What am I in for? Heard only positive things about it. I'm usually not a big fan of baseball...

What am I in for? Heard only positive things about it. I'm usually not a big fan of baseball, but the idea of mixing psychological elements to it sounds nice.

Attached: One Outs.jpg (325x445, 43.01K)

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It's garbage. I thought it's going to be baseball with high stakes bets and physiological battles or something similar to liar's game but it turned out to be gary stu sherlock type shit garbage with muh superhuman pitches and muh hidden power talents. The artwork is shit and other than the main protagonist the characters are one dimensional cardboard cutouts.

>Heard only positive things about it.
Why do you trust normalfags? like said is trash, you are better of doing anything else

It's kino.

agreed with everything in this post except for
>It's garbage.
Shows how expectations and perspective completely change your experience. It's a good qhow with baseball in it, not a good baseball show.

I'm open minded to it and like I said, not a huge baseball fan as you are probably. So I wouldn't mind the stuff you mentioned i think as long as the conflicts are conveyed in an interesting manner.
>The artwork is shit and other than the main protagonist the characters are one dimensional cardboard cutouts.
I was planning on watching the anime, is the manga better? Thanks for your input though


I like the op

Honestly what convinced me to start this show, it's rad

It's where Madhouse peaked.

It's a very good series, but it does feel stretched out in the last chunk or so.

The manga goes a somewhat downhill afterward before a very rewarding conclusion. Though the series never got too long

I forgot how good the opening song is. It's that early 2000s power pop/pop punk which is the most kino music. Whiney but catchy as fuck.

I heard the anime only covers up to volume 10, does it at least have an original ending similar to something like Rainbow that you can leave off at?

no, it's incomplete, it's a "the adventure continues" type ending

I see, thanks. Kinda bummed by it but I like reading manga too, so it's not an issue

>I'm open minded to it and like I said, not a huge baseball fan as you are probably. So I wouldn't mind the stuff you mentioned i think as long as the conflicts are conveyed in an interesting manner.
I am not a baseball fan either I couldnt name one player if I wanted to. But it's just a bad sports AND psychological manga. Every conflict is either solved by something so obvious or contrived plot points. It's not the worst thing I ever read but it's shit.

>I was planning on watching the anime, is the manga better? Thanks for your input though
I actually dropped the anime and finished the manga instead. The manga is worst because it has worse artwork at least you have madhouse working on it. Just read liar's game, It's from the same mangaka and it's a masterpiece.

Attached: 1637142459672.png (843x1200, 410.89K)

Not really the kind of reply I was hoping to get, but at least now I can go into the show with lowered expectations. I actually read Liar's game years ago and couple of other psychological series, that also dealt with sports, mind games and all that kind of stuff. So I was itching to try something new under that similar rubric and it seemed like this series would be right up my alley from what I've heard.

the main draw imo is less the sport and more the mindgames between tokuchi and the boss, it found its footing when tokuchi got recognized in the team

Found it boring
Liar game was better

>O, my spin rate
Other than the manga’s ending, I though One Outs was pretty alright. The best part is that the manga confirms that the Yomiuri Giants are the most evil entity in baseball.

Death note, but the MC is more wank.
The most enjoyable part of the show is the MC getting temporarily btfo before his ultimate keikaku aka rain.

Literally reading it right now. Feels like reading Akagi but with baseball.

Are you enjoying it so far?

Yeah, only 2 volumes left though.


It's just Akagi with baseball

it follows that if you don't like one outs, you definitely won't like akagi

it is baseball though. the modulo part should've established that there's a lot of detail in one outs you don't get from your average understanding of baseball

40 chapters in. It's pretty good.

It's about pro baseball so it just ends after they've played through all of their games against that particular team. It's not a cliffhanger but it's not like there's a definitive conclusion either.

Thanks for all the replies anons, I'm at episode 6 and I'm loving this shit so far

huge mary sue MC and asspulls every episode

What's wrong with having a Chad for an MC?

>Wanted something I can't take.
>I'll be stronger once again.
>Don't worry about me, trust me.
>Please trust me now.

>Now I have to see it.
>This is for my love.
>Open this heart and my mind.
>Let me believe.

>Now I have to listen again.
>This is for my love.
>Remember why I'm still in here,
>'cause it's all for you.

>When it's something I can take yeah.
>I'll be stronger once again.
>I need you. I'll give you my love.
>You can live your own life for you.

One of the most misleading OPs, ever.

you'd think that Tokuchi is really weak but with his big brains, he keeps outsmarting superior opponents, but it turns out that Tokuchi is simply a billion times better than the best pro in the series because of his UHHHHHH magical spinning slow ball that's UHHHH alive.
There's no trick, there's no psychological warfare. Tokuchi simply outskilled everyone with his superior pitching skills and talent.
unironically worse than Kakegurui.

bullshit. Akagi and One Outs have nothing in common except for having the same voice actor as the main character

Anons can't self insert.

Tokuchi got to where he was through hard-work alone, so it was all earned.

It's pretty good, read the manga.

He's literally me


its kino
this guy is dumbo

You thought Tokuchi was some kind of shitter? Story starts with him humiliating pro players.
If you think you can be good at baseball with only a "big brain", you don't know shit about sports.
It's like people expecting Akagi to win without cheating or getting lucky. If you don't actually give a shit about baseball or mahjong, stick to shit like Death Note.

It's more a sports comedy

>Story starts with him humiliating pro players.
with his "psychological" warfare shit.... or not really, he's just that good with his magic ball that could strike out even the best pros 10 out of 10 times.

Sounds like you completely fell for his trick

kino baseball

it's strange because I liked everything APART from when tokuchi is pitching. there's basically no drama when he's throwing the ball because you already know nobody is going to hit it. there isn't even any drama to it so it robs the games of suspense when you know the coach can just put him in at any point and the other team will never score again

if the author could have put aside tokuchi's dick waving for just a while the story would have been way more engaging to read. even akagi loses sometimes by luck or for some greater strategy.

>I liked everything APART from when tokuchi is pitching. there's basically no drama when he's throwing the ball because you already know nobody is going to hit it.
That's kind of the point. There's already hundreds of regular baseball manga with what you want.

>even akagi loses sometimes by luck or for some greater strategy.
Does he? Sure he loses some random hands, and that's pretty much it. He loses his last game in Ten on a huge gamble, and that's because his winning tile was the next one after his draw. Akagi is written like a supernatural entity.

Pretty good, but even better when you understand baseball

What's the author up to now that both this and Liar Game are over?

If you know and like what Liar Game is, you'll like this, it's from the same mangaka.

Why the scanlated manga lacks 20 chapters? it says completed on every aggregator. Am I missing something?

Translators skipped chapters and started from where the anime was left off. I think the missing chapters are currently being translated.

>I think the missing chapters are currently being translated.
I hope so, I hate when they do this shit.

It's not baseball.

It's a good show if you don't mind the MC being an omnipotent mind reader.
The show pretends he's a great gambler, but there's noc chance involved at all. He simply predicts with 100% accuracy what everyone is going to do.
Still fun to see his schemes play out.


even if you hurt me i still remember about your scars...

He did make a point on making his own chance.

Attached: one_outs_v13_c109_20.png (831x1200, 262.32K)

The point is that there are no real 'odds' in his 'gambles' in the first place.
He is 100% guaranteed to win because he's a perfect mind reader.
It's not like he makes realistic deductions based on observation. He's a simply an all-knowing god that you cannot outsmart. At least in the anime, i haven't read the manga.

In Japan, a gambler is someone who earns money from games, not that it's actually a matter of chance. It's assumed that most gamblers try to stack the odds in their favor as much as possible even if it means cheating.

Attached: A true Gambler.jpg (1094x814, 132.72K)

>The show pretends he's a great gambler, but there's noc chance involved at all.
Yeah, that's the difference between being a great gambler and a mark.

Again: Tokuchi isn't just improving his odds of winning by rigging the game, he's simply an omnipotent mindreader.
As a contrast, Kaiji is a series in which the protagonist understands the games he participates in and uses/bends the inherent rules to his advantage. He doesn't simply bypass the rules of the game altogether by simply reading the minds of his opponents.
Kaiji features a series of inferences, that the reader can follow. Tokuchi has a lot of 'I perfectly guessed what they were doing with little to no evidence'