Mangafags been saying for years that Spy x Family is some kind of once in a lifetime masterpiece but so far it's been...

Mangafags been saying for years that Spy x Family is some kind of once in a lifetime masterpiece but so far it's been very average. I don't get it.

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>very average
that's a bit of an undersell, it's quite good

That's what he said. Average, quite good, fine/fun. It's not a masterpiece or what it was hyped up to be.

>Mangafags been saying for years that Spy x Family is some kind of once in a lifetime masterpiece
Who the fuck was saying that? It's just a decently fun manga with fun characters.

quite good is above average
average is an unremarkable 5/10, neither good nor bad

average can be still mean enjoyable or "good"

>Mangafags been saying for years that Spy x Family is some kind of once in a lifetime masterpiece

Why lie like this? Holy shit.

>listening to Shounen Jump teens
Your faults.
Next, you'll be disappointed by Chainsaw Man.

When this is forgotten in a few months, what will replace it?

>le hecking wholesome whacky witty kino!
your fault for not seeing the red flags

>Mangafags been saying for years that Spy x Family is some kind of once in a lifetime masterpiece
Nobody was saying that take your meds

And here I thought there would be some sort of childish flame war going on in this thread. Glad its not like that. As for Spy X Family being the best manga? Nah not really, there are other manga you should check out other than it and the thousands of shonen manga. Granted, Spy is personally one of my favorites, but there are other mangas like Jujutsu Kaisen, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Tokyo Revengers, Boku no Hero Academia, and Black Clover you're really missing out on.

>Next, you'll be disappointed by Chainsaw Man.
No doubt.

most of anime is shit so this average works like this will outshine them

This is a great bait
here's a (you)

>Mangafags been saying for years that Spy x Family is some kind of once in a lifetime masterpiece
Nice revisionism newfag.

its a show I actually look forward to every week instead of watching because i need to watch something while I eat or even forcing myself to watch

>some kind of once in a lifetime masterpiece
Those are the CSMfags. With SxF whenever someone asked how good it was they were always answered with it's a great manga but not something that would blow your mind.

mangafags are always lying

it's cuz they don't read actually literature, just comics for children

literally all the cancer on this board is sourcematerialfags

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Based animeonly stacy.

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everyone is saying everyone said it
you need to take responsibility

mangafags will overhype anything, their lives are that sad and hollow.

just read or watch what you like, don't follow the bandwagon for anything

>Mangafags been saying for years that Spy x Family is some kind of once in a lifetime masterpiece but so far it's been very average. I don't get it.
I've been following the biweekly threads since chapter 2 and I've never seen anyone say this.

it's because you're clinically blind


It's called pedophiles self-inserting in Lloyd

>Mangafags been saying for years that Spy x Family is some kind of once in a lifetime masterpiece
I've been in almost every SxF thread and I have never seen anyone say that. You're also a retard if you go into any series with those kinds of expectations. Way to set yourself up for disappointment 100% of the time.

It's hilarious to me that you'd invent some overwhelming positive opinion (on this platform lmao) just so you can stand to its contrary. People like you are deranged.

this lol

why isn't there more yuri in this show

There will be a lot of it soon enough.

It's painfully mediocre. SoL garbage.

I'd be more interested in het propaganda garbage like this if they added even something worthwhile to it.

Not really, it is 6/10 very average. The animation + Loid are holding it up for me so far.


I'd give it about a 6/10. There is nothing amazing about it. The only good part is Anya but even then every anime these days has the iconic loli. The spy gimmick is barely played up (so far at least) and even then isn't a very interesting concept since we had Mr. and Mrs. Smith which is basically the same concept but like 15 years ago.

The only thing it is similar to Mr and Mrs Smith is that Loid and Yor are married and both have hidden jobs, nothing else. Even the movie "We're the Millers" shares more similarities.

>Mangafags been saying for years that Spy x Family is some kind of once in a lifetime masterpiece
What? I never said that is just good


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Die yurinigger

It would be cool if the first time Loir and Yor are intimate is after a Mr. and Mrs. Smith situation. Like the whole place is trashed (Anya is at school) and they fight to a stale mate or someone gets the upper hand (probably Yor) and then Loid just goes for it.

if they pull the "we didn't say it was that good" card for CSM, I'm gonna lose it

Only one out of the main cast I like is Anya. Loid and Yor are trash

I watched the first 4 eps then binged the manga. I find the anime has a lot of fluff to fill out the 25mins to the point where you can sort of feel which parts are the manga and which are not due to difference in quality.

Is dude on the right a pedophile? I keep seeing femoids creaming over him and some little girl with horns.

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>People said x was good so why isnt y good?

Every series, fucking animeonlies, I swear.
It's your own damn fault for following the "hype". Don't come crying now that you're left down if you went in expecting an 11/10.

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Don't worry, I guarantee you the anons who only think CSM is merely OK will be drowned out by the ones who have been making nonstop hype threads for the past six months.

>The only thing it is similar to Mr and Mrs Smith is that Loid and Yor are married and both have hidden jobs
I mean, that's literally the whole premise of SxF

the manga is a masterpiece though. I give it a 9.5 and the anime a 7.5

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Why the difference?

So you read the manga, cool. Tell me if there's any tease or discussion about the mother getting pregnant soon or in the near future, please.

>"Grrrr I hate this popular anime"
>"I'm gonna keep watching it and keep making threads about how much I hate this anime"

Because they are different.

honestly het shit like this is so cut and dry propaganda it isn't even entertaining

The manga has better art and more of a comedy. The anime is making it more of a wholesome show.

No one ever said that, don't you have something to watch or read intead of wasting your time like this? You do this almost everyday and it's not about SXF only

The manga hasnt progressed much. They are a few months in to the mission

Anime Anya
>uwu kawaii innocent and pure child
Manga Anya
>devious smug child who uses mind control to manipulate others

Basically anime is way more fluffy and light while the manga has dark sometimes black comedy undertone.

Oh well. Thanks for the heads-up anyway. I'll check again in one year or two.

Im glad Im not the only one that noticed. Manga Anya is cute because she is a little retard. Anime Anya is more of the kawaii waku waku girl

The premise is that Loid has to raise a family to accomplish a mission, but unaware that the wife and daughter have secrets. That's not the premise of Mr and Mrs Smith user

that makes a huge difference
thanks for your input, I learned something