I don't get the hype

Everyone said Jujutsu Kaisen is hype, intelligent, funny, gripping, blah blah, Shibuya is peak fiction whatever. So I caught up in a week at my friend's insistence and his favorite moment was picrel.
What the fuck?
> Ebil guy #1: "hi ebil guy #2 I don't know you at all and we threw fireballs at each other"
> "You're strong"
> Ebil guy #2 (who has zero characterization except "me grumpy") cries
> Exit

The entire fanbase is underage right? That's the only possibly explanation. I've seen some weird zoomer clothing edits on JJK and Chainsawman characters so that must be true right?

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Only the Sukuna scenes are good, other than that it’s boring shit

Why are the Sukuna scenes good though? Are you gay and want to be dominated in bed or something? What's so good about Sukuna's scenes

Seems that way. We're getting old.

Yeah, it’s just another very mediocre battle shonen that gets way too much hype because that’s the only genre a large portion of people read/watch and they have to latch onto something.

I'm literally 21 though

Hope this doesn't count as off topic but I unironically saw multiple girls on hinge with a Sukuna face filter. How young, retarded and impressionable do you have to be lol. Would rather date someone with an American flag tattoo on their forehead

>instantly thinks about faggotry

Jujutsu Kaisen thread.

I don't really follow this manga but what sort of reasoning is this? A character cries so it's bad? You hate it because your friend likes this scene?

It's fun, sorry you don't know what that is anymore user

No, a character devoid of characterization cries so I felt nothing, and I felt nothing despite my friend loving this scene

I have fun reading literature and good manga, seems jjk isn't either of those

Yes, anime has become a mainstream fashion aesthetic. I’ve seen tons people, both young and somewhat older (maybe mid-30s) wearing shirts with anime shit on them out in public, all stuff like DBZ, HxH, KnY, JJK, YYH. The comics/hobby shop at my local mall moved all of their anime merch to the very front of the store and tripled the size of their manga section. It’s going to keep happening.

Not saying the series is good, but how is jogo devoid of characterization?

You've never read literature where a character exhibiting sadness isn't meant to be some hollywood-esque epiphany scene?

I just remember him getting mad and complaining about stuff. He barely has any character traits or does anything or makes decisions or is an active cast member or has agency.

The fanbase are fujos and faggots

I don't know how you could come to that conclusion from me thinking that the sukuna-jogo scene is lame

Is this good or bad

>He barely has any character traits or does anything or makes decisions or is an active cast member or has agency.

I'm not saying he's a deep character or anything, but he did make decision. He decided to bring Sukuna out at that moment, he's an arrogant curse spirit that loves tormenting humans, but also cared about his fellow curses enough to take revenge. He had a dream that he was willing to sacrifice his own life for. And I think for an antagonist of that level it was handled well. Now the rest of the series not so much.

>Everyone said Jujutsu Kaisen is hype,
And you're retarded for thinking hype is a good thing. That's on you. Next you're gonna tell me you also only watch things with kino or soul

edge is cool, sorry but you're fucking lame if you think everything needs to have some positive spin, or be appropriate for children.
some things can be edgy, and it makes them better.

That's why I don't read battle shounen anymore.

Edgy is like a color. It's like saying my pillow is blue. Gege is bad at writing, and if there's a turd on my pillow it doesn't matter what color the pillow is.

> He decided to bring Sukuna out
Okay, so he made 1 decision in the entire series, which is to fight some guy
> he's an arrogant curse spirit that loves tormenting humans, but also cared about his fellow curses enough to take revenge.
So he's arrogant and doesn't like it when his nakama are killed... Sounds like a fairy tail filler character. Not even baiting
> He had a dream that he was willing to sacrifice his own life for
Which was what again?
> And I think for an antagonist of that level it was handled well
I just don't see it. But whatever dude it's all good, glad we agree the rest of the manga is subpar

Huh? What's wrong with something being exciting?

Why isn't it enough to just not like something and move on? Why do you need to make a hobby out of hating things and hating people who like things?
Do you honestly feel like this is a healthy mindset? Do you think this behaviour is better than if you had just let it go and moved on to something that made you happy instead? What do you derive from this? Is it a sex thing? Are you a sadist and you get off by belittling people?

I mean I don't really like it either but its popular for a reason. some people like it and some people don't thats ok. you don't have to force yourself to like something.

>Okay, so he made 1 decision in the entire series, which is to fight some guy
No he didn't want to fight Sukuna. Him fighting someone like Gojo was his decision. He just wanted to revive Sukuna and have him make a deal with Yuji.
>So he's arrogant and doesn't like it when his nakama are killed... Sounds like a fairy tail filler character. Not even baiting
Ok and what exactly is your point?
>Which was what again?
He explained it like 3 times user. He wanted 'true humans' to replace humankind on earth.

Jogo's motivation is explained in the very scene that you posted in the OP. If you actually read that and didn't understand it, you might suffer from some sort of mental disability.

jjk is shit and so are you for making this thread

Agreed this moment was lame. I actually don't remember a single moment with emotion in JJK, whole series fits soulless to a tee.

>edge is cool
you need to be at least 18 to post here

It was so boring I forgot
Okay... So he had a goal. Doesn't make him an interesting character
> Ok and what exactly is your point
He is shallow and boring
> He wanted 'true humans' to replace humankind on earth.
Ok... He is still boring and shallow

> I actually don't remember a single moment with emotion in JJK,
Emotion is predicated on soul
Soul is predicated on character
The characters of JJK have no soul
Because Akutami is an autist that grew up as a bully victim like Isayama and neither are intelligent enough to conceptualize human behaviour abstractly (note how SnK's characters are also soulless and behave like autists)
Ergo there is no emotion

How many times have I've seen threads dedicated to
>jjk is hyped and I heard it was good bit after reading it everyone was wrong.
And admittingly few ips
But absolutely nothing for chainsawman. It makes me think everyone is being mind controlled because of the fact I never see threads like this for it.

Chainsaw is fun
JJK is gay
Simple as

>Gets mad when he doesn't understand shit when he speedreads
Like clockwork

New age criticism has become so bad.
>le boring
>le boring

It's starting to make me think you are a mha or bc nigger that posts that one meme jermey made because people liked jjk more then mha.

Or I could be completely wrong and you don't like any new manga

>Okay... So he had a goal. Doesn't make him an interesting character
Whether he's interesting character is up to the individual, but you claimed that he was devoid of characterization. He had things going for him which you simply didn't enjoy.
>He is shallow and boring
Again. I don't think he's deep, but it isn't shallow for his character role.
>But absolutely nothing for chainsawman. It makes me think everyone is being mind controlled because of the fact I never see threads like this for it.
There were plenty of threads like that though?

Jeremy or BCfags
What are you talking about? CSM has bait threads everyday. Just check archive.

I just forgot because it was boring
What's boring is boring mate
> claimed that he was devoid of characterization
He still is though
> but it isn't shallow for his character role.
The role itself is shallow. It's like saying "sure he's a shit character but it's perfect for his role (being a shit character)"

Why is black clover consistently on your minds? Tf my niggas

Jjk explores really interesting themes. If you don't see it at all you are either a speedreader or a brainlet. Although i think you are both. Im 26 btw.

>Claims it's boring
>Still read the whole thing

What did you expect from naruto for zoomers?

I'm sorry to say that you are a midwit. Jujutsu Kaisen doesn't explore any themes. Instead it has puppets spouting off cool sounding (to midwits) lines.
Feel free to try to list some themed and how they are explored though, failure can be a learning experience.

>He still is though
Can you explain how?
>The role itself is shallow.
In the grand scheme of things yes it is, but his character isn't.

I didn't want to disrespect my friend. But yeah it wasn't worth it at all, fml
Naruto is 100x better

>Jujutsu Kaisen doesn't explore any themes
Almost every series explores theme. Whether they do it well or not is a different thing.

> Can you explain how?
Nothing he does establishes him as a character. His relationships are non-existent besides generic nakama bonds. He does not have unique relationships with different characters. He simply exists to fight some other characters
> In the grand scheme of things yes it is, but his character isn't
His character is a perfect fit for a shallow role, aka his character is shallow

The connotation I apply to "explore" implies that it actually delves sufficiently into the themes to deserve the verb "explore" as opposed to "name-drop" etc

Feel free to list some themes.

Alright what's boring is boring, I get that. But if that's all you can really offer and say back to people asking about what you said. Then people gain nothing from responding to you

He's right you retard, doesn't mean JJK executes it well.

What do you want to hear from me bro. There's not much to talk about. I've already started earlier why I find the manga to be bad

hype doesnt mean exciting, exciting means exciting. Kayne sold some hype white Ts for 100s. there was nothing exciting about a plain white T

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Based post, too bad blind fanboys and haters alike need to constantly prove themselves and others that their opinions are superior

You have to be a girl/faggot to like this and Tokyo Revenger. No straight man care about these two.

the problem is you then speedreader.
he greatly values curses, and sukuna stands at the top. to be complimented by the pinnacle of what you aspire to be would humble any man.

What do you mean with "dealve sufficiently"? Probably some arbitrary bs standar that you come up with. But in OPs image you have a moment that "dealves into its themes" while chatactarizing Sukuna. So you are a speedreaders or brainlet.

> he greatly values curses,
That's just generic nakama shit and it was just stated he doesn't really demonstrate this in a believable way
> sukuna stands at the top
We are just told this and are supposed to believe it
> to be complimented by the pinnacle of what you aspire to be would humble any man
So what you're saying is that the moment in OP's pic could apply to hundreds of other characters and not just Jogo and isn't unique to his character. That sounds pretty shallow

You type like a retard. Don't call other people midwits, retard. What themes does the OP image delve into lmao

The other day I saw in a thread people talking about how JJK is supposedly the best shonen when it comes to fights and action in general? But most fights are just decided by one hit KO's or an opponent doing hard-hitting melee attacks to overpower his enemy. So what's up with that? The countless exposition dumps mid-fight doesn't make it any better

Link that thread lmao I need a good laugh