Attached: [SubsPlease] Estab-Life - Great Escape - 09 (1080p) [8310980B].mkv_snapshot_04.21.636.jpg (1920x1080, 164.92K)
dis nigga a one piece villain
Reminds me of Big Mom, yeah.
I should also remember to watch the ep now
>/biz/ right now
Woah... steak. I wish I could afford to eat that
Holy shit that tower
goemon vibes
Damnit where are the stitches!
I didn't expect her to lose the race itself, so that was a mild surprise.
Looked like she did it to create a dust cloud to hide in as a distraction. She already got the attention of the warden before the race by talking big.
Weak episode. Also fuck this penguin.
Looks like Big Mom got isekai'd.
As expected, looks like the plot has started to kick in.
>Weak episode
Fuck you it was great.
Is M-san The Manager?
These 2 last episodes have been really good, too bad we are already 3 episodes away from the end.
The villian didn't really do it for me this episode, but it still had some cool moments and the humor was consistent with the rest of the show so far. Martes' acting was funny and her facial expressions are still the best among the cast. Feles as a sniper felt more tense than usual. Martes' getting pancaked was great, too.
This is Kiriha.
Is this achievable natty?
But why?
I've been watching this series but not posting in the threads. this show is retarded
No guys, this is the week. I swear I'll catch up this week.
This show is the best part of my Wednesdays. Really going to miss it.
awwww yeahhhh that's the stuff
what the
I....I don't know if I'm ready for this estabros
user, that IS the natty limit. Just /gomad/ and /ss/
Well, you can't say that anymore.
Who's the manager?
I am.
We'll find out
>Estab Life
>no one gets stabbed
>no naked Martes after the crushing
A shame.
Can Equa help me escape Yea Forums?
Lmao, the only cluster that's makes sense to extract people from to gain freedom.
I do think Equa is in cahoots with The Manager
It was made pretty clear that their work is an intended part of the system at least.
This is not my prison school waifu
spoke too soon
They're basically maintenance crew for the system, they even have special access to any cluster through the subway that has no real purpose otherwise since people aren't supposed to travel between clusters.
Call them and find out
That's a good point, we haven't seen them do a job that requires them to extract from their cafe's/Equa's cluster yet either.
Pretty sure the cafe is in Ochanomizu, it doesn't make any sense to attend school at a completely different cluster.
Also they did hint that Fuchu was a prison cluster in episode 6 too
>we want the uma musume audience: the episode
Warden is pure evil but she has cool taste.
That's another thing, what's up with the school seems like there's nothing to do with their missions, I guess it's just to give you reference that they are still highschool age.
IRL Ochanomizu has a lot of big unis, it's probably quite deviant to not attend school if you're of schooling age in an exaggerated version of it.