The Nakasendai War 1335
The Nakasendai War 1335
Glad to see these guys again.
>same name
Wonder what their deal is.
How well known is Will Smith in Japan?
This guy! I knew exactly nothing about this dude but the nips noticed there's a mention in the Taiheiki (historical epic, most of it isn't translated) of a Nezu Kojiro written a bit differently than our Kojiro so there was some talk about whether that's supposed to be the same character or not.
The Men in Black movies are still popular over there, even they made Live action Aladdin jokes, and some fresh prince memes made their way over there too
>Tokiyuki in armor
So cool. I like that he gets the helmet too, also that's the bird spirit feather crown thing from chapter 1.
End of chapter.
He's ditching the armor before the end of the next chapter isn't he.
bad touch.
Will you buy the physical English release?
Possibly, or at least using something lighter. That thing ruins his evasion build and it could be a problem later.
I'm genuinely surprised this hasn't been axed yet
I will, hope it has the history trivia extras that the nip chapters get.
Why? It usually has good or decent toc ranking and sells ok.
A bit related to Matsui's other works, does anyone else think that Nagisa's design kinda looks like Yako's? Because I've seen the former first I sometimes think that she's a crossdressing boy instead of a girl.
Or maybe Matsui just mindbroke me.
If something dull like Yozakura family can survive for 128 chapters then I see no reason something fun like this won't in current jump, it's actually fun, the characters are entertaining and there is an established overarching story so there is a sense of us moving towards something and not just being aimless.
Oh shit I thought that was a random gag manga reference or something
my god that hair
>Gintama got away with black face
Holy based.
Wow, his art really improved since Neuro. And I don't know, a little but Nagisa and Tokiyuki still look more alike.
golem get ye gone
>I sometimes think that she's a crossdressing boy instead of a girl
Matsui's art had massive ANATOMY issues back in the Neuro days, and even though it added to the surreal tone of the manga it was pretty amateurish. His art got cleaner with AssClass but you could still pick out those lanky limbs if you paid attention.
The similarity could also be from the fact that the author's kid protagonists always share that meek, good natured archetype but with that one weird quirk that's at odds with their personality.
Jesus Christ, Matsui, you pervert.
Now that's fucking cool.
Yeah, I don't think he'll try very hard to fight in armor. It will get him in trouble and probably result in an "I'll do this my way" moment.
Can't wait for the scene where he wonders why he's so far below Sadamune in the popularity poll
wasn't this dude literally shooting unarmed prisoners in a pen
i get that the author is sorta going for a "victim of circumstances" thing here but c'mon
>most of it isn't translated
Has it even been translated into modern form or is it still in some jank shit like hentaigana?
He's cruel, but executing rebels was standard procedure at the time.
They're praising his logistical skills not his asshole skills, and it's a drop in the bucket compared to how Takauji is portrayed
Well of course the guy is horrible but this part is just those guys' opinion and they either didn't see that or don't care because treating peasants like shit and killing "rebels" was normal to them. The manga does love to play with perspective and how different people see the same characters completely differently.
I need to stop jerking off so much, I read that as Nakadashi War
Can they get in trouble for that ?
It's readable, I think the whole thing is up on wikisource if anyone wants to try.
Fucking Matsui, his references are so on the nose but for some reason they always make me laugh like an idiot.
>Yeah, I don't think he'll try very hard to fight in armor. It will get him in trouble and probably result in an "I'll do this my way" moment.
Yeah there's no way he can run or fight on foot in that, even aside from him being a kid, that looks like oyoroi which is meant to be worn on horseback.
KoroQ was written by someone completely different but you're still right.
Nice catch, from the looks of things he's from a branch family who's goal is to uphold the name of an heir who's unfit for combat.
Yorishige is a lucky guy.
Is he really from the Nezu clan or an adopted servant or something? Genba gets a last name but I've never once seen anyone explicitly acknowledge it with Kojiro
It's weird how little I've seen of fanart of this ilk.
The fujos are probably too tired to follow the story
I sense a crossdressing mini-arc at some point or did that already happen and I've fogotten?