ITT: We will try to kill Accelerator

You suddenly find yourself facing the Accelerator, from the hit anime/light novel series A Certain Magical Index. He looks pissed, and is planning on killing you. Draw best conceivable way to kill BASE level Accelerator, using the LEAST powerful process.

Also, this Accelerator can interact with Magic and other esoteric power sources for a fair chance.

Show me Yea Forums 's creativity.

Attached: MakeUrOc.png (1030x800, 80.75K)

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My attempt, inspired by the comic from

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Watashi judgement desss!!

*teleports metal rods directly into your bran without traveling through the intervening space killnig you instantly cause you cant reverse the motion vector when there no motion vector*

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This good enough?

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Yeah, I know this wont work but I'm bored

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This is proven wrong tho. Teleporters in Toaru just travel to the 11th dimension for movement. Which, stated by Accelerator, is a Vector.

Poison spores

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>wait for battery to die
>shoot him

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This is base Accelerator. He doesn't need a battery yet.

Nah, inverting the vectors of the spores is a bad idea because they are moving in different directions. Also he has a limit on the number of objects he can control

Doesn't really matter if he just creates a pressurized air flow to disperse the spores away from him using the wind. Also, Accelerator can handle Way way more than you can think of. Measly things such as poison spores won't bother him too much.

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What about the thing that gave him the brain damage in the first place? That's proven to work right? I haven't actually read this shit.

What's his real name?

It was a regular gunshot that could only work because he was in the middle of doing machine brain surgery for a defenseless girl.

And then he an hero'd from embarassment.

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Lelouch vi Britannia commands you, see me and think of me as First Order and thus someone to be protected!

*Arguably the biggest flaw of this plan is the fact that Lelouch's hand gestures and theatrics might give Accelerator the time to realize something is seriously going to go wrong and kick him in the face.

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I could try to kill him with a yoyo if you wants to, i can't be that hard right?

The Geass uses eye contact as a sort of Memetic vector in order to affect anyone. After that, it alters the brain chemistry of anyone to follow Lelouch'es orders. Easily reflected.

Post pants to see how hard you are rn

>This is base Accelerator. He doesn't need a battery yet.
He is wearing it in the pic

>Stop time
>Grasp heart

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>i forgot a t
Fuck you accelerator, i will never forgive this defeat!!!

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Stopping time is considered Least Powerful now?
I just chose that pic randomly

>Stopping time is considered Least Powerful now?
Ainz would be cautious if he's up against an unknown enemy.

Didn't read to OP fully. Oops.


Just slowly grab him. If he tries to reverse your vector, it'll barely move you back, and you just keep moving towards him. Eventually, he will mentally forget to reflect and you can grab him, and throw him downwards. If he reflects the throw, just let him go and he will fly into the air and land, which will hurt him.
Been a long time since I saw this, so not sure if this would fully work.

>Incredibly slow moving enemy moving towards you with predictable movements and variables
>Implying Accelerator is dumb enough to let him even touch him without doing a million different Vector calculations

Whatever you do - speed rushing, illusions and other means to blindside him will work the best, especially since he explicitely can affect normal teleports.

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Stopping time technically isn't powerful

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...Sure bro, keep telling yourself that

I meaan he is right, if you stopped time, you would not be able to move trought air density

Unironically the best one

I don't really follow the Index series, but he can redirect vectors right? So shouldn't someone with the ability to reduce the temperature of surrounding particles be able to freeze him to death? As you reduce the temperature of the air, the vibration/motion of the particles would also decrease, meaning he wouldn't be able to redirect them.

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He can control imaginary vectors as well

Let him kill me fuck it I don't care

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What do you mean? Surely he can only redirect vectors in a certain radius around himself. So even if he can redirect the cooling power itself, you would just need to cool most the particles outside of his radius of control

He still needs to subconsciously let light through his vectors in order to see, right? Could you headshot him with a real laser before he could react?

>he has a limit on the number of objects he can control
He has a limit on the complexity of his control. He can make general rules that repel everything that applies to them. Also he fixed the thing were suddenly changing the direction of shit would result in it not getting reflected, so in all likely hood every spore would be perfectly reflected by his whitelist. Just like he does with photons, and such.

You'd just get your jizz all over yourself.

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This really depends on whether passive esper reality warping continues in stopped time in the sense the same manner that certain aspects of physics do when ainz does that. Also whether the time stop could effect anything within accels shield. He can, after all reflect/control/dissipate magic and such.

>Just slowly grab him. If he tries to reverse your vector, it'll barely move you back, and you just keep moving towards him. Eventually, he will mentally forget to reflect and you can grab him, and throw him downwards.
>If he reflects the throw, just let him go and he will fly into the air and land, which will hurt him.
You clearly don't understand how his power works.

It's not just direction, he has a decent control over magnitude too.

Redirects his acceleration

>Could you headshot him with a real laser before he could react?
No, he only lets a set amount of visible light through. It's explicitly stated. he does this with pretty much everything he needs some of.

Are they additive or multiplicative? If they were the former, if you reduce an object's temperature to absolute zero then he wouldn't be able to change the magnitude at all.

Why Accelerator doesn't just kill people the same way Tatsumaki does?

I pick an absolutely average high school student that you can find anywhere with the very weak ability to negate superpowers.

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>Are they additive or multiplicative? If they were the former
I take it you mean the latter?
I don't think the exact math is explicitly stated, but I don't know how you would get the temperature inside his shield to lower instantly. Or the temperature anywhere to absolute zero considering things like zero point energy


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I haven't seen/read certain magical index

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>get pic related - mask of power disruption
>while Accelerator isn't looking put on mask and activate its power
>I don't know if this dude can sense being targeted by my magic, but that doesn't matter
>he tries to use his powers against me/to defend himself
>either power incontinence reduces him and everything nearby to fine dust, or forces him to fight my without using his powers.

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Pull your punches :3