I think that we can all agree that every harem/romcom would be improved by having a yuri sidecouple

I think that we can all agree that every harem/romcom would be improved by having a yuri sidecouple.

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Just make it a yuri harem

Just make the MC genderbent

Are you faggots really doing this shit again just after I came home?

Yuri is literally just perfect 2D girls loving and doing lewd things with each other without any of the retarded cancer of western 3DPD and has never been unwelcome on Yea Forums, only retards shitting up threads.
Heterosexuality is literally THE default of nearly all discovered life for the purposes of procreation and hating altogether for shit writing and authors or out of spite is beyond braindead.
You're both retarded.
Shut the fuck up.

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Every harem/romcom would be improved by having a chupacabra arc!

I think that we can all agree that every harem/romcom would be improved by removing the protagonist.

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>Heterosexuality is literally THE default of nearly all discovered life
Actually, most women are bi.

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No. Kill yourself.

Actually, the best yuri is full of realism and drama.

Fuck off, retard.

Thankfully not Sora. Even if she ends up alone while having a bislut for a sister in law in Kazuha's route.

Fucking faggot user that commissioned OOC yuri end for Uta from Hano herself just for one fucking line needs to kill itself. At least Minato has literally nothing /u/tards could latch onto either. Kirinotards deserve everything.

You're so pathetic it's unreal.

Most guys are bi too to some extent, though obviously they can't be as open about it as women can because society. Bisexuality is a lot more normal than we're led to believe.

>Most guys are bi too to some extent
Lmao no. "Bi" guys are just gays in denial.
And most "bi" girls are just 99% straight.

No, as a yurifag you shouldn't mix those.

Yurifags don't want to watch harem anime for scraps and haremfags don't want to see girls falling for each other because deep down they understand this is the real love story while MC was unable to even tell which girl he likes.

Let things be different, otherwise the final result will be something everyone hates instead of liking.

Yuri harems though are objectively superior, but that is besides the point.

user... Every man is a gay in denial.

Yurifags won't read a generic harem for side characters, and normalfags will get angry they aren't orbiting literally me-kun. This appeals to nobody and every author who has attempted it is an idiot. It's not the early 2000s anymore. There's countless yuri manga to read rather than picking for scraps in trash.

I think we all agree that every harem anime would be improved with an actual harem end.

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Speak for yourself. Or better yet, end.

>Most guys are bi too to some extent
For the studies I checked I remember that the percentage was pretty low, maybe 10% or 20%, as opposed to around 70% for women attracted to (not necessarily exclusively) women.

Yuri in a vacuum isn't nearly as good. You need some het in contrast to make it truly shine. "Yuri" in CGDCT where males don't even seem to exist is the worst, absolutely meaningless.

All fake harems are shit by default unless just a bait and switch for the sister.

Sekirei had BOTH a true harem ending and even yuri couple that didn't have to join for MC to save and reunite them. What a guy.

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No. We can all agree that all harem shit should be purged from reality and all history.

Not only is every harem shit series inherently garbage, the "people" who like are all subhuman apes.

>"Yuri" in CGDCT where males don't even seem to exist is the worst
Speak for yourself.

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ok /u/fag

Harem end is degenerate.
MC + 2 bisexual girls who love each other as much as they love the MC, on the other hand, is kino.

Harem is good because the girls like dick
Yuri is bad because the girls are gay and that pander to pronouns in bio twittertards

Yeah, yuri has nothing to do with this.

You're just as degenerate.

I always laugh at harem shitters who are obsessed with harems, but can't even use the word correctly in a sentence.

ok /u/faggot

>can do nothing but autistically repeat himself and sperg about his fetishes
Harem shitters, everyone.

rather be retarded than a non-binary yurinigger

a r e y o u o k a y y u r i f a g ?

Friendly reminder that everyone knows you are the only person in the world who says this word.

Harem is good because no man has the stamina necessary to sexually satisfy 3+ women at once every day, so they will inevitably need to start having sex with each other instead.

I'm not you. So, yeah. Doing pretty good.

ok they/them

Nice get. Nice burn.

I would say just admit you're retarded and that you can't even speak normally because you're more obsessed with sex than having basic communication skills.
But you kind of already did admit it.

not everyone like yuri subhumans cope

>"Bi" guys are just gays in denial.

That's retarded. There aren't going to be huge segments of the population that deny their own biology. Most guys are bi because a mouth is a mouth and getting women can be a pain.

Nice broken English, retard.
And yeah, you are the only person who makes posts like this. For some reason you're consumed with trying to fake some "yuri vs het flame war".

>you are the only person who make posts like this

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>is a frog poster
>is shit eating subhuman levels of retarded
One of the core key truths of the universe.

its just a cyclical trollthread newfren. welcome to our sekrit club,.

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Thats not how you spell male gender roles, slavery, and pedophilia.

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this is fine if tomboys occupy the role of men. Imagine tachis backhanding nekos for not getting back in the kitchen

Reminder, again, that everyone knows you are the only person who makes "anti yuri" posts and the only person trying to fake this "flame war".

I am literally just one of many, take your meds

most women are also liars

>I am literally just one of many
Of course you'd beg people to think that's true.
But why would they believe it?

Everyone can tell you it's just you. And there's three big things that give it away.
1. When you're asleep zero ((0) ZERO) "anti yuri" posts happen anywhere on the site.
2. "anti yuri" posts only ever happen in a single thread at a time. Never multiple threads.
3. People know what the board was like before you got here.

Good night.

>this is fine if tomboys occupy the role of men.
No, it's not fine. The girls need to consciously choose the vagina over the dick, so obviously tomboys aren't enough.

Kill yourselves, retards.

As long as it's an actually yuri couple and not just rejects pairing up because they got rejected.

That's fine too.

It's lame most of the time, it just feels like a bronze medal or something. Maybe a good authour could get it to work but most harem authours aren't anything special.

While I do see the point you are making, in the end it all comes down to what the audience wants to see, in the same sense haremfags don't like competition, be it males or yuri, yurifags don't want males regardless of the context.

I don't really mind males if neither them or the lesbian girls express romantic interest in each other. But it's hard to trust non-yuri authors in this situation.

>Yurifags don't want to watch harem anime for scraps and haremfags don't want to see girls falling for each other because deep down they understand this is the real love story while MC was unable to even tell which girl he likes.

Kek kinda true, the konoset romance gets more direct development and closure than the negi harem. At least until UQ. Though that's more so because everyone in the class knows Setsuna's a lesbian and Konoka just has to wait, push and eventually mouth rape her to stop the endless back-and-forth.

I think it's fine for the boys to like the girls if they don't reciprocicate, but I agree, though it's probably more to do with non romance authors having issues writing the characters, much like some authors have no idea how to write female friendships and instead end writing bordeline romantic plots, they also have issues writing how male to female friendship is supposed to look like.
It's just easier to write a relationship between 2 characters, the issue with harem is that authors know their audience will have their own ships and they can't just be biased from the start, even though most of the time first girl wins, part of the audience still hopes for their own ship, so the winning ship in the end didn't got proper romantic development due to the author having to balance it between all girls.