Is there ANY character jobgeta can beat? Even in fanfiction he loses.
Dragon Ball Super
>Thor survived eleventy-bazillion space and time when wielding two hammers and he can turn intangible and invisible and can match galactus who can survive infinity multiverses
This is just retarded.
That's what makes it cool though.
daily reminder vegito is still the strongest and best character
Nope, Mystic Gohan is the strongest character.
This is what happens when you can't lift 1 ton...
Okay he loses? So what? Want a cookie?
Can we have one thread without shitposting?
Just one? Is it too much to ask?
And how is that any different than the chuuni nonsense VNs spout? I mean FFS the appeal of god damn Tengan Toppa was 'Giant Robots throwing Galaxies like shuriken'.
You people always pick the wrong hill to fight these battles on