Post your Granblue Versus main

Post your Granblue Versus main

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Other urls found in this thread:


god i wish i got pranked into a big titty girl

post more anime boobs

I love tomboys with giant tits

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Incel game.

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Female gran a cute

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i like this box

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weebs are fucking stupid lol

that's male female link with brown hair

Unironically better looking than Djeeta, holy fuck.

Is this game worth playing at all? Please don’t be another never ending grindfest

It's a never ending grindfest, but the story is fun and the side stories are better.

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Femgran is cuter than Djeeta. What a rip off we got

>Please don’t be another never ending grindfest
wait for relink

>been dealing with the same fucking threads for two months now because we got zero new information until March 8th
>they didn’t even show off anything at Evo Japan
I fucking hate this. There’s only so much waifu posting someone can take until they just want something substantial to chew on. And if it’s literally just a trailer for the rest of the characters from the logo that we already figured out, I’m jumping out a window

might as well train your landing because that's what it will most likely be.

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Anniversary is in a few weeks, we'll be getting info then.

Why is Grea so gay?

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Potatoes are serious business.

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>the rest of the characters from the logo that we already figured out
who are they?

Will Dark zooey be broken in the fighting game as well?

It's already assumed to be a babby-tier fighter, I don't know what kind of mindblowing reveals you expect beyond characters. The threads wore out their welcome, but people just want to talk about GBF away from /vg/ I guess and I don't really blame them.

>people just want to talk about GBF away from /vg/ I guess and I don't really blame them
You're not wrong, the general is a cesspool. More actual game discussion of Granblue happens here than on /vg/.

Uhh the gameplay? Get an in-depth look at the mechanics, speed, playstyles and so on maybe? Gameplay that shows a basic normal normal normal special combo doesn’t really show shit. And I never trust Arcsystemworks when they say they make a “baby tier” fighting cause shit like even Cross tag still has some dirty shit to it and stuff you need to practice your ass off in the end. Not as much as say Guilty Gear obviously but it’s not fucking mortal Kombat or SFV tier or something

Why are Seraph weapons so annoying to fully make?

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Newbie here, im almost HL but I noticed that I still need to get to 120 to start working on m2 weapons. I have a basic m1 fire and wind grid but im not sure if I should work on dark and light weapons since chevira swords and claws dont really get replaced currently.
Should I just work on the water and earth anyways?

You're going to need a grid of every element eventually.

whoever is the most OP on release

It sucks that youll have to replace a lot of that shit but youre going to hate yourself for not having at least a working basic grid in every element.

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mfw I didn't know the name of a single character 2 months ago


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god i hope he has his crew with him

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Same here and now I’m wasting entire days off on this stupid mobile game sometimes now

Probably for his intro/win screen/super attacks and if we are lucky, maybe for his special moves too

Isn't it great playin the grindan game.

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I can understand everyone being there, but exactly why is Lowain on the list?

god i hope there are more

the question is if his earth SR version will have any impact on how he plays in Versus. that version has a mechanic where it cant use ougi unless he's at full stacks and the ougi is Elsam transforming into a robot

>spend a few crystals for three draws in the light draw the other day
>only SSR is for a second sword on the cob
i have no one to blame but myself.

yeah I used the free 3k we got on dark rateup hoping for Clarisse/Tanya/Eustace, got nothing, oh well
I really need to start saving for a spark though

They're easing you into the grind. It only gets worse.

I hope for 18 at minimum, cause if it’s 16 it’ll be pretty easy to guess the rest of the roster I think.

tits too big, around pic related would be perfection

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what's a good team to make out of these guys? what's a good water EX weapon I can get easily right now?

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Go be gay somewhere else.

Funny character, I can already see his special intros with Katalina and Vira

For now Pholia, Silva and Lily. Lily will get 5* soonish and second years... at some point. The dagger you get from Lovelive collab is as good as it gets for now if lacking the princonne sword

I'll check that out, thanks

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Yeah cause Vira, Narmaya and a OC character would be guarenteed. Zeta is in which would mean her retard girlfriend is likely. Two Dragon Knights and they are insanely popular along with no earth element yet means Siegfried is super damn likely. Considering that they are going to tackle parts of the main story too on top of their original story means that it’s also likely that Black Knight has a solid chance too. And right there it’s already 16. So that’s the problem cause when I get into the characters that are very likely, they all can’t fit in 16. Somebody noteworthy would be left out for certain.

Some will be for sure dlc bait though. I can imagine Zooey and Orchid being that. Sandalphon as well. There’s just too many characters in this game to funnel in a small roster so I hope they find a happy middle cause I don’t want them to be dbfz simple since it’s fine there cause it’s a 3v3 and you don’t want to learn 3 super complex characters just to play but this is 1v1 so they should be more interesting and unique playstyles for these characters, but of course that means smaller roster initially. Who knows what the plan is, could be gong for the sfv route and just add most of them as dlc every year. Up to Cygames

If you can get a good buffer/debuffer like Yuel, Altair or Drang, you will have a really good water team

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>boobs so very large that they casually squish into things around them, press into tables, and knock things over
>that subtle wobble caused by their sheer mass with every movement

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You forgot a certain alchemist

low test

yeah Clarisse would be great

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That’s the point I was making. I could have kept going but I already hit 16. So those roster slots are going to be filled up fast. That’s why I’m hoping at least for 18-20

what a cute weirdo


Why are the granblue comics so fun?

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I too would want this silly girl

2/22 through 3/9:
1 daily free roll,
200 login crystals
Campaign exclusive quest
1.5x RP/XP 1/2 off AP/BP for raids, main story, and Special quests
1.2x pendants, 2x pendant cap
2x Journey drop shop

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Only one can be in the base roster.

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Ah and if you ever reach lv 100 with silva use her 3th skill to swap her out with aquors so you can use their pitiful multiattack buff assuming you get nothing new water wise for a while.

I wish their flb wasnt delayed, I bet they would have become halfway decent.


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>pre-anni campagin
>anni stream
>anni campaign
pls dont suddenly release some amazing character, I want to save

cute diaper

I read somewhere that they're going to have some kind of cross-interaction between the gacha and Relink, is that true? What could they realistically do aside from a free tenfold when buying the game? Is Versus going to have something too?

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Fuck off, retard.

Delete this

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I don't think they've said anything about it, but it's very likely since they give stuff for the gacha game with a bunch of other products like anime DVDs/BDs and books.


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I just only got into finally saving my crystals properly after starting two months ago. If they release something like Golden knight im fucked

Which draph has the greatest bust:height ratio

I really hope they add in her light skin or the holy knight one. shit looks rad as fuck.

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Relink is in a new Skydom, all primals will be new.
We will probably encounter new characters too.
It's a lot of things you can put in your gacha.


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human fleshlight

The Light skin would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath for skins.

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Potatoes can't be sexy.

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Make sure you order it now

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What are you Canadian?

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She wishes. It would actually make her a normal sized person

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>implying it was ever about the girls and not the politics

the fattest one. which one is that again, bros?

>two chapters still untranslated
It's not fair.

>Want to be hype
>Know the west will disregard it for being too anime
>Know competitive players will ignore it cause it doesn't say Street Fighter on the cover
I really hope the game is good enough to break the mold and really blow up. The people sponsored by cygames will probably be forced to play so that might help a bit.

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Who care about the west? Your enjoyment hinges on the retards in the FGC liking the game? I hope it never gets translated.

What will we get for legfes? It's right after the sky blue 2 rerun.

Sandy flb?
Grand sandy?
Playable primarchs?

I just hope it's not Belial. Sandalphon was kind of shoehorned into the party and it would be 10 times worse for Belial.

I want Lyria to look at me like this.

>the girls at the top are ugly and 3DPD-looking
>the girls at the bottom are cute and 2D-looking (even in 3d models)
How is that difficult to understand holy shit
Whoever made this image must have brain damage

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Don't worry Sonicfox will play it.

You kind of need some people to enjoy it if you want a scene, but who knows if it'll honestly be good enough to be worthy of playing competitively. FighterZ is already at the edge.


You're correct.
Cowfags don't know what moderation is and it loops back into fucking comedic.


>Know competitive players will ignore it cause it doesn't say Street Fighter on the cover
Competitive players don't care about the game, they are here for the money if they can be good at it.
Granblue Fantasy Versus won't be an air dahser/anime fighter/3v3 game, so anyone will be able to pick it.
Cygames will put more money on the table for GBFVS than Capcom ever did for Street Fighter.
The game could actually be the next big thing.

We'ee that kind of anime though, we've made friends with half the antagonists and most of the event bosses. We made friends with Sturm und Drang, we made friends with BK we made friends with Sandy, we'll surely make friends with Gold and Red knight any day now and when we make friends with Zwei, which let's not kid ourselves, we will, we might even make friends with Furias.
Don't refute me because if you do we'll never get playable fenrir

Kokkoro(male) is a flashfes character!

my wife
i know shes not in

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A man of refined taste.

>Competitive players don't care about the game, they are here for the money if they can be good at it.
Capcom is unironically the worst thing to happen to fighting games.

My number 1 choice if they want to have a representative for every weapon type in the game.

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Yeah, fair enough. I'd certainly like Fenrir over Belial.

Have fun playing arcade mode in Japanese then I guess

I'm sure it will have some players, even a small games like UNI can these days. It'd just be nice for it not to become a discord game.

>The game could actually be the next big thing.
This is true, though NRS does the same and the games usually die off pretty fast. Cygames sponsored EVO last year as well which could play a factor. But what will probably the deciding factor is if it can convert GB players into GBV players. Which games are the biggest usually comes down to brand loyalty. SF players always go on about they just want a game that "feels like SF", but then will disregard alternatives. I'm sure with GBV there will be some excuse as well, so it is really about who else they can bring in.

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>Competitive players don't care about the game

I was not talking about GBF, I was talking about the popularity of a fighting game in the competitive scene

Kazunoko knows he has to stop the furry menace at any cost. He can't let sonicfox kill another game.

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>gays dont want to be seen as obnoxious retards
>furries dont want to be seen as obnoxious retards
>sonicfox is both and as obnoxious as possible

Onee-chan is pretty much guaranteed to make it in

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I wish. Have they shown any female draph?

I'm sure grindblue players will be ecstatic to know that fighting games also requires autismal grinding

No and none will be in the game

likely holding out cause MUH CORE VALUES. You'll have to wait for the drip feed

paid DLC for our royaru players

B-back pussy?

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oh boy now I have to play it twice as much

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>when she's serious about wanting your D right now

Naru is 100% in, she doesn't have any cleavage in her base form (which is the case for all the characters) anyway.

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Is there a released date for this game yet?

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Retards like you coming to Yea Forums this late are worse.

Yeah I know, they will put huge tits in it, I'm sure of it.
But those retards are focus on the idea that they won't put any draph girl in it while Naru is clearly one of the most popular character of GBF in Japan and that they will get bombed if she is not in the game.

it's literally one guy

Imagine defending models actually made to be uglier than their real life counterparts

Isn't that her Story art and not her capped art?


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It'll really be comedic if I had some titties that size in my face

deal with it francine


It would be a crime if her or Ghanda won't be in the game.

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>what? a product I pay for should be enjoyable to look for! this must be gamergate at it again.

This. I want to kick the shit out of some fags and watch Stan ineffectually cheer her on in the background or in her openings/win screens.

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I think Ghanda will be the token arcsys grappler.

At least she reconsidered her change of clothes after being burned once. As it turned out fighting primals in your panties might not be the best idea for a 8.5 ssr.
Next step in character development would be dropping something heavy on her toes.

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>8.5 ssr.

dark zeta best zeta
racing suit second best


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Chad main coming through

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>started GBF when Right Behind You was the currently running event
>got Zeta on the tutorial roll
>got event Zeta from Right Behind You straight afterwards
Can't wait for her 5*

>Implying I'd mind

>girl with hunger "I am growing stronger"

This is so accurate it hurts

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wow, he's a fat girl now

Is the only way to play Granblue through the browser version?
That's kinda lame.

I can't play another gacha, i have fucking things to do in the day.

No, there is a phone app too, you can get it off Apkpure and Qooapp.


The app hasn't been updated since last year.

why is this the SR version? she looks way better with actual clothes compared her base version, same with Beatrix

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The others are simply older, and a lot of the older art in the game isn't the best. At least you can switch skins whenever you want.

I was told to start playing during the anniversary event, so I could make the most out of rerolling. Should I start rerolling tomorrow? How do I go about this to get the best possible starting outcome?

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free SR from an event story

multi accounts during the roulette, pick the best account at the end.

Just started. Got Shiva, Zeta, Scathatch, Seruel from the free rolls from New Year's but I havent touched the game since. What's the flowchart on progression? Story? Also what's a grid?

Also, you can start to make your accounts now and only keep those with a SSR you like since you got one at the start if I remember right.

>purposely make ugly female characters
>people feel the characters are ugly

>make attractive female characters that are based on popular male characters
>people feel the characters are attractive

wOW rEaLLy MAkeS yOu ThINk

switchfags on suicide watch

I dunno man I literally just started whenever with no events going on and didn't reroll once. Was it "optimal"? No. Was it a problem in any way? No.
Just play and have fun my man.

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Got it. I don't think I'm going to care much about the starting SSR's, since I'm really only shooting for Magisa and Tsubasa (not even sure you can get these two?) But If I got it straight it's
>make like 10~20 accounts
>Do roulette ever day between the 22nd and 9th
>Choose best
Yeah I get that, but I might as well take advantage of it while I can, y'know

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Faggot get ye gone.

FGfag here, do we know anything about the mechanics or the gameplay ?

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You'll have them when the biggerest gbf stream happens next month

Grid is your equipped weapons. Check out the wiki on beginners grids.

>wants to be your big sister
>also wants to fuck you
Heles is great.

>Competitive players don't care about the game, they are here for the money if they can be good at it.
Those guys only play SFV or T7 for some. Kazunoko is a GG player for example, you don't have that kind of money there.
Ok I'll watch it, I hope the game is interesting, I don't care about grandblue but if it's good, it's good.


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The one daily free roll is not the Roulette.
Roulette will probably start during the Anniversary.
Also, don't forget that characters don't matter that much, the grid will always be the most important thing.
So basically pick your account with your dick and if you have top tier characters with it, great.
Tier List:
Reroll guide:

Here is an example grid for starting in Wind, the easiest to start out with.
>Tiamat Bolt Omega x 7 (obtained from Tiamat Omega raids)
>Bahamut weapon (crafted)
>EX weapon (an easy to obtain Wind EX weapon from the Shadowverse side story)
>Ring of Raphael (crafted) or Qinlong Spear (Rise of the Beasts raids)

You can just read the summary or replay the Versus part after the stream has ended, given that you don't care about the main game itself. It's gonna be like 2 or 3 hour stream.

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Only that

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That's just your brain damage

I can appreciate that kind of autism

Also, one button special (probably something like Smash?)

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>Also, don't forget that characters don't matter that much, the grid will always be the most important thing.
This was true a year ago, now there are characters that are clearly better than any other option. Many of them limited too.

There's this interview

>got 4 Tia bolts, 3 Tia gauntlets, Shadowverse bow, Baha dagger Coda and Lecia's grand weapon
>can now beat whole raids solo
Feels good, man. I can't wait to replace the gauntlets with bolts for more enmity. What can I replace my shadowverse bow with? The Xeno weapon?

When will we hear more about this game? as a fan of dbfz this should be right up my alley

Grid still comes first though. And most of them being limited is a hyperbole.

3 weeks at the Granblue 5th anniversary event

That guy looks cool I'll probably main him or the catboy if they're really in.
I'll watch everything if I have time, just to feel the game.
Ok yeah we don't really know anything we didn't suppose.
Thanks, I'll read it.

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>Game is too have the same appeal as SF2
>Short combos
>No air dash (at least no universal air dash system or character with such an ability revealed)
>Special button
>Want it to be a game someone who never played on a console could get into but "still keeping the more experienced gamer in mind when it comes to the depth of strategy"
>Plans for a large esports push

Attached: GRANBLUE FANTASY Versus Lancelot.webm (1080x720, 2.78M)

>one button special
quarter circle+one button

can't wait for ice minazuki

Did Windcelot or Icelot come first?

You could have a frontline of 9.5s/10s that are all limited but it won't matter a lick if you have a shit grid.

I think it's too fucking perfect for Lancelot to be the icecar of this game
All icecars are fucking annoying faggots


Holy shut looks like my sis.

>tfw ARCsys put Danger Time in the game

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Who are your NEVER EVERS for the game? I want Yodarha and Cucouroux.

If anything, at the very least it will probably have a big as fuck prize pot to keep people playing cause that's just how Cygames rolls.

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>Of the currently announced cast, Gran can cast “Rage”, which is a buff ability that can increase his attack. Katalina has “Light Wall” which gives her super armor, and you can use that to aim for counterattacks. Other abilities in the game will buff Triple Attack, heal, provide Elemental Attack Up, and more.
This is cool.

I don't know anything about Granblue but I saw an image of a guy who looked like Rock Howard and and an image of a petite girl with a cool sword, so maybe I'll play one of those if they're in and I get the game.

If someone doesn't post some stupid huge draph tits right now I am CANCELLING Relink!

I just wanna fuck people's shit up with Eliza like I do with Jam, but those fuckers on the West are going to shit on her thanks to the "Core Values" of their FGC.

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I'd also accept Korwa

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Aliza I mean. Fuck McRibb and his core monetary values.

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God I fucking love short haired girls with huge tits

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my boy Belial

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>in less than a month, Belial is going to sodomize us in front of our waifus

18 hours until we get raped again friend

Fuck that homo, I'm more interested in PREMIUM FRIDAY.

Hopefully they don't forget about Zodiacs and put sheep in considering their ougis
Could they even put them in and call it a homage? They might be fucked from the start due to that

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Should have just said flat out that this is just P4A, but with gbf characters then.

>implying Belial is a top and not a total buttslut

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You first, edgy cunt.

Wulf and Bitchie

>>gays dont want to be seen as obnoxious retards
>>furries dont want to be seen as obnoxious retards
Gay parades and fursuits/furryfandom portray otherwise.

Lilele and birdbro

Birdman would be pretty nice, but yeah he's probably NEVER EVER

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>guy who looked like Rock Howard
Feather. It's a 100% intentional homage.

muh ground fighter so yeah

It was never true.

It kind of was when GW 5* ruled everything.

Any RoB origin characters

here's your primal rep

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>got 3 MLBed elechanged Guild War weapons
>still can't upgrade Siero's shop, need 4 more rare weapons

those are the obnoxious examples we should eradicate with flamethrowers

No way, we're getting Zoi.

Hey you got it better than we did. The rares dropping from gw box was implemented on this gw.

I emptied 6 boxes and it covered 2/3rds of it, so there are still a few more I need to get the original way. I've been farming rare monsters with Bounty for 2 days now but I haven't even gotten a single weapon yet.



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Ummm no sweaties there's only one choice here

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I won't know any of the characters until versus or the action game comes out because I don't play gacha trash.

*teleports behind you and takes your slot*
Nothin personell, faker.

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But GBF isn't like other gacha games.


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That would make me very angry I'm not gonna lie.

Unfortunately he's probably more popular than Lucio.

that's what every gacha player would say for their game

Please god

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Please, I'm fine with her just being in the background..

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they are no better at representing their groups then the pink haired fat feminist or the skinny underage kekistaner

My fapfu. There's no way she won't be in since Ueda is a huge fighting game fan. Or was it just gundam? Either way, she goes to EVO often

>people would rather look at attractive human beings instead of ugly human beings
Wow, that is an amazing revelation. Hey, did you know that the work of attractive people on average is valued up to twenty percent more even if they performed the same amount of labor unattractive people did? Really makes you think.

No they wouldn't.

It's an MMO buddy.

shes looking like my main so far

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Sword-Husband all the way.

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barefoot cuties only

Is Granblue a thing in Europe yet?

What do you mean, can't you just play it on browser ?

It's a browser game just go on the website and play it

Oh, I thought it was a mobile game.

your husband is a creep

No u

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Well if only one eternal could get in it would be him

>What can I replace my shadowverse bow with? The Xeno weapon?

Those sound like two different people, almost. But how can you tell who is a hypocrite on an anonymous image board?

what is this character and where do i find more?

Cute siblings.

I think you mean trans-dimensional lovers.

Its carmelina
Just go check booru or something

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Dragon bait

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This is why i started drawing
Normal people will never understand that subtlety of boobs

They're just friends.

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Cute jannu. Come back when you're an SSR variant.

Who is best general and why is it Mahira?

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It's obviously Vajra.



What's my best setup to wanpan Europa?
I'm using mechanic + Ayer / Nemone / Eugen right now but m1 dirt deals fuck all for damage, I need 2 turns to hit around 70k using my current characters.
Reposting here because /vg/ is not really helpful.

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Will Rosetta ever be playable on Versus?

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Too old, she would just hurt her back.

based and checked

>in the background

Doubt it

Rosecopter is too strong

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No old ladies allowed

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Yeah /gbfg/ is having leech list fun right now so you wont find any help there for some time

And one panning M2 is dumb, it wont get you any blue chests, try to MVP host your own as often as you can instead
Ayer/sara/arulu is probably best team for longer fights like that that you have right now, halle would just get hit too often to be useful

Ah, I'll keep that team in mind, thanks user.
I seriously don't get all the crew drama, never did.It's boring.

Don't you get like a 25% chance at a blue chest if you hit ~100k contribution? It's why I was curious to a possible mechanic setup since with magfes happening tomorrow I can spend a lot of berries to luck into quite some blue chests, technically.


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Who put cream on that chicken?

Well its somewhere around that 25% and if you have way too much berries then go for it its what i did with grimnir
Just be aware that it will take a LOT of berries to get weapons that way, i used it mostly to just get animas to 4* my summons and even that took shit loads of berries to do one panning

This is your protagonist (male) for tonight. Please remember to main him.

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I mean given that we're gonna have double cap up for the next month or so I'll be able to buy like 2 Europa harps already. I have like 7k berries right now and sure wouldn't mind spending half of those.
Hopefully actually getting more than 2 harps out of doing that.

Any chance of getting Macho Vee as a secret boss or something?

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Aren't both of these people kind of retarded

Maybe in April

Is there some kind of setting for that hp meter thing or is that an extension type deal?

Honestly, I can see it as an actual character in the game.
Everyone would be ok/happy with it.

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No, but she's good at riding

>playing a 1 button special baby game

lmao'ing at your life

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Just don't keyboard shortcuts because that might get you banned.

Im a draph main

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>another shit game with awful mechanics

Were you trying to prove something here? Two button DP's were absolute cancer, armored overheads sucked as an idea, giving people an additional 50 meter and more defense for being low on life was absolutely retarded and that game died on its ass even in japan quite quickly with its sequel barely selling, and this game has every special as one button on top of being slow (by their own admission)

You can't make a game like SF2 with 1 button specials and at a slow pace, you know what happened during the time SF2 was still being re-released??? They kept SPEEDING SF2 UP BECAUSE PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE IT BEING SO SLOW and now we're at the point where people think SF2 means being slow and easy, like god damn could they be any more wrong, sure SF2 is simple on the surface but people don't still play it because of that at all, it has an absurd amount of tech that keeps it alive in the places it is played

Look at fantasy strike/blade strangers if you don't believe me, baby games don't ever do well, GBFV will sell well in japan because of its brand and great graphics and that is all, Arcsys are making dynasty warriors tier trash for anyone who asks now

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draph men don't look like that.

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dude, fighting games are dead and shit, people only play them to play their favorite characters, which is why the non-fighting-game smash is so popular, no one cares about spending 100 hours learning frame-data, execution and match-ups when the game is outdated in half a year

>says that while posting a blaz reaction pic
>its last iteration is the most dumbed down shit currently in the market

who cares about cross trash battle, that game ain't blazblue, thats like calling GG isuka or GG2 guilty gear, it just proves my point that arcsys just make trash now

I hope the game includes some homocore songs

damn summer Jeanne looks like that?

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dude smash is popular because any retard can pick up a pad and pretend they're good with their friends, it has the strognest brands ever in videogaming behind it too and actual singleplayer content, actual fighting games cannot compete with smash because of those simple facts, also smash is so technical top players damage their hands for the rest of their lives attempting to play it at high level because they're too autistic to change controllers

So they have to double down on the technical aspects, look at Tekken, that game has more technical requirements than most others, doesn't even have a tutorial yet is super popular

How old is she again?

my wife

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Not very, she's in high school after all.

your wife fucks Draph guys

But thats a dude?


very good choice my man

Started playing a few months ago because of the two games and I have no idea who I want in, all the characters I've gotten are cool and I'd probably be happy with whatever the final rosters are going to be.

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>slow pace
Who said this? Nobody, retard.
You are taking the whole "SF2" way too seriously.
They said this because it's different than a fast paced anime game like Xrd and DBFz.
Street Fighter is know by everybody, but they could have said like UNIST without air dash.

Why is he so popular?

>Who said this?
They don't need to, it's being designed for people who have to look down at the controller mid match to find the TRIANGLE BUTTON for god sake, I'm sure it's going to be very hectic with no movement options, 1 button specials and people wondering where triangle is

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That's complete bullshit though. Every SF since 4 they've gone no guys this is a return to our SF2 routes. SF2 is always brought up as a positive and not a super simple game for idiots. The GBV interviews brings up SF2 as we want our game to have the same level of a appeal and longevity. If anything they mean getting rid of the multiple meters and extra mechanic. But make a clear point they still want depth.

You're probably the same guy who was spamming it will be a 2 button fighter last thread

You sound like the kind of guy that assumes of a single vague statement that the next Guilty Gear will be missing 80% of its mechanics, no motions and nothing but auto combos when we haven’t even seen a title to the game yet

My wife of course!

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My nigga

ugliest rock

My girlfriend, Cucuroux will be the gun rep with her miniguns

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The big gay

low tier bait


That is a very gay thing to say user.

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The biggest gay

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Like with DBFz, right?
You are literally retarded my dude.

More gun users would be nice

Supremely based

Based user

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Box, but give me anyone from here and I'll be happy.

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>100% in
Bea, Orchid, Yuel