To All of Mankind teaser trailer, details and screenshots

Out on PS4 and Switch on May 30th in Japan.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How is a team of only women supposed to preserve the human race in a post apocaliptic world?

In vitro.

Plus, woman, unlike men, won't wage wars over nothing so all female society will be far more successful than male.


so is this just a yuri vn on switch?


This is 100% a Vita game. I wonder if they're showing off Switch screenshots rather than PS4 ones so this level of graphics can be slightly more "justified".

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This looks PSP tier.
No wonder they're not showing gameplay in the trailer.

You know its true.

>won't wage wars over nothing so all female society will be far more successful than male.

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Not a VN, it has exploration, dungeons, farming, fishing crafting and so on. Doubt it has combat though, it's labeled a survival adventure game so it likely only has puzzles to progress and resource management.

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You ever see that survivor where they had men vs women? Women are useless.

What would happened if they go all male instead?

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>yuri vn
it's probably not even Yuri, just girl friendship

If this is supposed to be some comfy game about some light-hearted survival in a post-apocalyptic world, then I had wished the buildings looked better. Like this it just looks like some weird mush. Something like Nier Automata would've been perfect.

Yeah, I mean, I get the feeling fucking Shin Megami Tensei IV on 3DS would look better than this via a straight upscale. I don't mind too much since it's clear that the visual appeal is going to be focused on the 2D artwork, but it is very rough even for such a niche game.

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and jolly cooperation

>select dumbest women and smart guys
>its totally legit proof!

Totally, no.

Sodomization of one half and pointless conflicts between other because males exist to inflict suffering on "weaker".

Please tell me you don’t genuinely believe that

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Eh. I prefer these kinds of games with a male self-insert, this looks pretty shovelware if there isn't even a romance element.


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Looks kinda boring but then again I'm not much of a /u/ fan.

Awesome. We finally get a fleshed-out new successor to the old Lost in Blue titles, but now with an INFINITELY shittier moe weebshit aesthetic. Thanks, Japan.

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>post apocalyptic
>nice clean clothes

They don't. Humanity dies when they do hopefully.

Lost in Blue's own art went to shit after 2 anyway, this is at least more detailed.

They are women.
Keeping everything clean is one of their few strengths.

At my job, there are about 20 women and me.
3 of them are on sick leave because of bullying, yesterday an argument broke out because two of them wore the same shirt to work and the day before that the meeting that was supposed to deal with the upgrade to some of our systems derailed into a massive debate on breastfeeding because the one pregnant girl there said she didn't intend to breastfeed. Tears, screaming and hair-pulling.

Female societies would nuke each other into oblivion within a month.

The story is they magically go to sleep in a shop in Akihabara and when they wake up the world is fucked.


But it isn't though?

did they got fucked while they asleep?

Who the fuck actually buys this trash?

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Are you enjoying it, user?

Tokyo Jungle?

Looks like it could be kinda interesting like Harvest Moon or Rune Factory. I'm not very optimistic that it actually delivers though. Would buy for 10 bucks maybe.

Looks cute. Doubt it will be translated but hopeful
Messy hair girl is best

I'm unaware of any NIS game in recent years that NISA hasn't brought over.

Considering I spent my first 6 months there establishing the image of a "hard worker" (I barely work a quarter of my day, all in all, mostly because it's very easy), then yeah, I actually enjoy it. As a guy, you don't get caught up in all the bullshit (even though I hear a fucking lot) and the female attention is nice, but holy hell are women fucking stupid. As long as you talk to them the way you would to a child, it's fine, but I'd never treat them as equal.

no males?
then how are they supposed to be revive the mankind?

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This is why the government forced the publisher to remove funding and the game looks like it belongs on the PSP.

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>work at a bank
>8 females and then me
>they shit talk about all the customer all the time
>or they shit talk about each other
>one day, they shit talk about one of the girl only for her to walk in the breakroom mid conversation
>blames the rumor on me
>"user! Did you say that I gave BJs to just anyone?!"
>"are you serious Jess? Guys don't talk about BJs with other girls"
>"oh, you're right"
I quit two weeks later. what a shitshow

oh no her legs are deformed

Where are they supposed to find a pregnancy pod?


What do you even do? Do you work in a crochet crafts store or something?

Well that's pretty moe as fuck. Too bad is not some form of crawler with battle systems and stuff

This doesn’t work nor help Japan’s declining birth rate.

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And there goes all my interest in the game

>work in statistics
>everyones generally fine people with no in-fighting
feels pretty good

At least she’s cute

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What a fucking retard

>Plus, woman, unlike men, won't wage wars over nothing so all female society will be far more successful than male.
There was already something like this done irl. It didn't work out, everyone formed cliques and the personal grudges extended into work.

I want to play the song written on her socks.

so Switch is basically the new Vita?
I am okay with that. Even if I will forever cherish my vita.

That's why I was interested
They're all so fucking cute
Depends really

Is this yuri?

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>world is already overgrown and fucked up
were they all stuck in cryo-pods for 20 years or does this apocalypse also involve rapidly growing plant life?

plunder a sperm bank. This should be a level in the game.

>20 years
Try 200 or something

This pretty much
I can tell he’s never lived in a house or neighborhood of majority woman.
Those personal grudges hang around entirely too long.
They’ll straight up forget what the hell they were even mad about but know they hate Annie Ymous because... reasons!

I felt a warm glow rush across my heart and I got an erection. I don't even know what this means.

>tokyo jungle but with women
if this was exactly the case, I would actually consider purchasing

Maybe because women couldn't fight for survival?

I’m down

Lesbian sex ending or I riot

It's a fucking videogame. Take this shit elsewhere.

>all-girl cast
>no shitty generic male self insert protag in sight
Great. too bad game itself looks like psp shovelware.

In before they find a cute little boy and fight over him.

It could be my dream cute gay girls survival game.

I don't care much about graphics, but I do hope the farming/fishing/survival mechanics are good.

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that episode of survivor would say otherwise, bitches will be at each other's throats after wasting all the resources first

Poor kid.

Literally the most unimaginative cover one could possibly draw

>won't wage wars over nothing so all female society will be far more successful than male.

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What about the covers that are just the game's logo? This one gets the point across fine.

Logos can be original so those covers are still better.

>exploration, dungeons, farming, fishing crafting
Sounds great, if this gets gay I'll not wait for Rune Factory to buy a Switch.

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I used to share an apartment with 3 other women. It was not as fun as people think.

>I used to share an apartment with 3 other women
>with 3 other women
Please be in Akihabara.

there's death stares and cold silence in the staff room because two women wore the same colored headband.

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Why do they even try if this is the level of quality they can get?

You know, I love yuri, but this can only makes me laugh really hard. REALLY hard.
>won't wage wars over nothing

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A game with bad graphics can still be good.

There is the player, (You), isn't there?

Best girl?

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would i be able to stream this without getting banned

Wake me up when it's confirmed to have at lest one yuri couple, otherwise I'm not interested.

If you mean like a self-insert, no, there isn't. This is the MC.

If you mean in a meta sort of way, I thought we were all little girls.

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>actually expecting real yuri in a mainstream videogame
Enjoy sleeping until the heat death of the universe

What? This is a niche game, and western devs shoehorn gay characters into their AAA games every chance they get, but they're rarely cute enough lesbians for me to care.

For the hundredth time: Women are, in the end, also men.
A "woman" is nothing but a female man.
They are exactly as fucking stupid as "we" are.

Feminists generally get half of the story right: Yes, males are fucking retards.
But so are the females. And they keep denying that without giving sound reason.
Just because some white geezer is wrong, that doesn't mean that a young, black girl is right. They are most likely both wrong.
They should talk to each other to both come to a better position.

>For the hundredth time: Women are, in the end, also men.
>A "woman" is nothing but a female man.

>every time I want to fuck a woman, I'm actually wanting to fuck a female (male)

fuck she's cute

Lol take a pity (You)

>To All of Mankind
This name reminded me of a song from another anime-styled apocalyptic game on nintendo console.

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"Man" was originally short for human in general.
The meaning shifted to generally point out only males only in more recent times.

The biggest thing that made me notice how Yea Forums has changed is that they don't want to be the little girl anymore.

is this even a game or is it a vn?

The overgrown urban ruins concept is also similar to Fragile Dreams. Doubt there'll be ghosts though.


>Plus, woman, unlike men, won't wage wars over nothing so all female society will be far more successful than male.
You've never met ME. Seriously, fighting for/over something is the only shit that can make this boring ass life interesting. I agree that I wouldn't need any fights in a postapocalyptical world though because that world itself as well as surviving in it would be interesting enough, but fuck our normal mundane shit life.

If youtube didn't get rid of anotations I might have some idea what the text in this trailer said

>inb4 censored on ps4

>le clumsiness is charming

Yea Forums hasn't been the same ever since a certain incident.

Game honestly looks super cheap, shoestring budget. And the character designs are very generic. Hard pass.

Graphics don't matter, I don't agree, but I get it. I still don't think that's an excuse to make a full-priced retail PS4 game that looks like this. Kinda fucks up the atmosphere when it ugly graphically and has boring art design. I hope I'm wrong though, I want to see some gameplay videos and also see what the survival mechanics are like.

That was Yea Forums. Yea Forums just wanted to fuck the little girl (Yea Forums). It was a simpler time.

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The people hated this user because he told the truth.

>fuck our normal mundane shit life
How is a normal life nowadays mundane in the least?
You can have irregular experiences fucking everywhere. It's become more trivial than ever to have those experiences.
For example start by not using your car to get to work/school/etc. That already opens a realm of new, fresh experiences.
The problem is not our "world", the problem is (You).

Is this game getting a western release?

I love such setting but I am tired of cute girls only casts because it usually means that it will be 90% pandering and only 10% story and the bit of story is usually just some episodical drama or twists that bait you and make you get somewhat excited because there doesn't seem to be any solution to solve the new problems only for the story to pull a deus ex machina or stupid asspull just one chapter later.
Will still look into it and maybe get it if I am wrong but I would be surprised if that was the case.

Apparently it was fine the day before. They just woke up one day and it was ruined.

i mean it's only a half-plausible wish when you're underage, people have grown up and aren't attracted to lolis anymore

In recent memory a woman wanted to go to war with massive military superpower over said superpower trying to prevent one of its allies from becoming a destabilized caliphate.

>You can have irregular experiences fucking everywhere.
Like what?
>For example start by not using your car to get to work/school/etc.
Is this a joke? I do both, using subways or walking and the only thing that's different is that walking takes longer. No, I never experienced anything exciting while doing so.

Same. It's the reason I bothered looking at it. It's a great title IMO

Switch was region-free last time I checked.

Don't tell me you have NOT learned Japanese, user.
Why did you think we had been telling you to do it FOR YEARS?

Figures one of Japans first survival/resource management games would have the cast be a bunch of anime girls.

>I am tired of cute girls only casts
I'm not, those are rare. There's those Neptunia games, maybe Senran Kagura... and? Do you have any other example, because I'd love an all-girl cast game that's not just parody and ecchi jokes like those two.

The only other game series that gets close to it are those Atelier games, but those just have a female MC but a lot of male characters and male party members.

You want to believe what you're saying, yet you never experienced it yourself either.

Some people really do just sit there, year in, year out, thinking "I'll start tomorrow, I'm not in the mood today". I should know, I wasted a decade doing that.

A lot of games have an "all girl casts" BUT with male MC being the target of their affection, usually faceless for self-inserting.

Games with all-girl casts like a group of girl friends on an adventure are rare, but people believe that stuff like Neptunia is common.

It's NIS, so yeah, don't they localize everything?

Anyone think its funny how only women survived and the entire city overgrew and went to shit?

Until they die out after not getting the D.
Women can't live without male attention or the D, it's apart of their instincts to crave it and better their looks to attract a mate.
A society of women and by extension lesbians, will never ever thrive without men.
Hence why every Kirarashit series is complete garbage and cannot realistically exist.

I think you misclicked for your reply.

>and cannot realistically exist.
Whoa, it's almost like fiction doesn't have to be realistic.

So this is what the neo-yurifags who shit up current Yea Forums look like. Took their delusions a tad too far and went off the deep end.

I had written up a long reply, but accidentally hit Ctrl+Q deleting all of it.

The tl;dr was: I cannot tell you that, that entirely depends on you. Do something that is out of the ordinary for you.

A utopia we will never know

What are you suggesting, have I not experienced myself?

No one seems to have survived. These girls pulled a Rip Van Winkle and missed the apocalypse.

I want to like this but it really does look like a PSP game, plus I fail to see what part of it is fun.

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To be fair the smartest woman is still dumber than the dumbest guy, so what could they do?
Women think with their emotions not their brains.

Dream, simulation, comet passing overhead, experiment, isekai, drugs, Army of Darkness sleep potion + game turns into a horror game halfway through, place your bets.

Most games and VN are rather 80% girls than completely girls, like the Atelier games. I always forget they even had male side characters there.

Yurifags (spics)

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Seriously, stop that false-flagging, Femnazi.
That is not funny.

Never ever going to happen yurifags.
Men can live without women, and reproduce with artificial wombs. Not the other way around.

I guess I am just too autistic or depressive or whatever, it's just impossible for me to enjoy stuff without action and life and death situations. Even meeting up with friends bores me sicne it always amounts to nothing but talking and hanging around. Guess I just hope we'll get the first alien encounter soon or at least a ton of very good games that will make me forget real life.

No, Fuck off.

It's means your gay or a tranny.

>psp shovelware.
Which is what you yurishitters deserve.

Hopefully when it flops they will never it right next time and put in a male protag.

>without action
>and life and death situations
Doesn't a regular meal already cover that?
Eat or die. By acting with your hands and mouth.

one of the few games that legitimately would have been better as an anime or movie or something. fuck all them super long ladders. the seven colored bells stories still make me cry

Isn't that just because spics are generally one of the biggest anime audience group? Everytime I find fanposts or fanart it's always Russians or Spaniards and the like. Meanwhile I can't find anyone in my country that is into anime and anime games. The only exceptions are Turks who are into shitty endless shounen series and fujos who are into generic bishounen yaoi.

>It could be my dream cute gay girls survival game.
>yurishitters in charge of having standards

>that garbage image
Disgusting. Both deserve to be beaten and raped by niggers.

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VNs are not games
How many times do we need to tell you niggers this

Looks cute as hell. Fucking sold.

>I thought we were all little girls.
That's Yea Forums you dumbfuck

Is there any gameplay or is it just pressing the 'next' button to turn the page on the VN?

>That was Yea Forums. Yea Forums just wanted to fuck the little girl (Yea Forums). It was a simpler time.
Ironic how it explains why neo/a/ is actually better than neo/a/.
Too many yurishitter immigrants on Yea Forums who take the meme seriously, they think Yea Forums is full of closet tranny wannabees like themselves.

you're supposed to be kind to your neighbors Yea Forums

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2D women are perfect and can survive without men

Kill yourself yuriscum

Seconded. Also, based.

Holy shit level of bad


What did he mean by this?

I already barely eat and even refused drinking for days once but nothing happens, isn't exciting either. Again, I am probably too autistic to feel shit. Also, randomly dying isn't too wise either, maybe something great would actually happen three days after my death.


you aren't our neighbors anymore moron

get fucked

you can tell this is a s*ycuck beta male because any real woman would know how untrue this is

no im not a wamen

Fragile Dreams had a male lead and male/female interactions all throughout the story on top of its tragic and sombre tone.
This one looks like a garbage post-apoc CGDCT.

Kek, there was unironically more yaoi action in Fragile than any other kind.

Crow is genderless.
MC is surrounded by like 3 or 4 girls for the entire story.

Oh fuck I didn't even realise. 4channel was a mistake, I don't want to live next to those /p/ nerds.

Music sounds so generic. Why don't they just make Akiba's Trip 3?

Back to with you, LWAfag.

This is bad.

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Waifufags will eat it. Together with yuritards they have the worst taste ever.

Why does this board eat up any low effort trash Japan shits out? If a western studio released this it'd fade into irrelevancy within days

Lol switchfags getting all the shallow waifu walking simulators just like in the vita, pathetic.

Why do newfags do this? Why are you pretending anyone had a problem with yuri until you /pol/niggers started shitposting about it?

Hey now, pretty pictures are nice.

We had a problem with man hating yuri clique all the way since the fucking yuru yuri and spergout over a bus driver being male
It just amplified around 2015 thanks to Hibikek and yuri shitposters like mugino or the one who should not be named

What's the gameplay like?

Do you know that women wage wars right, behind scenes?

No footage yet, but the article in the OP describes it and there are screenshots.


What a bunch of cringy weebshit.

this is some shit bait. why is it being hooked?

It's not video games so of course it's getting 30 replies.

People like laughing at retards, even pretend ones.

quake looks unironically better than this

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looks shit
is shit

no one cares incel
cant claim something you dont own

I'll own her once I buy the game.

What are you talking about? That's like 10/10 bait. Off topic and categorically wrong.

Cute girlfriends.

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>Post apocalypse
>anime girls with hairy pits and legs running around

And? I play literally 16 bit games regularly

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This looks really cute, if the gameplay is at least a bit interesting, I'm on board

Is it a VN or game?


Based, Yuri will save the world

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post more

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Good taste

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If you keep bitching about yurifags every time yuri is even hinted at eventually people are gonna turn on you.

Only true for anime girls.
IRL? There's a reason why there's no matriarchal society left today.

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Futa cocks.

Forbid this

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I was looking for this picture, thank you.

anyone wish they went with this cover instead?

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It's a post apocalyptic setting and they're Japanese, I doubt they will get fat


Back to leftypol cuck
Next time shill in the right board

I dream in yuri

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too much canned food can get you fat

keep going

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based negomposter

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They skip a fair amount of NIS games, usually VNs. Recent ones I can think of are Exile Election, Shin Hayarigami, Great Edo Blacksmith (not a VN).

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This looks really cu-

>Nippon Ichi


>Plus, woman, unlike men, won't wage wars over nothing
Yeah, you don't know women at all. They absolutely would and it would be for far more petty reasons.

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what's happening in this thread

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Lisa the painful

Yurishitter got angry, bombed thread with lewds.

i dont see this as a problem other than it could be better yuri

good thread

oh I see, motherfucker should post sfw pics instead


some of the worst wars in history were caused by queens being petty

OP here, I'm surprised the thread is still acti- nevermind.

Nice pics though.

>teenagers are attracted to lolis, not grown men
user I...’

Tokyo Jungle with thots

>May 30
Happy birthday to me fuck yeah.

/u/ please stay

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Vita physical publishing was cut off last Friday and the handheld itself is wrapping up production so the Switch has become the place to dump Vita games.

they all look the same

Okay, but publishers usually make at least a little effort to prevent their Switch games from outright looking like low-tier Vita game. Take Atelier Lulua, that one looks a lot better than it would have on Vita. Not to mention Acquire made Octopath Traveler so it's not even like they had zero experience with the Switch. Oh well.

came to post this

Seeing ameritards seethe and cry about anyone having ESL is hilarious.

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>won't wage wars over nothing
I know this is bait, but holy shit.

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>people can only respond to this with meme images
he's right you know

Seriously? Nobody thought of quoting Jurassic Park? Bunch of underage faggots.

That's what they say about fedoras too.

Fedoras produced in vitro?