Mommy is coming

Mommy is coming

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Who is her VA?


>fell for the fake twitter account

can't wait for another overhyped hypergeneric shounen that is only carried by animation to be praised as one of the greatest anime ever made by literal retards!! This one will be even worse because it tries too hard to be different and dark

>carried by animation
>greatest anime
There's nothing wrong with that.

>can't wait for another overhyped hypergeneric shounen that is only carried by animation to be praised as one of the greatest anime ever made by literal retards!! This one will be even worse because it tries too hard to be different and dark

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I’m cumming


Aoi Yuki

we both know I'm right

Who claimed it was real genius?

Chainsaw Man is about to be part of Yea Forums culture in the same way One Piece and HunterxHunter are part of Yea Forums culture

Deal with it

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no wonder it will with retards like you posting about it

coming = no news til August

Please let her seiyuu be Hikasa Yoko,ever since that fake leak I imagined her having the same voice as Rias

>overhyped hypergeneric shounen
You can call chainsaw man a lot of things but this isn't one of them.

Fuck, it won't happen but now I want this.

>culture = some retards flooding the board for the past few months
try again in 10 years, see if anyone remembers it

Chainsaw Man will never be forgotten as long as anime culture exists. CSM will be the number 1 gateway anime for every single person that gets into anime for the next few decades. It's the Death Note of our generation.

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Nayuta is hotter.

chainsaw man is the memerap of Yea Forums

It will be shit right

Troy Baker

I hate Makimaniggers so fucking much, somehow even more insufferable than SnKtards

>[generic fotm shonen trash] will never be forgotten as long as anime culture exists. [generic fotm shonen trash] will be the number 1 gateway anime for every single person that gets into anime for the next few decades. It's the Death Note of our generation.
try again in 10 years buddy

Why are all these CSMfags so obnoxious it's like they're the old snkfags but with even less capability of thought. Schizos ruin everything

Makimafags are saints next to Powerfags and Himenofags, don't kid yourself

babby's first mid manga

>Carried by animation

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Tale as old as time and when this fades away something else will come.

Most csm forced generals nowadays are made by an EHfag and now decided to infect csm and become a DenjiPowerschizo, and the second biggest spammer is an Akimenoschizo who was a levihange shipper too, which is what is referring to. Then we have another schizo that shits his pants

This half-year or so is going to the last time we'll be living in a pre-Chainsaw Man adaptation world

From an outsider perspective makimafags must seem more obnoxious since the tiktok normie woof shitposter part of the fandom truly is. Makimafags here are the least bad waifufags alongside Rezefags.


Can't get more braindead than that, I stopped posting in CSM threads when they were just getting bad.

Komatsu Mikako

There are three breeds of makimafags. The ones that actually understand her character and enjoyed her autism, appreciate her character for what she actually is, what she brought to the story and her messed up dynamic with Denji. Also cunnyfags. These are the Yea Forums makimafags, and the minority
The ones that read the manga and want to fuck her and/or hate her and worship her as the best villain in manga story and compare her to griffith. Most of the time these people have a bad read in her character, what fujimoto tried to say with her and the manga themes in general. These are most people from normalfags websites like plebbit or jewtube, and tw*tter.
The Makimafags that just know she is popular memegirl from popular manga and want to fuck her and havent even read chainsaw man, they spam woof everywhere thinking they are funny. These are also twitterfags and t*ktoktards. The worst part of the fanbase alongside snk tourists, who usually overlap with these last two anyways.

How bad is it gonna get?

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why do moesissies seethe because someone made a kino shonen manga?

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did they at least announce the VAs?

Officially no. I think one dude hinted at being Aki but I forgot/source my ass.

Doesn’t matter which character, all the Chainsawfags are obnoxious

Nah. Another pointless thread.

All of those 3 are insufferable compared to rezefags

Worse than snkfags

Good to see csm cause some asshurt

>chainsaw man was in serialization for 2 years
>anime adaptation was announced 1.5 years ago

Dead on arrival there's literally zero hype at this point.

then fuck off and watch something else crackhead

Does lying help you cope? Chainsaw man is anything BUT generic, it's a big reason it's so popular in the west.

What's so unique about it?

Memes aside, what is the ACTUAL Death Note of our generation?

>twitter art
retard, what no production updates does to a CSMfag

In what way?

This is the most artificially hyped manga ever. Notice how nobody is actually discussing anything in this thread. Nobody is discussing anything. It's all hype and zero substance.


I mean, everything that was there to discuss was discussed while it was still serialising. now that's its been over for a while people moved on considering the updates on the anime have been rather slow, its literally just 1 mentally ill discordnigger making these threads

you managed to bully snkikes out of Yea Forums but you will never manage to get rid of us, we are part of Yea Forums. Part 2 will be the final nail in the coffin for all contrarians, fujimoto will demonstrate once and for all why he is rightfully considered to be the most talented and influental manga author alive

seek professional help

Dude, what the fuck are you talking about. The snkeks are still here, they’re just all mind broken to kingdom come. Hell their last thread was about Eren’s dick.

when it comes to the 2010s, aot