How come she fucked Paul? Isn't that a bit weird?

How come she fucked Paul? Isn't that a bit weird?

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she did? i don't read the novels she just masturbated to it

She belongs to Rudy

you're telling me MC got sloppy seconds?

She was horny and paul is a man with lots of experience.

When did she do that? In the anime she was a virgin after the teleportation incident when she went to the demon continent.


Prove it, but i guess it wouldn’t even matter that much since roxy also got sloppy seconds

Didn't she only masturbate to Paul and Zenith getting it on?

She didnt, he is just a butthurt erisfag still angry because Rudy loved Roxy more than eris.

Yeah I mean, you'd think she'd want to fuck Paul. Paul probably won't mind hitting that just once, he's that kind of dude.
It's better than all the girls staying virgins for Rudy, she's old enough to be his grandmother! It makes no sense for her not to be fucked a few times.

Doesn't Paul prefer thicc, buxom, adult-looking women, though? Roxy isn't exactly to his tastes.

Paul would never fuck a flatty like her

who cares about some ugly bastard wish fulfillment isekai

A real man is ready to fuck any woman, unless she's an uggo.

That's what alcohol's for. Makes it easier on both ends. Less inhibitions and an excuse later on.

It's strange. I get that the original web novel had a large impact on the isekai genre as a whole, but the actual story is absolutely nothing noteworthy. The production values are amazing for the anime, but it just makes it all the more jarring when it's the same loser-gets-isekai'd-and-immediately-turns-into-a-super-diligent-genius-chad story as usual.

The really strange attitude towards the MC's sexual antics in both the story and the fanbase is also just kinda offputting. If you want to have a story about a reincarnated pedo grooming a trio of girls to be his virginal harem wives then do that, but don't pretend it's actually a story about how the MC grows as a person and stops being a despicable degenerate...who coincidentally grooms a trio of girls into being his virginal harem-wives in the background.

best girl, pic related

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I had a moment of feeling unironically old when I realized that the family Rudeus reincarnates in (pre-Lilia affair) is much more of a fantasy for me than his harem. Not only because my tastes align that way (Zenith and Lilia>the other girls) but also in a general sense. Paul and Zenith have a happy marriage going on, they're really into each other sexually, they have a nice house, live in a community where they feel at home and which appreciates them (and which they seem to love, too, in turn), they seem to be pretty well-off materially and financially, they are young, and they seem to plan to have as many kids as God will see them fit to have with no care in the world. It's everything a man could ever wish for.

>with no care in the world
meant to say with no care in the world for other concerns that usually come into play IRL when couples plan to have children

Ain't nothing wrong with wanting that.

Speaking of Paul's affair, he did it because Zenith wouldn't fuck him while pregnant, and Rudy got the same treatment later. It was never alluded to being an in-universe belief, so do nips just have a widely-held myth that sex while pregnant is dangerous?

Sex until very recently was actually thought to be dangerous for pregnant women and the babies inside them. It's just a part of the faux-medieval setting.

This is because she didn't trust Hitogami.

Of course Rudy loves Roxy more, i mean eris is really good but Roxy is so much better, i don’t even like rudeus but i agree with his decision of seeing Roxy as a goddess

>I get that the original web novel had a large impact on the isekai genre
It really didn't, in fact it released after Re:Zero for example.

Fuck off, roastie.

There's not enough fan service of her

Search your feelings, if a woman could stay young and pretty for centuries she'd fuck hundreds of men.
Just all the time. Fuck someone's grandfather, then his father, and then his son. Three generations of cock, like Eva from UQ Holder.

That's four generations, not three, dumb roastie slut

>Paul probably won't mind hitting that just once, he's that kind of dude.

I don't think Paul would cheat on Zenith again after he saw how much it hurt her. He wouldn't have done it with Lilia either if she did not make an effort to seduce him. Like the man's certainly impulsive but he's not heartless.

Oh, it's three. The only one I'm not going to fuck is him.

die in cesspit roastie

Notos Grayrat only love big boobs. She's just lucky Paul's son was the reincarnation of some fat japanese pedo neet.

she has needs too. rudy fucked somebody else before her as well

How do we decide if Rudy wasn't just someone who was born remembering a past life vs someone actually continuing their life via reincarnation? Because if it's the former then technically he wasn't a pedo because child rudy is actual a child, he just so happens to have the memories and feelings of some Japanese loser in his head.

Wasn't it confirmed in the novels that his soul was transported from his world to the Six-Sided World? Either way it's not pedophilia. Applying our own laws and morals on something non-existent like reincarnation is really fucking stupid.

Paul was very perceptive and always stopped pounding Zenith whenever Rudeus was around, yet he let Roxy not only peep on them, but masturbate as well.
Curious, isn't it?

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paul definitely fucked her before she left

Who has a bigger cock between Rudy and Paul?

she didnt
being fucked by rudeus in begaritt was described as her first

definitely Paul

Yeah, it's really nothing special. Still better than most modern isekai, but that's not really saying much.

Probably the same once Rudy hits adult hood. His body seems to take after Paul's genes in every way. They both even have the same mole on their face.

I bet they have a mole in the same place on their cocks too

You guys sound super gay.

>Either way it's not pedophilia. Applying our own laws and morals on something non-existent like reincarnation is really fucking stupid.

>Paul was very perceptive and always stopped pounding Zenith whenever Rudeus was around

Doesn't Rudeus say in the anime that "they're going at it again"? They're fucking super loud practically every single night if the anime is anything to go by, they don't give any fucks about Rudeus being aware of it.

Meh, peasant children knew that their parents were doing it together, since the peasants don't even have houses big enough to have multiple rooms with some privacy for the family members.

They had no idea that Rudeus can hear them.
Rudeus explicitly states that they would stop when he passed past their bedroom at night when he needed to take a piss.

man, it must have been super gross to hear your mom getting railed.

That may have been so, but I have a hard time believing that if they were truly so concerned about being heard they couldn't just stop screaming at the top of their lungs constantly otherwise, as if they were in some bootleg porno.

>man, it must have been super gross to hear your mom getting railed.

Not yours in particular. I just realized reading my sentence again that it may come off like an insult.

Paul's just that good, user. It's no wonder Roxy wanted in.

Why are you trying to bring your cuckshit fantasies here? Other thanm Rudy, nobody finds Roxy attractive except for pedophiles & children, she wouldn't have sex with someone she doesn't love.

Mushoku Tensei was the series that made those tropes popular to begin with, other series came along and tried to copy it while failing to realize what made it work in the first place.

>she has needs too. rudy fucked somebody else before her as well
Imagine being this much of a cuck.

>Didn't she only masturbate to Paul and Zenith getting it on?
Yeah this guy is talking out of his as.

How come she was so weird at the tavern with those men, imagining being their onahole then?

She wasn't, that's your brain on cuckshit.

I've been seeing this cuck fetish fantasy being forced lately. What happened?

Explain then. What was she doing?

He's probaly an Erisfag, I don't know why he insist on trolling everyone with this post, most people here have read the LN/WN, we already know he's bullshitting.

t. falseflagging sylphietefag

Kill yourself, twittertard.

I didnt know people self inserted as a chad fuckjng roxy. You learn something new everyday

Heck, after one traumatic event Paul's Death, Rudeus comes to the conclusion that based on his own maturity and how he handled that event lots of crying and sobbing and despairing, that he's merely a child pretending to be an adult because he just happened to have memories of his past life, as in, he's not an adult mind in a child's body, but a child trying to be more mature than he really is because of his past life experience.
That event happens at his 16th or 17th birthday.