fluid movement. Focus + shoot can also be mapped so you can easily access both buttons with your thumb.

Though, I won't deny keyboard can give more precise movement when you don't have to travel long distances.

I would if they didn't lock the netcode behind 1000 layers of anti-crack program.

If you tried to argue that we should do it because ZUN does it, we'd have to play these games while drunk off our asses

aocf is drm-free, what are you talking about?
at least the physical version, steam has the usual steam anti-tamper and it's one of the easiest to circunvent

If that's true then it's about the damn time

Attached: tenshi shit grin.png (115x332, 63K)

God Reimu is so cool

she's the coolest

download link here
plz improve the netplay, i actually really like aocf

Weebshit belongs in Yea Forums and other containment boards.
Yea Forums is a western christian white board only.

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But 2hu features God's chosen people

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Have a gander at this innocent and happy go lucky looking Kaguya!

Attached: SimplyJustKaguya.jpg (900x680, 206K)

It's not a good game and the community is just full of pedophiles that try to stuff ONLY the girls down your throat because they don't play the games themselves. Don't fall for the bullshit and turn back now.

space jin is surprisingly good at cutes
Too bad he's a meme now


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>>Though, I won't deny keyboard can give more precise movement when you don't have to travel long distances.
Exacty, I moved from controller to keyboard and it's a lot easier to move between small gaps

CBT is one hell of a drug

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But touhou is vidya.

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Is there any decent non-porn manga besides the official stuff?

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>This is after you fight Sakuya's big sister

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Yeah tons
people only meme the porn when theres so much more to see

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one of my favs

What a cute girl
I would trust her with my testicles

>I want to play Touhou.
I want to play it as well, but no idea where to start etc.
Is there a guide for this shit? Heard some games are for PC98

Anything starting from third game is good starting point
Don't listen to anyone who says to start with EoSD, it's inferior to MS and LLS

Start with EoSD
It's kino

Start with EoSD (Touhou 6)
you can ignore the first 5 since they are not quite canon, but they're still worth checking them out later
Don't worry about completing it right away, keep playing all of them since you probably won't be able to get a 1cc without lots of practice

You can start with whichever game you want, none of them have any massive ongoing continuity that would require you to play previous entries.
Some are harder than the others, though and PCB (touhou 7) and IN (touhou 8) are solid starting points.
Also ignore the EoSD babbies, they don't mean well for you

D-pad's just as precise as keyboard. Literally nothing wrong with it.

That retard's using the analog stick though, there's no excuse for that.

thanks lads

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dunno what you consider decent, but check these out

you probably know it already, but it got a sequel last year
not as existential and space-y, still pretty good

WaHH chapters get released every 2 months

>Hermit Kasen fights using animals
>Oni Kasen fights with brute strenght alone
It would be cool desu

objectively the best way to play.

start with LoLK, trust me dude it's fun

Why is the 2hu music so great bros?
How does ZUN do it?

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>play mystic square for the first time
>use all continues and die at stage 5
>ZUN tells me I should kill myself
oh okay then


thanks buddy
got good during uni

I read the doujins while having music from Tonegawa's anime playing and played the ending and intro scenes when transitioning between chapters prentending the background was actually Hell. That autism made it better.

Attached: 66886955_p0.png (723x1023, 389K)

this one is really good

copious amounts of booze

Depends on the genre.
There are tons of usual cute SoL stuff, but there are also tons of comedy. Check Bomber Grape, Pageratta, Fuantei, Warugaki, Bkub, plenty of 4komas on booru, etc.
There are good number of lore-oriented and deep stuff but don't expect anything stellar or decent depending on your standard, though there are indeed few hidden gems. Some may arguably way too dark and edgy. Check Zounuse, Chado, Uu uu zan, etc.
And then there are few battle-oriented doujins but I've yet to find anything that does it justice that doesn't borderline comedy/parody. Check Kakao-11, Benizuwai, Imizu, etc. By the way, Imizu is the Murata of Touhou fandom. You just look at badass 2hus fighting for nonsense but drawn in absolutely detailed perfection, almost in every way.

There are definitely tons more artists than what I listed for each genre but I don't really pay attention other than to the work itself.
Oh, do read Flower Satori on Dynasty-Scan. It's an okay read IMO.

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>finish watching KKHTA
>try to play some of the PC98 games to get all that edge off my mind
>get that fucking ending in MS
it was really a bad day

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I still wonder if we'll ever get an official Touhou anime.
Written by ZUN, obviously

I wonder what it feels like to be the writer who has the most porn written/drawn about his characters.
Zun is a lucky bastard, he draws napkin scratches and people turn it into bombshells.

competition would be pretty bad, condisering how amazingly animates is Memories of Phantasm

look at this vampire

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>final part never ever
It hurts.

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God I want to dress up as Sakuya and worship her feet.

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are you forgetting someone else?

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It releases every Olympic year, so we'll probably get the next part next year

His stance on it is that he doesn't want an anime. ZUN prefers Touhou to stay as a niche series. Though, lately he seems to be trying to make it a bit more commercial so his thoughts may have changed.

I also recall him not liking the idea of people getting into Touhou through an hypothetical anime and completely ignoring the games, but that already happens with secondaries due to all the doujins and fan creations.

Memories of Phantasm is the definition of quality wasted on retarded writing
The whole thing is exceedingly weeb, I can stomach the characters being a bit out of character but the moment you put ecchi scenes is the moment I stop take you seriously

ZUN won't let greedy anime studios to hold his IP consist of his daughterus. What if they forced him to write content for sequel and movies? Even Urobutchi tried to stop SHAFT from milking Madoka even further.
ZUN on the other hand just want to make music and games while drunk. Don't force the guy into labor or taking away what's his.

Attached: ZUN no fucks given pose.jpg (353x421, 41K)


>imagine being that autistic to RP your reaction pictures talk style

anime website

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touhou isn't anime anymore

>in Japan

I want to impregnate Yuugi

Still won't buy that trash.

more people know about touhou outside of japan actually

Reimu's gonna getcha!

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>Indie trash
>Not niche

Letty isn't a very well-known character and she is extremely unpopular even among Touhou fans.
Little do they know that at certain community she was very popular. Not only that, she is revered as legend and an icon. They call her Letty the Ronald Slayer

Attached: Aleti.jpg (1920x1088, 820K)

>tfw laptop has tiny ass cursor buttons
>tfw can't use numpad because used to cursor keys
>tfw when I use remapper down-right direction randomly gets fucked

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It's been more than 10 years, can we finally admit that he did nothing wrong and that the Mcroll came first?

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>unironically not pirating all games

Just use a gamepad bro
I know that feel desu


You can use your laptop's USB ports to plug in a keyboard. The future is now

convert to the numpad master race, it's easier than you'd think and immensely superior to arrow keys

Doujin culture is more niche than you think




Is it still niche if it got its own shop in Akihabara?

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>attention whore
good we need less fags.

>KKHTA is STILL unfinished


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Hey bro, wanna play Soku, AoCF and PoFV with us? We are holding a tourney.

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>meme secondary shit is unfinished

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I don't know...
who is "we"?

you better not be shitting me, I've been waiting for a PoF/v/ tourney since 2013

Why are shmup fans so angry about the existence of 2hu?

I uploaded the wrong pic somehow even though I clicked the right thumbnail.
Fuck it.

Attached: jp meetup.jpg (640x480, 49K)

Why are fighting game fans so angry about the existence of Smash?

it's more popular than all other shmups combined while being relatively easy and accessible

and largely available for free

Success breeds jealousy

look at this cute umbrella

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Years ago we dabbed on the shmupfags on their own tournament to prove that Touhou is harder

Post it fag

2hu fans generally don't play other shmups. It's the CoD/Naruto of shmups.

I can't believe she's fucking dead

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Peak Ronald match right here.

She's way too irrelevant for ZUN to kill her off. Forever a background cameo! Irrelevant amanojaku!

Low IQs should lurk more

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She's not dead she's staying with me

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>Tricking a loli into letting you fuck her just to stay alive
Truly a man worthy of admiration

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At least she got her own game and (shitty) coverage on NHK.
She is a lucky one.

I'm shit with that too
but it isn't comfy bringing that too to the bed

Reimu is the cutest Touhuo!

Attached: FACT.png (466x349, 132K)

>reimufag is a redditor
not surprised

t. Marisafag

any sokufags up for a game or two?

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Self-insert niggers truly are subhumans.

My beautiful wife Reimu!

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Some day, I'll be able to play my most beloved in a fitan, every day it passes is one day closer to my dream
And then the netplay will be irredeemable

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At least they're not yurifags.

Are you US?
Also can you host

>tfw havent played 2hu in months because of laziness and life

It hurts

Attached: Im screaming for help.png (625x534, 629K)

>Go to /shmupg/
>Ask why instead of watching a streamer he doesn't play and improve
>They call me seething nonstop
What the fuck

i'm euro, but the ping should be okay
give it a try

Attached: 1518575310281.png (278x267, 145K)

>>Go to /shmupg/
that was your first and biggest mistake

>Go to /shmupg/
your first mistake

>go to /literally any general/
for what reason

>because of laziness
Start the first game that comes to your mind right now
The more time you waste not playing vidya, the worse it gets

Tfw no life and still way too lazy to fire up any touhou game most of these days

It is literally because my plate is a fucking mess of vidya and I honestly hate myself more for that. Doesnt help that Im a smash addict (I dont want reimu in), so it just becomes a circle of fuck

>Im a smash addict
Consider suicide mate.

Attached: Alice suicide.jpg (728x1000, 183K)

Damn, I got sniped

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That isn't a touhou store - thats just the window of Akihabara Station / Atre which has different advertistements from time to time.

Last time I was there I used to visit Akiba-Hobby which is an actual touhou store but it was rellatively small and somewhat hidden in the 3rd floor of a building in the back alleys of Akiba.

Attached: akiba.jpg (720x1280, 81K)

Youmu is a bitch!

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What did Tewi mean by this


Attached: why.jpg (640x480, 133K)

I can't believe Youmu is a fucking neonazi canonically

Heil Youmu

good games dude

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Good games there, been a while since I had to unrust my yukari

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Okay... But the only thing I have left is the PV.


Gotta love Bombergrape.

So basically you managed get access to something that has been publicly available

>hence why
Also, /jp/ has been dead since about 2014. Too much normalfag general cancer.