The greatest thing that ever happened to me was accepting Goku as my lord and savior.
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If you seek his moment, look around you (at the rat cave).
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Look! It's Mr. Satan's son in law!
you could work for CNN
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In favor of Bejita, yes. Why do you bring him up out of nowhere, anyway?
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How strong is she?
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Strong enough to make kekgeta kneel.
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>moeshitter hates LORDgeta
Every single time.
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>Mr Jobtan never got exposed as the fraud that he is
This will never sit right with me...
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Entomasisters... Are we being REMINDED???????
the most schizo general in this board
The CHAMP has never lost.
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>Mr. CHADtan never got exposed for [HEADCANON]
How DARE YOU call me a retard!
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I know, right? It's amazing. Gokubro btw.
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ohnononono vegeta sissies... not like this!
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Goku would DESTROY her cunny.
Bejitakeks... It's fucking over...
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First the nightmare WebM and now this? Man, Bejitabros just are taking a pounding recently. Can they ever recover from this?
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It's over.
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This canonly never happened.
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>nightmare WebM
What's that?
Imagine jobbing to fucking Gohan.
This one.
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