We did it. This finally killed Higurashi

We did it. This finally killed Higurashi.

Attached: higu gou eng.jpg (350x298, 52.62K)

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It's not the best but i liked this the most.

good, 07 is a hack

Imagine taking such a huge shit on the only good work you ever made in your entire career.

I'm happy to see they are doing well

Attached: 大学レナ魅音圭一.jpg (789x576, 115.33K)

It didn't just kill Higurashi. It went back in time and killed all its ancestors too.

What Ryukishi07 did say now?

It unironically killed Ciconia too. That leaker said a be Higurashi series would happen this year but I wouldnt be surprised if they canceled it

gou was unironically kino, picrel is what killed higurashi

Attached: killer.jpg (1000x1411, 174.54K)

my man finally got rid of that retarded looking vest