Floch was right

That's a fact. Hange knows it. Jean knows it. Everybody knows it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


and they hated him because he told them the truth

“It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know that I was right.”
~Floch Forster

The only good thing about Attack on Titan ending is that Paradis got exterminated. Floch warned them, he told them Paradis would sink in a sea of blood, if only they listened.

it literally didn't? am I being retarded

why are floch threads getting deleted?

No you're just not a delusional Floch faggot self insert.
because they are cringe and there is no discussion

kek what a shot bitch


Look at the last 3 pages. Their city is completely wiped out and overgrown. Only 1 survivor confirmed, parents dead or alive? we don't know.

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>No you're just not a delusional Floch faggot self insert.
Cope, Paradis got destroyed thanks to Incelren

>they got exterminated
>only 1 area shown destroyed
>1 survivor
>likely more than just one considering he's well dressed and exploring
So not exterminated. Lmao.

leave this site right fucking now

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The post you're quoting proves you wrong by itself. You are the one coping, flochfaggot.

>posts some shitty avatarfag reaction image of his self insert
Definition of cringe and pathetic, stop projecting. Take your own advice and leave the site and go get laid.

I don't jump to conclusions like you. Them showing advanced carpet bombing + time skip that the city is completely overgrown = Paradis civilization is obliterated and exterminated beyond repair.

We see 1 child, if her parents are alive, that would make 1 family. Not enough to recuperate.

>I don't jump to conclusions
>ThEy GoT eXteRmInAtED!!!!
Shitty cope dude.

I don't remember this...

If other cities didn't get carpet bombed into oblivion, they would have come and repaired the section that was shown to be completely obliterated beyond recovery. This should be obvious, but you are a low IQ low attention spam zoomer, that is why you type in that alternating capital letter meme style.

Floch was right, get over it, "Paradis will sink in a sea of blood", they didn't listen, they got what they deserved.

After the backlash of Attack on Titan ending, Isayama showed that he is an insecure clueless retard, he released additional pages and tried to change the ending a bit, which made it even worse. That link has the entire last chapter, just read it.

Holy cope, way to post more bullshit.

You know who actually got exterminated? Floch! Lmfao. Faggot.

Don't bother with him user, he's in le epic troll mode, where he'll say anything to make you mad. It's quite obvious that the island was decimated with few survivors judging by the dense reforestation of the area.
Even Hiroshima was rebuilt and that city was hit by a nuclear bomb, it's obvious there was no one to rebuild, not from any side, the attacker or the defenders.
Honestly, I think until the anime comes it's time to let go, no matter how much we may have liked the story when we first came here it got badly written(even more so) at the end. There is no point in arguing or debating because it all boils down to many pieces of the story being shittly written and making pretty much everything from that point on equally shitty.

Cope. Not trolling. Just shattering floch faggots delusions. Nice try though.

So you have no counter?

The entire problem is that there is no "right" thing to do. Either way, innocent people will die.

>no argument
>says he's not trolling
Then I'm afraid you're retarded, antiflochtard.

Counter to what? I never had to counter anything, the same post calling it an extermination then said there was survivors, so not an extermination. They blew themselves the fuck out in their own cope.

So we've gone from coping to crying. Flochfaggots are so sad.

I recommend you contribute to discussion instead of being a massive faggot, to increase the quality of this already shit thread. Either way, this will be the last reply you receive from me.

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Right, right. They were simply demolishing old buildings to make space for building a new district. Keep huffing that sweet copium.

Better the Flock Fagster

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It's a shitty irredeemable flochfaggot cope thread, yes. No one should waste their time increasing it's non-existent quality. Just here to call out and blow out flochfaggot cope and delusions, if they are not already doing that to themselves like that one retard did.
Like this cope right here, lmao. So delusional.
>y-you're actually the one coping!

The point was that paradis got blown the fuck out of the map, something tat Floch knew it would happen and it did happen. Floch was right no matter how much you cry.

How do you know it was the outside world that exterminated Paradis and not Paradis exterminated itself?

Attached: floch-won.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

>only 1 area shown destroyed
Are you autistic? What was the point those last two panel if we're not supposed to treat it like a destruction of Paradis?

>y-you're the one crying, not me!
Holy cope, do you faggots ever stop? Floch got exterminated, deal with it.

Yeah, you have no "arguments" left. Cry me some more about Floch, little bitch.

Seethe flochvirgin

What's the deal with the wall titans? What happened when the curse of titans disappeared (temporarily)? Where they people who've been chosen by Fritz or actual 'mechanical' titans? If they were people why were they not shown at least in a panel?
What was the point of Zeke dying if supposedly Ymir gave the power of the titans to a shifter possessing the founder who had no royal blood?
How does Ymir's lineage even work? Are eldians that are capable of shifting direct descendants of Ymir or people who from the ancient times of not-rome or not-vikings or whatever who shared a similar dna? Because if it's the former then that would mean every shifter technically is royal blood? Why wasn't address the reason for King Fritz not trying to attain the power? How did he knew that his descendant will be cursed and that they needed to fed to their respective descendants?
What's the point of Ymirs character who had no will to live but had love to spare for king Fritz?
What was the point of Levi putting a thunderspear in Zeke and the keeping him 2 feet next to him. It's not like he needed perfect concentration to maneuver a fucking cart and could keep an eye on him to cut big chunks every so often. Zeke knew he was going to be eaten so he had every reason to not help his enemy in any form and that included suicide.
Why was the story so rushed? Exploring other countries, building an actual world that's not upside-down mirror earth, actually improving titan and anti-titan warfare. Or at the very least showing how other countries treated eldians since they were worse than Marley, which apparently was the nicest country to treat eldians.
What's the deal with the worm who appeared then disappeared.

All of those questions ruin the whole story. There is no point arguing about it or even throwing insults at one another, it's just a shitty written story with a good premise, many such cases.

>What's the deal with the wall titans? What happened when the curse of titans disappeared (temporarily)? Where they people who've been chosen by Fritz or actual 'mechanical' titans? If they were people why were they not shown at least in a panel?
>What was the point of Zeke dying if supposedly Ymir gave the power of the titans to a shifter possessing the founder who had no royal blood?
>How does Ymir's lineage even work? Are eldians that are capable of shifting direct descendants of Ymir or people who from the ancient times of not-rome or not-vikings or whatever who shared a similar dna? Because if it's the former then that would mean every shifter technically is royal blood? Why wasn't address the reason for King Fritz not trying to attain the power? How did he knew that his descendant will be cursed and that they needed to fed to their respective descendants?
>What's the point of Ymirs character who had no will to live but had love to spare for king Fritz?
>What was the point of Levi putting a thunderspear in Zeke and the keeping him 2 feet next to him. It's not like he needed perfect concentration to maneuver a fucking cart and could keep an eye on him to cut big chunks every so often. Zeke knew he was going to be eaten so he had every reason to not help his enemy in any form and that included suicide.
>Why was the story so rushed? Exploring other countries, building an actual world that's not upside-down mirror earth, actually improving titan and anti-titan warfare. Or at the very least showing how other countries treated eldians since they were worse than Marley, which apparently was the nicest country to treat eldians.
>What's the deal with the worm who appeared then disappeared.
Only Ymir knows.

>Only Ymir knows.
At this point I firmly believe that yams only had ideas that he hastily connected into something that makes somewhat sense and he lied when he said that he had 4 or so endings in his mind. Everyone can bullshit, who's to say he didn't bullshit some interviews? I can understand leaving some threads open ended to prolong discussion and theorizing but you don't do that with characters who are supposed to be part of the main lead.
I'll just say this, if the ideas that were presented in the story were directed by someone better more people would like the ending. Not to mention actually playing into the abilities of the characters. Like the main cast. I feel bad for those waiting for Armin to come with actually good plans. I feel bad for Mikasa fans who have deluded themselves into thinking that she is a good character when she was underutilized by yams. I mean christ sakes he literally build a secret from the beginning, her tatoo, and did nothing with it. Not to mention many of the other characters with maybe the exception of Jean who by all means actually was the one who won the most out of the story. The rest are just miserable, a waste of characters that could've been built up so much better.

I said Paradis civilization got exterminated, which is true. One person or one family surviving doesn't mean Paradis survived. You low IQ low attention span subhuman zoomers are funny.

>if they are not already doing that to themselves like that one retard did
You having a low iq and low attentions pan doesn't mean I blew myself out, read: >It's a shitty irredeemable flochfaggot cope thread
Cope about what? Floch Forster is the best character in this dogshit story, there is nothing you can do or say to change that. I love everything about him, he spoke the truth and he died for his people, ideals and Eldia, ever loyal till the end.

He raged, he screamed, he fought:

No. Floch proved himself to be retarded at the battle at the port by not instantly ordering his men to fire at the flying boat. They literally would have one if the shot just one thunder spear at it. But Hacksayama decided then and there that Floch is braindead.

Because they have anti-air defense systems trying to stop the carpet bombing. I know Isayama is retarded and creates asspulls, but I don't think it is the case here, but if it was Paradis who exterminated Paradis, I wouldn't be surprised, after what Isayama did to the story and the countless plotholes he introduced as the story progressed.

>maybe if I reply 6 hours later I'll get away with my cope
Nope. Seethe flochfag and keep coping.
Cope. Floch is dead and a faggot.

>gives most people reason to hate the ending with 139 alone
>goes back are ruins it for EMfags too by HORSING around, and BTFOing Paradis, thereby giving literally everyone a reason to hate the ending
Pretty based, I gotta admit

because thats the last plane on the planet and they wanted to keep it if possible
you think they could just rebuild it? even with the engineers its a very difficult task
might even be impossible with eldian tech lvl

His death is what made him my favourite character, he grew from a coward in battle (beast titan fight) to an unshakable brave martyr in battle (port fight), even wounded, he did the unthinkable, he held on like a true hero and with his last strength still tried to destroy the plane, when the final blow was dealth to him, as he was bleeding to death, he didn't think of anything but the future of Paradis and the Eldia, he tried to reason with the traitors with his dying words, one last time. I love Floch and I like Erwin. Eren got character assassinated so hard that I can't even like or dislike him, because Eren no longer exists.

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So Floch literally chose a plane over the survival of his people.
Lmao, what a faggot.

>Eren got character assassinated so hard that I can't even like or dislike him, because Eren no longer exists.
This quote alone proves how delusional you are and high on copium. I rest my case.

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I can't imagine anything more pathetic than being a Floch fag. It's like stanning that ginger fascist from the disney star wars movies who looks just like Floch....

I mean he rigged it with explosives so he was planning to do it eventually but he couldnt predict that every fucking named character left would betray him and he wasnt invited to the avengers assemble meeting so he didnt knew that all the sworn enemies are now working together
he probably told them to go for the ship because the avengers ignored the plane and losing the ship wouldnt be such a hard blow since they had another one

Floch was neither a racist nor a fascist. He showed how noble and dignified he was when he offered the non-Paradis non-Eldians on Paradis the option to join the new Eldian Empire and be welcomed as Eldian brethern. Those who didn't want to submit to that reality, were killed, but even after they were killed, Floch gave them respectful commentary for their choice. Floch had no power over what happened outside the Island, that was Erens (correct) call and Floch accepted it, he accepted his place in the world and adviced the Non-Paradis Non-Eldians on Paradis to do the same. He was also much more noble and honorable than disgusting Paradis subhumans like Darius Zackly who enjoyed prolonged torture involving anal torture, eating excrement and piss etc. Floch didn't torture, he simply killed, with one bullet to the head, quick, effective and merciful.

God, I love Floch Forster so much.

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touch grass...
no wonder you don't have any friends...

Get laid dude, seriously. You're fucking pathetic.

You can keep trying to insult me, but Floch Forster inspired me to be a better human, he showed me the meaning of true love, even when he was fulfilling his duty, he showed love and respect towards his enemies. I shall do the same. I advice you to know your place in this world, if this was a real life conversation, you would be more respectful.

This might be one of the highest level cringeposts this board has ever seen.

Why's that? I'm bigger. stronger, smarter and wealthier than you. It's you who should know your place, you sycophantic roach.

Based FlochGOD.

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>I advice you
It's advise, you fucking moron. Christ, you are a fucking clown, just like Floch.

Extremely based.

samefag calling himself based. Loser.