Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru Omake TL

Continuing from last thread, and should some kind user repost the previous ones from last thread, itd be great. Starting from the last omake.

>morning on a day off
>adult kiritsugu tadashi
>you know, as of late
>(i havent) seen him smile
>tadashi-kun, one moment (sfx, chair clatters)
>what is it?
>face that way and sit down
>i shall give you a shoulder rub

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>youre strength is good, and youre skilled.
>>there, feeling better?
>>thank you very much
>>next up is ear cleaning
>>no, that wont ne necessary
>>why not?
>>Im afraid that youll poke through my ear drum
>>then just a knee pillow is fine, right?!

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (751x1079, 422.94K)

>>dont give me that (smug) look
>>arent you glad?
>>more than that, i am mortified.
>>there we go (sfx flattening. Ample)
>>youre glad now, right (sfx, breathing sound)

Attached: Screenshot_3.png (804x1079, 501.31K)

>>there we go (sfx flattening. Ample)
>>youre glad now, right (sfx, breathing sound)

Attached: Screenshot_4.png (833x1079, 666.13K)

thank you based user

>>hey! Dont just mess with me like that
>>cease youre obscenity, it is too early in the day
>>oh cmon, i was trying to make you laugh its because you werent smiling at all
>>... what?
>>its not that i meant to not smile
>>are your facial muscles dead? Just smile more often
>>thats hardly a problem, is it

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this is messed up a bit
think this skips the last line too

>>laugh damn you!
>>... Im not the ticklish type
>>you jerk!
>>should i give you a taste instead?
>>... actually, forget it.
>>oh hoh, i see youd rather be the one doing it. Here you go

Attached: Screenshot_6.png (830x1079, 586.58K)

>retard laughing sound
>stop it! (sfx beep beep beep. Sounds of perhaps surrendering like with a whistle?)
>sfx heavy breathing
>d-dammit... Could you not do your damnest tickling me?
>dont roll around the floor like that like youre on the bed, at least take it to the bedroom...
>(sfx ring ring.) Oh, its meiko.
>hello. Yes, i am free to talk. (sfx breathing). Hmm?

When he said take it to the bedroom i think its ambiguous whether he meant they should take it to the bedroom or just her. His reaction suggests the former

Actually i left the lines from the next page in. I shouldnt bephoneposting but here i am.

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>i left the lines from the next page in
that, and there's four lines for five bubbles