Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru

Whats wrong with this manga/anime?? I really enjoyed it but I've never seen anyone talking about it

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we talk about it all the time

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Probably my favorite manga. If it got fully adapted it would probably be my favorite anime as well.

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Maybe it would be more popular if tattsun wasn’t so fat

it gets frequent threads but they never reach bump limit for some reason
also anyone else notice that ishiguro has been recycling the same 5 character designs in every manga of his for over 20 years
like this one where a hotori look alike witnesses a fucking murder

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We talk about it fairly frequently.

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Hotori's birthday thread on the 10th better reach bump limit.

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It would be more popular if those were bigger

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>thread already almost dead
Sounds about right.

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We have two threads up now though, soon all of Yea Forums will bow to hotori

I can’t put my finger on why it’s not very popular either, I think it might have something to do with the first few chapters not being very interesting and how every synopsis of this series only covers the beginning.

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If by "those" you mean a couple of malignant tumors in her brain then I would 100 percent be on board.

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Anime is misleading and just okay

Can you point to many similar manga that are particularly popular? Even azumanga these days isn’t particularly well known outside Yea Forums.
>no real plot
>not a huge amount of fanservice
>relatively grounded characters
>doesn’t overly rely on the usual manga tropes
>not much in the way of romance
Other sol school based series usually have a far wackier cast always getting into ridiculous situations and/or a bunch of badly written will they/won’t they crap that people like for some reason.
tldr the average manga fan is a childish moron that needs a brown goblin bullying the piece of cardboard of an mc to be invested


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I agree but also azumanga and lucky star still have somewhat sizable fanbases even today, even if they’re irony/nostalgia driven.

Yeah that seems about right. The maid aspect is misleading which might drive away people who want a grounded sol while also not being fan servicey enough to draw in the maid fans. It's in odd limbo but I think most people who read it love it.

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It's because there's not enough kon

More Kon

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More Kon butt

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Chapter dump when

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I want to thank story time user for getting me to read the entire thing
this never got a physical english release, did it?

worst maid, worse than the mole rat.

Nope and I honestly believe it's part of the reason why it's pretty obscure today.

I dropped it prompt when the author cut the MC's hair short

absolute bottom of the barrel shit taste

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Post haircut Soremachi had some of the best chapters.

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soremachi at her computer

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I really like the way cats were drawn in this manga

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What chapter do you want dumped?

Yeah, they're cute.

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I can't think of any in particular to be honest

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the lobster one

Shut up Kon you’re just jealous of her titties

There's too many with her, you'll have to narrow it down.

I second
First date

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the specifically about the lobster going back to the ocean

I think he meant the one with the literal lobster.

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I guess we can do both.

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i just finished the anime few hours ago it was so fun can't wait to read the manga

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user let's face the harsh truth that there will never be enough kon

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She'll never make it as a Watson.

the tatsuno menace must be addressed endlessly and without mercy

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the riddle of rigged and bullshit. she did nothing wrong

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A lot of people were talking about it 12 years ago when the anime aired.

He'll make an excellent lawyer.

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Nice little detail, you can see the wire.

the length of hotoris hair changes arbitrarily throughout the manga since it's not in chronological order. there aren't that many short hair chapters
also you're a fag with no taste

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Hotori is a genius.

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He's right you know

Date coming shortly

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Takeru is somehow really smart and really dumb.