Without just saying "filtered" or "look at this faggot" can someone give one legitimate reason why Casca is rape-baited...

Without just saying "filtered" or "look at this faggot" can someone give one legitimate reason why Casca is rape-baited in every other chapter? Wyald is sorta forgivable since it's foreshadowing the eclipse but everything after that just seems like Miura's perverted fantasies, it's like there's a tits quota that has to be met and the only way he can do it is by having her be randomly assaulted, doesn't even tie into the overall narrative

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that's what realistically would happen to any young attractive woman during chaotic times. She is even more vulnerable because after the Eclipse she's left being both attractive and a tard, prime prey for any group of non-righteous men.

That Casca and her romance with Guts are so completely wasted is Berserk's biggest flaw in general, I think Miura just didn't know what to do with her but kept her around because hse makes his penis hard

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>Miura's intent was realism

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Look at this filtered faggot.

Besides the dark fantasy elements, Berserk is quite realistic regarding basic human needs and interactions.

Further evidence the Golden Age still remains the best arc from a character standpoint. Anyone who says otherwise is most likely an edgelord or a lorefag, the latter of which is somewhat forgivable because the world building is legitimately great

Anything before the introduction of Schierke and Isidro was great and I will always consider it peak Berserk. I fucking loved the first part of the Conviction Arc.

For me it's Golden Age > Conviction (particularly all the egg of the perfect world stuff) > Black Swordsman (this and Conviction might be tied) > Fantasia > Millennium Falcon

>characters being torn apart, decapitated and tortured every chapter = ok

>characters being raped = i'm so traumatized

Another retard from twatter gets filtered again

Who said anything about being traumatized? Everyone gets ripped to shreds, Casca gets specifically targeted with the rape. It's just transparent, simple as.

Because rape the easiest way to "shock" your audience and miura is an edgy perverted fag, and does it repeatedly because he wants to bersek to be haaardcore

look at this faggot

>Wyald is sorta forgivable since it's foreshadowing the eclipse
No, Wyald is the most unforgivable one of them all! Precisely because it comes at such a crucial point right before the eclipse!

Using Casca as rapebait to make Guts look good against a comedy villain makes the actual rape with thematic value (The Eclipse) cheaper, since it starts feeling like the artist was just hard during those chapters instead of thinking about the story. Some have made similar complaints about how many pages during the Eclipse rape scene focus just on Casca being hot and making sex faces, but I think the whole addition of Wyald and his scene is worse.

cry about it.

Becasue that's what would realistically happen and because it's part of the evil created by mankind.

Miura specifically stated that he kept Casca after the Eclipse as a reminder for Guts what happened, so that he cannot ever just forget the pain of the past.

>>Casca gets specifically targeted with the rape
There's been more rapes in Berserk that don't involve Casca than ones that do.

What Miura said was that Casca was a reminder for the reader, because we would've stopped caring about the Eclipse and the Band once Guts started making new companions and going on other adventures.

A bad decision overall, didn't really lead to anything worthwhile in terms of story and mostly hindered things.

>brainlets still not gettting that the Wyald section is about Griffith observing Guts, Casca and the apostle more than anything else that's shown, and that this very part of the story is important for his decision and behaviour at the Eclipse

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>A bad decision overall, didn't really lead to anything worthwhile in terms of story and mostly hindered things.
Quite the opposite. Without Casca, what reason would Guts have to not throw his humanity away and succumb to his desire for revenge? What do you suggest?

Nip men have a racial bent towards the degradation and defilement of women, which is why rape, NTR, gangbangs, ugly bastards and mind break are so prevalent in their pornography.
I blame low T originating from a diet of rice and soi.

What does that have to do with using Casca as rapebait to make Guts look good against a comedy villain, half a volume before he actually rapes Casca for an actual good reason that has thematic and emotional weight?

We discussed this like 2 days ago, not sure if you're the same guy. But otherwise just look it up, too annoying to go through all the points again

Link the post. Not going through all the Berserk threads of the past few days because you're too lazy to formulate your argument.

post-eclipse it's mostly done to make Guts suffer more

(whole thread, not OP)
And with that I will retire

The Golden Age is about a war-torn pre-modern society. Rape is common during most wars. Greek cities used to massacre their women and children to spare them the ravages of being conquered if they believed they were about to be overrun. Germanic tribes would have their women on the edge of the battlefield to remind their men what would happen (rape and enslavement) if they lost.
Everything after that is dealing with monsters whose soul purpose is to do evil. It would be weird if they didn't rape women.
Any other questions

A war torn pre-modern society with people like Adon who scream attack names, stand at 7'11 and cut through a dozen enemies with one slash while laughing like a retard. But yes, the salient point is the realism of the battlefield. Of course we should apply this "realism" criterion to every aspect of the setting, right? Not just when we talk about hot bitches getting railed? No?

My best guess is that Miura knows we care about Casca and Guts
Killing characters off isn't really that bad story wise because as a reader we at least get closure to their character
Meanwhile most of people who enjoy reading Berserk don't want to see Casca or Guts suffer anymore than they already have and being reminded of the eclipse tends to strike a cord with readers
>inb4 it's b8 m8

I don't know why people keep calling it realism, it's just the setting being consistent not a reflection of reality.

The whole realism thing is literally only EVER brought up when people question rape in stories. And the realism never applies to other aspects of the stories, neither does it apply to the specific situations the rape scenes are featured in i.e. what is Wyald doing stopping everything in the middle of the fight just to play around with raping Casca, leaving himself vulnerable to get his dick chopped off? Or how about the witch cult whose only interaction with others can only ever be raping them or goading them into getting raped by their goat leader?

No, it's only the abstract notion of "women used to get raped bro" that automatically equals realism. As if the mangaka are thinking about realism when they draw it kek

>A war torn pre-modern society with people like Adon who scream attack names, stand at 7'11 and cut through a dozen enemies with one slash while laughing like a retard.
As realistic as past kings and generals who claimed they were the reincarnation of some random God, so they had the birthright to conquer the whole known world. And people actually believed them, crazy right?

No, that's not crazy. Adon is crazy though.

On the one hand Berserk is an exploration of the darkness and depravity of humanity. The other hand is that Berserk is Miura using that to create his power and sex fantasies. He does in fact find it erotic and gets off to it a bit.

For the same reason there's an entire chapter of her being raped in explicit detail during the eclipse like a hentai doujin when he easily could've gotten the point across in an impactful page or two. It's a very thinly veiled fetish

>It's a very thinly veiled fetish
Nothing wrong with that really.

Posting in retarded thread

Where did I ever mention realism? It's a dark, gritty fantasy story. Rape happens often in real life war settings, why the fuck wouldn't it happen in a fantasy set in a wartorn medieval setting?

Because she's a woman fighter in a seinen made in the 80s and 90s: that's just what was done. The violated heroine kink didn't spring up out of nowhere.

At least make an attempt of argument to support your point of view. It's it's easy to just insult and leave. Go on, enlighten us with your high iq appreciation of Berserk.

nta, but you can balance a suspension of disbelief in a fantasy setting. This is "realism" in fiction.

I hate filtered faggots like this so much, like I don't get it, what do u expect from a "society" filled with savagery, a place before modern times where no one could hold anyone accountable for their actions, tell me what do u expect?

A mixture of realism(yes, you can still have aspects of realism in a fantasy manga you absolute retard), making the setting sufficiently dark, and also his perverted tendencies. Cry about it more, faglord.

She was the only woman, and a damn fine one at that, in a army of only men who probably got little to no action.
It's honestly a miracle that she wasn't raped sooner.

After reading that whole thread, I can say the discussion is pointless. They argue about whether Casca shouldn't have been a potato, which is an absolutely moot dscussion. If Casca were in any state in which Guts could communicate with her, he'd never have left to go on his quest for vengeance. They'd just continue licking each other's wounds like they did after the waterfall scene. Precisely because Guts believed he had lost everything he went away. Casca being sane or alive after the Eclipse would create a different timeline from what happened in the Black Swordsman arc, and killing her off isn't a solution either. This would just keep Guts railroaded on his warpath. Guts' objectve being to heal Casca's mental state is also a good foil for Griffith, who sacrificed everyone around him for his dream, whereas Guts puts his dream of revenge aside to save Casca all the while sacrificing his own body and mind. It ties into the overarching themes.
The only criticisms of Berserk I agree to is chestnut Puck being a criminal character assasination as well as a lot of the later characters having missed their potential to a degree. Remove Ivalera from the story and make Puck the elf that hangs out with Schierke to keep him in the interactions between her and Guts. This removes Puck from Isidro most of the time and may open up a way to expand his character a bit. Have another interaction between Guts and Azan and Serpico and Farnesse and Azan respectively. I don't think there was one after they met him again in Vritannis. I think this would solve some of the stagnation the characters in Guts' party suffer.

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Make threads that arent obvious bait first.

Sexual assault is a common theme for Guts, Griffith, and Casca. And Berserk in general.
Each were raped or sexually molested at different times. Griffith as a prostitute as a child and with the Torturer. Guts with Donovan and Slan. Casca with the Chudder troops and Apostles. Its a throughline of trauma that links them together.

Psychosexual trauma is a pretty common theme in Berserk and something that Miura dealt with at different points through different methods and characters.

Golden Age is pretty great, but I also really enjoy Fantasia. The JRPG party has all the individual personality that Miura wasn't able to put into the Band of the Hawk.

>Casca is the one single woman in this army
>bad guys all rape and fuck dudes' asses out of necessity
>they see a woman and go crazy

That's literally it. at least you're not crying okver casca being "too naked" during her sex with guts like I've seen before

Everything, how could you not get that user's post? Griffith is fully aware of how evil apostlehood is and gives up everyone to them anyway because he's a nigger bitch. He actually does rape Casca later and that's partly thanks seeing Wyald in action and his power. There are multiple panels of him just staring in awe at Wyald.


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Slan raped Guts?

Since this is a berserk thread I gotta ask, do you think there's any chance for a continuation after the magazine finishes its revival of Ouroden? That Miura's assistants are like gathering notes and stuff while the old serialization is going on? ;_;

This thread is retarded, and so are you OP. Get filtered fucking faggot.

Not full rape, but she did try and mostly succeed on forcing herself on him. Leaving a fairly literal psychological scar on Guts for it.

Yes, I do think there's a chance they'll make a sequel. The strongest hints being Duranki having been cancelled while the future of Berserk is still undecided according to the afterword in 364, as well as them saying they want to honor Miura's wishes. But if you're getting your hopes up you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. Just wait. Going through whatever notes or scripts Miura has left behind and trying to write the story the way he would have is going to take some time. There might also be legal issues if Miura's family doesn't want tanyone to touch Berserk..

Based pure love user

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How's the romance wasted if it's the driving force behind Guts' every action after Lost Children?

Expecting his assistants to know what he was going for and being able to pull off writing that is very naive at best, delusional monkeys paw wishing at worst.

>comedy villain
Fun things are fun

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Brehs, we'll never get a faithful start to finish anime adaption, right?

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2nd guy; I don't think it's wasted, but the fact that Guts and Casca only get a couple dozen chapters of romantic non-tard interaction and actual engagement (which likely would have been fixed if Miura didn't die) is a little sad

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Are we sure there's no way to bring back someone from the dead?

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