The space meteors are coming to turn you gay, Yea Forums. What will you do?
Gay space meteors
>tfw don't live in gay world
Who exactly is the target audience for this?
It's probably an allegory for being gay in a straight world or some bullshit like that
the 2+ of the alphabet soup
Girls who read heterosexual shoujo manga but also don't mind some gay spice.
It's a straight manga to make a straight yume feels special for... being normal.
Shin Sekai Yori fans
People who want to experience forbidden love but are such squares the only way to do that is to turn perfectly vanilla love forbidden.
I wish the gay meteors would hurry up.
According to it being cancelled after 2 volumes, no one.
>licensing a canceled manga
For what purpose?
Maybe it was one of those bundle deals?
Twitter is already going crazy.
Apparently the female author has made multiple misogynistic comments and that women should stay in their own lane.
This series is an allegory to her feeling like the only straight/sensible person in a world that is becoming increasingly confused.
Also it ends with the guy deciding he still prefers dick instead of going for her cunni.
>Licensing a cancelled flop
And they wonder why scanlations are so popular
>guy chooses dick over MC
So they'll release 1 volume and then quietly drop it
>Also it ends with the guy deciding he still prefers dick instead of going for her cunni.
Lol sounds like a wet dream for fujos and alphabet people.
This series wasn't cancelled. People have mixed it up with another manga from the author that they were publishing on twitter. It had to do with gender and sexuality but it was extremely tone deaf for the twitter audience.
>Also it ends with the guy deciding he still prefers dick instead of going for her cunni.
>Also it ends with the guy deciding he still prefers dick instead of going for her cunni.
wtf it's based now
So what's all this about a final chapter? Because that sounds like the perfect ending.
The MC confesses to the guy. It looks like he's going to accept it, but instead he friendzones her since he prefers dick.
The end.
So it wasn't cancelled it just ended?
I like this manga already
How's the love interest?
The contrary, the alphabets are mad because they think this is homophobic, somehow
haha, mc is a loser
Thats what I'm trying to figure out.
It sounds like hilariously some insane anti-gay book from the face of it.
>in the year 2069, the world is under the rule of the Fag Empire. State enforced homosexuality and government controlled breeding programs force humanity into same sex depravity. One man and one woman dared to break the mould, and love one another. On the run from the government and antiheterosexual militants, they must protect themselves and young child, as they fight to embrace human nature
Type bullshit.
What the hell is the point of it then?
This sounds like that one dogfucker comic Our Love Is Real.
where are the molerats failing at life?
I would rather die straight than live a single day as a fag
Because it kinda is. It's the same breed at those books about the where a group of real-life minority became the dominant and how persecuted the "normal" people are (ex: those Christian movie about the war on Christmas, God not Death 1,2 and 3)
The space meteor is too late.
Not really. Role reversal speculative fiction is all about exploring stuff like that. Usually it's done to expose people to the issues the "other side" faces.
The problem is that the way that them were written are more often than not renforce the readers belief and bias about that particular minority group, meaning rather than "exposing problems of minorities", most of them end up saying to the readers "you should be wary of these minorities because they will do the same thing on you if they ever get the power to do so". This mainly happen due to most writers never put much though on the why these problem arose but just switch the roles of 2 groups
>they will do the same thing on you if they ever get the power to do so
I mean, this is true. Twitter is a minority of minority group, but they absolutely would fuck things up if given the chance. And they have, like in the CHAZ.
I know Twitter doesn't represent all minority groups, I'm in at least 3 of them. But the world is stuck in a vicious cycle where the strong will pray on the weak and justify their decisions. No matter who's in charge, that's what happens.
>This mainly happen due to most writers never put much though on the why these problem arose but just switch the roles of 2 groups
True. Hell even if the whole world turned gay thirty years ago there would likely still be large amounts of hold outs trying to deny their gay gay feelings for religion or whatever.
>Also it ends with the guy deciding he still prefers dick instead of going for her cunni.
It's not really homophobic because it treats homosexuality as an actual serious thing, thus validating it. What really gets under their skin is telling them homosexuality doesn't exist and "orientations" are false psychology in the first place.
Enjoy the mass suicides among christians. Pray to whatever gods of faggotry exist that traps are gay and don't go away.
>It's the same breed at those books about the where a group of real-life minority became the dominant and how persecuted the "normal" people are
You mean like a normal sermon?
>space meteors are coming to turn you gay, Yea Forums
Been there done that.
Me browsing Yea Forums
If it was selling well, the editor would convince the author to stretch it at least for 5 or 6 volumes.
Christians would justify it as an act of god and completely reverse their stance.
Joke's on them, I'm posting here, so I'm already gay!
What happen with gays? Do they turn straight?
Protip: the more someone claims they hate gays, the more likely they are in fact gay.
Might be based on here due to homophobic message but the actual thing are just borefest. Shoujo is dying anyway
We've been through this before. The consensus was that shoujo is doing fine in Japan but westerners don't notice it because seasonal anime is for shut-in losers while shoujo is for normies, hence better suited for J-dramas, and female weebs moved to K-dramas
>Also it ends with the guy deciding he still prefers dick instead of going for her cunni.
Another female hack author, jesus
so were those 2 born from some unknown fathers
They remain gay.
Did this have a scanslation team on it?
Jesus christ what an awful premise.
Yes, but only the first chapter has been translated.
Gay people can decide to have children, either by artificial insemination, or good old lay back and think of England.
>Everybody became gay 30 years ago
>Story takes place in High School
Are they gonna explain this or just handwave it away?