Dragon Ball Super

Is there ANY character jobgeta can beat? Even in fanfiction he loses.

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>Thor survived eleventy-bazillion space and time when wielding two hammers and he can turn intangible and invisible and can match galactus who can survive infinity multiverses
This is just retarded.


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That's what makes it cool though.

daily reminder vegito is still the strongest and best character

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Nope, Mystic Gohan is the strongest character.

This is what happens when you can't lift 1 ton...

Okay he loses? So what? Want a cookie?

Can we have one thread without shitposting?
Just one? Is it too much to ask?

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And how is that any different than the chuuni nonsense VNs spout? I mean FFS the appeal of god damn Tengan Toppa was 'Giant Robots throwing Galaxies like shuriken'.
You people always pick the wrong hill to fight these battles on