Is Fate the capeshit of anime?

Is Fate the capeshit of anime?

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That would be BnHA

MHA is literally capeshit

What would be the non-capeshit in western media?

>western media
You will never fit in

that other poster for the movie was pretty nice

Yup also the icon of gachashit so I can't imagine anyone taking this garbage seriously unless you're 12
You should read Dies irae instead

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>capeshit of anime
>nobody's wearing a cape

Yeah, nasu being the hack he is, lost grip on his world and power level scaling.
At least in other anime manga series people start in chronological order, Fate is one of those few franchises where people have to ask "where should I start" due to the massive amount of materials.
It's pretty much akin to how people got lost in capeshit and don't know where to start.

>Dies irae
just finished reading kasumi's route and i honestly felt like the game was trying a bit too hard to be cool early on (also some of the lines female characters in the game say distinctly feel like they were written by a guy/someone trying to write a porn scenario rather than an actual person)
is the later half as good as i've heard? i liked what i've read so far, but i'd rather want a rusalka route than one for kei (not into lolis, but kei seems pretty boring desu)

>At least in other anime manga series people start in chronological order, Fate is one of those few franchises where people have to ask "where should I start" due to the massive amount of materials.

Fate/stay night is the original and where you should start

>It's pretty much akin to how people got lost in capeshit and don't know where to start.

The nasuverse works are stand-alone and you can start anywhere

>Witch on the Holy Night
>Kara no Kyoukai
>Fate/stay night

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>kasumi's route
That's the most boring shit route that almost made me drop Dies Irae. After that, everything was getting better and better.

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Yes keep reading. Kasumi is like Fate route the weakest and overall a tutorial. Make sure to read in the recommended order btw (Kasumi > Kei > Marie > Rea)
Dies Irae peaks in Rea route, it was 7/10 for me until the end then it became 10/10

Isn't Dies Irae Shit too?
I heard the MC always wins by pulling a deus ex machina.

>I heard the MC always wins by pulling a deus ex machina
LMAO. Ren only came off as broken until last part of the Marie/Rea's route

Yeah that's what I heard that the MC always goes against stupidly powerful enemies but always wins because of an ass pull.

Yes and that is even stated by the writer. It's different from Fate because unlike Shirou who randomly gets put into this, Ren's goal from the beginning was always to level up and beat the bad guy. People always complain about him powering up but I never understood why since it's been stated that's his goal from the beginning, to level up and beat the OP boss, so it was obvious he'll get a deux ex machina eventually.
Don't wanna spoil but basically it has something to do with his creator Mercurius, read the VN and you'll find out.

I'll give it a try.
Also Shirou was a good protagonist he worked hard for years and it's fun to see how different routes show different aspects to his power and different ways to use them.
I hope Dies does something similar.

One thing I can confirm is that MC was not the only one who get an ass pull like that. Villian and their Big Boss are more ass pull than him at the beginning till middle of the game. If you expect something like he pull auto-win by getting power up then your complety wrong.

Shirou wins through an asspull every time in every route. And even if he doesn't the villain lets him (like archer and gilgamesh in UBW) because gilgamesh didn't take him seriously enough and Archer basically gave up (even though he's been doing the same thing millions of times in different loops)
>I hope Dies does something similar
Dies Irae is akin to a Ryukishi work, it's more about the characters than anything. If you're a guy who doesn't care about petty stuff such as mechanics, how X works or why is Y so OP then you'll find Dies Irae amazing because that's what it's about, the technicals don't matter and they never did.
Though there are hardly any inconsistencies however, everything makes sense because of something that I can't tell or I'd be spoiling, so you should really read it it's great.
The first two routes can feel like a drag since they're the worst but it gets really good afterwards.

Fate/extra is good. Fascinating setting, great art and Umu. Everything else is shit.

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>He wins by ass pull every time.
Not really his wins make sense with his powers.
Also it made sense for Gilgamesh to not take him seriously I mean did you see him wipe the floor with the legendary Heracles?
And Archer wanted to not only kill Shirou but also break his spirit but found that he himself was only lying to himself.

I like both Fate and Dies Irae, fuck Yea Forums style console wars. Also Marie a best, both as character and as route.

I think they both peak different kinds of chuuni. Fate is peak worldbuilding chuuni, while Dies Irae peaks in power levels and characters behaving like actual omnipotent dumbasses with super charisma

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>that pic
So fucking based....

okay, i'm curious to see the rest of it now ngl

shonen anime

Fate is shounenshit

Agreed, it's the only fate anime that retains some of the philosophical aspects of Nasu writing

No, shonen battle anime is the capeshit of anime.

Peak fiction.

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>Dies Irae is akin to a Ryukishi work, it's more about the characters than anything
Ryukishi works aren't particularly more about the characters than your average vn


Sakura best girl

The premise is genuinely good and fascinating. Some get turned off by the characters being adolescents (the Shirou conflict is poignant), but you get a taste of a more mature cast in Zero. Both are worth your time if you are into magic and shit. Everything else, yes, it's capeshit.

>Mature cast

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Yes, and I love it

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I wanted to give it a try, since it was released by the same studio as some other shows I like. I don't feel like using a wiki to deem what of the stupidly named series and seasons came first so I gave up and promptly decided the show was shit as a true Yea Forumsuteur.

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>some of the philosophical aspects of Nasu writing
I've played the PSP game, Fate/Extra, Fate/Extella and Links as well as watched the last encore anime.
Where is the philosophy? When does it stop being a shallow story? Explain it to me.

>fate zero
>stay night ubw
>heavens feel 1 2 3
>grand order episode 0
>camelot 1 and 2
>absolute demonic front babylonia
Waow that was hard

You need to understand how HAKUNO is the new buddha and how each floor symbolizes a step to enlightenment.

Why do fatetards keep pretending Zero edgy when F/SN is more of that than anything? At least Zero doesn't have a heroine who was raped with dick shaped worms for whatever reason.
Zero will always be better than Fart Shit Nigger.

>for whatever reason
it's a porn game, that's why
nothing to complain about, but it's kind of expected as there aren't many ways nasu can insert ero elements without it feeling forced

Is that really what Nasu based Extra on are you pulling shit out of your ass? Genuinely curious.

Don't forget the living dead orphans in the chapel that live in pain.

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Lmao they showed up once and never again no wonder I forgot about them. Nasu is a terrible hack

>At least Zero doesn't have a heroine who was raped with dick shaped worms for whatever reason.
Zero is where it's actually shown on-screen. In the original VN, you never actually saw any of that stuff happen to her.


>I forgot something significant, Nasu is a hack because of me.
Nice, user. You sure showed that dirty nip.

Oh god fatetards are too funny
The copes... so refined!

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The opening school life chapter of Extra is about realizing the world (Mara) is an illusion. Originaly Nasu wanted to have an enlightenment system in the game where depending on your choices, Hakuno would be enlightened and become immune to the final boss.
Last Encore is based around on the idea of grudges of the masters being reincarnated as the last Buddha. Unlike Twice, HAKUNO was able to accept his own death and not succumb to hatred and to let the fate of the world in the hands of someone else (Rin).

How the fuck did kirei even lose in fate route

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He didn’t expect a kid to pull a fae artifact out of his ass

He didn't believe in the heart of the cards

He was killed by sheer irony

He hung out with Gilgamesh too long.

Bad writing killed him.