Would you like to date a mind reader?
Spy x Family
Yes, imagine all the things you can get away with if you got a mind reader gf
loli x shota fanart >>> grown up headcanon designs fanart
the only way a mind reader would date you if is they already agree with what is on your mind though
shut up pedo
In the ideal scenario, they already know that people think stupid thoughts and wouldn't judge me for it.
In the realistic scenario, I'm too much of a degen even for a mind reader.
But it's cute...
>nooo you cant see characters like they are actually designed, age them up for le twitter points!!
its not
I like to read this post in a way that says the "headcanon" part is not them being grown up but rather Anya ending up as an imperial scholar
Can't wait for the adolescence time skip arc where Damian gets horny for the first time and Anya hears it
>all of my allowance
A bag of peanut items is "all of his allowance"? He's supposed to be rich as fuck. Not as rich as Becky, but that would look like Anya's allowance rather than his.
I like cute girls but I think terrible things often so she would likely get offended and leave.
You think you're the only one who thinks bad things all the time?
Only the finest peanuts for Anya
unironically laughed irl
If she could read my thoughts she'd realize how lazy I am
I thought Damian supposed to have black hair. Does anime change him to greenish?
Anya's life would have fallen apart by then (with her parents going missing), she's more likely to end up as a resident student who uses Damian to survive.
Every important character gets their own color scheme
Of course not, I assume most people think terrible things. It would be a pretty horrible power to have to read minds, you would forever know what people think about you, things that you are better off not knowing.
Nice reading comprehension
they're just too cute
>those watermarks
Do these twittard "artists" doesn't know about reverse psychology or how the internet works?
They're probably pretty young.
I don't like the anime design, his face is rare
Why are male tsundere so good?
Damian is a tsundere Draco Malfoy, which if you think about it is a great archetype.
Less overused than female tsundere and less violent
Damian is a nice kid and the real victim of the story, unlike Malfoy.
Damian in the manga has a slightly stronger jaw than the shots we saw in the preview, but the character sheet they used gives him a flat jaw, so maybe that’s just inconsistency between shots.
The biggest and most obvious change is that they made his head a lot bigger in the anime. I’m guessing that was to make him look younger and cuter like an actual 6 year old, Damian in the manga has a proportionately bigger torso and looks a lot older than 6.
Anya is the one who wants to use Damian. Anya is Draco Malfoy.
Meanwhile Damian is obsessed with his grades like Hermione.
With her parents Nobody can date her
Early Malfoy was just a snob tard, not much unlike Damian.
Malfoy has always been a cunt and a racist
Chapter 15 will be the first good arc for Damian
He's literally right though, and if wizards ruled the world then at the very least wizard powers could solve things muggle powers can't. All these wizards just squatting in castles and not a single one decides they're going to go and cure cancer with magic.
Wizards literally don't want to cure cancer, it's actually given as the reason for why they don't rule the world in the first book, why bother when they can already get everything they want.
They are so cute
Spoiling bratty gf!
Basic human empathy? Not wanting to rule to world because you don't want anything from the world and not wanting to help other people when you can are two different things. At least Malfoy is honest about being a complete psychopath.
the wizards have no obligation to "help" humanity, and no amount of bleating about muh empathy is going to change that. when they participated in the mundane world they were hunted and killed by knuckle-dragging mudbloods, so they hide away in castles to preserve the order of their existence
It would basically be impossible to date a mind reader
We are specifically told that it literally never worked when mudbloods hunted them
JKR can't worldbuild to save her life
How so? It's perfectly plausible that the wizarding world learned to hide when hunted and tortured by the mundane humanity for millennia, and so learned to be indifferent to the foibles and mores of humanity, its perceived problems, and the like. If wizards were met with the expectation that they were only there to solve all of humanity's "problems", they'd become nothing more than babysitters for hedonist mudbloods who want to magic away all the bad scary things in life so that they can languish nihilistically. In user's retarded example of wizards curing cancer, this wouldn't work as not only is magic an elusive thing beholden to few, but it's also simply not needed for the wizarding world to do this, to wipe humanity's ass and disturb the natural order for what, so that some mere mortals can shuffle along for a few more years? Let them die.
As for worldbuilding, there are bits and pieces and that does the job just fine; do you want JKR to expound on the tax policy of various wizarding kingdoms? When she tried to do some worldbuilding we got shit like picrel. The whole point of her work is that she doesn't have to do wordbuilding because the wizarding world was an esoteric order that conducted its business in complete secrecy with little to no written records of anything, and was technologically antiquated forever. So she doesn't need to put in the work.
>ibn4 offtopic janny banny
>How so? It's perfectly plausible that the wizarding world learned to hide when hunted and tortured by the mundane humanity for millennia
Because we're told early on (book one?) that when witches got burned they had a pretty damn easy hex to just ignore all of that shit and only innocents got burned up.
>so learned to be indifferent to the foibles and mores of humanity, its perceived problems, and the like
If that's the case then surely Draco and the pureblood types are in the right? After all, with purebloods that means that wizards stay connected only to wizards. Harry's an orphan but Hermione has got parents, which means she's either a psychopath who just goes off and lets them die (they're just muggles) or she has to go and help them out and then let them be miserable because they can't enter the muggle world (all their friends are dead) and also can't enter the wizarding world (no magic, can't use all the special stuff).
>The whole point of her work is that she doesn't have to do wordbuilding because the wizarding world was an esoteric order that conducted its business in complete secrecy with little to no written records of anything, and was technologically antiquated forever.
That doesn't mean you don't need to do worldbuilding that's called handwaving and it works fine as long as you don't look too closely at it. But when pieces of it contradict each other that's when you've got problems and that's where JK falls flat.
I thought I was on Yea Forums for harry potter thread
That sounds like a privacy nightmare
There is unironically nothing more productive and interesting than overanalyzing and arguing over novels written by a half-drunk AWFL.
Why was episode 5 so boring?
It was fun
You are blind
I liked it until that theme park shit in the last half.
are the WoT threads back yet
I think the real question would be: Would a mind reader date you?
The new SyaoSaku
Sounds horrifying. I'd slash her throat even if it meant jail time. Such a disgusting thing should not be allowed to exist.